Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 917.1 CALL OF CANADA — Continued Thomas, on war activities in operation In the various localities. "Might be useful In programs dealing with the work of our allies in the present war." Advisory committee CANADA. Filmsets 8min si $12.50 917.1 el-Jh Guide Contrasts the physical features and Industries of the Pacific, central and eastern parts of the country CANADA. MOT 1944 llmin sd $55 917.1 el-jh-sh-forum Guide Views Canada from the geographical and historical standpoints concurrently. Shows the four main divisions of Canada: western Canada, industrial Canada, maritime Canada, and French Canada Shows also the swift industrialization during the war years, the products that go overseas to feed Britain, and Canada's strategic position on the air routes over the roof of th« world CANADIAN PRODUCTS AND INDUSTRIES. IntFlmBur 1946 lOmin sd (Canada carries on) $25 917.1 el-jh-sh Produced by the National Film Board of Canada and formerly distributed as "Canada World Trader" How Canada, whose population numbers only 12 million, through her natural resources became the fourth largest industrial power of the United Nations. Wheat, cattle, dairy products, mineral resources, flsh, canning, dehydrating, aluminum, diesel engines, machine tools, farm machinery, etc., were some of Canada's important contributions to World War II and now will become even more important contributions to a world at peace DOWN BY THE SEA, CanPacRy 1947 lOmin sd color loan 917.1 sh-c-ad Also available in a silent version Produced by Associated Screen News, Montreal Shows the seaside playgrounds of Canada's maritime provinces, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick FRENCH-CANADIAN CHILDREN. EBF 1940 llmin sd (Elementary social studies ser) $45, rent $2.50 917.1 p-e! Guide Collaborator: W. P. Percival, deputy minister, Dept. of Education, Quebec Houses of French-Canadian farmers are almost hidden by huge snow banks built up by the winter winds. Mother Dufour is getting her children ready for school. Hector, Lorette, and Rachel are advised to behave and «tudy well, and then their father calls them, for it is time to start. Conversation in this film Is In French. Roger, who Is only five, remains at home. Gay good-bys are called as they start off In the sleigh Little Roger knows how to get wood, cut by his father last summer, from under the heavy snow. Arriving at school Hector, Lorette, and Rachel joyfully Join in a snow fight. When the school bell rings, reading is the first lesson Meanwhile, father is crossing the St. Lawrence River on the thick ice. Here he meets neighbors, who are cutting ice from the river. Back home, mother, and an older sister, Mariette, are busy making rugs which they will sell In the summertime. When school is out, Roger meets the other children with his sled, and his dog Poilu. This is a heavy load, but Poilu is equal to It Mother puts fresh wood on the fire. Rachel takes up her knitting. Soon father arrives and preparations for supper are begun Early spring finds father at work among the sugar maples. The family visits him here as he works On Sund9.y the Dufours and their neighbors go to church — sleigh bells mingling with the solemn call from the spire "An excellent film for elementary school children. Sequence showing maple sugar being made from the maple sap is particularly good." California A correlated filmstrip is also available FUR COUNTRY. IntFlmBur 1942 22mln sd color $150. rent $5 917.1 el-Jh-sh-ad The camera follows an Indian trapper on one of his periodic visits to his trap line in the region of James bay. Winter travel by sled and snowshoe, camping in the snow, various ways of setting traps and the best way to dry a pelt are all shown INDUSTRIAL PROVINCES OF CANADA. EBF 1943 llmin sd (The Americas) $45, rent $2.50 917.1 el-Jh-sh-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: J. Russell Smith, professor emeritus, Columbia University "Orients the Industrial provinces, Ontario and Quebec, as the heart of the dominion of Canada. . . Shows the relation of this region to the remainder of Canada, to the United States, and other regions of the world. Summarizes products and imports. "Sequences are on peopling, furs, mining, agriculture, manufacturing, commerce, and paper and pulp." Indiana LAND FOR PIONEERS. IntFlmBur 1944 16min sd $50, rent $2.50 917.1 jh-sh-ad Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, "Although Canada was opened by daring pioneers many years ago, much of It Is still free to the daring enterprise of today. . . Today It spells gold, radium, oil, mercury and a variety of other minerals and vast areas of farm lands that have never been tilled; It is a paradise for fishermen and a land of limitless hydroelectric power. "The Alaska Highway has opened access to potential grain fields, and air routes form a close link with the busy centers of the world." Movie makers LAND OF THE MAPLE LEAF. TFC lOmin sd (Road to romance) apply 917.1 Jh Produced by 20th Century-Fox "A travelogue of Canada. . . There is a close-up of a moose eating, from legs folded. The commentator discusses the strength of the moose, its desire for solitude. . . An accompaniment of choral singing; 'The Maple Leaf Forever' is sung at the conclusion. Should be useful to classes in geography, meteorology, and art. Junior high school students should find it helpful in physiography." Advisory committee LOOK TO THE NORTH. CanNFB 1944 22min sd (Canada carries on) $50, rent $2.50 Jh-sh-ad Deals with the swift development of the Canadian northwest regions for strategic and postwar purposes. The immense project of the Alaska highway is only one cause of prosperity in these northern regions. This land Is now being conquered and, before long, it will prove the shortest air route from the Western hemisphere to Europe and Asia — a mainstream of continental traffic over territory no longer untouched by man MARITIIVIE PROVINCES OF CANADA. EBF 1943 llmin sd (The Americas) $45, rent $2.50 917.1 el-jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: J. Russell Smith, professor emeritus, Columbia University "Orients the Maritime Provinces In relation to the remainder of Canada and the 597