Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 919.8-921 ESKIMO TRAILS — Continued "With the approach of winter, various types of pancake Ice and lily pad ice formations are shown. The film closes with sequences of singing and dancing indoors by the Eskimos during the frigid weather. Recommended for social geography In Junior high school and for sociaJ science In elementary grades." Advisory committee NANOOK OF THE NORTH. MMA 1922 65mln si * rent $15 919.8 * Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Sponsored by Revillon Freres This study of Eskimo communal life made movie history and influenced many of the subsequent attempts to interpret human activity on the screen rather than merely to photograph it. Robert Flaherty, who made the film in the Hudson Bay Territory, built up a dramatic picture of the struggle for life in a hostile environment by careful observation and sensitive recording of hunting, fishing, the construction of shelter, and the relationship between the Individual and the family and community "A classic but technical quality badly dated." Collaborator NORTH POLE EXPLORATIONS. Knowledge Bldrs 1941 llmin $40, rent $2 919.8 el-Jh Opens with a dramatization of the ill fated Franklin expedition to the far north. Shows Perry's discovery of the North pole and concludes with Byrd's flight from Spitzenberg, encircling the pole and back again. Shows air views of the pole itself taken at that time PEOPLE OF THE ARCTIC. KnowledgeBldrs 1944 22min sd (Story of civilization) $80, rent $3 919.8 el-Jh-sh Guide Geography and resources of far northern Alaska, Labrador, Greenland and northeastern Siberia TUNDRA. Commonwealth 90mln sd apply, rent $12 919.8 el-Jh-sh Guide A BurroughsTar zan production Story of a young doctor whose plane crashes in the Arctic. He manages to keep himself alive and fight his way back to civilization "Photography is excellent. . . Enough story to make the natural history and geologry . . . Interesting to students. . . It teaches more in an hour than a textbook would teach In a month. . . Its simple plot and human appeal would make for good discussion in a photoplay-appreciation group or in a dramatic club. . . Excellent for general science, nature study, and geography. . . Thrilling in interest and suspense. "A unique picture, rich in educational values." Committee on motion pictures. Department of secondary education, National education association "Entirely unsatisfactory. . . Adaptations very poorly portrayed. . . For educational purposes, this film is almost entirely without value". N.J. State teachers college WEDDING OF PALO. Brandon 1932 70min sd (International film classics) rent $17.50 919.8 Jh-sh-c-ad The year round life and customs of the people of Greenland, produced by exploreranthropologist Knud Rasmussen. Musical background by the Royal opera house symphony orchestra, Copenhagen. Dialog is in Eskimo WINTER IN ESKIMOLAND. TFC lOmln sd (Father Hubbard's adventures) apply 919.8 Jh-sh-ad Produced by 20 th CenturyFox "Father Hubbard gives Interesting views and comments on the home and community life of the Eskimos during the winter season. Hunting, Indoor games and customs are described." Kentucky 919.9 Antarctic regions LIFE IN THE ANTARCTIC. KnowledgeBldrs 1944 llmin sd (Story of civilization) $40, rent $2 919.9 el-Jh-sh Guide Shows winter and summer on the great Antarctic continent where no man lives and no animals except those that can migrate in winter, or find homes in the warmer waters of the surrounding ocean Shows the whaling industry and the Norwegian whaling station on South Georgia, the nearest human habitation to Antarctica 920 BIOGRAPHY 921 Individual biography ABRAHAM LINCOLN. EBF 1933 30min si $48 921 el-Jh-sh Guide The life and times of the Great Emancipator, including the Emancipation proclamation, the Gettysburgh address, Lee's surrender and Lincoln's death ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Nu-Art 1937 90min sd rent $15 921 Jh-sh-ad The David Wark Griffith film originally produced in 1931 in which Walter Huston is Lincoln. It is a biographical film covering the years from boyhood to manhood ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Yale 1924 45min si (Chronicles of America photoplays) rent $6 921 Jh-sh-c Guide Adapted from "Washington and His Colleagues," a chronicle written by Henry Ford Reveals the fearless manner in which Hamilton took hold of the affairs of the confederation and established its credit. Also shows the inauguration of George Washington as first President of the United States, and recounts the story of the rebellion against the levy of an excise tax "Old but still authentic and highly instructive." Collaborator ANGEL OF MERCY. TFC lOmin sd (Passing parade) apply 921 Jh-sh-ad-forum Produced by Metro -GoldwynMayer "Pictures the ladies of the days of Victoria. . . The scene shifts to the Civil War. . . Seeking a way to eliminate the neglect which caused the death of so many wounded soldiers, Clara Barton concludes that the women should go to war to tend the men. She attempts to enlist, but is summarily rejected. "A few women, however, follow her example and go into the field to serve in the hospital. Their ministrations are accepted, until a shell wrecks the hospital, causing the death of one of the nurses. Clara Barton, despite her dismissal by General Garfield, continues her work. Failing health compels her to seek a cure in a Swiss sanitarium. There she is approached by a group of people who are desirous of her aid to secure the membership of the United States in an international organization, the Red Cross. She unsuccessfully asks Congress to adhere to this international organization, but when a great conflagration comes to one of the nation's cities. Clara Barton, in her own name, asks the aid of the Canadian Red Cross. "With the coming of this help the entire country awakes to the service which the Red Cross stands ready to give. A montage of scenes of disaster, against a waving Red Cross flag, closes the film." Advisory committee 625