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917.1-971.13 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE MARITIME PROVINCES OF CANADA — Cont. United States. Interestingly portrays the peopling of the region including flows to and from the United States. "Sequences Include also fishing, fur farming, lumbering, farming, mining and smelting, and commerce." Indiana "Emphasis on fishing in Prince Edward Island and lumbering In New Brunswick." Nat. film bd. news NEW HOME IN THE WEST. CanNFB 1944 14min sd color $112.50, rent $5 917.1 Jh-sh-ad An account of Ukrainian pioneer settlements on the prairies. The toil of the first settlers is contrasted with present day conditions and with scenes from the golden jubilee of the Ukrainian communities in Canada PACIFIC CANADA. EBF 1943 llmin sd (The Americas) $45, rent $2.50 917.1 el-Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: J. Russell Smith, professor emeritus, Columbia University "This film is concerned with British Columbia, Vancouver Island and the Yukon territory," Nat. film bd. news "Orients Pacific Canada with the remainder of the Dominion and the United States. Traces routes of discovery and exploration. Portrays the peopling of the region, with emphasis on part playedi by climate and by transcontinental and ocean transportation. "Other seQuences on fishing, lumbering, agriculture, mining and smelting, and interdependence." Indiana PEOPLES OF CANADA. Rev. ed. IntFlmBur ♦ 1947 21min sd $50, rent $2.50 917.1 el -Jh-sh-ad 'forum Produced by the National Film Board of Canada. First released In 1941 Canada, like the United States, has been settled by people of every race from every corner of the earth. They all blend into the picture of a North American civilization, yet each group has its own savour and its own individual contribution to make to the life of a new land "Canada is first presented as the early explorers saw it. Then come the first settlers, with the family of a French habitant portrayed. The natural resources of the new country are developed by Scots in Nova Scotia raising fine apples, fishermen from Normandy and Brittany securing harvests from the Grand Banks. Lumbermen are in the woods; miners In the coal fields. An industrial Canada is built upon the enterprise of all these people that have come from all parts of Europft. Then the wide prairies are settled and the railroad pushes through to the Pacific, where Vancouver rises into a great city as commerce increases." Secondary ed PRAIRIE PROVINCES OF CANADA. EBF 1943 llmin sd (The Americas) $45, rent $2.50 917.1 el-Jh-sh-tr-ad Guide Collaborator: J. Russell Smith, professor emeritus, Columbia University "Orients the Prairie Provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan as part of the Dominion of Canada, and in relation to the United States. Includes the Northwest Territories. "Its major sequence is concerned with grain growing, tracing the steps from planting to milling. Includes sequences also on peopling, agriculture, furs, transportation, mining, and commerce." Indiana RIVER OF CANADA. CanNFB 1944 22min sd color $150, rent $5 917.1 el-Jh-sh-ad A panorama of Canada's river highway illustrating Industrial life and natural scenery along the great St Lawrence Past Kingston, Montreal, Sorel, Trois Rivieres and the picturesque lie d'Orleans, down to (^asp6 and the open sea THIS IS OUR CANADA. CanNFB 1945 20mln sd $50, rent $2.50 917.1 Jh-sh-ad What does Canada look like? What do Canadians work at? This film provides an answer to these questions: pictures of Canada from Atlantic to Pacific, her cities and countryside, her natural resources, agriculture and Industries, accompanied by a commentary which reviews the devolopment of the country and, in particular, the rapid achievements of recent years 917.121 Yukon NEW NORTH. CanNFB 1946 lOmin sd (Canada carries on) $25, rent $1.50 917.121 Jh-sh-ad Shows how the Alaska highway is opening up new land in the Yukon Territory to miners, farmers, tourists and sportsmen 917.123 Alberfa BANFF— LAKE LOUISE. Castle 1942 lOmIn sd $17.50 917.123 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Also available in a silent version for $8.75 Changing seasons in these two famous beauty spots of the Canadian Rockies CANADIAN MOUNTAIN SUMMER. CanPacRy 1941 lOmin sd-si color loan 917.123 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Associated Screen News, Montreal Shows some of the choicest scenic and vacation centers around Banff and Lake Louise CANADIAN ROCKIES. Simmel 1944 llmin si color $60 917.123 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Guy D. Haselton Lake Louise area then up the (BanffJasper Highway to Jasper National Park. Tonquin Valley; Maligne Lake; Moose feeding on Beaver Lake. Picture ends with Waterton Lakes National Park JASPER. CanNFB 1946 llmin sd color $75. rent $2.50 917.123 Jh-sh-ad The famous national park In the Rockies offers majestic scenery, sports and alpine flora and fauna 917.127 Manitoba ARCTIC BORDERLANDS IN WINTER. Coro* net 1948 lOmin sd $45; also color $90 917.127 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Collaborator: Paul E. Kambly, professor of education, University of Oregon A film field trip to Churchill, Manitoba, showing how in these northern barren lands, every living thing, including man, must either adapt to this frigid environment or perish 917.13 Ontario NIAGARA FRONTIER. CanNFB 1943 llmin sd $50, rent $2.50; also color $112.50, rent $5 917.13 Jh-sh-c-ad A traditional tourist's paradise, the Niagara Peninsula also occupies a strategic position of Importance. Here Is an orchard land of the first order, with peaches and apples 598