Educational film guide ()

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947-956.9 EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE SPANISH EARTH — Continued of its transparent reality because the subject was baffiingly difficult and Incapable of better organization. It is perhaps impossible to have a completely organized production on film of a report of real war." Sight and sound 947 Russia ALEXANDER NEVSKY. Brandon 1938 91min sd (International film classics) apply, rent $25 947 sh-c Directed by Sergei BIsenstein. Camera by Edward Tisse. Musical score by Prokofleff An epic of thirteenth century Russia depicting the defeat of the invading German knights by the Russians under Prince Alexander Nevsky, played by N. Chekassov "Work of a master craftsman. Cast Is brilliant." N.Y. Herald-Tribune RE-BIRTH OF STALINGRAD, Brandon 18min sd $72, rent $4 947 forum A documentary showing the miracle of reconstruction 949.2 Netherlands FRIESLAND, HOLLAND'S NORTHERNMOST PROVINCE. Nu-Art 1946 18min sd $44, rent $3 949.2 Jh-sh-c-tr-ad Produced by Netherlands Information Bureau An account of one small nation's diligent tackling of problems that beset all ravaged countries in Europe. It is the heartening story of folks pitching in to help their less fortunate neighbors in more war-torn sections of Holland, and of young people emerging from long-time hiding to take stock of their land and future HOLLAND CARRIES ON. Nu-Art 1945 18min sd $44, rent $3 949.2 Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Netherlands Information Bureau Nazi domination now a nightmare of the past, Holland takes stock of her land and future. In those terrible days of invasion, the Dutch spirit is seen in action. Patriots go immediately to work, in underground activities and sabotage, on postwar plans, by joining the allies, until the long-awaited liberation is a reality. The film tells the heartbreaking story of the ruination of Holland's reclaimed land — the floods of water over fertile ground. The Netherlands' background, her role in World "War II and her problems in the postwar world are shown "The fact that the film shows transitions from pre-war, war to postwar living makes It well suited for discussion." Collaborator "The peaceful life of the Dutch before the war Is depicted showing the good roads, airports, canal system, the big dikes, the religious nature of the peace loving people. "Scenes of the Invasion tell vividly the sacrifice made for four long and tedious years. "But with the coming of the Allies in September of 1944, the tide begins to turn, and the liberation is swift and complete. Water Roods many square miles of land; the traitors are rounded up, and the Queen visits to see first hand her country's condition. "The film is one of the better foreign pictures of this type to be exhibited here and is well suited to any audience interested in the welfare of the Dutch people." Film world 949.6 Balkan states SPOTLIGHT ON THE BALKANS. Brandon 1945 llmin sd (World in action) $25 949.6 jhsh-cad -forum Produced by the National Film Board of Canada Focuses attention on one of the most strategic areas of Europe. The Balkans are shown in their own national development and in their strategic importance in the game of power politics. Animated maps depict the imperialist struggle 951 China CHUNGKING RISES AGAIN. ChlnaFlm 1941 15mln si $25, rent $1.50 951 jh-sh-ad Edited by Harmon Foundation Shows how Chungking, in spite of four years of bombing, continued to hold firm. Portrays the Chinese people's calmness, determination and dauntless spirit in their struggle for their freedom and their way of life FOR THE WOUNDS OF CHINA. ChlnaFlm 1938 15mln si $25, rent $1.50 951 jh-sh-ad Produced by Harmon Foundation Shows the administration of relief In wartom China THE 400,(X)0,000. Brandon 1939 59min sd rent * $10 951 sh-c-tr-ad "A thorough historical record of the background of the events in China, showing the birth of New China under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the first beginnings of Industrial civilization and the attempted throttling by Japan. The real basis of Chinese resistance is shown and its extent is demonstrated by sequences from remote provinces." School management "More people should see this type of picture." Collaborator "Early part . . . and the closing part both showed some very gruesome scenes of bombed areas in China. It was horror stuff purely and simply." Collaborator 956 Turkey TURKEY. Forum ed MOT 1948 19mln sd $55 956 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Turkey's location makes her a focal point in International affairs today. She is a bridge between Europe and Asia with the USSR to the north and the Suez canal to the south The film traces Turkey's history, from the days when Constantinople was the capital o' the Ottoman empire to today's continuing struggle to retain control of the vital Dar "Well placed commentary stimulates further study of the social and political Issues." Collaborator "Not as provocative as average MOT; (shows) attempt of Turkey to modernize her economy and education." Collaborator 956.9 Palestine BIRTHDAY OF A PROPHECY. UPA 20min sd loan 956.9 sh-c-ad Produced by Affiliated Films Pictures the creation of the Jewish state, as prophesied by Hertzl In 1897 638