Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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ALPHABETICAL TITLE LIST STRANGERS TO HOPE. AmFrlendsServ 1961 22min sd b&w $50. free-loan sh-ad Shows how Quakers helped 300,000 Algerian refugees in North Africa — men. women, and children THE STUFF OF LIFE In VIRUS (8 films) SUBMERGED GLORY— A STUDY IN STONE. Contem 1962 28min sd b&w $75, rent $7.50 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Ptx)duced by United Nations Abu Simbel. a pair of ffigantic temples carved from solid Nubian rock 3,200 years ago at the command of Pharaoh Ramese II. and other treasures of antiquity are threatened with inundation by the waters soon to rise at the Aswan Dam in Egypt, Shows these treasures and outlines UNESCO s world-wide campaign to save this great heritage of mankind SUBURBAN LIVING: SIX SOLUTIONS. Int FlmBur 1961 59min sd b&w $250. rent $17.50 ad Produced by National Film Board of Canada , , . , ., Examines large-scale solutions to the problems of designing surburbs to serve all needs. Presents six suburban neighborhoods — five abroad and one in North America. Shows homes and apartments with shopping areas and schools an integral part of the planning, and beauty of site an important aspect EFLA evaluation card No, 4582 SUDAMtRICA, CONTINENTE DE GRAN PORVENIR (2 films) IntFlmBur 1961 sd color set $295 sh Spanish narration. Intended for advanced students of Spanish Part 1. 16min $185. Deals with historical and geographical forces which have moulded South America — the divisive chain of the Andes; the arrival of the Conquistadores ; the treatment of the native Indian; the profound influence of the church, and the aristocratic tradition and paternal concept of the hacienda owners Part 2, ISmin $145. Provides a detailed look at the hacienda and strides taken to convert a hacienda-dominated society into a democratic one. Key factors in South America's progress are the growing prominence of a new middle class and recognition of the limitations of a onecrop economy. Sequences show development of natural resources and industrialization SUN VALLEY SKI SCHOOL. UnionPacif 1958 20min sd color free -loan Jh-sh-c-ad .Presents a course in the art of skiing, showmg the teaching methods used by experts at Sun Valley. Idaho LC card Fi A 61-493 SUNDAY. Contem 1962 16min sd b&w purchase apply, rent apply ad Produced by Dan Drasin . Photographed one Sunday afternoon in April 1961 during a demonstration protesting a police ban on folksinging in New York City's Washington Square, this is nineteen -yearold Dan Drasin s attempt to convey his impressions while being there SUNDAY ON THE RIVER. Filmlm 1962 26min sd b&w $165. rent $15 Jh-sh-c-ad .Produced by Gordon Kitchens and Ken Resnick Surveys Harlem Negroes and their way of life. Shows how they worship, how they relax on a day off. how they use their leisure time Ld card Fi A 62-130 SURF BOATS OF ACCRA. Contem 1962 16min sd color $150. rent $7.50 el-ad . For five hundred years cargo on the Guinea coast of Africa has been carried by Fanti crews to the beach by surf boats. Now with new manmade harbours the charm and grace of these boats is captured before they become a tourist's rarity with the swift progress of modernization SURF RIDERS. UW 1961 9min sd b&w (Sport parade ser) $23.95 sh-c-ad Silent version available. $10.95 Shows surf board daredevils risking their necks to ride the roaring swells SURREALISM. Bailey 1962 7min sd color (Understanding modern art ser) $70, rent $3 Jh-sh-c Guide Produced by Wayne Thiebaud Shows that the surrealists take things out of their usual settings and rearrange them into situations that are unnatural and often weird. Paintings are sometimes halfday. halfnight, reflecting the space and time of the mind. Surrealistic symbols offer a quality of intrigue and mystery EFLA evaluation card No. 4805 SWAN DIVE AND FRONT JACK-KNIFE. UW 1958 lOmin sd color $120 Jh-sh-c-ad Stop-motion and slow-motion scenes on the 1 -meter board and in midair analyze the steps in achieving form and perfection. Demonstrates arm and body layout position for swan dive. Shows muscular control needed for peak position in jack-knife, and strengthening exercises for abdominal muscles used in swan dive and front jack-knife SWEATING WINDOWS. RepubSteel 1959 23min sd color freeloan c-ad Produced by Wilding. Inc. Shows the damage that can occur in the home as a result of condensation as evidenced by sweating windows, and discusses steps that can be taken to control or correct this condition LC card Fi A 62-15 SWEDISH FAMILY STORY. See SWEDISH LIFE SWEDISH LIFE. Bailey rev 1962 16min sd b&w $85; color $150, rent $7.50 el-Jh Guide Revision of 1956 film "Swedish family story" Takes us to Stockholm where we see the Lindstrom family living in one of the apartment houses. Follows Sigrid and Lars to school and accompanies Mrs Lindstrom on a shopping trip. Discusses Sweden's educational system, social services, recreation. industries, arts and crafts, farms, and city life. Views the Lindstrom family at dinner and evening activities LES SYLPH IDES. Contem 1958 4%min sd b&w $50. rent $5 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Produced by George K. Arthur Excerpt of Galina Ulanova's performance. Chopin's music rendered by the Symphonia Orchestra of London SYMBOLS IN ALGEBRA. Coronet 1961 llmin sd b&w $60, color $110 Jh-sh Guide Shows how algebra employs symbols which permit us to arrive at general rules for working with numbers. Illustrates how a symbol may also be used to represent an unknown quantity in an equation, as an aid in solving specific problems LC card Fi A 61-307 THE SYSTEM. RepubSteel 1960 39min sd b&w free-loan ad Produced by Wilding. Inc. Uses case histories to explain the factors involved in choosing the right stainless steel LC card Fi A 61-196 TAIWAN, THE FACE OF FREE CHINA. GoldReel 1960 26%min sd b&w $100. rent $7.50; color $199, rent $7.50 el-Jh-sh-c-ad Guide Depicts the history, geography, people, religion and customs of Taiwan. Shows land reform program, growing industries, self-government, "East-West Cross-Island Highway." Gives Americans a clear idea of everyday life in Free China EFLA evaluation card No. 4514 59