The New York Clipper (January 1905)

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1118 THEi'NEW YORK CLIPPER. JANUABY .14. NO FLAGS, NO SOLDIERS, NO QIVE US YOUR "KIND APPLAUSE," BUT AN ABSOLUTELY ORIGINAL MARCH SON j, Words by WILL D. COBB. _ „„„__._„ 18 Hides Sow U.edy, *T WHlltia. READ THE CHORUS-Good-bye, "Sis," It breaks my heart to leave you; Good-bye, "Sis," don't let this parting grieve you. One more Idas and just remember this, ~^ Haste by THKODOflK MOUSE. They're Great, You'll be aorry some day After I have gone away. Good-bye, •'Sis. ,, —Copyrighted, 1904, by F. B. Hatlland Pub. Co. "WHAT THE BRASS BAND uc mm. A Oritt Opening or Fl n liblag Bong, Fall Of Life and Melody. READ THE CHORUS—"'Way down in my heart" they played "afeeling I've got for you," Then the boys went marching by to the tune of the "Boy in Blue." "On the Seventeenth of March," "Bedelia" and "Barney" parade, n Words by JACK D&HLANB. Haste by THBODORR HOUSE. "I must say farewell," "Goodbye my Blue Bell." That's what the brass band played —Copyrighted, 1904, by F. B. Havlland Pub. Co. "LONGING FOR YOU." -Word* by J&OK DHIIHSE. Hasle by THKODORK MOKBK. The Prottlsat Sobs; of All—Vail of Harmony lor Datt, Trio or Uaartette. READ THE CHORUS—Longing for you, yes, only you, My neart is aching it you but knew, Those' eyes of blue have pierced me through, That's why I'm longing, longing for you. —Copyrighted, 1905, by F. B. Havllana Pub. Co. .. MAKE A FUSS OVER ME HADDBN and MORSE'S Great Coon long Hit. ruraT blidbb for this. Make a fuss over me, ain't it easy to see, I've an itching to be sitting right on your knee, That's my one longing plea if we're goin' to agree, And you want me to love me, make a fusss over me. —Copyrighted, 1904, by F. B. Havlland Pub. Co. 99 "PLEASE COME AND PLAY IN M MY YARD MADDEN aad MOUSE'S Heal Child-Song Knock-Oat. Orent glides for ihls by WIIBBlKII. READ THE CHORUS—Please come and play in my yard, I'm all alone, you see, Once I was poor like you are, Then Mama loved but me. Now she is always busy, . < Out in society. Please come and play in my yard, Nobody cares for me. —Copyrighted, 1904, by F. B. Havlland Pub. Co. fl "A LITTLE BOY CALLED'TAPS March Bong by the Writers of "Bias Bell" sad "Feeling for Tew." Great Slides by WHEELKH, and a Bare Hit for ton. CHORUS—When she hears the bugle calling, As the boys go marching by, Then her team are gently falling, From her heart there comes a sigh; By the fireside she is dreaming, They will meet some day, perhaps, rL.ll— --.JJ it. ..*.—.— C» _1*.»»a B *._« » 33 While amid the camp fires gleaming, Lies a little boy called "Taps." WW —Copyrighted, 1904, by F. B. Havlland Pub. Co. NUE 99 ■D. BDOKRS' GRSAT COO!? SONG HIT. CHORUS—Dan, Dan, Danuel, won't you come home to your babe once mo'? I'm waiting, honey, in de rain fo' you to come home once again. Dan, Dan, Danuel, how I love you no one can tell, Why Hon don't leave, or else I'll grieve, But come back to me, Danuel. —Copyrighted, 1904, by F. B. Havlland Pub. Co. "A RARE OLD BIRD," "ISN'T IT NICE TO HAVE SOMEONE TO LOVE YOU," THRU 6RBAT COMBiDY SONGS, WITH A BUNDLB OF BXTttA CHORUSES. Professional Copies to Recognised Professionals