Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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EDUCATIONAL FILM GUIDE, 1962 CONSTELLATIONS. GUIDES TO THE NIGHT SKY. IndU 1961 llmin sd b&w $50. rent $2: color $100. rent $3.25 el-jh-sh Shows the easily recognized constellations and celestial objects in northern and southern skies. Relates constellations to their mythological origins. Acquaints the viewer with some of the types of stars and other celestial objects that can be seen only through a telescope CONTOURING YOUR FIGURE. EducHor 1961 lOmin sd color $110 jh-sh-c-ad Guide Demonstrates the correct and effective body contouring techniques in physical education, health, body mechanics and personal grooming COOLING SYSTEM. UnionCarb 1957 12min sd b&w freeloan Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Explains the operation and maintenance of the auto cooling system COPPER ENAMELING. AmHandicrafts 1956 15min sd color $77. free-loan Jh-sh-ad Demonstrates step-by-step enameling on metal LC card Fi A 61-997 COPPER TOOLING AND MANUFACTURING. AmHandicrafts 1956 29min sd color $132. free-loan Jh-sh-ad Shows steps in the production of copper foil in a Chase Brass and Copper Company plant. Demonstrates techniques used in tooling and finishing copper foil pictures LC card Fi A 61-1000 THE CORN BELT. IndU 1961 17min sd (United States geographical regions ser) b&w $75; color $150. rent $5.50 el-Jh Shows the importance of corn as an economic commodity. Illustrates the nature of the corn belt in sixtyone widely scattered locations. Explains how farm mechanization, the development of hybrid seeds and fertilizers have increased production with the resulting rise in the farmers' standard of living. Emphasizes the economic interdependence of this region to the whole of the United States A CORONARY In THE DISORDERED MIND (4 films) CORRECT APPLICATION OF MISS CLAIROL In CLAIROL TEACHING PACKAGE (2 films) THE COSTLY CROWD. PlannedParent 1961 24i/4min sd color $125 sh-c-ad Produced by Parthenon Pictures Shows that the radical population expansion in the United States has created severe economical, social, political and human problems which will develop into serious threats to the soundness of this country if they go unheeded. Shows the fallacy of the premise that "more babies mean more business and prosperity for everyone" THE COTTON BELT: YESTERDAY AND TODAY. IndU 1961 17min sd (United States geographical regions ser) b&w $75; color $150. rent $5.50 el-Jh Describes changes that have taken place in the southern states where cotton was, or still is being grown. Pictures 71 locations to illustrate the cotton belt's geographic area. Explains how farmers have begun to concentrate on crops other than cotton and emphasizes that although mechanized cotton growing is still a major agricultural activity, it is no longer king COTTON FERTILIZATION. CalifSprav 1961 13mln sd color free-loan jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Ingraham Productions Shows growing of cotton from seeding to harvest in the Arizona cotton country. Discusses need of a continuous fertilizerfeeding program in order to produce high yields and top quality, and describes roles of the chemical company with its product and field service, and the farmer who must incorporate these new concepts into his farming operation. Explains how scientific cultural practices and intelligent use of chemical fertilizers provide part of the answer of the need of more food and fiber for the increasing population of the world LC card Fi A 61-323 COTTON IN TODAY'S WORLD. Coronet 1961 llmin sd b&w $60, color $110 el-Jh-sh Guide Scenes filmed in Egypt, India, Mexico, Indonesia, and England present a brief historical background of the growing of cotton and indicate its important place in the economy of the world today. Shows modern American methods of growing, spraying, picking, and ginning cotton, and includes views of some of the finished products LC card Fi A 61-400 EFLA evaluation card No. 4710 THE COUNTRY STORE. FilmAssoc 1962 12min sd b&w $70, rent $3.75; color $130, rent $6.25 el-Jh-sh Guide Discusses the role of the country store in American history, explaining that the country store was a social point where people gathered to exchange ideas and gossip, and where community problems were aired and solved; explains that the storekeeper acted as postmaster and pharmacist. Points out that as transportation improved, the role of the country store diminished LC card Fi A 62-321 COVERING OLE MISS. MissU 1962 20min sd b&w $75. free-loan sh-c Shows production of an issue of the University of Missisippi campus newspaper. The Mississippian LC card Fi A 62-676 CRAFTSMANSHIP AND AUTOMATION. Field Ent I960 22min sd color free-loan Jh-sh-c-ad Shows one of the world's largest and most modern printing plants as The World book encyclopedia is printed and bound. Views machinery in operation under actual production conditions and many aspects of graphic arts production. Portrays craftsmen at their skills in each step of the printing and binding opera EFLA evaluation card No. 4529 CRATERS OF THE MOON: IDAHO'S NATIONAL MONUMENT. IdahoDptComm 1961 12min sd b&w $57.50; color $115. free-loan el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide A tour of Craters of the Moon National Monument, showing the main cinder cones and moonlike craters, the large lava flows, the sponge type rock, the spatter bombs and the small plant and animal life at the volcanic area LC card Fi A 62-114 CRISIS ON THE KANAWHA. Finley 1962 24min sd color $200 Jh-sh-c-ad Sponsored by Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission Discusses the industrial wastes that cause water pollution. Describes with particular emphasis on the complex of chemical industries on the Kanawha River in West Virginia, how industry is spending millions of dollars to build industrial waste treatment facilities to prevent water pollution CROSS SECTION OF AMERICA. GenMot 1961 21min sd color free-loan Jh-sh-c-ad Shows the intensive rigorous automotive testing that goes on around the clock, at the General Motors Proving Grounds, pointing out that this is a serious scientific operation with highly skilled technicians using specialzed instrumentation and advanced electronic computers LC card Fi A 61-882 14