The New York Clipper (January 1905)

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JANUARY?. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1001 I "^r OHorus Success for 1 9€>€S. A IintmntMroal Hit Everywhere. Toiillaers »re receiving two and three encores I !•"• the Bmt Knd Hodr Written In Year*. Thle *»>■ will get you the Salary. Sareit thing Ktgular 1'Iano Copies Ha, by mall upon (ecelDt I Ightly. _ job know, by mall upon receipt of poetage stamps. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.—There are few changes In the local theatrical offering for the current week for the hold-over shows are of such strength as to assure another week of ca- pacity business. The new plays are: "A Race for Life," at the Grand Opera House; "Saints and Sinners," at the Castle Square, and "Blue Jeans," at the Bowdola Square. "Beyond," the mystical drama, comes .to Stelnert Hall for Its return Boston engagement. Sarah French, In "The "Little Princess," continues at the Bijou, where she Is drawing good sized audiences. The usual weekly change of bill la made at the different vaudeville end bur- lesque bouses, among which there Is keen competition .at present. Monday, Jan. 2, it not generally observed here as h holiday, and extra matinees are few- In number.- colonial Tueatuk. (Chas. Frohman, Rich &, Harris, managers).—Nat C. Goodwin, In "The Tjsurper," scored a solid success last week. Jammed houses at all performances praised his clever acting In the character of John Maddor. The work of Ruth Mackay, (ieorric Menduin, Ethel iteale and Ellle N'or- woodi of the supporting cast, was also note- worthy. The current week 1b the second mid last of the engagement. Monday, Jan. IP, brings Edna May, in "The School Girl." Street Theatre (Isaac B. Rich, manager).—"The Rogers Bros. In Paris" was given a grand welcome last week, the B. It. O. sign being constantly in use. The second week opens Monday evening, Jan. 2. Extra matinees, will he given on Wednesday dur- ing'the remainder of the engagement. John Drew, In "The Duke of Klllicrankie," begins a fortnight's stay Jan. 10. Tabs: Theatre (Chas. Frohman, Rich & Harris, managers). — On Monday evening, .Inn. '-', Henry Miller, in "Joseph Entangled. enters noon his second and last week at the I'nrk. Excellent sized gatherings were in at- tendance last week, and the play and "star" met with approval. "Mr. Wlx of Wickham, and the Merry Shop Mrls," follows Jan. 0. Tukmont Theatre (Jno. B. Schoeffel, man- ager).—Monday evening, Jan. 2, marks the opening of the fourth week of Geo. Adc's "Tin! County Chairman." Large and appre- ciative audiences were in attendance last \vcek.-..'i. iK. Hackett, In "Fortunes of the King," Jan. 2,1. Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers).—With a 1 special New Year's matinee, Monday, 2, Richard Carle begins his second week in "The Tenderfoot." Judging from the large patronage, the piece Is having a more prosperous ruu than when seen here lust week. Wright Lorliner, In "The Shcp- lien}. King," returns for. an IndcUnite run Jan. 10. Boston Theatre- (Lawrence McCarty, manager).—Opening Monday evening, Jan. -. " 'Way Down East" begins Its fourth and last week at this house. The piny has al- ways been a favnrlto with Bostonlans, and {(nod houses ruled for the past three weeks. Mme. Itejane follows Jan. 0, for two weeks of repertory. Globe Theatre (Stair & Wttbur, mana- gers).—Haiiloim' "Superba" opens its sec- ond and Inst week with a special New Year's matinee Monday, 2., The attraction Is prov- ing the best drawing card of the season at this house. Next Monday evening brings the Rays,'in "Down the Pike." Giianii Opkka IIoi'kh (Geo. W. Magce, man- ager).—"A llaco for Life" will serve lo en- thuse patrons of tills popular priced house New- Year's week. Kdwln Waller heads the cast. The bill last week was "Tracked Around the World," and It packed I hi* house. Castle SgtTARH Tukatbh (I*. 8. Dcland, inatiager).—"Saints and Sinners" is the offering of the stock company for the current days. Kate llyan, of the old Boston Mu- seum company. "Is Co appear In ♦his week's production. "Under Two Flags" was well patronized last week. "The Helmet of Na- varre'.' next week. ttowboiN Suiiaiih (G. E. Lnlhrop, mana- ger).