The New York Clipper (January 1905)

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JANUABY 14. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1119 We wlsli that you could see the heaps of letters tbnt Jam our flies, and could read the by singers who KNOW why this song Ib suck a hit (or them. We pledge you our clamor for copies, orchestrations, and to try nnd answer the awarm of letters that of HARRY VON TILZBB. We're pretty well used to big affaire—we've (tot a five sued, but this one 1b as much bigger than anything we have previously offered, as hundreds and hundreds of daiillng compliments that are hurled at us from all tide* word that we have had extra people working day and night to keep up with the have come to ua from pleased performers using this high water mark hit of the house story building that J -t throbs with the results of tremendous songs that we have Is- the Washington monument la compared with a gumdrop. ABK ANYBODY. HAVE YOU SEEN MAGGIE RILEY?' Really, the wait* song lady ought to be located oy this time. Have YOU seen her? Thousands are asking for her. i -coaxiwe"! •« ALEXANDER" E52B553 So far ahead of the next nearest coon song that poor "Alexander" It positively lonesome. "Wll WHERE THE SWHEj RIVER FLOWS" j^^ta^^g» ii MY PRETTY LITTLE KICKAPOO" HARRY TON TILZHH'B genius for creating musical oddities, quaint forms of melody and songs, even bis rivals admit, and In this fragment of fancy he has lived up to tradition. different thoughts In Selecting a prairie set- ting, and the universe-wide story of love, be has welded verses and music In a most unusual way, with the result that he can add another to his already long tally of real nits. "DOWN tMBABY STORE" i -coax SF i At the beginning of the season three child songs started oat Where, oh where, are the othersl Also Illustrated. (Sets 10.00. This applies to all Illustrated songs). WUPM THE EQflCT IC nil TUT DllnlDI/ltl fMAQOlBv The newest of the Harry Von TUier pastoral bal- nntrt lilt lIlUOl lOUII InC rUmrMrl I UKAK" ; lads, bat already standard. Worthily Illustrated. rhe above are all compositions of HARRY VON TILZER (Lyrics by ANDREW B. 8TERLINQ). HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUB. 00., 37 W. 28th St., N. Y. City. For what yon need, send credentials and 10c. for mailing, to the (Chloaeo Dranoh, RK ST.) FOB THE TRAVELING SEASON 1905, WITH THE BARNUM & BAILEY Greatest Show On Earth WOHKIMGMKIf IK ALL, DEPARTMENTS—Railroad, Canvas, Seat, Chandelier Property, Wardrobe, Cage, Animal and Blophant Men, (Hostlers, Groom, and Jockeys, Blacksmiths, Horaeshoeis and Wheelwrights, and experienced 4,6 and —keys, 8 Horse Driver*. offered Oarefnl, painstaking, trustful and reliable men wlU be appreciated and well paid, while to all are red the best accommodations and season's engagement if competent. Applicants may apply In nerson or by letter, as follows: Railroad lien to JOHN MCLAUGHLIN, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, L Conn. Eienhant Hen, to WILLIAM EMERY, Winter Quarters, (Bridgeport, Conn. DrivetB. Orooms end Jockeys, to TH08. LYNOH, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Blacksmiths. Wheelwrights, Horseshoers, to DAN TAYLOR, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Porters, to ED. BCHAEFKER, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Wardrobe and Property Hen, to R. B. BIGBBY, 3S-2J West 84th Street, New York City. J. A. BAIIvBY, Manager, »B-ST We it 34th Street, Hew York City. TAYLOR TRUNKS Mannractared and Sold Only bjr SgtfffJga C. *. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, »ialn ai probably n.-dolnh St.. CHICAUO. Write tor Catalogue. your man bat been delayed. IS B. Randolph St., CHICAUO. 131 IS/. 38th St., IBW YORK. If any other stores other than these three say they sell TAYLOR'S It IS a deception. NC KEROSENE OR MANTLE. N0GASOLINE0R ETHER', MORE ILIABUI THAU [ELECTRIC] mmm \mmm THAN ICAUIUl SEND F OR. CATALOG..