Educational film guide ()

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DIRECTORY OF MAIN SOURCES Harmon Harrncin Foundation Inc, 140 Nassau St, New York 7 Some films available from ChinaFlm and RFA Harnischfeger Harnischfeger Corp, 4400 W National Av, Milwaukee, Wis Hartley Hartley Productions, 20 W 47th St, New York 19 Haselton Guy D. Haselton, Panorama Pictures, 7936 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood 46, Calif Hathen Hathen Productions, 264 Van Pelt St, Philadelphia 3, Pa Hawaii Press Hawaiian Press Bureau, 1040 National Press Bldg., Washington 4, D.C. Hawley-Lord Hawley-Lord Inc, 61 W 56th St, New York 19 Also distributed by Ambrosch Hawley,P Portia Hawley, 525 Poplar Av, Montebello, Calif HealthFlm. See Knowledge Builders Heldenkamp Heldenkamp Nature Pictures, 538 Glen Arden Dr, Pittsburgh 8, Pa Heinz H. J. Heinz Co, Advertising Dept, Pittsburgh, Pa HHFA Housing & Home Finance Agency, Technical Staff, 214 Normandy Bldg, Washington 25, D C HI AS Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, 425 Lafayette St, New York 3 Hockey W. E. Hockey and Associates, 437 Market St, San Francisco 5, Calif Hoeflep Paul Hoefler Productions, 612% S Ridgeley Dr. Los Angeles 36, Calif H off berg Hoffberg Productions Inc, 620 Ninth Av, New York 18 Hollywood Hollywood 35MM Film Co, 1626 N Wilcox Av, Hollywood 28, Calif HoIlywoodFlm Hollywood Film Enterprises, Inc., 6040 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. HollywoodPanam Hollywood-Panamerican Films, 5356 La Mlrada Av, Hollywood 27, Calif HollywoodTurf Hollywood Turf Club, Inglewood, Calif Hoist Kenneth L. Hoist, 332 E Walnut St. Pasadena 1, Calif Honig-Cooper Honlg-Cooper Advertising Co, 455 Skinner Bldg, Seattle, Wash Horse Assn Horse Association of America, Inc, 407 S Dearborn St, Chicago 5, 111 Hubbard Father Hubbard Educational Films, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, Calif. Hughes Hughes Brush Co, 500 Fifth Av, New York 18 Humphrey John H. Humphrey, 11216 S Harvard Blvd, Los Angeles 44, Calif Hunt E. P. Hunt, Box 3006, Stanford University, Calif Huntington Huntington Laboratories Inc, Huntington, Ind llluminatingEng Illuminating Engineering Society, 51 Madison Av, New York 10 IndEngCol Industrial Engineering College, 3309 W Washington Blvd, Chicago 24 Indiainf Government of India Information Services, 2111 Massachusetts Av, NW, Washington 8, D C IndUimestone Indiana Limestone Institute, P O Box 471, Bedford, Ind IndU Indiana University, Audio-Visual Center, Bloomlngton, Ind Information Flm Information Films Inc, 145 W 21st St, New York H InformationalFlm Informational Films Assn, 126 Lexington Av, New York 16 Ingersoll-Rand Ingersoll-Rand Co, Phillipsburg, N J InstDesign Institute of Design, 632 N Dearborn St, Chicago 1, 111 Instlnter-AmAffairs Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 499 Pennsylvania Av, NW, Washington 25, D C Films available from Assn, Castle and many other film libraries Institute of Visual Training See IVT InstLifelns Institute of Life Insurance, 60 E 42nd St, New York 17 InstrFlms Instructional Films, Inc, 330 W 42d St, New York A subsidiary of Filmslnc lntBroElecWorkLocalB-1031 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (AFL), Local B-1031, 4721 W Madison St, Chicago 44, Ul IntCellucotton International Cellucotton Products Co, 919 N Michigan Av, Chicago 11, 111 InterstateOil Interstate Oil Compact Commission, Box 3127, State Capitol, Oklahoma City 5, Okla IntFlmBur International Film Bureau, Suite 1500, 6 N Michigan Av, Chicago 2, 111 IntFlmFd International Film Foundation Inc, 1600 Broadway, New York 19 IntGeog International Geographic Pictures, 1776 Broadway, New York 19 Films may be rented from many state universities. Consult Directory of Local Distributors IntHarvester International Harvester Co Inc, 180 N Michigan Av, Chicago 1, 111 IntPtgInk International Printing Ink, 350 Fifth Av, New York 1 intlSmmCorp International 16mra Corp, 165 W 46th St, New York 19 lowaStCol Iowa State College, Visual Instruction Service, Ames, Iowa lowa,StU State University of Iowa, Bureau of Audio-Visual Instruction, Extension Div, Iowa City, Iowa IrishAmFlm Irish American Film Corp, 165 W 46th St, New York IrishLinenGuild Irish Linen Guild, c/o Elliott «fe Nelson Inc, 24 Wall St, Norwalk, Conn IVT Institute of Visual Training, 40 E 49th St, New York 17 Ideal Ideal Pictures Corp, 26 E 8th St, Chicago 5, 111 For addresses of 23 branches in U.S. see Directory of Local Distributors ILGWU International Ladies Garment Workers' Union, Educational Dept, 1710 Broadway, New York 19 IllCen Illinois Central Railroad, Bur of AudioVisual Aids. 135 E 11th PI, Chicago 5, Dl IIIDivDptRep Illinois Division of Department Reports, Film Library, 417 Capitol Bldg, Springfield, 111 lll,U University of Illinois, Visual Aids Service, 713% S Wright St, Champaign, 111 Jacobs Lewis Jacobs, 333 N Poinsetta Place, Los Angeles 36, Calif Other branches: 230 N Michigan Av, Chicago 1, 111; 310 Talbot Bldg, Dayton 2, Ohio; 7046 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles 28, Calif; 917 Liberty Av, Pittsburgh 22, Pa; Transportation Bldg, Washington 6, D C JamHandy The Jam Handy Organization, 2821 E. Grand Blvd., Detroit, 11, Mich., 1775 Broadway, New York 19 J DC American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 270 Madison Av, New York 16 666