—'^IJliio Jeans" follows "Jesse James," which thrilled largo houses last week. Next week's nil! Is the popular "Still Alarm." Keith's Tiiuathb (B. F. Keith, manager). —rA well balanced bill this week is beaded by the Four Mortons, well liked here. The other potent cards are: Jules and Ella Garri- son. Mary Dupont, liedlnl * Arthur's Come- dians, Doherty's poodles, Elmer Tvnloy, Or- pheus Four, Tom Almond, Carter and Blu- fmil. Lavender and "J'oinson. l.ulgl Dcll'Oro, Hilly Carter, nnd "The Chicken Thief," In (lie biography It was necessary to atop sell- ing tickets Inst week at most every perform- ance, so great was the crush. The Christmas trees, for the children proving a taking nov- elty. Music Halt, (C. W. Anderson, manager). —Ireland's Own Band, which scored such a success hero last week, holds over on the cur- rent bill, f The playing of this band Is the licst heard In this city for n long time. New acts this week are: George Fuller Golden, Ho Irwin and Walter Hawley. Gasch Sisters, Hacker-Lester Trio, Nlcuols Sisters. Tommy Russell and Co., and the vltagraph. Last week's features, In addition to the bnnd, were: Wright Huntington nnd Co., Will Archie. "Enigmarelic'' and Allenels' trained npe. Crowded houses ruled. ■ IlnwAiiD Athenaeum (Carl D. Lothrop, business manager).—The New Year's bill at this house Includes: Railcy and Madison, Mouller Sisters, Faulton and Dooley, Burke and Dempsey, Cook and Clinton, Uniersoii ii nd Omega. Fred Stubcr, Marlon and Deane, La Vine nod Leonard, Harry B. Lester, Hall- man and Collins, Bohme and Manny, Siddon Bros., the Belfords ami the kinetograph. The Howard Burlcsqucrs, In "New Leaves, round out the bill. Holiday records of this house wore broken last weak with Le Boy and Glnyton, the Dick Cooley Trio and the Dol- lar Troupe as features. Columbia Music Hall (Harry N; Farron, manager).—The London Gaiety Girls, with Little Egypt," Is the attraction this week. A Mght at the Waldorf Castorla" and "A High old Time" are the mirth provokers, "no the olio presents: Onetta, Carney and I'lynn, Henry and Francis, the Wagner Sis- ters. Sylvester and "The Little Olrl in Red." t>ood sized houses saw Watson's Oriental Burlcsquers last week. Palace Thhatbb (Cbas. H. Waldron, man- ager).—Irwin's Big Show Is here this week. An up to dale minstrel first part and a clos- |BB burlesque, entitled "In Heidelberg," in- troduces the company. The vaudeville com- K'es: !5fM and Harrow Trio. Geo. Klein, Wilson and Sorg, the Couolly R'sters, Jessie Moore and Moggie Bennett and the Ratsel- nendcrs, an Austrian drill. Last week, Harry Bryant's Co. prospered. Lyceum Thbatre (G. H. Batcbeller, man- ager).-- 'Two Hot Knights" and "The Q«y Modiste" are the new bnrlettas of the Bowery Hnrlemaerg this week. The olio eonslM* of: The Taylor Trio. Watson And Barrett, lien Jamwn, Davenport Bros., llelle Venla, (armellta d'Arcos. Lizzie Frellgh. Eulah Lee and JMwIaa, Rush's Boa Tons bad good business last week. tiers and tumblers, the Italian Hercules, Tin's Marionettes, and Trlxle, the python queen, are holdover cards In the curio hall for another week. A strong stage show men- tions : Mockie and Wilker, Mason and Lee, Clifford and Hall, Norton Sisters, the Tay- lors, Capitol City Trio, Fagun end Merrlam, Alice Thornton, May Morris, Win. Casper, and Benedict and.Powell. Usual all day crush noticed last week. Nickelodeon (L. B. Walker, manager).— Curio hall features current week: Capt. Sid- ney Hlnmnn and bis life saving dogs. Field- ing, the man fish ; Salvall, card expose; Mor- rill, human pincushion, and a lady boxing contest. Stage: Hume and Hone, Margie Randall, Donua Deane, Raynor and Welch and.Elenor Vance. . Walkeb'k Stab Vaudeville (L. B. Walk- er, manager).