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Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 917.29-917.3 ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES — Cont. geography classes at any grade level and for history classes (political) In the senior high school." Advisory committee NEW NETHERLANDS IN AMERICA— DUTCH WEST INDIES, AmFlmRegistry lOmln sd rent $1.50 917.29 jh-sh-ad Shows the importance of modern Industry In the little known Dutch possessions In the western hemisphere: Dutch Guiana, Aruba and Curacao Great oil refineries and harbors located on the last two islands are shown PEOPLE OF SABA. Coronet 1945 lOmin sd $45 917.29 Jh-sh A simple sketch of the life of a simple people who live on an island where everything for the home must be carried from the shore about two miles up hill to where they live WEST INDIES. EBP 1944 llmin sd (The Americas) $45, rent $2.50 917.29 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Guide Produced In collaboration with L. S. Rowe, and William Manger, Pan American Union "A filmic treatment of the West Indies that traces historical development and economic geography of the Islands. "Very good for presenting historical background of the Islands, giving their exports and imports, the agricultural methods, contrasting hand labor with machine, and suggesting future importance. Skillful use of animation adds to the value. "Teachers of geography and social studies on the elementary and secondary levels will find this a valuable film." Ed. screen WEST INDIES AND PANAMA. Filmsets 8min si $12.60 917.29 el-Jh Guide Shows the physical features and industries of the countries. Some emphasis on the Panama canal WINGS TO CUBA AND THE CARIBBEAN. PanAm 1948 25min sd color loan 917.29 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Hartley Productions A clipper flight to Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Trinidad, Jamaica and Cuba 917.295 Puerto Rico CARIBBEAN SENTINEL. TFC lOmin sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 917.295 el-jh-sh-ad Produced by 20th Century-Fox "An interpretative travelog on Puerto Rico with commentary by Lowell Thomas "Views of San Juan. . . Shots of coconut, banana and sugar Industries. Monkey Island. Views of military developments and operations In preparation for making Puerto Rico a major defense of the Panama Canal." Advisory committee DEMOCRACY AT WORK IN RURAL PUERTO RICO. CasUe 1942 22min sd $27.12 917.295 Jh-sh-c-ad A USDA film Outlines briefly the history of Puerto Rico, the origin and culture of its people. Discusses the agricultural resources and problems. Shows the great sugar cane interests. Shows how the rural people, under democratic guidance of the Extension Service are Improving livestock, bettering farm and conservation practices, Introducing new and developing old handcraft industries and bettering the lot of farm youth through 4-H Club work PUERTO RICO. EBF 1943 15min si $24 917.295 el-Jh Guide Indicates development of this island under United States control, and shows how location and climate make it a rich producer of agricultural raw materials. The film units are: San Juan; Schools and colleges; Rural life; Agricultural and industrial products PUERTO RICO: UNITED STATES CARIBBEAN ISLAND. PuertoRico 1947 21min sd apply 917.295 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Afflliated Film Producers Outlines Puerto Rico's history and depicts the social, economic and political life of the island 917.299 Bermuda WEEKEND IN BERMUDA. 15min sd color loan PanAm 1945 917.299 sh-c-ad The facilities offered by Pan American planes are shown and there are scenes of Bermuda to which this particular trip is made 917.291 Cuba CUBA. Dudly 1947 lOmin sd (This world of ours) $28.50; also color $85 917.291 Jh-sh-ad Gives an extensive coverage of the agricultural side of Cuba — crops such as tobacco, pineapples, bananas, coconuts, coffee, and most important of all, sugar. Also shown are Columbus cathedral, Havana university and the largest and most important cities SOJOURN IN HAVANA. TFC 9mln sd (De la Varre travelogues) apply 917.291 el-Jh-sh-ad Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp. "A typical tour of Havana showing the principle points of Interest but with photography and narration of better than usual quality. Contrast Is shown between the two cities, the old Spanish town which was enclosed by ancient walls close to the harbor and the new city of the Republic spreading for miles alons the coast." Advisory committee 917.3 United States AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL. USTreasury J 1946 20min sd color loan 917.3 el-Jh-sh-c-ad May also be leased from TFC Produced by Warner Bros. Pictures A pageant of the wild beauty, the snowmantled peaks, the rugged ranges, the green valleys, the rushing streams, the broad rivers, the lakes, the plains of waving grain, the farms, the towns, the alabaster cities, the towers, the industries, the people and the power of this mighty land of ours, from sea to shining sea "Extraordinarily beautiful photography of America's scenic wonders, particularly those in the West. The total effect, which just misses sentimentality, is an emotional thrill." Collaborator AMERICA'S WONDERLANDS. Castle 1946 lOmin sd $17.50 917.3 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Also available in a silent version for $8.75 603