Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 916.7-916.75 916.7 South Central Africa AFRICAN TRIBES. Simmel 1944 12min sd color (World In color) $85 916.7 jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Paul L. Hoefler Opens with scenes of millions of flamingos in East Africa Shows four of the most interesting tribes: Bamburi-saucer-lipped people; Ifi pygrmies — little people of the great Iturl Forest; Mangbettu — long-headed people of Central Belgian Congo; and Rendilli — strange nomads of the Kaisut Desert, Kenya Colony CENTRAL AFRICA. Filmsets 8mln si $12.50 916.7 el-Jh Guide Shows the characteristics of the country near the equator and how the people live there LIFE IN A JUNGLE VILLAGE. Knowledge Bldrs 1941 llmin sd $40, rent $2 916.7 eUJh-sh Shows the establishment of a native village in Central Africa, the building of homes and granaries, the raising of grain, vegetables and livestock and the games and manner of life of its inhabitants THE PROWLERS. TFC lOmin sd (rfowe hodge podge ser) apply 916.7 el-Jh-sh Portrayal of the daily life of the CentralAfrican Negro. Thatched huts enclosed In a thorn bush 'boma'. Gourd butter churns and beehive granaries. The village toy-maker and his grotesque dolls. The armor maker and the village medicine man. The hunter departs. A pair of vicious cheetahs drive him up a tree. A flock of guinea hens distract the cheetah's attention and the hunter escapes. He finds a baby lion but the parents appear unexpectedly and the hunter has another narrow escape. He returns empty-handed to the village as evening falls. The 'boma' gate Is closed for the night and fires are lit "This is life In a thatched -hut village In the heart of Africa. . . A fine and sympathetic study of the life of Jungle people. Recommended for geography in Junior and senior high school. Should be useful for sociology." Advisory committee PYGMIES OF AFRICA. EBF 1938 22min sd (World's people) $85, rent $5 916.7 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Collaborator: H. C. Raven, American Museum of Natural History "A detailed study of the lives and activities of a tribe of African pygmies. Accompanying Handbook suggests study projects and gives bibliographical references at several grade levels." Scholastic "The film depicts subsistance of Pygmy tribes living in the Congo River Region of Central Africa. Mode of living, gathering of food, hunting methods, animals native to the region, a community game hunt, and bartering processes are among the many phases of native life presented in this film. Witch doctor mysticism is very interesting as are the native superstitions." California THRILL RIVER. Hawley-Lord 1947 9min sd $22.50; also color $85 916.7 el-Jh-sh-ad Photographed by Kenneth M. Elk along the Albert Nile in African Kenya where great concentrations of game are found. Including the elephant, lion and crocodile 916.72 French Equatorial Africa AFRICAN BIG GAME. AFFlm 1948 20mln sd $65 rent $6 916.72 el-Jh-ad Produced by Les Actualit6s Frangaises, Paris An on the spot account of hunters bagging big game, rare skins and ivory in the Ubangi-Charl region of French Equatorial Africa. By day and night, caravans cut thru the dangerous underbrush and rivers encountering .unusual experiences with wild life. The cast includes lion cubs, jabirus, crocodiles, elephants, antelopes, leopards, buffaloes, deer, wart hogs and mongoose "One of the best African films to date — Narration and script well done." Collaborator PEOPLE OF THE CHAD. AFFlm 1948 lOmin sd $32.50, rent $3 916.72 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Les Actualit^s Franeaises, Paris A film record of native life in the Interior of French Equatorial Africa. Inhabitants work the natural resources of the region In primitive fashion due to lack of transportation to and from port cities, and the tremendous potential of this area remains practically untapped. Despite difficulties, 20th century Influences have penetrated into the Chad RHYTHM OF AFRICA. AFFlm 1948 15mln * sd $48, rent $4.50 916.72 el-jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Les Actualit^s FranQaises, Paris Depicts the culture of the Chad In French Equatorial Africa, showing the arts, handicrafts and traditional ceremonial dances never before screened. Rarely heard music recorded on the scene Is another Interesting feature. The fllm was conceived by Jean Cocteau "Unusually frank study of primitive culture." Collaborator 916.75 Belgian Kongo LEOPOLDVILLE. FON 17min sd (Congo album) $44, rent $3 916.75 sh-c-ad Produced by the Belgian Congo Information bureau Shows the capital of the Belgian Congo, a city of surprising modernity and high standard of living. Industry, customs and daily life are pictured "So little Information Is In the mind of the average adult about the Belgian Congo that reaction to Its showing Is often one of surprise as well as acquaintance with new information." Collaborator PEOPLE OF THE CONGO. EBF 1939 llmin sd (World's people) $45, rent $2.50 916.75 el-jh-sh-c Guide Collaborator: James P. Chapln, American Museum of Natural History "A study of the Mangbetu peoples living in tropical forest region of Africa. Emphasis on cleanliness in well-built, immaculate homes. Careful preparation of cooked meal, using flsh, bananas, manioc root, sugar cane; clay cooking utensils made by hand. Chicken coops constructed on tall stilt foundations. Head binding: Creative coiffures in local beauty parlor; facial tattooing. "Native arts and crafts: Skilled carving of elephant tusks. Carver trades ivory figurine to artist for painting on wall of his home. Sketching design; preparation of paints; painstaking application of colors; finished decoration. "Wood carving — construction of native musical Instrument; decoration of head; Joining 595