The New York Clipper (January 1905)

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1116 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Januahy 14, ALL OUR riliHI COMB WITn KID TlTLBS*, AID gnOW OUR TflA DH ******* LOUIS XIV PATHS FILMS First Class. 12 Cents Per Foot. COMB AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL NEVER BUY "DUPES." SELLING AGENTS, KLEINB OPTICAL CO. OS Slut* 8tro«t, CHICAGO. The Newest anil Best Historical Film Ever Out r«rt of this rilra baa been taken on ground at Versailles. The lust llctaro shows ilie Fatuous Water Foiiutalu. WONDERFUL BEE HIVE - (COLOKKD) WRESTLER AND BULL ■ FOISTAISS AT VERSAILLES 24$ 131 1S0 BURGLARS AT WORK CHRISMS, 1904 - SOLOMON'S JIMENT 24$ 147 10$ DRAMA IN THE AIR • - • |\? Anti-Stmitic Atrocities ia Russia in CHRISTIANA TO NORTH POLE NEW CimOSUE, WITH 150 IULVSTRATIOHS. , 42 E, 231 Stint, Nn Yirt. LHjBjRL THE GIRL WHO THE GIRLWHO CARES THEGIRLWHOCARESFOR THE GIRL WHO CARES FOR ME By COBB mid BDWAKDS, Witter, of "GOOD-BYE, LITTLE GIRL, GOOD-BYE." I'HOFKRKIONAL COPIES TO RBCUONIZBD PKKFOBBKIIH OR W#| TIIUBK HKNDINO UP-TO-DATE PHOUKAMMIC. ~~AM RJ +, GEO. MBMES" X| W STAR FILM * AN IMPOSSIBLE V0YA6E In 40 TABLEAUX. l_»na*»-». I230ft. Price, $2IO.Oo ««i »» LATEST Film Subjects 03H-833—Tlia A.tonlililnB; Frun< - - _ . " * 130ft. BlM-iuu—» Wonderful Kose Tree, Special for Coloring HOUR. 3*.00 03T.OJK—Tl>» eh.ilow Lady - ' • - - - ITort. 30 00 II3U-HKI—A Wedding by Correspondence - - 13SR. M3,uii CHRISTMAS ANGEL. A Afoat Beautiful and Pathetic Picture In Blx Scenes. LENGTH, 515rt. PRICB, $88.00 Aak for our Supplements, Not.. 91,23 and H. • GASTON MELIES, Gen. Mgr. ± 204 E. 38th Street, N. Y. City. f\ WITAIARK BUILDING, 144-146 West 37th Street, New York. LOOK FOR TUB IIKK HIVB CLOCK TOWBR. AVENUE THEATRE, PITTSBURG, PA., NOW BOOKING COMBINATIONS. Time Open, Com. Mon., Jan. 16. WANT to Hear from Best Repertoire Cos. Having Special Paper. Address HARRY DAVIS. Avenue Theatre. NANAOERS IN OHIO, KY., WEST VA. AND VA., H» ttCflB VOV UCOK TUB UIU ONE FOR SEASON '03 AND '00. The Via Stock Co. PLAYING NOTHING BUT THREE NIGHT STANDS. AIL ROYALTY BILLS, SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE FEATURES. riaylng nptVns but Hie larger towna In the alwvo 8Ut«<i Will be too best billed Stock Oo.oo.tlia road, A«torf (•».'. . ' K. 0. VIA, Mm„ llolel Orlawold. Plllsboig. Pa. FOB THE Great Wallace Shows, BILL POSTERS. Address W. K. FKANKL.IW Cure of TUB DlKMALDSON 1.ITI1Q. CO.. Newport, R}._ $100 BLACK SILK STOCKINGS PON MEN and WOMEN By Mall-Cash with order. Poalage Free. Order by Slxe. Fancy Colors and Embroidered, ALL PBI0ES DP TO 18.00. M. M. FRENCH & CO., Ill MAIN HT.-HUOM 3, NORTHAMPTON, HI A WW. Siberian Blood Hounds TRAINED FOR U. T. C. THOMPSON & DOUBT, manager!, 60 W. 43d St., hw lork City. Uaoil at World's Knit 0 months for demonstrating.' Avery Instrument guuraniccd to bo In ontcliw working order, Practically good aa now. DIRECT MOTORS, 1-1H. P., $19.10; ALTERNATING. 120.01. WILLIAMS MUSICAL AND NOVELTY OO., 218 Bo. 12tll St., 8t. loillajto. LITERARY and DRAMATIC WORK Done pnimpij, reasonably, conOdontlaliy. French translation absolutely perfcot, giving spirit aa well aa letter In good forcible English. Translator of the Simple LiTe THE SOUL OK THINGS. ROGEH LE HONTE, LA BAILLONNEK, Etc Plays Developed into Boots, F1YI TO SIOW. All work la furnished, typewritten, In ti(pli- cate l.nwprlc.O" for rawh. "LIVER HARPER, 4J0 W. 20th St., Now York. LAGOON ISLAND, ON THE HUDSON. BETWEEN ALBANY AND TROY, N. Y., SEASON 1005, DESIRABLE PRIVILEGES TO LET. Tho above Island will be under my personal management this season, nnd with twealy; live years' experience in Summer resorts, my Intentions arc to boom tbls place with J)ic lllg billing' mid circulars to every society wltbln til* miles for excur- Ciever press agent to look of_t?r_newspapor work. Writ, mo for J)rlvil«g*».__£» u „ n C." Outdoor Attractions Klons. swor without stump. JOHN V. W12BER, l'rop. und Manager, Room 1H, lit Broadway, N. