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BRAZIL. EBF 1940 llmin sd (World's people) $45, rent |2.50 918.1
el-Jh-sh-c Guide
Produced in collaboration with Earle K. James, lecturer on South America and former editor of the Latin American News
Provides a geogrraphical orientation to Brazil's vast extent, its regrlonal contrasts, and Its coast cities, before concentrating on the coffee-growing area. A land owner, an agent, and a family of pickers are seen in their relationships to a large coffee plantation, with Its varied crops. Its mixture of Immigrant peoples, Its educational and religious activities
Film personnel and incorporated dialog reveal Brazil as a predominantly Portuguese country
BRAZIL. Forum ed MOT 1944 13mln sd $55
918.1 el-Jh-sh-forum Guide Brazil against a background of the picturesque spectacle of a Rio carnival and the physical grandeur of the country. Shows the tremendous advances that have been made as a result of emergency wartime projects. The climax of the picture foreshadows the flourishing prospects for future trade between the U.S. and Brazil
IN AND AROUND RIO. Sonopix 1947 lOmIn sd color $75, rent $5 918.1
Jh-sh-ad Guide
Produced by Fotosound Studios. Photographed by Countess Reglna Regis
A travelog of Rio de Janeiro, with a background of native Brazilian music
JACAR£. Commonwealth 1942 75mln sd rent apply 918.1
Produced by Frank Buck
"An unusually realistic. Interesting, and thrilling full-length film that really takes one into the vast jungles of the Amazon, shows one the fascinating wild life of that unexplored region of our Latin-American neighbor, and reveals the beauty and the danger there.
"This Is a most skilfully made travel picture, given all the sequence and suspense of a story, a great deal of interest In personality, the richest kind of setting, and a strong conclusion. . .
"Frank Buck, the speaker whose voice carries the narrative; the veteran Brazilian taker of wild animals, and the happy-go-lucky young American looking for adventure. It Is all as simple as that, and wholly delightful.
"Highly educational In value, showing a great many kinds of curious South American wild life, not statistically, but dramatically." F. H. Law in Film & radio disc guide
TOURING BRAZIL. TFC lOmIn sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 918.1
Produced by 20th Century-Fox "Random scenes taken in Rio de Janeiro,
In Penlise, and at a Paloma gold mine. . .
Commentary and a background of orchestral
"Recommended for geography, grades 4
through 9; should be veiluable also for social
studies In grades 10 through 12." Advisory
918.2 Argentine Republic
ARGENTINA. EBF 1941 llmin sd (World's people) $45, rent $2.50 918.2
el-Jh-sh-ad Guide
Produced in collaboration with Earle K. James, lecturer on South America and former editor of the Latin American News Magazine
"Represents life In Argentina by showing the dally lives of people in Buenos Aires
and by explaining the city's dependence upon the Pampas for export products. The iilm opens In Buenos Aires as Roberto Campas, an employee in a meat packing plant, goes to work by subway. A wealthy broker, Senor Rodriguez, goes to his office by automobile. In the packing plant, some of the processes in preparing Argentine beef for market are shown. Senor Campas returns home for lunch. In his office, Senor Rodriguez dictates an order for a new automobile. At the docks, ships are being loaded and unloaded with the exports and Imports vital to the city's life.
"But making both possible, there Is behind the cities another Argentina — the land of the vast Pampas, used chiefly for agriculture and grazing. Typical agricultural activities on the Pampas are shown. Great herds of cattle, with their gauchos, form a picturesque sequence, as do the sheep which roam the plains. Back in the city, Roberto Campas and his family are seen visiting the zoo, and the film closes with views of their home life in the evening.
"An excellent film for classes in the social studies, particularly geography, from the junior high through adult levels; should have considerable value also in elementary grades. The film is well organized and includes a variety of material. It should contribute especially to a realization of kinship with the people of Argentina. Photography and sound are good." Ed. screen
"Many of our pupils were surprised that parts of South America were so progressive. Excellent for classes studying this section of the world. May be used in Spanish classes also." Collaborator
ARGENTINE ARGOSY. TFC 9mln sd (Magic carpet ser) apply 918.2
Produced by 20th Century-Fox "A sweeping panorama of Argentina with glimpses of city life, the great cattle ranches and farms, the mountains and lakes in Western Argentina. . . Suggested for social geography, grades 4 through 9. Should be useful to classes studying folk music and dancing of this region." Advisory committee
BUENOS AIRES TODAY. TFC 9mln sd (Columbia tours) apply 918.2
Produced by Columbia Pictures Corp.
"A rather complete pictorial tour of the largest city in South America showing something of its grandeur and magnificance.
"Both in the pictures and the excellent interpretative commentary the modern development of the city is emphasized and the city is represented as one which compares favorably with the other large cities of the world.
"Recommended for social studies in Junior and senior high school particularly In relation to South American affairs and relationships." Advisory committee
* TINA). UWF 1948 20min sd (Earth and its
peoples) $100, rent $6 918.2
el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide
Technical advisor: Dr Clyde Kohn, Northwestern University
Geographic concept: High, grasscovered plateaus are especially suited to large-scale grazing operations
Except for the soft, musical Spanish language you hear among the gauchos or perhaps the sight of their strange, baggy trousers, you have the impression that you are on a great Texan ranch. You accompany the son of a gaucho who, with his father, attends to all the day's w^ork of the cowhand and at nightfall enjoys a comfortable home with others of the family