—Continuous vaudeville, at the moderate admission of five cents, continues to be well patronized at this resort. The bill for thbj week Is not at band, but the usual number of good acts Is promised. Clifferettes. —Sunday concerts Jan. 1: Glofie Theatre —Four Blanos. J. E. Nugent and company, Cooper and Robinson, "Chi- nese" Johnny Williams, West and Williams, the Simpsons, "Robin," "Mandy Lou Trio. Toliln and Loftus, and the Globoscope. Ifuslo Hall —Ireland's "Own" Band, Wright Hunt- ington and company. Will Archie, Enlgraa- relle, Howe and Scott, Allenel's npe, and vita- graph. Bowtloin Bquarc —Le Roy and Clay- ton, the Dick Cooley Trio, Dollar Troupe, Caron and Farnum, Geo. B. Alexander, Marlon and Deane, Tascolt. Sherldau and Forest, "Honey" Johnson, Henry T. Walte and Carroll and Baker The usual con- cert was given at the Columbia Gen. P. A. Cronje lectures at the Boston, for the benefit of the Working Boys' Home..... .The Theatrical Mechanics' benefit takes place lu the Boston Theatre Sunday evening, Jan. 8. ....Owing to a recent acicdent, Geo. J. Ap- pleton, Nat C. Goodwin's manager, was un- able to come to Boston for the present en- gagement.... The dancing of the Kelly Trio and the Hinging of Lillian O'Mara and .Tames Brady Is a feature with Ireland's "Own" Band," at Music Hall James Young, Gordon Johnstone, William Herbert, Lillian Lancaster and Edith Fond are lu the com- pany producing "Beyond," at Stelnert Hall, this week Margaret Wycherly, who bus been giving special performances of the Yeats plays, closed ber Boston engagement last Saturday evening ut the Bijou. Mme. Schcll and her performing lions comes to Austin & Stone's Museum next week Dorothy Holt, a Boston girl, has resigned from the "Woodland" company to marry Cbas. Bowers, formerly of the some company, hut now with "The Girl from Dixie." i Lynn.—The new Lynn Theatre (Frank G. Harrison, manager) which replaces the one destroyed by lire last May, was completed nnd opened to the public Thursday evening, Dec. 22, with the George U. Primrose Min- strel Co. as the attraction. The structure Is of brick, 74 by 135 feet; In tho front of the building are four large doors, opening into the lobby, and furnishing separate entrances for the orchestra and bulcony. 4>u the aides are doors openlug from the gallery stairs, in- dependent of the other entrances. On both sides arc large doors, seven feet wide, open- ing Into a yard, making the theatre, In tho opinion of (bo Inspectors, one of the lient constructed lu the Htutc. The Interior of tho house Is finished lu salmon color, with tlHrlt trltnoilugs; the carpets are green mill draperies red, giving a pleasing contrast. The proscenium arch Is 28 by 30 feet, and the stage Is roomy and provided with all modem apifllauees, Includlug automatic tire alarms and water sprinklers und a number or 'wide exits to the theatre yard. The building was erected by the Eastern Amusement Co. Tho Cowc l'n.vtoii Comedy Co. played week of 20, to packed bouses. The Tmirbcr & Nasher Co. for week of Jan. 2. .Coming: K. V. Phelan Stock Co. 0-14, "'Way Down East" playing 11. Gem Theatre (Charles W. Sheafe, mana- ger).—Big. business ruled last week, several extra matinees bclug given. Tho bill this week Includes: Tho Four Marshes, the Ozavs, Morris and Montrose,- Wells and Wells, Ban- croft, Laro'ux and the bioscope. OiU'iiKUM (George A. Cole, manager).— P. H. Clark, the former manager, has re- tired in favor of its owner,-George A. Cole. The current attractions ire: the Three Daly Sisters, Charles Edwards, Irene Gould, James Burke, Cecil Beverly, Clark and Temple and the blograph. Salem Theatre, Salem (George II. Clicct- lniin, manager).—Franklc Carpenter and com- pany did a fine business Inst week, under the management of Jere Grady. Clara Turner 2-7. Mechanic Hall, Salem (James E. Moore, manager).—Business is reported excellent. This week: The Great Bdckner. the Smetl- ley-Artbur Sketch Club, Paul Barnes. Trnsk and Glnddeu, Norman and Brycc, "Mathews and Ashley, stcreoptlcon views cod the bio- scope. ■ Pall lllvrr.—At the Academy of Music (Cuhn & Grant, managers.)—Clara Turner, supported by a strong company, played to good business Dec. 20-31, except 21). Special- ties were Introduced between tho acts. "The Isle of Spire" delighted large audiences after- noon and evening of 20, Blanche Buckner, Leslie nnd Lisle, George Fiske, John Hen- drlckB and Alice Yorke being pleasing vocal- ists. Carlton S. King, Douman Matey and Harry B. Watson were clever comedians. Due: Franklc Carpenter, la repertory, .Ian. 2-7; E. V. Phclnn's Stock Co., week of 0, except 12, when Louis Mann arrives. Canto (Al. Ilnynes, manager).