\-\ STEREOPTKQN^ANDC FILM LXCHAN&I. PATENTED W^B. MOORE, MANA'GER. I0& FRANKLIN 5T. CHICAGO. . MR. AND MRS. NEIL LITCHFIELD, NOW IN ENGLAND ON THE LIVERNORE TOUR. THE BRISTOL MERCURY, Deo. 20,1901—"'The star torn Is provided by Mr. and Mrs Nell Litchfield; Amerloan Rural Comedy artistes, who gave their highly hnmorons sketch, 'Down at Brook Farm, whloh proves extremely langhablefrombeginnlDg to end." _ __ ._ THE WESTERN DAILY PRESS, Bristol—"The principal Item is given by Mr. and Mrs. Litchfield, wbo appear In a pretty comedy sketch, -Down at Brook Farm.' Mr. Litchfield is a clever comedian, and bis efforts to amnse met with success." ...^.j.. _ ..... u> _,,», „._,,. ,____ THE ERA, London Pataoe Theatre, Bristol—"Mr. and Mrs. Litchfield top the bill with their funny sketch, 'Down at Brook Farm,* whtoh evokes hearty laughter." •„«_,.• Address WIELAND'S VARIETY AGENCY, 86 Wbitcomb St., London, W. 0., England. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Buckingham's Dye II your drua-sist cannot supply yon send BO cents to ». P. Hall * Co.. Baehue. II OS 1 KVKRY DESCRIPTION BZOKPT MTHOGKAPIia- THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, OBO. J. FI1ILLIF8, manager, 3*0 FBAHL ST. (To* Building), If. Y. CITY. •took Paper For "When We Were «,» "Wealth and Poverty,'' "Belle of Richmond, " "BpoUeas Town. "tOOKJNO SHEET FOB 180MJM ROW READY. PLAYS Fir Stick CiipHlis, fir Rtpirtilra Cinpmlis, fir ABitnrs LARGEST AHSORTMKNT IN THE WORLD. Book* for home amusement, Negto Plays, Paper, Scenery. Mrs. Jarley'a Wat Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free I SAMUEL FRBjICn, 17 iv« 22d St., Wave York. SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS r »i!? M ™»S!5i 0 - write or telephone and wo will meet you at thejepot. 113 SOUTH CLARK STREET, OBIOAOO. TRUNKS RTORSD FRB* Telephone: NORTH 1728. RESURRECTED WITH THE NEW YEAR. CLIFF DEAN & CO. JB5& Booked until July 21. Jnrt flnlsbed the Orpbeom Circuit. s BIG SELLING ■ ■oafs, Jakes, Pareal as, Bee nations, itt,, 75c. Per IQO; $6 Per l,l Cash w IU» order. Ho C, O. D. Sanflei, 10 Centi. WEHMAN BR08., Ut PARK ROW. M. T. JUST PUBLISHED BY O. SCHIRMER aV©w York* "DEAHIE" A BONO FOR MEDIUM VOICE). Words by FRANK CBAFFBB. Mnslo by FBANKXIN RIRKIl. Suitable for Concert, Vaudeville or Interpola- tion In Light Opera. Negro Melody of a re- fined and taking character. Sample copy sent FREE on receipt of professional card. Orchestration will be tarnished for public performance. SONG BOOKS. OUR QRKAT VAUDEVILLE SONGSTER 18 THE BEST EVER PUBLISHED. Contains 60 LATEST HITS, 8U0H AS: " Welcome as the Flowers In May," "Where the Sunset Tarns the Ocean's Blue to Gold." "Big Indian Chief," "Folly Prim" etc., etc. 75c. Per Hundred. $7.00 Per Thousand. In BlxDlfferentTTTLBOOVERSand COLORS Bend to. Stamp for Sample Bool. AMERICAN 50I6STEB Sir-'**' New York. raw VOBK. CHICAGO. HEPHESR Wl< MIAftCf Itt W. Mth STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, B. T, CHICAGO BRANCH, OBIOAOO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. A. KERSHAW, Resident Partner. tens tor Oatalogoe O, either office. STEREOPTICONS FROM $11.11 $12.11 UP. m AND SECOND HANDS FILMS, MOTIHO PICTURE MAOHlNEfl AND BONO SLIDES. N. Calvert St., Balto.,Md. SllOVf.S CAIJNI7AUSIvOi'c. DirANSTABVLEaaretlMbertdyS' I*>pa1* roodlclno nude. A bun' i dred million i of them hats been nld tn&alnsloyear. CousUpttloo,asstt, burn, ilea hudacbo, dmlnew, bad brriitli.rore throat and amy lunne erijuur from a dliordemd atomacli aro rdletcd or cured by Hlpans Tab- nlei. One will generally (In relief wlUMntiTODtjmlnutM. Thofl.o ccntnckaaelaenotigh for an ordinary occatlon. AlldrotsHnj eeUtbem. WW^tftfVvV V W V VWWgW W Wl J for KIDNEY CAPSULES, .flU TR0UBLE3 and CATARRH efts* BLADDER. Cures til Discbarges to ttania. t ^ i ni 'I ' an s isw ,Otl! ■a Again we Wish to bring; before the notice Of oar friends In the tented show hsMlaaees the feet that wo are equipped to aaanafaetare anything- needed 1st the lino of Tents. B te., for Olronaos. wild West Shows, Blaefe Teats for Staring Ptetare Work. Merry-go-round