Only Bending Late Programme (HO CARDS) with Stamps for Postage. Orchestra. Parts for the Above In Five Different Keys. Unless Yon Send Late Programme Ws Cannot Recognise Year betters Unless We Know You. OUCIIKSTKA LKADKHfli All at theie Bongs ore Published for Orehe.tra, 35e. each. ••A LITTLB ROT CALLED TAPS n -Ktereb. "OOOD-BYK, B1B"-Maich. "MAKE A FUSS OVBR ME"-Mar<h. "PLEASE COME AMD PLAY IN BY YARD"—Waltz. Corking Good Orchestra "ambers Tbey Are, Too. Price to Loaders, BBe. for 10 and Piano. Wby Don't Yon Join Onr Orchestra Club. Write Us About It. F. B. HAVILAND PUB. CO., 125 West 37th St., New York. 1NIR 37th f "A WOBLD WIDE CIRCULATION." THE OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. : ESTABLISHED 1847. 49 WELLINGTON STRUT, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. SroRBION BCBBOBJPTIOBB. I Bs, nor asssn. PBWnSBIOFAIi ADVsBBTIUianTB, «d. p.r Has, AIERIOAH IBtBTEB YISIflHa THE DBTB0F0LIS DBS THE ERA OFFIOEB AS THEIB raHHAHEBT L0HD0B ADDRESS. 8,000 ARTISTSS ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WISELY. BEATINQ OAPAOITT, 3,000; TERMS RIGHT. CITY AND SUBURBAN POPULATION, 800,000. For paruonlan address L. ■., ears of CL1PPKH. I, YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, MANAGEBS WRITE FOE OPEN TIME TOOIS'S PIER OOdPOBATiei, V. E. SaaOnLBPOOD, Huufof. HALF-TONE I ST RAT E PROCESS CO. I _ PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A_| rtttt . g8ct». SQUARE INCH • ■ A ' CUJ f WITWIT «ftt f 1 !! Wig & Toupee Makers, A UN bSI. VS VVl PAINT and POWDER. MoVK KEK'S TBBATBB. Ohl ill. Telenbons—Central. B04. Send for Catalosrn. PEERLESS CLUB JUGGLING DUO. Address win. HORRIS. Theatre Lease and Fixtures for Sale. FOBOlaUon city, 80,009. A COLD MINE. Packed every performance; three shews dally, llTe on Sat- ardsy- prloea/io and It cents. Only one other theatre In opposition. Gronnd door, mam street. Will mosl resld inrestigstlon. Will sell at onoe aooonnt of disagreement of partners and other bast People with money meaning business address GOLD lim B, care Hotel Onion, Toledo, O. SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET AND KVENINO. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP OCARANTBBD. Snort Vamp and Stage Lasts always on band. Hall Orders Fined. Fit Guaranteed. 'WI1.I_IA.IVI BKRNSTKIN, W, M Madison Square. HI Sixth Are., saw tut Street,». T. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yon a fortane. Ifyoa bare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, BONG or BOOK that Is worth anything, yon should copyright It. Don't take chances when 70a can secure onraerr- Iceaat small cost. Sendfor oar SPECIAL _ 10 INVENTORS before applying, for a patent, «« trili payyeu. HAMmOOK •» paUntt tent nit. WeadTlself patenta- ble or not, FREE. Ws Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small lees. Consult as. WORMELLE « VAN MATER, Makes CaarrlfU a Paten wssktsj WASMN6T0IL0.L Iisiature Railroad Co 407 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N.V. COLD MEDAL SPECIAL For Parks, Summer Resort 8, etc Hauling Capacity, SB Tons, ■arnl ng • 1,000 In six days. With prope roarowil l last 20 yr*,, •UHV't LOCOMOTIVE VOIIS GRAND. PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL RECEIVED AT WORLD'S FAIR, BT. LOUIS. Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Historical, Scenlo, Mysterious and Comedy Feato re Bubleota to Seleet From. LATEST ILUIBTBATKD BONO BETS RKNTBD. Write for Ust Terms right TM Hsnneplu, Ave. Minneapolis, Minn C. t. Ml MB RARE PICTURESHErS 140 small and two large ones. $1 note or stamps. 8. BEOKNAOBL,N»ohl, Mnnloh I, Germany. Second Hand BAUD ffiSTBUlERTS BOUGHT, BOLD and EXOnANOED. Send for oom- Blstt list FRISK IIOLTOK Si CO., ltY B. Madison Street, Ohlcairo. m. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, lit W.SJdiHV, NEW TORE (old Koator A Bin's), HALLETT THOMPSON, Manarer (late Wood's Oym.) Speolal rates to performers, %l a weak. dT VAN FL SOME RE.AIL. HITS! "Thst NA/hlto Malrod IVlci of IVIino" N. O. DILLON. (A Uualnt Plctnresqae Bong, Fait of Rami Coloring). "DANCE OP THE FIREFLIES" MARIS ANOBRSON, (Dainty, Delicious, Delightful. Don't Delay In Ordering). "AflY 8WCKTHEART" HAHHISON & DRW. (An Artist's Bong of Love. Benntlfol). Bend late programme end postage for Professional Copies of latest Inst and Vocal Music. Orchestrations loo. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., S08>S0v Baltimore Bldg., CHICAGO, 1LL. SRBAV BWOLIBH TADDRVILLB PAPER, TIE ajid THKATRE RBVIKW, 401 Strand, FOKBIt» STnsBORIFTION. .------- Be. Sd. PBR VKAR PKOrKBSIOHAL ADVKKTlSKMKIITS. ... %,, Od., Blngle Column Ineh NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND REP., IDA OABJUB, OFFICE 708 ST. AMBB BLDG., Where advertlsementa will be received. Copies on ale. I want TO LB ABB A HALL, suitable for Theatrical Purposes, in city of 36,000 or over. Write toll particulars first letter to HpyyABP, care of N. Y. CLIPPER. TUB Only Thtitrlcal Supply Hsui* In Phlladslphli. f*- OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, THK WAA8 8UPPOBTEB, 5 Incli Web, 75c. Goods tent everywhere 0. O. D. when deposit accompanies order. Seneafor Booklet. Waas * BON, lU Rortb BlgntM St., PHILA.. » flreen Race and Vine Bts. WILSON & MORAN ^heir First »» Quarrel. 7 ALL WOOD AQBNTS. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. tal Hi, Utnt an' Most Popular Stylos In Udlis' Hilr DroMlng. A. M. IiUCH & CO., U0 a, *Inta Street, ..... FMUsMlelphla. N. T. Sep.: H. HALL1WKLL, IN E. 12th St. BTIn SB.TS. CASH SSlm fS*SS' aoin. 08.00. WITH dOln ST.»0. Blln OBDBH Send tor ente. ._ __ TUB BBLBBR TBVIIK AMD IAO CO.. IBB Oolnaabln A»... phllad.lphla. Pa- YOUR VALUABLES! Our Steel, Combination Lock, Trunk Safe Weight Wfe), fMt«DB Id tom trunk. It lit. a. tstena In your trunk. It Is a treat worry saver. Bend for details. PRIOB, Iis. ""> THE1LOWRIE BAFB AND LOOK CO., Oalesbnrg, Bl., or 1108 Planron Bldg., N. T. UlUlfltld] tad siRsise coiesiai. AJDDHKSa ALL FIRST CLA _1AQB«T OR BVBIHBBB HANAOBR AT LIBKBTV.H-a. _„, Thoroughly experlenoed, strtotly sober and reliable. Can handle anything, one night or rep. »ni work ahead of rep., on salary or percentage. _ I get the openings, can wild, oat, route,_boofc gjf]* ■TBBBT, NBW TOMB. or do anything oonneoted with the basinet end of a show. Good reference. J. U, BAVBIAN, NewoaiUe, Pa. Join on wire. Addresi /