—The pop- ularity of the Casto Is Increasing, Judging from the large and well pleased audiences that visit the bouse dally. May Belford headed a strong bill last week. Week of Jan. 2: Brown. Harris and Brown,-Major Doyle, MacGrath Brothers, John and Carrie Mack, Paul Stephens. Pauline and Moraa, Kelley and Adams and the blograph. Nickelodeon (D. R. Bufflnton, manBger). —Excellent business last week. Week of Jan. 2: Evergreen Comedy Four, Alf. Byron, Hayes and Hayes, Fleming and Do Loru, Pearl Frazler, Lucketone Sisters and the vita- graph. Note. —M. R. Shecdy, proprietor of Frco- body Park, Newport, and Bheedy's Theatre, New Bedford, has secured a long lease of the Bijou Theatre, and will immediately begin extensive Improvements, opening- It - In (be near future with refined vaudeville as bheedy's BIJou Theatre. The house, which is the largest In the city, was built two rein ago. Is centrally ' located on North MHn Street, and, under the new management, should be a sure winner. OUORCS: 1 ain't got no money, daft why I fee! in blue, Bunted, dMgtMted, financially embarrassed, haven't got a solitary aou; oood lArdy! when I think or dat loot walk home, 1 eoolii Jer tit dowa an' cry, 'cause I ain't got no m-on-o-y. I«Y PO.,^*^ -VCT. agth St,. New Yon*, Austin & Stone's Museum (Stone & Shaw, managers).—The Osaka troupe of Jug- aithough the Btato authorities again ordered the house closed evcnlup of Dec. '31, sonic of the changes -In exits nnd ventilators not uelng completed: Wm. Faversham, in "Letty," Jan. 4. Louis Mann, lu "The Second Fiddle," it. "The Isle of Spice," matinee and night. 7. Shepard's Moving Pictures drew fairly well Dec. 20. George Primrose's Minstrels drew excellent returns 30 and matinee 31, but were denied the prlvllego 31 evening. Franklin Square Theatre (Shea & Burke, managers).—Week of Jan. 2, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The Worcester Lodge of Eagles will give a Sunday concert, I, with Pauline Hall lu the lend, followed by John ('. Rice and Sadie Cohen. In "Our Honey- moon ;" Bert Howard and Leona Bland, In "A Strange Boy:" Matthews nod Ashley, In "Money Mad;" the Three Westous, Harry B. Lester, Norman and Bryre. in "noollgftn and the Society Girl," And Conlou and Bast- ings, in "A Summer Flirtation." Mr. Con- lou being a product of Worcester, it Is ex- pected his friends will turn out In force. Last week "Twlrly-Whlrly" played to very good business. • Pask Tiigatrh (Alf. T. Wilton, manager), —Week of 2: George Evans, Dora Pelletlcr, Yorke und Adams, Marshall and Lorraine, May Duryea and W. A. Mortimer, In "Tl«e Imposter;" the Janaen's Leffel Trio and the blograph. Last week the management was well repaid for Its exertions by scoring the largest attendance for weeks. Casino Theatre (Davy & Leslie, mana- gers).—Week of 2: Lombard Brothers, Alice Thornton, Chas. Johnson, Hartford and DovIb apd Bert Howe, Business last week unsurpassed. a Lowell.—At tlie Lowell Opera House (Fny Bros. & Hosford, managers) the Irene Myers Stock Co., In repertory, played Its lint en- gagement here to very satisfactory business. The plays were good and well staged. Tho specialties Included: Santell, n stroug man; Iiijon Comedy Four, McEnroe nuil La Porte, A. Lester Ley bourne, Thomas Davis and Irene Myers. Current: E. V. Plielnu's Musical Comedy Co., In musical productions. Academy or Music (Richard F. Murphy, manager).—"East Lynne" was given by a well Balanced company, to capacity business, Dec. 20-28. Marguerite Calls gave a very clever conception of the roles of Lady Isabel and Mme. Vine, and Chas. F. Tingay was equally successful as Archibald Carlyle. BUI week of Jan. 2: Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Buckley, Vic Lorenzo. Robin, the Juggler; Curew and Hayes, the Three Jneksons, Farley and Dunn, and Le Clair and Bowcn. Casto (Al. Ilnynes. manager).