Educational film guide ()

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DIRECTORY OF MAIN SOURCES VFWNatHome Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home, Eaton Rapids, Mich Viking Viliing Pictures Corp, 115 E Huron St, Chicago 11. Ill VisEd Visual Education Inc, 3905 S Main St, Houston 4; 12th & Lamar Sts, Austin 21; 2010 N Field St. Dallas 1. Tex Vision Vision Educational Productions, 509 Fifth Av. New York 17 Vocational Guidance Films, Inc. See Mahnke sion, Div of Publicity & Advertising, Richmond 19, Va VtMarble Vermont Marble Co, 61 Main St, Proctor, Vt Apply to nearest branch office in Chicago, Dallas, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco (consult local telephone directory for street address) w Wilson Wilson Sporting Goods Co, 2037 N Campbell Av, Chicago 47, 111 WlneAdvlsoryBd Wine Advisory Board, 717 Market St. San Francisco. Calif WinterGarden Winter Garden Co, KnoxvUle, Tenn WisStConsvDpt Wisconsin State Conservation Dept. State Office Bldg, Madison 2. Wis Films loaned to any group in the U S, with exception of out of state schools WISjU University of Wisconsin, Bureau of Visual Instruction, Univ Extension Div, 1312 W Johnson St, Madison 6, Wis WIstar Wistar Institute, Woodland Av & 36th St, Philadelphia, Pa Wolf George E. Wolf, 3 Glenwood Av, Little Neck, N Y Wurtele Wurtele Film Productions, P O Box 504, Orlando, Fla WTW Williams-Tripp-Wright Film Company, 607 State National Building, Houston 2, Texas Wyo.U University of Wyoming, Wyoming Film Library, Laramie, Wyo WarnerPatterson Warner-Patterson Co, 920 S Michigan Av, Chicago 5, 111 WashApple Washington State Apple Commission, Yakima, Wash Wasli.StCol State College of Washington, Bureau of Visual Teaching, Pullman, Wash WaverlyPetroleum Waverly Petroleum Products Co, 460 Drexel Bldg, Philadelphia 6, Pa WCTU National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1730 Chicago Av, Evanston, 111 Weiss Louis Weiss, 4336 Sunset Blvd, Hollywood 27. Calif Western Elec Western Electric Co, Motion Picture Bur, 195 Broadway, New York 14 Or apply to local Bell telephone companies Western Reserve Western Reserve University, Audio-Visual Aids Div, Cleveland. Ohio Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Corp, Film Division, Box 868 511 Wood St, Pittsburgh 30, Pa Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Corp School Service 306 Fourth Av, P O Box 1017, Pittsburgh 30, Pa WestinghouseLima Westinghouse Electric Corp, Small Motor Div, Lima, Ohio Weyerhaeuser Weyerhaeuser Sales Co, First National Bank Bldg, St Paul 1, Minn Whitney John & James Whitney, 12018 Pa coima Court, N Hollywood, Calif Wilding Wilding Picture Productions Inc, 1345 Argyle St, Chicago 40, 111 WildLifeFlm Wild Life Films, 6063 Sunset Blvd, Hollywood 28, Calif Willow Willow Corp. 64 E Lake St, Chicago 1, 111; 13 E. 37 St, New York 16 WillowDist Willow Distributing Co., Inc., 13 E. 37th St., New York 16 New York X X-Ray X-Ray Inc, 4525 12th St, Detroit 8, Mich Yale Yale University .Press Film Service, 386 Fourth Av, New York 16 YaleDrama Yale University, Dept of Drama, New Haven, Conn Yorke Emerson Yorke Studio, 35 W 45th St, New York 19 Young, Wm Capt William E. Young, 127 Lexington Av, New York 16 Young H. G. W. Young Co, 82 Sudbury St, Boston 14, Mass YoungAmerIca Young America Films Inc, 18 E 41st St, New York 17 Youth Youth Films Inc, 7904 Santa Monica Blvd, Hollywood 46. Calif Zachrylnst Caroline Zachry Institute of Human Development, 17 E 96th St, New York 28 673