Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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ALPHABETICAL TITLE LIST COLORS ARE USEFUL. Dowling 1961 llmin sd color $110 p-el Guide Points out that colors are not only a deliffht to the eyes, but serve to help identify things, keep things warm or cool, aid in pollenation. and as a means of both protection and deception in the world of animals EFLA evaluation card No. 4708 COMBINATION CONVENIENCE. Maytag 1961 4i^min sd b&w or color (Linda Marshall Homemaker ser) freeloan Ih-sh-c-ad Produced by Douglas Productions Shows laundry planning when building, buying or remodeling a home. Discusses where and why laundry might be conveniently placed in the home and gives particular attention to possibilities of combination washerdryer COME WITH ME MY BROTHER. Women's AmORT 1962 29min sd b&w $75, rent $1& Jh-sh-c-ad Deals with two major areas of the work of the "Women's American Organization for Rehabilitation and Training — Europe and North Africa. Discusses a Jewish generation uprooted from North Africa, revealing a new aspect of CRT's vocational education program and its successful combatting of demoralization and delinquency COMEBACK. Assn 1961 27min sd color freeloan c-ad Produced by Joe Hein for Comeback. Inc. Takes the viewer on a tour of a modern rehabilitation center, and compares outdated methods of treatment to present-day techniques. Tells story of a child who withdraws into himself as a result of being cripped by poliomyelitis and shows the methods of treatment which lead to his recovery COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WINDOWS AND DOORS. RepubSteel 1959 35min sd color freeloan c-ad Produced by Wilding. Inc. . , Shows various types of heavier metal windows and doors for all types of industrial and commercial buildings LC card Fi A 62-17 COMMON LAW. VirginiaEd 1961 13min sd color $90. rent $3 sh-c-ad Traces history of common law from its establishment in the United States at Jamestown. Virginia, in 1607. to modern times, and relates common law to contemporary lives and freedoms LC card Fi A 61-432 COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. WayneStU 1960 30min sd color (Physical diagnosis ser) $195. rent $5 c-ad Sponsored by Ciba Pharmaceutical Tells the need for teaching materials in the area of communicable diseases. Shows and describes such cases as roseola infantum, measles, chicken pox. mumps, scarlet fever, whooping cough, meningitis, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, and blastomycotoc lesions of the skin LC card Fi A 62-1004 COMMUNIST ACCENT ON YOUTH. Pepperdine 1961 30min sd b&w (Crisis for Americans ser) $140 Jh-sh-c-ad Explores how basic philosophies of Socialist communism contrast with those of a free republic; how Communist leaders think and act. and how they manipulate and exploit students and youth throughout the world to serve their goal of world domination COMMUNIST ENCIRCLEMENT. NatEdProg 1961 30min sd b&w rent $25; color $150. rent $5 sh-c-ad , Shows the continued growth of the worldwide Red conspiracy. Its history and tactics. Includes scenes of the Cuban takeover. Congo crisis and Laos situation THE COMMUNITY. EBF 1962^ llmin sd (Biology ser) b&w $60. rent $3.50: color $120. rent $5 ^ /^ -^ sh-c Guide Shows the biologist's concept of the community— as a group of plants and animals, each adapted to the same physical conditions and each with a particular role to play. Demonstrates that in all communities the basic niches or functional roles of the organisms remain the same COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. Sutherland 1962 llmin sd color $120 p-ei Guide Follows activities of a young boy who goes to a modern hospital to have his tonsils out. and shows how he is prepared for the operation. Points out that many people work together to promote community health LC card Fi A 62-718 EFLA evaluation card No. 4784 COMPETITION IN BUSINESS. Coronet 1961 13%min sd b&w $75. color $137.50 Jh-sh Guide Explains concepts underlying business competition and shows how competition and its key factor, variety, are basic to our free enterprise system. Discusses how competition, both direct and indirect, works on several levels, including price, service, quality, and the development of new and improved products LC card Fi A 61-1072 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE. AmHeart 1960 8min sd color $50. rent $3.50 sh-c-ad Produced by ChurchillWexler Film Productions Discusses causes and mechanism of congestive failure and explains what the patient and doctor may do to give relief and prevent recurrence LC card Fi A 61-403 EFLA evaluation card No. 4421 THE CONGRESS. EBF rev 1961 20min sd b&w $120, rent $5.50 Jh-sh-ad Guide Revision of 1954 film Presents a dramatic demonstration of the powers and duties of the Congress. A community's need for a flood control program is traced from the action of a local committee to the campaign of a congressman, through debate in congressional committee to final action on the Senate floor LC card Fi A 62-865 CONQUEST OF DARKNESS. Assn 1961 28min sd color freeloan sh-c-ad Produced by Gateway Film Productions for the Salvation Army Tells how the Salvation Army's international hand reaches out to a continent in turmoil, to aid the bUnd in Africa. Offers enlightened inspiration about one of the many services performed by an Army of peace LC card Fi A 62-735 CONQUEST OF THE ATOM. IntFlmBur 1960 22min sd color $195. rent $12.50 sh-c Produced by Educational Foundation for Visual Aids Recreates experiments of J. J. Thompson, who proved that the atom can be separated into electrons and positive particles; Ernest Rutherford, who proved that the atom consists of a central core — the nucleus — with one or more electrons circulating around it; Sir John Cockcroft. who split the lithium atom by proton bombardment; Sir James Chadwick. who discovered the neutron, and Hahn and Strassman. who split the uranium atom by neutron bombardment. Shows that in an atomic pile the chain reaction is controlled so that a continuous supply of energy can be produced THE CONSTANT WITNESS. Broadman 1961 30min sd color $210. rent $10.50 ad Shows how. through the efforts of a faithful witnessing Christian, a wife rededicates her life, a husband accepts Christ, and a marriage is saved LC card Fi A 61-917 13