—Business Inst week, especially flic matlures. was satis- factory. Current: Edward Harrlgan nnd company, in "Durcey McGlone, Author:" Xarrow Trio, the Gaguoux. Brady and Lake, Will Archie, Dixon nnd Holmes, Harry Lu Mnrr and MISe. Estcllc. Biiston (J. II. T'ebliclts, manager).—The receipts Inst week were the largest In the history of the bouse. The Hacker-Lester Trio gave one of the best trick and coined/ bicycle acts ever seen In this house, and El Nino Eddy, on the hounding rope, and the Boston bioscope, with "The Suburbanite," drew turn away business. Current: Mme. Kehell and her performing lions, 1'lourdc und I'rokos, Henella, Williams. Alecnn and com- pany. In "Mr. JHibbs. of Mrs. Dobbs' Ferry," and the Boston bioscope. "The Country Store" Thursday ulght. Tkom.b'b (Harry A. Woodward, manager). Capacity business lust week. Horry Bums' burlesque, "Disturbed Slumbers," was a big success. Current: Wtillfletl, strong man; Bessie Doyle, Laura Albertln, Addle Herbert, Felix Miirtrn, Put Dslton and Hurry Wood- ward's moving pictures, featuring "The Es- caped Lunatic." Tho burlesque will be "Low- ell After Dark." I' (Smith & Lovcll, managers).— This house, formerly the Crystal, is to open Jan. 2 ns a vaudeville and liurlcsque house, and lins been painted and redecorated throughout. It Is to have a stock chorus nnd musical burlesque, and change weekly. Tho vaudeville bill this week is hc:idcd' by Ed. Mcban. Amateur night Wednesday. "Tub Junolb" (J. T. Benson, manager). — This place of amusement Is entertaining big crowds dally, 42,135 having passed through Its doors since Its opening. Mana- ger Benson Is being "highly praised for the cleanliness und well kept appearance of every department and the courlcousness of the attaches. Tun Bouhboak Electric Co. (C. W. Car- nc)'. manager).—IliislnosH Is good bei*; with new songs, moving pictures and novelties added weekly. Mention. —Sacred concerts at the Opera House and Academy of Music Jan. 1. Those Inst week prospered "Pralrlo May" (Mrs. Arthur New) Is here with "The Jungle." Manager Tebbetts, of the Bos- ton Theatre, was In receipt of an elegant oince. desk, a gift from the treasurer. Mrs. Tebbetts. of the house. The attaches pre- sented the manager With a suitable chair to match. Manuger Tebbetts' gift to Mrs, Teb- betts was a beautiful cluster diamond ring. The Lowell Eagles arc to hold their second annual ball on Fen. 2 Gilbert's trained ponies, dogs and moukcys are to be the stage show at the Jungle during current week Jack Callahan, of "The Denver Express" Co... Is homo for the holidays The second recital of the Lowell Orchestra Society, at the Opera House, Jan. 2. Mme. Lillian Blauvelt was the star. row Troupe. Hose Hydell's Loudon Belles Jan. 2-7. Transatlantics n-i-i. Notts.—All the theatres were packed to the doors and people were turned away 2(1. P. A. Gloster, singer with Collins' moving pictures, spent Christmas at till home In Chleopee c. w. Gallagher advance of "The Way of the TrnnRgressur," was lu the city list week The City Hotel, which has been the stopping place of many of the profession, has changed bands, and .will run by John Spltlne, who will assume the management Just as soon as the license is transferred. CAl.lFOItNIA. New Bedford.—At tho New Bedford Theatre (Win. B. Cross, manager) the Ben- nett It Mnulton Co. came, to good business, Dec. 20, 2S-31, with Itetta Jewel n big favor- ite. Nance O'Nell presented "The Jewess," to good business, 27. Bennett & Moulton Co. Jan. 2;T. IUtiiawat's (T. B. Baylcs, manager).— Business Dec 20-31 was very big, with tho following bill: Lltx's spaniels, Marlon and Dcau. Lavlne aud Leonard, Jessie Bradbury, Hal Merrltt. .1, C. Nugert and Co., 'Martini and Blaxrullllnn, and the vltagrsph. Bill week of Jan. 2: Prof. Alcnel and l'eter tho Great. Mllniaa Trio, Hathaway and Walton, ami others. SiiBEiir's, (M. It. Sheedy, manager).—Dec. 20-31 big business with tho following acta: (filbert's Circus, Amy Allen, Capital City Ouartet, F, Allen Congan, the Walls, Marlon Howard, Adams and White, nnd vltegrapb. e North vdnnin—At the Euiplro (James Sullivan, manager) Barney Gllmorc, In "Kid- napped in New York," Dec. 20, draw two packed houses. Primrose Minslrcln, 27, did n line business and gave a star minstrel per- formance, tieorae Monroe, In ".Mrs. Mac, tho Mayor," did n fair business and pleased 28. Due: William Favershaui Jan. 3, Niince O'Nell «. Richmond (W. P. Meade, manager).