Educational film guide. Supplements ()

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SUBJECT INDEX .juu^ Deere, John The broken plain Defenses, National. See United States — Defenses Defenses, Radar. See Radar defense networks Delinquency, Juvenile. See Juvenile delinquency Delinquents. See Crime and criminals Democracy The meaning of democracy Dentistry. See Teeth Design. See Clothing and dress; Costume design; Textile design Detectives. See Criminal investigation Dies (Metaiworking) Teamwork (ModernTP) Diet. See Nutrition Digestion Digestion in our bodies Disasters. See Accidents Disciples of Christ Little man stand tall ^3 9y3 Discipline of children. See School discipline Discrimination Challenge to America (Anti-Def) A morning for Jimmy Our race problem (2 films) Diseases, Infectious. See Contagion and contagious diseeises Diseases, Mental. See Mental Illness Dishes, See Pottery Displaced persons. See Refugees District schools. See Rural schools Diving, Submarine Profoundeur 4050 <j»m6'=» Dogs Five little pups (UW) Dolls Hopl kachinaa Domestic animals Old MacDonald's Farm (UW) Tomorrow's foodpower See also names of animals, i.e. Hogs. Horses: etc. Domestic relations. See Marriage: Parent and child as>J3 Earthworms jai3 Earthworm anatomy East Ancient cities of the East East (Near East). See Near East East Africa, See Africa. East Economic assistance Our foreign aid objectives Sounds of the earth Economic zoology. See Zoology, Economic Economics Eddie. Incorporated , ^ Europe without frontiers .■^' Ecuador ,-, Geography of South America (3 nims) '-'^ Education .'^'-^ Can America afford better schools? Our problems in education See also Religious education: Schools: Teaching Finance .imj '^^ Secret of freedom Watch out for Ollie Education, Elementary ofn3 Providing for individual differences Ready for school .*::;-,., i(,a,..'ic!qfft3 Writing in second grade ». r i --^ Education, Military. See Military educa;tion Education, Religious. See Religious education Education, Secondary James B. Oonant Education of the blind. See Blind Educational films. See Moving pictures In education Educational guidance. See Personnel service in education Educational psychology , . Moitivation through unit teaching Educational tests and measurements. Se6 32teiital tests Efficiency, Industrial The case of the missing magnets The principles and application of work sampling /xn3 Eisenstein, Sergei Sergei Eisenstein '8 .rtD-^UlO 'r.Q0D8!O3 Elections ' "^^ Characteristics of the electorate The electoral college on3 Representation and gerrymandering Waging a campaign and winning an election Dooley, Thomas Anthony Biography of a cancer iiir.s a-. Doves. See Mourning doves ■ ^^' ' Drainage. See Plumbing Drama A salute to the American theatre ••rr"-^-'-^ See also Theater Drivers, Automobile. See Automobile drivers Ducks Black ducks along the border Ducks invited Poultry on the farm Elections, Presidential. See Presidents Electric conductors Semi-conductors (2 Alms) Electric motors Modernizing motors Electric waves Radio waves oriT i(ii3 'ouoliS Electric welding Industrial gases and shielded arc welding Electricity Electrical safety in the home Elecitricity: How it is generated Electricity: Principles of safety See also Magnetism Earth Magnetic force Radio waves The shape of the earth See also Atmosphere: Geography: Geol' ogy: Ocean ■ ' ' Electromagnetic waves. See Electric waves Eiectromagnetism Exploring electromagnetic energy Electromagnets Electromagnets: how they work uB !U3 69