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Wo tbank branches- Is dull season time (or bargains DAHIRL'8 S0B1I0 STUDIO, 716 Cbicago Opera Houbo, Chicago, III nk all who helped us build up the Largest Scenic Business In America, we J»J& a— Opcru Houses and Productions lu Water Color, Distemper, Dye on • BIIKo. *•■ WANTED, WANTED. WANTED, HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large atock. Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue ju.t Issued, 20c, List of 400 bargain* In fine apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. ROTKRBERQ. 176 OnUrlo St. Chicago. I Mabel Paige Co. Wants, IAN WITH MOVING PICTURE MACHINE, have cood line of tlltue and be a practical elcotrlolan; also miiu for specialties and parts. Slat) tlilulr first letter and LOWEST SALARY. No time fororrosp'vndoiicc. Write or wire, uuugnmi to»i»u««i io HBS11Y K. W1LLARU & CO., PeneacolS, 11.., Jan. »-lii. Must everything rieaiid to hear frofl» poople for Summer engagement HENRY VICTORELUS' MOTION PICTURES. 18th week at Orplieum Theatre, surlniileld, Ohio. AT IIBERTY TOR 6BMMER SEASON. Kutlrc change every week, salary, *»> per week. Address as above Everything At. BftFJATHLETS ■ .. lot \h\t. Uftulll; > OM.IIcaU fl«\or. tUy OttktaatainM br«ittt (from •orc»uMirot«»Tia iv..t l^ivnit a iJjH,:btf'.iWr»fr,»u^. T«tr »'t IV nui f.e T* f \>*t-~-**\^%*- V?- KroDf <J' il.r ciuiiot ■ut>|ilf ioo w» will od n:of|'l of pTic. "Tom can «•• onloni, PUI.aTIIUTS wlil ■1o^h^^>l.■• , TyBimmuCo, 9 Mir*Urt>>..W..lHlro.«. J BON TON, Phila., KlUHTH, ULOW VINE 1THIKT, OPEN OCT. tl. IllBk Ola... ContlnuoK. Va.«deTllU. AH person, must send photo, and billing matter two week, in advance. Artiste be prepared to do two or more a day. Aot* always wanted. Write to above Theatre, FILMS 9 MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,000ft. FILM, FROM 8 to Sot*. PER BOOK. Bookings with clubs, theatres, etc, for Moving Ptoiure Entertainments. Popular price*. F. H. DE0KBR A CO., N. Y. Entertainment Unrtan, Mi alb. Avanne, N. Y. City. WANTED, ATTRACTIONS. Groat Reud nod Hallstead New Opera House. Seats oOO. Stage. 110x40. Electricity, JJtc. JOHN ft C'LL'Xt!. Hullytinil: iC poilip-iTsiir" TBXT SHOW IMIOl'Ulfi'Y. AVtltiffur list. JSLaUl'JC SCOYIUL, ill. Clcuivus, AlUu. On tho Ronds at Pliic Reach—All kinds of Prlvllego People write quick and get p accd tot i In April, and May I for good. lto« u .' _ feet wldo, and will have a fine down the centre and electric ari-u'ai imiln entrance. t scaeon In tho South. We open Sundays In April, and May I for boo 1 ], ""ft will "coyer eight hundred feet long and one hundred feet wldo,. and will have a nee wi>» the greatest J. H. LIVINOSTON Come and get the money. , N, 1*. O. Box 70S. Norfolk. \ u- MR. and MRS. JACK WMKK OF JAN. O, CASTLK THEATRE Blooming loir, 111. Will Join first ONE OK THE REST COMEDY GROTESQUE SKETCHES IN VAUDEVILLE. t claaa combination. Address AOADEUY HOTEL. 110 E. 14th bU !»• j ■ ^»J Mil ITARV AAAnti Uniforms, Onus, Swords, Revolvers, Caononi, Ten", B MILIIAKT UUUUO Everything in the MUltarv Llne-tully «*f*W9'£&]ER Magazine Catalogue, containing net cash prices with upwards of 3,000 Illustrations. Prloft or oaiaus ^n«r.l n . r .t m ,.^ n . n l« ...»...„ —.»„..<». ,hln.J...,i..m.nt (', I otntTl NTS WII l* U. I ** r ISoents—m»tled on r receipt of a cents In stamps, msntlonlng thla advertisement. Oustoro.rt wnwu.™ onr 'CATALOOUE18 WORTH ITS WKIOBT IN GOLD." Wehave the largeat atook In the world or Jtim. J goods from Government auotlons. Dealers Supplied. Frances Bannerman, 610 Broadway, tt.w »»_ THE. (3) Little Frankic 0»acB- A Big Man. A Llttlo Woman. En Route Mycra' Stock Co. Featuring that Clever, Versatile Comedian, :::::: A 1'uuuy Kid, — AT (ilUKHil, - „-,. T OKO. W. STIliLs IWOjLDIK «OBBBf^, G HARACTERS AND GEN. BUS. I LIGHT LEADS, JUVEKILES, HBA^ »»• I1R8T CLASS WAUDKOBE. EXPERIENCE. ABILITY. _. .. „ m „ ji 0 , Addresa GEN. DEL., K.niai <)l'Ti *°1 FRED and ANNIE PELOT THAT FUNNY JUGGLING ACT IN THE WEST. This w..V, Bijou Thtatri, ttubuqu., ioa«-__ JUGGLERS SUPPLIES. Clubs. Baton*, Guns, ltolllnf, "•"'"•j.Jiffi ■ ■ wirewaliers' Appsratui. Human4%S!SSS 0. Catalog and Book, Edw. Van WjcMtnolUWl'i"'