— Business last week was immense. Bill week of .Ian. 2: Mr. and Mrs. Robyns (bold over), Clark and Florette, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buckley. Ilcla Win Held, Lewis and Van, Al- stynn nnd the vltagrapk. Notb. —Thomas McLarnlc, u local boy, who lawith the Odeon Stock Co., of St. Louis, Is playing tho leads and making a profound impression, according to reports. e ' i.nwrence.—At the Opera House (Grant & Cabn. managers) the Phelan Operu Co., week of Dec. 20, come to good business. Hooked: Flsko Stock Co. week of Jan. 2, ex- cept (I, when "Tho Isle of Spice" will be seen. CiHAi.MAi, (Weber & Hush, managers).— Good business was the ruin throughout last week at this house. Hooked week of 2: Bryant .and Savllle, Stanley nnd Smith, Dick Cooley Trio, Frances Gerard, Mills and Mor- ris, Amann and Hartley, Rosalrc uud Darolto, and kinetograph. casto (Al. Hovncs, manager).—Big busi- ness last week. Edward Harrlgan proved to be a. big drawing card. Booked week of 2: May Eelfuit, Toledo aud Price, Wood und Berry, Cnrr and Yule, Robinson and (Irani. Charles' H. Duncan, Caroline Rlchlngs and Wills and Hassan. Taunton.—-At the Taunton Then I re (Calm & Cross, nmnagors) the Cnrlnnc-Riinkol Co. came week of Dec. 20, except 30, which ilute was filled by "The Isle of Spire.'' The John 11. Wills Musical Comedy Co. comcn .tan. 2-1. Niitr. —Emily J. (fiirney, treasurer of llm theatre, nnd her assistant, llerlbu Hodges, were agreeably surprised 24 by beautiful gifls from too attaches of I lie house. T'hn presoula- tldtl was made by Stage Manuger Preston In n few well cboseu words, und response*; wcro made by bolli the ludles. ♦ »» KBMTIIUKY. Worcester.—At the Worcester Theatre (Jas. F. Rock, resident manager) the follow- ing bookings have bcea uwuu lor tui» week, SnrlnKfleld.—At tho Court Square (D. O. Gllmorc, manairer) Primrose's Minstrels otei-tulneit two big bouses Dec. 2tf. The work of the end man was appreciated, as Well ns thai of the soloists. Ida Conquest, In "The Monev Maker," appeared 28, Ida Conquest, Cyril Hcott and Edmcnd Lyon were the best :,! the company. Sothern and Marlowe appeared In "Romeo and Juliet," 21). hi one of the Iarge3t audiences of the season, ut advanced prices. Louis Mann ap- peared In "The Second Fiddle" .10, 3J. Booked: Nance O'Nell, In "The Jewess," Jon. 4 ; Shepard's moving picture* C, 7, Lulu Glaser 14. New Gii.iiont (James Fltcb, manager).— "What Women Will Do," Dec. 26-28, drew good business. It wis exciting enough to suit the audiences. "A Race for Life?' 20, 30. pleased well filled houses. The best in the company were: Agnes Mark, Adcllu Banker, Edwin Walter and Eugene Powers. "Tlio Slain of Oullt" Jan. 2-4, "East Lynne". 6-7, "The Way of the Transgressor" 0-11, "Hearts of Oak" 12-14. POM'B (Cbas. W. '-"nndn, resident mnna- ' ger).—A first class bill was presented last week, headed by "She." Big houses ruled. BUI week of Jan. 2: Toe Nobles, Genaro and ? alloy, Mlgnanl Family, Messenger Boys' rlo, Cartln and fn to. Kelly and Asbhy, Adair and iMbn. nnd Hie clcrtrogrnph. Xr.l.Hu.v (](, T. Damon, manager).—Fred Irwin's Dig Show was a strong drawing card last week. The best features were the acts of tins six liaiitubuuacrs aud Zeb awl Sir. Luilim |llo.—At Maeaiilev's (.Inn. T. Mu- cauley. manHgcr) Lawrence D'drsay present- ed "The Earl of l"swtucket" Dec. 20-28, lo splendid audiences. Ezra Kendall, In "Weath- er Beatcb Benson." drew largo houses 20-31, Coining: "Tho Maid and tho Mummy" Jan. 2-4, Tfin Murphy 5-7. Masonic (('has. A. Bhuw, muungor).— "Under Southern Skies" last week attracted crowded houses. Minnie Violation lu the leudlujj role was given an ovation. "Tho For- tune! Hunters" 2-7. AvjtNiiB (Chas. A. Shaw, manager).— "Hearts Adrift," last week, did n splendid business. "Tho Fatal Wedding" 1-7. illicit in oha>i (Wlmllcn Bros., managers). —Vanity Fair Burlesque Co. attracted crowded houses last week, and gave entire sutisfactlpn. Lillian Held captivated her au- diences by her dashing and clever acting. For week of J, the (iuy Mauqucradcia. Hopkins' (Wm. Reichnian, resident man- ager).