Educational film guide ()

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DIRECTORY OF MAIN SOURCES United Nations See UNFImDiv United Palestine Appeal See UPA UnitedScreen United Screen Associates, 1017 Wooster St, Los Angeles 35, Calif UnitedServChina United Service to China, 1790 Broadway, New Yorlc 19 UnitedServNewAm United Service for New Americans Inc. 15 Park Row, New York 7 UnltedSpecialists United Specialists Inc. Quaker Hill, Pawling, N Y; Room 506, 50 E 42d St, New York Universities Under name of university. State universities under name of state. UPA United Palestine Appeal, 41 E 42nd St, New York 17; 123 W Madison St, Chicago 2, 111; 117 W 9th St, Los Angeles 15, Calif Upjohn Upjohn Co, Kalamazoo, Mich or any of the branch offices USAirForce U.S. Dept. of the Air Force, Directorate of Public Relations, Washington 25, D C Or apply to the Public Information Officer, Hq. Middletown Air Materiel Area, Olmstead Field, Middletown, Pa; Hq. Mobile Air Materiel Area, Brookley Field, Ala; Hq. Oklahoma City Air Materiel Area, Tinker Field, Oklahoma City, Okla; Hq. San Antonio Air Materiel Area, Kelly Field, San Antonio, Tex; Hq. Ogden Air Materiel Area, Hill Field, Ogden, Utah; Hq. Sacramento Air Materiel Area, McClelland Field, Sacramento, Calif; Hq. Warner Robins Air Material Area, Robins Field, Ga USBeetSugar United States Beet Sugar Assn, Tower Bldg, Washington, D C USBurMines U S Bureau of Mines, Experiment Station, Graphic Services Section, 4800 Forbes St, Pittsburgh 13, Pa Films also available thru 53 distributing branches and state or university extension divisions. Write to the above address for the complete list USBurReclamatlon U S Bureau of Reclamation Library, Washington 25, D C USCoastGd U S Coast Guard Headquarters, Chief, Public Information Div. Washington 25, D C Or apply to the Commander of any Coast Guard District: 1st Coast Guard District, 1400 Custom House, Boston 13, Mass; 2nd Coast Guard District, 232 Old Custom House, 8th & Olive Sts, St Louis 1, Mo; 3rd Coast Guard District, 80 Lafayette St New York 13; 5th Coast Guard District, Box 540, New Post Office Bid, Norfolk 1, Va; 7th Coast Guard District, P O Box 2588, Miami 30, Fla; 8th Coast Guard District, P O Box 282, New Orleans 9, La; 9th Coast Guard District, 1700 Keith Bldg, Cleveland 15, Ohio; 11th Coast Guard District, 706 Times Bldg, Long Beach 2, Calif; 12th Coast Guard District, 913 Appraisers Bldg, 630 Sansome St, San Francisco 26, Calif; 13th Coast Guard District, New World Life Bldg, Seattle 4, Wash. Also Officer-ln-Charge, Coast Guard Motion Picture Unit, 42nd St & Second Av, Brooklyn 32, N Y USCofC Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1615 H St, NW, Washington 6, D C USDA U S Dept of Agriculture, Motion Picture Service, Office of Information, Washington 25, D C Films available for free loan or rental from 75 depositories in U.S., for purchase from Castle USDptState U S Dept of State. Office of Information & Educational Exchange, 35 W 45th St, New York 19 USFieldHockey United States Field Hockey Assn, Film Chairman, Helen Bina, 1327 Newport Av, Chicago 13, 111 USFIsh&Wildllfe U S Fish & Wildlife Service, Dept of the Interior, Washington 25, D C Or apply to the Regional Director: P O Box 1306, Albuquerque, N Mex; 310 Glenn Bldg, Atlanta 3, Ga; 838 Plymouth Bldg, Minneapolis 2, Minn; 600 Weatherly Bldg, Portland 14, Ore Or to the Technological Laboratory: 710 Appraisers Store Bldg, 408 Atlantic Av, Boston 10, Mass; P O Box 128, College Park, Md; 2725 Montlake Blvd, Seattle 2, Wash; P O Box 647, Ketchikan, Alaska USForestServ U S Forest Service, Washington 25, D C Apply to regional offices USGeolSurvey U S Geological Survey, Dept of the Interior, Washington 25, D C USIndian Serv Educational Film Laboratory, Office of Indian Affairs, U.S. Indian School, Santa Fe, N M USN Motion Picture Section, Office of Public Information, Executive Office of the Secretary, Navy Dept, Washington 25, D C Or apply to the nearest Naval District Public Information Office USoCalif University of Southern California, Audio-Visual Service Dept, 3518 University Av, Los Angeles 7, Calif USOffEd U S Office of Education, Washington 25, D C USPubHServ U S Public Health Service, Washington 25, D C Films available on loan to state and local health departments and schools of medicine and nursing. Others should apply to local health departments To purchase films, write for authorization forms to the Surgeon General, U S Public Health Service, Washington 25, D C USRubber United States Rubber Co, Advertising Dept, 1230 Sixth Av. New York 20 USSteel United States Steel Corp of Delaware, 436 Seventh Av, Pittsburgh 30, Pa Apply to the nearest Film Distribution Center: Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad Co, Brown-Marx Bldg, Birmingham 2, Ala; U S Steel Corp Subsidiaries, 208 S La Salle St, Chicago 90, 111; American Steel & Wire Co, Rockefeller Bldg, Cleveland 13, Ohio; U S Steel Corp of Delaware, 71 Broadway, New York 6; Columbia Steel Co, Russ Bldg, San Francisco 6, Calif USTreasury U S Treasury Dept, U S Savings Bonds Div, Washington 25, D C Apply to the Director of the U S Savings Bonds Division in your state USWeatherBur U S Weather Bureau, Dept of Commerce, Washington 25, D C UWF United World Films Inc, 1445 Park Av. New York 29 For bookings: 105 E 106th St, New York 29; 542 S. Dearborn St, Chicago, 111; 7356 Melrose Av, Hollywood 46, Calif V VA Veterans Administration, Visual Aids Service, Office of Public Relations, Washington 25, D C VaDeptCons Virginia Dept. of Conservation, Division of Publicity and Advertising, Richmond 19, Va. Valentino Thomas J. Valentino, 1600 Broadway, New York 19 VanCamp Van Camp Sea Food Co, Terminal Island, San Pedro, Calif VandeKamp Van de Kamp's Bakeries, 2930 Fletcher Dr, Los Angeles 26, Calif VaStDptEd Virginia State Dept of Education, Film Production Service, Richmond 16, Va Va,U University of Virginia, Bur of Teaching Materials, Extension Div, Box 14S7, University Station, Charlottesville, Va Venard The Venard Organization, 702 S Adams St, Peoria 2, 111 672