Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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ALPHABETICAL TITLE LIST SMEAR AND SQUASH TECHNIQUES. Thome 1961 5Vgmin sd color (Biological techniques ser) $55, rent $5 sh-c Correlated with the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study textbook "High school biol Illustrates the preparation and use of onion root tip and "Tradescantia" bud m a quick and easy method of making slides in the classroom for the study of mitosis. Includes photomicrographs to show the obtainable results LC card Fi A 62-41 SNAILS: BACKYARD SCIENCE. FilmAssoc 1962 llmin sd b«&w $60, rent apply; color $120, rent apply p Guide Shows the common backyard snail: it moves slowly and will not harm us; it lives in damp and shady places; it has two pairs of stalks on its head, with eyes at the end of the longer pair; it has a shell which helps protect its soft, moist body from drying out SNOW. FilmAssoc 1961 13min sd b&w $75, rent $3.75; color rent $6.05 Jh-sh Guide Produced by National Film Board of Canada Presents various facts about snow, explaining that it has behavior patterns, that it changes forin in order to survive, and that its whiteness has purpose. Animation and photography show snowflakes forming In the upper atmosphere, to illustrate why the smooth crystals of "powder" snow are a favorite of skiers, while the congealing crystals of "corn" may warn of the impending sweep of an avalanche LC card Fi A 62-65 SNOWS OF AORANGI. Brest 1958 llmin sd color $145 e!-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by New Zealand Screen Board Shows high altitude skiing in New Zealand SOMETHING FOR THE GIRLS. GirlS 1962 28min sd color $120, rent $5 p-el-jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by George Stoney Associates Describes the highlights of girl-scouting dunng the past 50 years, using old newsreel footage, rare photographs, and specially filmed scenes of scouting today. Features a family that has been active in scouting for three generations LC card Fi A 62-277 SONG OF THE PRAIRIE. Rembrandt 1957 19mm sd b&w $75, rent $5; color $175, rent $10 el-ad Produced by Jiri Trnka A puppet play, complete with singing hero, innocent heroine, mustachioed villain, the stagecoach robbery, chase, gunflght and rescue. Ppkes fun at the stereotyped Hollywood musical western ^^^^91 i^l^P .iP.'^NC^S OF MAORILAND. NZealEmb 1961 13min sd color free-loan sh-c-ad ivTo^,,-^^®"^^^ traditional songs and dances of the rlu.^i^ performed in natural surroundings. InSif ^'n^^ °^ Maori carving, weaving and a model village at Rotorua, North Island SONGS. OF THE AUVERGNE. Janus 1961 17min sd b&w $125. rent $15 "*"'"» ■^^'ox el-ad r.f +hF^^}^^^^ ^^? ^^}^y ^ife and appearances ^LfJj^o,'Sr^^''^i?^^ village in this ancient and ^^ t^I^K^^^"^^^ province to the accompaniment of traditional music of the area THE SOUNDS OF LANGUAGE In PRINCIPLES AND METHOD*; of 75EACHING A SECOND LANGUAGE SOUTH AMERICA. IntFlmFd 1960 27min sd color (World affairs ser) $275, rent $10 Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Covers the continent of South America in live photography from life in the high plateaus of the Andes to the lowlands of the Amazon. Shows life on the farm with its poverty, in the city where the poor people live on the hillsides, and among the Indian population, and the mestizo. Discusses industry, religion, politics and history EFLA evaluation card No. 4264 SOUTH AMERICA. See SUDAM^RICA, CONTINENTE DE GRAN PORVENIR (2 films) SOUVENIRS FROM SWEDEN. Creativision 1961 22min sd b&w $82.50. free-loan; color $242.50, freeloan el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by Svensk Filmindustri for Swedish Institute A souvenir search by a young American visitor recalls scenes from Arctic Lapland to Sweden's sunny southland. Inanimate souvenirs spring to life to tell about Swedish culture, economy, and people and to show Sweden's scenic splendors SPAIN IN THE NEW WORLD: COLONIAL LIFE IN MEXICO. EBF 1961 13min sd b&w $75, rent $4; color $150, rent $6 el-Jh-sh-ad Guide Describes colonial Mexico when it was a part of the Spanish crown. Includes views of a Spanish nobleman who was master of a great hacienda, of a priest who was missionary to the Indians, of Indians who labored in silver mines and on the haciendas, and of soldiers, plantation overseers, and artisans of the period. Points out that many traditions which date back to Spain are still a vital part of Mexico today LC card Fi A 61-897 SPAIN— THREE OF ITS FACES. UW 1962 18min sd color $195 Jh-sh-ad Guide Produced by Dudley Pictures Corp. Depicts the significant regional insulation that characterizes this charming and beautiful country. First the rugged, yet fertile, Basque area along the Bay of Biscay is shown through the activties of a farmer. In sharp contrast is the province of Murcia in the hot, dry uplands where young Felipe Escondido shows us something of the hard life on the parched meseta. Visits Castile in the central plain where we see many famous sights of the capital city of Madrid SPECIFIC PROPERTIES In STAINLESS STEEL— THE MIRACLE METAL (4 films) SPELLING FOR BEGINNERS. Coronet 1961 llmin sd b&w $60, color $110 p Guide Introduces four spelling helpers, look, listen, say. and write, to enable a child to cope with difflcult-to-spell words. Suggests ways of practicing with these helpers for better spelling LC card Fi A 61-1076 SPORTS d'HIVER. See FUN IN WINTER SPRING BRINGS CHANGES. Churchill 1961 llmin sd b&w $60. rent $2.50; color $110, rent $4 p Guide Correlated with the Heath Elementary science texts by Herman and Nina Schneider Explains that in the spring the sun warms the earth and the world comes alive. Shows the farmer as he plows the fields, and children as they plant a vegetable garden. Viexvs of nature photography depict the wealth of changes m plants and animals LC card Fi A 62-23 EFLA evaluation card No. 4622 sd color $120. rent $6 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Produced by Guy D. Haselton ^f +V, Shows the characteristics and purposes °L}^^ ^°"/ seasons and tells the story of the water cycle and its importance to all life on 57