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Educational film guide ()

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917.28-917.29 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE We see the mother and Father and MAYALAND TODAY — Continued a little of the early history. The film proceeds to some ruins of an earlier civilization. Descendants of these ancient people live today in the town of 1941. The film then follows a typical ten year old boy thru a normal day's activities. His early morning duty is to carry water from the well. He helps his father with the work on the hacienda. He must go to school as must his little sister, costume and head-dress of the Bister The father feeds the animals, son work tosrether making sisal fiber or hemp from the heneauen grown on the hacienda. This is taken to the mills which work jusl long enough to take care of the harvest of the preceding day or two. It is dried outdoors on racks in the sun. It is baled and put on platform cars ready for transportation. The boy and his father are seen spinning a fine even rope as the commentator gives brief details of the simple home life. The little girl sleeps In a hammock made of her father's soft twine. As the boy walks down a road the film slowly ends 917.28 Central America. Costa Rica CENTRAL AMERICA. EBF 1944 llmin sd (The Americas) $45, rent $2.50 917.28 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced In collaboration with L. S. Rowe, Ph.D. and William Manger, Ph.D., Pan American Union Presents authentic documentary material concerning the geography and climate of Central America and the story of its peoples and their present-day activities. An animation sequence orients Central America as the western part of the Caribbean Region, and sketches the political history from the time of Columbus to the present. Photographic sequences depict the types of people and economic activities of the region. Including agriculture, manufacturing, commerce, aiid transportation The economic interdependence of Central America with other parts of the world, including its imports and exports, is shown upon an animated map background COFFEE AND SUGAR. Filmsets 8mln si $12.50 917.28 el-Jh Guide Shows coffee and sugar growing and harvesting in Central America COSTA RICA. Dudley 1.947 lOmIn sd (This world of ours) $28.50; also color $S5 917.28 Jh-sh-ad Includes the growing of coffee, sugar cane and bananas JACK'S VISIT TO COSTA RICA. Coronet 1947 * lOmIn sd $45; also color $90 917.28 el-Jh-sh Guide Collaborator: Dr John H. Furbay, formerly specialist In education in Latin America, U.S. Office of Education Dramatizes the visit of a typical American boy with friends In Costa Rica. The similarities and differences between life in this little republic and in our own country are strikingly brought out thru Jack's stay at the home of a Costa Rican family, his trips to public schools, the city market, zoo, plantation — each being used as a basis of comparison with the United States 917.281 Guatemala CROSS SECTION OF CENTRAL AMERICA * (GUATEMALA). UWF 1948 20mln sd (Earth and its peoples) $100, rent $6 917.281 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Technical advisor: Dr Clyde Kohn, Northwestern University Geographic concept: Changes In altitude are reflected in change of climate, products and mode of living Four hundred years after the Spanish conquest you still hear the ancient Indian languages of the Guatemalans and sense the feeling that time has stood still. The camera places you with these people and you feel the physiographic impact of the country upon them. In the wet season you live with a family of chicle gathers in the Peten wilderness; In the dry season you watch them at work In the forests and hear the crash of giant trees of Immense value someday to become mahogany furniture. You move with these Indians to their homes on the cool high plateaus where terraced farms cover hilly areas and familiar vegetables are grown together with the coffee bean and bananas. Thence to Guatemala City, and despite Its modern aspects, its people and their way of life are seen to be Influenced by all the geographic contrasts of their nation "The rich Catholic background of the Central America Inhabitants is of special signiflance to us." Catholic school journal GUATEMALA: LAND OF ETERNAL SPRING. Bailey 1948 18min sd $57.50, also color $125 917.281 Jh-sh-ad Guide Shows the relationship between the living habits of the people and the contrasting geographical environment and extremes in climatic conditions in the various sections of Guatemala. Also pictures some of the chief occupations of the people of Guatemala which range from primitive handicrafts of the native Indians to the highly specialized forms of work demanded by modern Industry in the production and distribution of native products GUATEMALA STORY. SImmel 1948 15min sd color (Pan-American ser) $145 917.281 el-Jh-sh-ad Presents people and Industries, geography and customs, native Indians at work and at play, modern cities and buildings RICHES OF GUATEMALA. SImmel 1948 15mln sd (Pan-American ser) $79; also color $145 917.281 el-Jh-sh-ad Includes scenes showing cultivation of coffee, bananas, corn and pepper, cinchona for quinine and plants for rotenone "Production is directed toward elementary grade levels but is suitable to groups Interested in Pan-American relations, and general audiences." Film world 917.29 West Indies HAITI'S BLACK NAPOLEON. TFC 9mln sd (Colourtour ser) apply 917.29 sh-c Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. Views of Haiti with emphasis on the historical aspects "Highly recommended for senior high school and college classes in social studies and geography. The picture contains interesting ethnological Implications as It tells the story of the phenomenal genius of Henri Christophe." Advisory committee ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES. TFC llmin sd (De la Varre travelogues) apply 917.29 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "A travelogue of various Islands in the West Indies Including Curacao, Martinique, Trinidad and others of current defense Interest. Significant in this film is the excellent narration relating the history and importance of these islands in the world today. "The photography Is excellent and the material well chosen. Highly recommended for 602