Educational film guide ()

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919.14-919.21 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE THE PHILIPPINE REPUBLIC — Continued political, economic, social and industrial problems, and the enonnous tasks of reconstruction after years of war and Japanese domination "Exceptionally well-written commentary, excellent photography." Film forum rev. PLEDGE TO BATAAN. Adventure 1943 60min sd color rent $50 919.14 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad "Technicolor film telling the story of the Philippines from the days of the Spanish conquest through the period since the inauguration of the Philippine Commonwealth in 1935. "Traces the growth of commerce and industry and the development of democratic Institutions in the Philippines." Scholastic "Shows the islands at their picturesque best from the terraced mountains of Luzon to the jungle growth of Bataan. It also shows the customs of the natives contrasting the ancient Oriental with modem American Influences; their religious ceremonies and the agricultural, mineral and industrial resources of the Philippines. . . Emphasizes the people's love of freedom and their loyalty to the United States." N.Y. Times "The finest motion pictures we have ever seen from the Far East." Melville Grosvenor, Nat. geographic soc. 919.2 Dutch East Indies BALI. Castle 1939 lOmin sd $17.50 919.2 sh-c-ad Also available in a silent version for $8.75 "First the film tells of the location and topography of Bali; then come scenes of elaborately carved temples. Rice, the staple food, is shown being cultivated and threshed by semi-nude native women. The following sequence, in the village market square, shows the customs of trade among the natives. "A short sequence deals with pottery making. The next sequence, somewhat more lengthy than those preceding, deals with the Balinese religious ceremonies which seem so strange to the Western eye: the semi-nude girls bring offerings, a street procession carries weird-looking figures, and a witch-dance, accompanied by a native gong orchestra, concludes the ceremonies. The film ends with emphasis upon the tranquility of life on the island of Bali. "A typical travelogue, unusual only because many scenes of partially nude native girls and women are Included. Lack of depth limits educational vaJue. EMlm probably would be o.k. for adults but semi-nudity of native women makes school value questionable." Georgia CEREMONIES IN BALI. Nu-Art llmin sd $25, rent $1.50 919.2 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Netherlands Information Bureau A trip through the island of Bali, emphasizing the religious ceremonies of its inhabitants, their ancient and beautiful temples, and their famous and Intricate dancing to the distinctive East Indian gamelang music. Bali's interesting burial rites are one of the many aspects of native folklore treated in this film DUTCH EAST INDIES. EBF 1931 15min si $24 919.2 el-Jh-sh Guide "The markets of Java. Craftsmen show their skill in metal and leather work, Javanese women at work. Family life of the Javanese. Rural life. Sumatra, Borneo, and Celebes are located on the globe. Collecting rubber latex. Spices and rattan being loaded for export from Celebes." Indiana EAST INDIAN ISLAND. EBF 1930 15mln si $24 SIS-Z el-Jh Guide "Ball, palm-lined shore, rice terraces, road building, water buffalo, rice planting and harvesting. House building, pottery weaving, market place. A rich man's dinner, village street, festival. A wedding, native dancers, native orchestra, a Dragon play, funeral, canoe launching." Ohio EAST INDIAN ISLAND. Nu-Art 1938 llmin sd $17.50. rent $1.50 919-2 sh-c Also available in a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) "A study of life on the island of Bali, in the Dutch East Indies. Scenes of rice cultivation in the water-covered fields are followed by scenes of the joyful time of the harvest, when each worker receives a portion of the grain as his wages. Strange native methods of keeping pigs and ducks are shown. In the village, with its houses high on posts, the native handiwork is found. In the last portion of the film native temples, built of elaborately carved sandstone, are shown." Georgia NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES. Nu-Art 1946 lOmln sd $26, rent $1.50; also color $80, rent $3 919.2 jh-ad Maps and commentary depict the people and their life in relation to the rest of the world. The film shows the land being farmed, the home life of the inhabitants, their folklore, their famous arts and crafts, their religion, their dances and music, the products and the industries 9 1 9.2 1 Sumatra ISLAND OF YESTERDAY, Goodyear 1927 15min si loan 919.21 sh Scenic surroundings and native life on the Island of Sumatra at the 40,000-acre rubber plantation of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Habits and customs of the people, views of quaint and little-known villages, inviting brooks and rivers, smoke-crowned volcanoes and other features are shown. Recreations of the dark-skinned natives, the fortnightly "haribazar," the open-air Oriental entertainment and other diversions are shown. The club-house, a social center of Americans and Europeans, the village cutups on "Main street" and numerous other sidelights are presented The sanitary homes, which have replaced the thatched, floorless huts, demonstrate the progress made in living conditions within a few years NIAS AND SUMATRA. Nu-Art lOmin sd $17.50, rent $1.50 919.21 el-Jh-sh-c "A good travelogue which would be of interest to all people. It is produced in a straightforward manner and could be used to advantage in schools. "Films opens with a map of Sumatra, Borneo and Java, and cuts to scenes of a village in Sumatra. Boys exhibit their skill in leaping, and easily jump over an 8-foot stone. The roof of the tribal house rises over 70 feet. Some of the warriors wear medieval armor. Types of Sumatran men are shown. . . The hunters dance to the rhythm of deep drums, and go through sham battles with one another. "The Sunday market is shown. . . Good roads are to be found here, and a pillar marks the place where the road crosses the equator. A pool of gold fish is pictured. . . Water buffalo take their leisurely mud baths in the hot sun. Picturesque huts are common in the islands." Collaborator 622