—A highly first class programme was offered Christmas week, and It atlructcd crowded houses. The Four Madcaps were tho hcadllucrs, giving soma excellent ton danc- ing and startling acrobatic work, For week of 1, tho Great Lafayette and his company. Pndacab—At tho Kentucky (Jas. K F.ngllsii, . manager) "James Boys" Dec. 30, "llolty Tolly" 31, "The Mummy and tlio Humming Ulrd" Jan, 2, Ezra Kendall 4, Lv- mini Bros, 5. "Looping the Loop" 0, "8»n Toy" 7, Tim Murphy 0, "Weary Wllllo Walk> er" 10. ■■' - •»•> NBBItASKA. |.o« Ansrolc.—At the Mason (H. C, Wyntt, manager) "The Silver Slipper" opened a week's engagement, to a crowded house, Deo. 26. MouoHCo's Rurbank (Oliver Morosco, manager).—The Burbarik Stock Co., In "Tho 8uburbin," 25 and week. "Old Jed l'routy" Jan. 1-7. Ilr.uvsco (John H. Blackwood, manager), —"Winchester" proved a lino drawing card week ending Dec. 2r>. "Blue Jeans" 20 and week. "The Man from Mexico" follows. OiuM) Orr.n.\ llciusH (Clarence. Drown, manager).—"The Silver Dagger" drew well week ending Dec. 24. Joseph Murphy, In "Kerry G6w 7 ' and "Sbsun Hhnc," 2ti-31. Itoso Melville. In "Sis Hopkins," Jnn. 1-7. Casino (C. W. Allsky, manager).—This house has been transformed Into a popular priced house, with vaudeville offerings. Tho new management Is presontlug Sanford and Darlington, In "My Frtend from India:'' Mile. Alpine, the Great Auer, Daley nnd How- aid, the Juggling Thorucs and moving pic- tures. oiii'iirnji (Martin Beck, general manager). —Features Dec. 28 and week: Herrmann tho Great, Dillon Bros., Vernon. Forde Bisters, Howard's ponies and dogs, Frank and Bob, Phyllis Allen and Mary Shaw, In "The Silent System." Broadwat (A. J. Mnrgenstern, manager). —IVoiilo Doc. 23 nnd week: Fnlardo, Instru- mental Imitator : Rng Time Kelly, Howe and Becker, Lillian Voltaire, Swor and Weslbrnok, It. Clinton Montgomery, Illustrated songs. Good business, UNiqliH (Mentz & Zallcc, managers).—A good hill attracted satisfactory attendance week ending 25. Notkh. —lgnaco Padorcwskl, who li to up- fpciir at Temple Auditorium Dec, 30. Is spend- iig the holidays with Helena Modejeska, at Anton, her Southern California homo The Sun Pedro Opera House at San Pedro, Cat., will soon bo opened under the manage- ment of W. S. Hogabooui, formerly ' press iigent for tlio Orphoum In Lob Angeles. Ilo will have ns au assistant L. C. Wells, for- merly treasurer of the I«o» Angeles Orphoum. It is proposed lo play comblntluns four nights a week nnd vnudovlllo three nights a week. Christmas season was made enloyahto nmoiig managers and professionals In Los Angeles by a very general exchange of pres- ents Tho Los Angeles Theatrical Asso- ciation lias Incorporated without any capital stuck. The directors are: ('. Brown, II. .1. L, Atwood, F. O. linker, C. II. Rending anil 14. (terard, all of Los Angeles Tho Novelty Theatre Co., of Sail Francisco, conl rolling houses In that «'lty and Stockton and Fresno, Cal., Is reported as having made contrails for the creel Ion of a theatre In this city, the building to cost i>;l(i,i>u(i. with a seating capacity of 1,201' !•■'. M. Clinton, aclor, whllo renting In Los Angeles for the beiudit of his lienlili, is operating bis own automo- bile for hire, and says he Is doing well Bennet Southard bus returned to the Burbuuk Stock Co. OiiklHinl—At the Mncduiiongli (Hall (le Barton, managers) Maxlne Kllhut drew packed houses Doc. 20, 21. rsdorowskl, matinee 2:|, had n large attendance. "Tho Fatal Wedding," 22-2D, drew iiiiidrrntrly. West's Minstrels hud a packed house 211. "The Two LUlli) Wulfs" III, Jim. 1, "Khoru Acres" 2, 3. lilMfrrY I'f.AYIliiiisM (II, W. Bishop, ninii- agvr).—Bishop's Slock Co. drew parked houses week muling Due. 2.1, In "Held bv till! Kneiny." Bishop's Company, 2(1 it ml week, III "Rupert of Hcutxau." "A Nut meg Mnti'lr follows, Hhi.i, (I'M. Iloiimti. manager).— Attractions Jan. 2 mid week: Miss Lillian ami her nix iiiiiIiIh, Tlppel und Kllnioiil, John T. I'limrs, .IckmIii I.ttMTi'lu-11, I'cte Dunswol'th, Ashlnii Trio uhd million pictures. ButdncHw Is lo tho capacity. fc'ovnt.TY (Tony Lulinlsftl, manager).