Educational film guide ()

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921 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE AULD LANG SYNE. Post 1940 67min sd $187.50 921 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by James A. FltzPatrlck "Here is a sincere and forthright presentation of the life of Robert Burns, made in England and Scotland, where the events of his life actually took place. The story is told of the poet's uncertain existence, his love of freedom and homeland, his appreciation of beauty, his brief rise to fame in the literary circles of Edinburgh and, finally, his decline and its unfortunate outcome. The subject is recommended bv the Motion Picture Committee of the Department of Secondary Teachers of the N.B.A. Many of Burns's poems are heard in the film." Movie makers BARON AND THE ROSE. TFC llmln sd (Passing parade) apply 921 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "This is the story of Henry Stiegal, an iron worker, who had ambitions to make delicate glass roses as lovely as those which grew by his forge. He succeeded. He grew wealthy, then profligate, then bankrupt. "In his wealthy days, he had bequeathed a church to his township at a rental to be determined later. At his death, he named the price — that the church should lay on its altar on the second Sunday of June, every year, a single red rose. "The film shows excellent examples of early glass blowing. Might be useful In high school art classes, or in economics (early trades)." Advisory committee BUFFALO BILL. Films DOmin sd color apply 921 jh-sh-ad Produced by 20th CenturyFox Joel McCrea, Maureen O'Hara, Thomas Mitchell in the life and adventures of fabulous William Frederick Cody "Does violence to history. Plays up some unimportant aspects of Cody's life." Collaborator CAPTAIN EDDIE. Films 120min sd apply 921 Jh-sh-ad Produced by 20th Century-Fox Fred MacMurray plays the part of Eddie Rickenbacker in this portrayal of his life CARRIE JACOBS BOND. LibraryFlm lOmin sd $21 921 el-Jh-sh-c "A beautiful study of the life and songs of one of our greatest living women composers. At various points in the film Mrs Bond's own songs are used to interpret stages in her life: 'I Love You Truly,' 'Just A-Wearying for You' and 'When You Come to the End of a Perfect Day.' The film presents an excellent sound recording of vocal solos by Ralph Kirberry, with pipe organ accompaniment. . . Narrated by Edwin C. Hill." Georgia CHAM PLAIN. Hoffberg 1942 8min si (Shadowgraf teaching films) $21 921 el The action is simple and is photographed in silhouette. The most important facts about Champlain are given BEAUTIFUL DREAMER. LibraryFlm 1948 25mln sd $57 921 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Also available as the complete film "Harmony Lane" (listed below) Excerpts from feature-length production, with professional cast Including Douglas Montgomery, who portrays Foster, William Frawley, Evelyn Venable, Andrienne Ames and Clarence Muse. Many of Foster's compositions are used for music sequences and background theme "Of good entertainment and musical value, film Is suitable for most Interest and age groups, though drinking scenes will no doubt limit Its use for church groups. Cutting and editing have caused some unevenness of continuity, but over-all presentation is enjoyable." Film World BERNADETTE. FlmClassic 90min sd rent $15 921 Jh-sh-c-ad A silent version may be rented for $9 The story of the Messenger of the Blessed Virgin. Filmed in Lourdes, France BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE. TFC lOmIn sd (Historical mysteries) apply 921 Jh-sh Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Convincing evidence in the mystery of Marshall Ney, Napoleon's friend, who supposedly died before a firing squad In France, but later appeared as Peter Stuart Ney, a schoolteacher in America BRIGHAM YOUNG. Films 1940 90mln sd apply 921 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by 20th Century-Fox. Tyrone Power is the star Story of the Mormons and their search for a sanctuary which took them eventually to what is now Salt Lake City, Utah CHAPAYEV. Brandon 1936 lOOmin sd apply, rent $20 921 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Lenfllm. Played by Boris Bobochkin as Chapayev; directed by Vasiliev brothers Story of a peasant leader who became a disciplined commander in the 1919 period of struggle by the young Republic against the White Guards and armies of Intervention CONQUEST. TFC 25min sd apply 921 1940 Jh-sh-ad Produced by Metro Groldwyn-Mayer In Edited for classroom use, with emphasis on the character of Napoleon "Napoleon will become more meaningful In history classes." Collaborator COURAGEOUS MR PENN. Allied 1944 84min sd $400, rent $17.50 921 el-Jh-sh-c-ad A British production featuring Deborah Kerr and Clifford Evans "A biographical romance concerning William Penn, son of Admiral Penn, rich and powerful friend of King Charles II. The film displays the courage of the wealthy young man who hated oppression so strongly that he joined with the oppressed, to be their champion. "He obtained from the King payment of a debt owed to his father, and with it he established a colony in America with the aristocratic young woman who was his wife." Movie makers "Should be especially helpful when studying the faiths of mankind, civil and religious liberty, the building of a new world, our religious heritage, the foundations of our American way of living, the Quaker religion, or living for a cause. "Since the tonal qualities In the film vary from whispers to mob scenes, the projectionist should be alert to adjust volume from time to time if needed. Content: excellent. Technical quality: excellent." Int. journal of religious ed. 626