Tops, Bowling Alio/ Teat a, Caady Tons. Via — of nU kinds. Kldd aM Baker bights, Bapo, Dnek all wldtks and welgkt, Twiae, Hooslles, Palms, Bte, If yon are desirous of placing yonr order where yoor instructions will be oarefoJiy earned on tad where yonr work will be properly and promptly exeonted. and where yonr Inaolriee will reosire onr speoUl eonstderatton and yonr business will be appreciated, send It to m. Write (or oir 18 page Hit ol BECOID BAUD Tenti. & L0CKW00D 416-417 Delaware Street, Kansas City, He. ■f ATTBNTIOBIt DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when yon oan handle goods that will sell UomselTes I neetrto Belts from 11.00r~ »o. dot; Beetrlo Insoles, I Send fie. for Sample so. qnired. Trial order wUI oonflnoe. Largest Hannfaotaran of Else trio Balls Mat Appiunow ta u. 8. A. Established mi. Lecture and prtoe list free. HI ELIOni. ATPUAIOI 00.. BerllDilea. lis. iocs woen yon oan nanaie gooai inai wui aeu uemseiTes T 0 per dot, np. Large isrtotr to seleot from. Beotrle Jam, , d}io. dot. pairs; Soap. II10 gross; Fins Medical Batlertaa. io. li S. n., up. prepaid. Latest ont One third oask re- CENTRAL TRUNKS. 201Q-, S7.B0 : 28ID., |R. DO • S3 In., IB. 17.50. Bill TrnDka, SOz2Ss», I ' ; Sflln., 110.00; toin., (la.oo. ClrcasTraoke,Msltnt, {19.00. Lltho Tronts, 4SHs2SHgl3 t IneltJs, I15.0O. I'l.wv, uin «iuui i, V.A.W. - .*■- ».- ■--.; Bh'pped on receipt of 18.00,JMl C O. V., eseept over >00 miles, thsa rsmlt whole amount. Sm6Na4CO. l CHNTHALTBONKPACT0BY,Hrt." , lSOs, 0. W. cor. Ttb and Arch It*,, Phlla. BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital Importance to Every Sufferer ef Blood Poison. FACT one— it take time to tell whether you are permanently cured by a treatment or merely patched up for the present FACT TWO—The Cook Remedy Co. la tbe only company or medical association In ex- istence that hss been treating Blood Poison long enough to know that Its patients are cured to stay cored. FACT TtsBfUB—The Cook Remedy Co. hss many patients who were cured by Its magic remedy eighteen jeers ago who are today sound and well, FACT four— The Cook Remedy Co. la the largest and the only successful company In the world that makes tbe curt of Blood I'olson a specialty, FACT FIVE)—Patients cured by Cook Rem- edy Co. are constantly passing successfully tbe various rigid examinations of the most conservative life Insurance companies, snd ore passing ths examinations for admission to ths army and navy of the United States. FACT SIX—If you take Cook Remedy Co.'g treatment under their guarantee you are ab- solutely sure of a cure or your money back, FACT SBVKfl—Every other method Of treatment known to the medical profession gives but temporary relief. FACT BIGHT—SJaa] health Is the most Important thing In the world to any person, abote nan rim ui absoluteltt dbdeiiablb. The Cook Remedy Co. solicit the most obstinate cases, and challenge the world for a case they cannot cure. This disease has al- ways baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. For many years tbe Cook Bern- edy Co. bsve made a specialty of treating this disease, and they have unlimited capital behind their unconditional guaranty. Ton can be treated at home for the same price and with the same guaranty. With those wbo prefer to go to Chicago the Cook Remedy Co. will contract to cure them or pay railroad and hotel bills, and make no charge If they fall to core. If yon have pimples, eruptions, mucous patches, pains, rheumatism, etc., write for Cook Remedy Co.'■ free home treatment book, and learn all about contagions blood poison. If you want medical advice, give a history of your case, and their physicians will furnish all tbe Information yon wish without any charge whatever. Your salvation depends on Cook Remedy Co., and on them alone. They will surely cure you. No other method of treatment will cure you. Vftf IstttaU tit ••• ti Itftaiimi tlit WeilirfU tml WRITS FOR FRBB 100-I'AGB BOOK TO COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, U. S. A. w