Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 916-916.2 SPOTLIGHT ON INDO-CHINA — Continued "Highly recommended for geography at appropriate levels and for social studies groups in senior high school discussing the current mternational situation. The close-ups of AngkorVat might be of interest to classes in art and architecture." Advisory committee 9 1 6 Africa CHILDREN OF AFRICA. RFA 1939 30min si rent $3 9''0 Jh-sh-ad Produced by the African Motion Picture Project „ ^ XI J Sponsored by the Harmon Foundation and Africa Committee Foreign Missions Conference of North America , ,, , Covers village life of children and their work and play how they learn the arts and crafts of the tribe DAY IN AN AFRICAN VILLAGE. RFA 1939 24min si rent $3 Slo Jh-sh-ad Produced by the African Motion Picture Project Sponsored by the Harmon Foundation and Africa Committee Foreign Missions Conference North America "Detailed accurate presentation typical of village life. Community garden, cooking, weaving, and fishing. Making palm oil, serving the African's one meal, contacts with oustide world, and scenes of primitive dance." School management WHEELS ACROSS AFRICA. Modern 30min sd loan 916 Jh-sh-ad Sponsored by the Dodge Division of the Chrysler Corp. Pictures a long automobile journey from Morocco across the Atlas mountains and thru the Congo 916.1 North Africa BACKWARD CIVILIZATION. EBF 1937 22min ♦ sd (World's people) $85, rent $5 916.1 Jh-sh-c Quide Collaborator: Ellswofth Huntington, Yale University A survey of the life among the Berbers of North Africa. Every significant aspect of the daily life of these people is shown. Their crude handicrafts, their primitive agricultural methods, their customs and superstitions, form a background for contrast with contemporary life in a machine age CITIES OF NORTH AFRICA— TUNIS— ALGIERS-^RABAT. Nu-Art 1938 llmin sd (Screen travelers ser) $17.50, rent $1.50 916.1 Jh-sh-ad Also available In a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) In Tunis we see the contrast between native and French towns; also an open air bakery, a roofed shopping bazaar and craftsmen at work. In Algiers we see a mosque, an outdoor barber-dentist and stairway streets. In Old Rabat we see small boys learning craftsmen's skill, a street doctordruggist and the Sultan's palace "La Varre's excellent photography. . . It blends the peoples etc. of the past with the present. Camels to taxis. Donkeys — music — song. Excellent for geography classes studying this section of Africa." Committee on classroom films DESERT TRIPOLI. TPC 9min sd carpet ser) apply (Magic 916.1 el-Jh-sh Produced by 20th Century-Fox "A series of pictures taken in Northern Africa showing the Roman ruins of Leptis Magna and life in Tripoli. There are closeups of the ruins showing the details of arches, columns. . . The commentary Includes some historical data. There are native voices and native music in the recorded sound. The relationships among the various elements are rather vague. "Should be useful as background material in geography, grades 4 through 6, and perhaps of some use at higher levels." Advisory committee ITALIAN LIBYA. TFC lOmin sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 916.1 el-Jh-sh Produced by 20th Century-Fox "A travelogue of modern Libya In six main sequences. . . Lowell Thomas gives a particularly Informative account of Libya and explains Its governmental relations with Italy. This timely and instructive film should be very helpful, especially in connection with modern history, social geography, and Industrial arts. "Recommended for all grade levels in spite of the fact that the commentary may be over the heads of the younger children." Advisory committee JOURNEY IN TUNISIA. TFC 1941 lOmin sd (De la Varre travelogues) apply 916.1 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "Opens with shots from ship entering Bay of Tunis, then up the canal to the City of Tunis. Various views of the city. Including architectural studies of gates and vaulted passageways. "Then to the Coliseum of El Jem built by the Caesars. Views in Southern Tunisia; Irrigation methods; picking dates; potters at work; market place." Advisory committee NORTH AFRICA. Filmsets 8mln si $12.50 916.1 el-Jh Guide Shows the people and country along the Mediterranean sea and In the Sahara and Libyan deserts TUNISIAN TRAVELS. TFC 9min sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 916.1 Jh-sh Produced by 20th Century-Fox "Scenes along the ancient road to Carthage and In the present-day city of Tunis. . . The commentator gives some historical background. An accompaniment of orchestral music. Recommended for geography, grades 7 through 12." Advisory committee 916.2 Egypt COLORFUL CAIRO. Nu-Art 1939 llmin sd (De la Varre travelogues) $17.50, rent $1.50 916.2 Jh-ch Also available in a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) Produced by Andre De La Varre "Just another travelogue. . . Clear and the narration quite satisfactory. The background music was appropriate, however, the scenes are commonplace — streets, hotels, cars, people, etc. The film ends with a camel ride to the pyramids. [Useful forj geography." PCW film service staff 593