— Features 2 and week: Welsh and company. In tho sketch, "Tbo Flip Mel-Top;" Francis Misters, Roberta and his trained bears, Nor- man Stanley. Wlso and Milton and tho vlta- iicopo. Business In to B. II. O, I'Mi'ilii; (10. M. Carlson, mannger)—Feat- ures 2 and week: La Hard nnd Ityersmi, Adeline Carlson, .Byrnes and West, I I'liu (tube and the Society Girl:" Deliver I5d. Smith and Hum McVey, Henry M, King and moving pictures. Business In Immense. ■ ■ ♦»♦ WISCONSIN. Omaha—At Boyd's (W. J. Burgess, man- ager) Charles Hawircy, In "A Message from Mars." Jnn. 1-3; "Candida" 4, 5, Rosolle Knox, In "Cousin Hate," 0, 7; "Peggy from Paris" S. Ednn Wallace Hopper. In T \ Coun- try Mouse." bed largo audiences Dec, 20-27. The Yalo Glee Clubs had a crowded houso 28. Arthur Dunn, in "Tho Runaways," bed big business 20, 30. Chas, B. Hinford did fair business 81. Oiti'HKi'M (Mnrt'u Beck, general manager). —John T. Kelly and company headed a verj good bill week of 2,*>, which drew good busi- ness. Week of Jan. 1-8: Colinl-Clalrons, Alclde L'npitainc. Biniis, Blnns and Blnns, Chas J.coaard Fletcher, Happy Jack Gardner, Fox and Foxle, Mitchell and Love and the klnodrome. Km.a (C. B. Breed, manager).—"A Hot Old Time" played to capacity Dec. 2.'). "After Midnight" did good business 2U-28. "The Hills of i.'nllrmiilH" had large audiences 20. 81. -Muwjii and Mason, In "Fritz and Hnliz," aan,: )■*•, J. H. Btoddart, in "Tho Bonnie llrler Ilush," 5-7 ; "Shadows of a Great City" «»» — Franklyn Melville writes: "Jfy recent Ci.ippr.K 'art' brntight me thirty-seven replies from some of the lictd companies <i|i tin- rami, lull I nlgneil iiimI Jollied Buyer & Itilikc's •III, HI and I" Co. before I received iiliv re- pllefl. Far good results Tuk Cmitlb kuds tUvw all." MllivnnUco.—Christinas wee'e proved highly satisfactory all around. "York HlHlo Folks," at tlio Allmtnbrn, was especially well received, und was ilesei vlng of llm nltonliou. Miiiiuki'i- 0. F. Miller 6Bcrs "Tho Smart Bot" Jan. 1-7. (Sherman Brown, nmnagur).— Jeanne Towlcr. In "IrU," Doc.. \!7i-'M, drew HiillsfHcliiry at tendance. Miss T'owlnr was unablo lo opiiear Huuday nlglit, 2.1, and money was refunded, Blanche Walsh, lu "Tho Kreulznr Hniiatu," Jan. 1-4. Academy (Kdwln Tbnnhouser, iqnnnger), —"A Jniiiinese Nightingale" was presented week of Dec. 20 lu lino style. Allien drown uud Cdlth Evelyn handled the principal roles, "(.overs' Lane," Jan. 2, will serve lo Introduce James Dnrklu; the new leading man. Iiijon OrKRA HOPHM (John It. Pierce, resl- deni manner).—"Wedded and Parted" drew Hi'< pttt'oAs out In targe numbers last week. "When Women Lore" Jan. 1-7. 1'aiist (Leon WncIiMncr, manager).—Morn than 140 tickets have been (skaii for the second half of the season, which opens Jan. 4. 'These sales not only r"t tho German thesiro on a satisfactory basis for the rest of the Winter, but practlcallv assure the conl Inns nee of tho house for another year. With this In view Manager Wuchsnor Is go- ing ahead with plans for Its continued bet- terment. "Lumtincl Vagabundut" will bo put on Sunday, Jan. 1. Stab. —Manager Frank It. Trottman of- fered the Parisian Widows lust week. Bennlo Welsh was tho tuccess of Ibe show, both In the olio and burlesques. Imperial ISxtrava- ganza Co. M, the Morning Glories 814. Oiiasd.— 8, R. Simon has now assumed the management and has the following staff; CIibb. Mcf.'Iurc, stage manager: Jack Willis, door tender; Ousslo B0I2, treasurer; Wm, Flynn, bill poster; Fred Lowe, musical direc- tor. People week of 2: Campbell, Dillon and (umpbell, Lillian Maye, Clifford and Lynn, Harry Burns and Chinese Lawson. t C'livHTAi,.— .Manager F. B. Winter ru.-ked them In last week. Bill week of 2: Yorke Herbert Trio, Baby Gladys, Tom Hood, Bar- low und Nlflkelson, Csrl Charles and Crystal- tmpb, showing "Kit Corson." *" ' ■ « i » rwirr Pnnsov writes: "\ have Just ar- rived from Himlli Africu, ami have Joined liaiids with Lyster 11 ml Cooke, making a trio, Which 'will iw-known As tlio Three' Lyres, Wu art uddJug tea ic»truiuouu to toe ui,"