Projection Apparatus (1917)

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Bausch & Lomb Optical C o m p a n y Figure 3—Model D Attachment for Opaque Objects. Microscope Attachments Figure 4— Model D Balopticon with Medium Microscope. The Model D makes an excellent outfit for microscopical projection since it •^commodates either the Medium Microscope or the Large Projection Microscope (see Accessories”). The microscope is mounted on a hinged arm an d the lantern slide projection lens on a swinging arm so that either may be 'hstantly swung into the optical axis, thereby giving instant interchange between the two forms of projection. When the Balopticon is equipped with the Large Projection Microscope, aving special substage condensers for use with objectives of all powers, the est results are obtained by adding the Aspheric Condenser of 60 mm diameter, w hich is particularly designed for microscopical projection. To make its use convenient, two swinging arms, shown in Figure 5, are employed. The one next to e lamp house carries the aspheric condenser on one side and the regular lantern s 'de condenser on the other. The swinging arm on the lantern slide carrier support holds the third condenser of the triple system on one side and affords a j ear aperture on the other. When using the microscope, the lantern slide con- e nsers are swung out and only the aspheric condenser used. In this way the 41