Educational film guide ()

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1949 EDITION 940.542-940.544 940.542 World war, 1939-1945 Campaigns and battles ALLIED ADVANCE THROUGH SALERNO. Nu-Art 1944 lOmin sd (What price Italy) $17.50. rent $1.50 940.542 Jh-sh-ad Also available in a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) A newsreel presentation of this phase of the war ATTACK ON GUAM. Castle lOmin sd $14.09 940.542 sh-c-ad Produced by U.S. Navy Portrays the importance of Guam. Loading of ships, shelling by the fleet. Navy air force bombing, landing operations, and mopping-up operations BATTLE OF ANZIO BEACHHEAD. Nu-Art 1944 9min sd (What price Italy) $17.50, rent $1.50 940.542 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Also available in a silent version ($8.75, rent $1) Action shots of this battle D-DAY. BIS 1944 lOmin sd (Act and fact ser) $27.50, rent $1.25 940.542 Jh-sh-c-ad "Newsreel film on the invasion of France. Allied air power 'softening up' the coast — the great convoy on its way — landings on the beachheads. Commentator, NBC's Clyde Kittel." Scholastic FRENCH CAMPAIGN. 19min sd $55 Forum ed MOT 1945 940.542 Jh-sh-ad Tells the history of the liberation of France taken on the spot by cameramen who were often under fire Beginning in 1939 and continuing through the preparations for "D" day, the film follows the landings, the march through St Lo, the entry into Paris and street battles between the Nazis and the FFI, concluding with the triumphant consolidation of their position by the PYench and the American Army "Excellent summary of war In France." Collaborator GATEWAY TO GERMANY. BIS 1945 llmln sd (Act and fact ser) $27.50, rent $1.25 940.542 Jh-sh-c-ad This film shows the British and Canadian armies in the tough low country campaign that spearheaded through Holland in combined action with American and British paratroops at Eindhoven, Nijmegen and Arnhem and freed the approaches to the port of Antwerp Films 1943 105mln 940.542 GUADALCANAL DIARY, sd apply jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced by 20th Century-Fox Stars Preston Foster, Lloyd Nolan and William Bendix A restrained, stark and realistic account of the war In the South Pacific as described in Richard Tregaskis famous book I WO J IMA. Ofiacial 1945 lOmin sd (News thrills) $17.50 940.542 Jh-sh-ad Also available in a silent version for $8.75 Battle scenes MANILA LIBERATED, Ofl^icial 1945 lOmin sd (News thrills) $17.50 940.542 Jh-sh-c-ad Also available In a silent version for $8.75 "MacArthur ... is shown stepping ashore following the landing of amphibious forces on Leyte. Scenes of the Lingayen Gulf battle are also shown, followed by the drive against Manila. The latter city is ablaze as the Japs try to trap the Americans. "At Corregidor the Yanks are seen parachuting down to earth in teams of 10. Also they arrive from sea via landing barges. The film ends with MacArthur standing with the victorious invaders and facing a flag pole as the flag is about to be raised." Film world NORMANDY INVASION. USCoastGd 1941 * 19min sd loan ' 940.542 Jh-sh-ad On-the-spot coverage by U.S. Coast Guard combat photographers of the initial assault on fortress Europe. Action scenes show the tremendous invasion preparations and the follow thru — American troops storming French shores and establishing the beachhead "A good job of reporting the preparation for and the accomplishment of the Invasion. No horror scenes but realistic." Collaborator ROAD TO PARIS. BIS 1944 14min sd (Act and fact ser) $27.50, rent $1.25 940.542 Jh-sh-c-ad "The campaign from Normandy to the freeing of Paris. How the British attack on the Caen hinge combined with the American sweep through France." Film news VICTORY OVER GERMANY. Castle 1945 lOmin sd $17.50 940.542 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Also available in a silent version for $8.75 Filmed by combat cameramen from the start of General Eisenhower's final offensive Shows the crossing of the Rhine, secret rocket weapons in action, armored columns roaring into the heart of the Reich, the final thrusts of American, British, Canadian, and Russian soldiers as they storm through bombblasted German cities and countryside Hitler's armies battered and beaten surrender by tens of thousands 940.544 World war. 1939-1945 Aerial operations AIR BATTLE, BIS 1944 6mln sd (Act and fact ser) $27.50, rent $1.50 940.544 Jh-sh-c-ad One day's operation by the Royal Air Force and the American air forces AIR SIEGE. Castle 22min sd $27.85 940.544 Jh-sh-ad Produced by the U.S. Air Force. Released thru the U.S. Office of Education May also be borrowed from the U.S. Dept. of the Air Force, Directorate of public relations, Washington 25 The film story of the bombing of Ploesti by the 15th Air Force in Italy. Opening with the return of American airmen who had been shot down and captured in the Ploesti raids, the film reviews the strategic decision to destroy the Ploesti oil refineries and the continuous bombing by the AAF necessary to achieve this objective. It contains combat scenes of American bombers and fighters, and from captured German film, photographic evidence of the destruction CHINA CRISIS. USAlrForce 45min sd loan 940.544 Jh-sh-c-ad Formerly released thru the Office of War Information ' 635