Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE, 1962 BITTER HARVEST. KING-TV 1960 54min sd b&w (Seattle reports ser) $186, freeloan c-ad Discusses the Importance of the farm economy to the States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Presents interviews with migrant workers and their families illustrating how they live and travel, what they eat. what they do for recreation, and other aspects of family and community life. Includes interviews of local residents which reflect community attitudes and knowledge about migrants LC card Fi A 62-119 BLACK PEPPER, RAJAH OF SPICES. Lewis Inc 1962 ISVzmln sd b&w or color free-loan Jh-sh-ad Sponsored by American Spice Trade ^^"' Shot in the jungles of Southern India, this film tells story of the world's most wanted spice, how it is planted, cultivated, harvested, traded and shipped, and then how it is ground and used commercially and m homes in the United States THE BLAST FURNACE. USSteel 1961 7y2min sd color free-loan sh-c-ad Guide Produced by John Sutherland Produc Shows steelmaking processes in the blast furnace BLOCKS. Campus 1958 16min sd b&w $50, rent $6; color $135, rent $10 p-el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Sponsored by Play School Assn. Describes how children use blocks to gain mastery over their ideas while giving their imaginative play a quality of reality. Shows children from ages five to eleven using blocks as a basis for creative play and stages of block building paralleling stages of growth. Describes how blocks encourage children to experiment, to improvise and to try out new ideas THE BLOOD. EBF 1960 16min sd (Biology ser) b&w $90. rent $4.50; color $180. rent $6.50 sh-c Guide Supplementing live action scenes with animation and photomicrography, tells the story of the highly complex tissue which is the lifeline of the body. Illustrates the composition of the blood, its circulation, and the work it does to support cell processes. Explains blood typing and the test for the Rh factor BLOOD AND FIRE. b&w $130, rent $7 Contem 1959 SOmin sd by c-ad National Film Board of Produced Canada A behind the scenes visit to observe how the Salvation Army goes about its work of soul redemption and its many forms of welfare work LC card Fi A 59-425 BLUEPRINT FOR TOMORROW. ArizU 1959 27i^min sd color $165, rent apply sh-c A tour of the University of Arizona campus, stressing research work being done, interesting courses offered, athletics, student activities, and outstanding graduates BOATS. See BOATS AND SHIPS BOATS AND SHIPS. EBF rev 1962 llmin sd b&w $60, rent $3.50; color $120, rent $5 p-el Guide Revision of 1938 film "Boats" Explains the historical development of boats and the difference between a boat and a ship. Shows the function of a lighthouse and a breakwater, as well as the operation of a commercial tunaboat. Visits a large ocean liner paying particular attention to the wheelhouse and shows a trip on a sailboat through a harbor LC card Fi A 62-869 BOLIVAR: SOUTH AMERICAN LIBERATOR. Coronet 1962 llmin sd b&w $60, color $110 Jh-sh Guide Shows locales in Venezuela. Ecuador. Peru, and Colombia in this biography of the liberator of five South American countries and his dream of a united South America. Explains factors which led Simon Bolivar to abandon his fortune and position and relates his life to the development of democracy in South America LC card Fi A 62-36 BOLIVIAN BOY. Contem 1959 15min sd color $150. rent $7.50 el-Jh-sh Produced by Potomac Films Shows the life of a ten-year old Ayrnara Indian boy living on the Altiplano in Bolivia. Follows the boy as he goes with his father to La Paz to get a toy truck. Contrasts modern buildings and streets with those of the past. Describes the dreams of the boy as he returns to his poor farmhouse LC card Fi A 59-360 BOOKS FOR BEAVER RIVER. CanNFB 1961 20min sd b&w $90. rent $5 p-el-ad Shows the operation of the regional library system of north central Saskatchewan, and shows how the town of Beaver River gets its librarv EFLA evaluation card No. 4777 THE BOTTLE AND THE THROTTLE. Davis. Sid 1961 lOmin sd b&w $60. color $120 sh-c-ad Guide Reveals the dangers of drinking and driving through careful reference to statistics compiled by the National Safety Council and the American Medical Association. Tells the story of two teen-agers who. as an aftermath to a beer party, are involved in a serious accident LE BOURGEOIS GENTILHOMME. See THE WOULD BE GENTLEMAN BOWLING. Bruns-Bal 1961 15min sd color free p-el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Fred A. Niles Productions A film without narration to acquaint audiences in Europe, Africa, South America. Central America. Asia, and Australia with the sport of ten-pin bowling. Relates the activity or bowling to the other recreational features that are typical of a ten-pin bowling establishment, including the bar. restaurant, billiard room, and nā€”^'-'^ry LC card Fi A 61-322 BOY IN THE DARK. Broadman 1961 28min sd b&w $180, rent $9 sh-c-ad Using a dramatization about a ten-yearold boy of a well-to-do socially prominent family, shows that the indifference of parents can lead to violent tragedy in the lives of their children LC card Fi A 61-511 BOY TO MAN. Churchill 1962 16min sd b&w $90, rent $3.50; color $165, rent $5 Jh-sh Guide Explains some of the common manifestations of physiological maturation, including the superficial changes of growth, skin, voice, and body hair, and the more complicated phenomena of glandular changes and sexual maturation LC card Fi A 62-786 EFLA evaluation card No. 4778 THE BOYHOOD OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Coronet 1962 llmin sd b&w $60, color $120 p-el Guide Filmed in the authentically reconstructed vilage and boyhood home at Rockport. Ind. this film recreates Lincoln's boyhood of nearpoverty and long hours of hardwork. Encouraged by his stepmother in his desire for learning, the boy Lincoln early developed those qualities of honesty. responsibility, humor, and a capacity for hard work which were to make him a great pre.sident LC card Fi A 62-803 BOYS BEWARE. Davis,Sid 1961 lOmin sd b&w $60. color $120 Jh Guide Tells the serious problem of the homosexual in good taste. Case histories show the various approaches the homosexual may use ā€” most important, points out the pattern and danger signs so they can easily be detected BRAIDING AND LACING. AmHandicrafts 1960 15min sd color $92. free-loan Jh-sh-ad Demonstrates the technique of wrapping and of making a lanyard, a bolo-tie bracelet, and earrings with Craftstrip coated lace LC card Fi A 61-1057