The New York Clipper (January 1905)

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1T0B35 CJLIPPJIB. 1127 vtT'T nnii |er) "Who Goes Therer ito fair busmen.. "Girls Will Acmtohitrti.—Creatote drew big attcnd- ance 12. ^ WfcW- Ydltfc a» ATE. Hnffalo.—At the Stir Theatre (P. C. Cornell. tuutaftr)-Eleanor Robaon, la "Merely SSffi Appeal* week of Jan. 10. "The wltardof 0»'V23-28. "The Other Qlrl" did i Mibstantlal bustneas. ■ . j: TecK (Walter-S. Baldwin, manager).— The Stock company, ln."What Hatpened to Tones." this week. "The Holy City," weak 0 ? 16. includes Bertha CMIghton, Austin Wei*, the new leading man; LTo. Hart, fiulnlo Socola, Bessie/obtyon, John Dwyer, cjitb Julian and Adellh* Barfetto. Lyceum (J. Laughlln. manager).—"Hearts Adrift" thla'-weok. Charley Orapewln week of 23. "The Ninety and Nine" proved a wisher. • i - Ai'ADF.UT (0. C. Stevehs, manager).— •Khlnattpedlh New York" this week. Terry MdiovetV'lh. "For Fame and Fortune." next WM >k "Barber Goldstein" maintained popu- larity last week.' Shea's (Mi 'Shea, manager).—Attractions iIiIh week Include: Clayton White and Marie -ituart, SUfiny South, Blnon and Parts, Press Pldrldge, Katheryu Oaterman, the Misses Delmore, Hal Merritt and Mooney and Hol- bein. Lafayette .(CM. Bagg, manager).—Fay Foster Co. this Week. Phil Sheridan's City Snorts next week. The Bentz-Santley Co. did nn immense business. Xotga.—C. W. McMahon tendered d ban- ouet to the front of the house (Academy) last week ..... .Academy I "poto" attractions 15 were: 3. Weliberg, will M. Davis and Lamp's Band... .Alphonse J. Meyer, former- ly manager of the Court St. Theatre, Is a I'ookkeeber at The Courier office Cbns. W. Goeta, manager of lady orchestras, has supplied Terry Ferguson and Sam Atkinson's Euclid with n company.; Vaudeville be- tween the acts at'the Teck Is a pleasing novelty Alice'Alva and Moy Lorraine Appeared at the Lyceum's concert 1C. with the uitual vltascope pictures A prosper- ous skating rink occupies the site of the pro- posed, but abandoned, Keith Theatre. ■ i ' i ■ Rochester,—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. E. Wolff, manager) the Dossenbach Orches- tra (local) had an appreciative capacity au- dience Jan. 9. Lionel Barrymore appeared to a large and well pleased bouse, in "The Oilier Girl," ■ 10, 11, making a most excellent Impression. University dramatics (local) to S. It. O. business 12. The Knelsel Quartette cave an excellent concert, to a large gather- ing, 13. Pe Wolf Hopper played to two ca- pacity audiences 14, and although band!- rnpped by a severe cold, he appeared at both performances. Next, Margaret Anglln, la "A Wife's Strategy." 20, 21. .National (Max Hurtlg, manager).—Ralph Stuart. In "By Bight of Sword," played to large business 0-11, repeating his former suc- cess. "Happy'Hooligan," with a competent company, had capacity 12-14.' Edward Bloh- riell. In "The 1-ost Boy," 16-18: AJ. H. Wil- son. In "The Watcli on the Rhine," 10-21. Baker (J. e. Boyle, manager).—"Queen rf the Highway" turned them away .9-11, company and production being thoroughly adequate. "Why Girls Go Wrong" played to good attendance 12-14. "The Younger Broth- el*" 16-18. "Escaped from Sing Sing" 19-21. Cook Opera House (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).—The same old story, S. rt. O. The Fadette Woman's Orchestra proved the draw- ing card last week. Week of 16: Ross and Kenton, Metropolitan Grand Opera Quartet, the Dollar Troupe, Fred Nlblo, Les Olopas, Mathews and Ashley, and the ktnetograph. Corinthian (Henry C. Jacobs, manager). —The-Cracker JackB Co. -layed to standing room week of 0. Bob Van Oaten again proved bis popularity, scoring heavily. Bentz-Sant- ley Co. 10-21, ? uiinny.—At ITnrmanus Bleecker Hall (If. R. Jacobs, manager) "Running for Offlcc" Jan. 9-11, drew good sized audlcnecs. "For Fair Virginia," 12, had fair business. TIioh. W. Ross, In "Checkers," 13, had one of the biggest houses' of the season, and Nance O'Nell, In "Magda," 14. closed a good week. Muraaret Aselln 10. "PUT, raff, Pout" 20. 21, R, B. Mantel) 23-28. Umpire (H. n. Jacobs, manager).— "Pousse Cafe" had good attendance 0-14. ;The JapBkys" 10-21. "Fiddle-Dee-Dee" 23- PnocToa's (Howard Graham, resident manager).—Packed ltoues all last week. For jo and week: Ten Ichl Troupe, Hlnes and Hemlnglon. Myles-Stavordnlo QuIMotte, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher, Zlmmer, Pierce snd Maizeo. Mrchael Rrnhatn. and Wood and Rriy. Gaiety (H. B. Nichols, manager).—This hnrlcsqup house opened 9-11. with a return of- tlie Brigadiers, to crowded houses. Al. 1 cows' Show 12 14. Good attendance con- "••ued. Trocaderos 16-18, High Rollers 10- .Votes.— Archie Shepard's moving pictures ™>ntlnue to amuso Sunday evenings at the I-.mplre. Albany Orchestra will give a concert at Odd Fellows Hall 18.. Oliver A. Stater, the popular treasurer of: the Gaiety Theatre, has accepted a similar po- sition, at. Proctor's One Hundred and Twenty- lifth Street Theatre. ■ Troy,—At the Lyceum Theatre (Burns Glliam. manager) the Mortimer 8now Stock Co filled the houso last week. In "Barbara I' rltchtc. rim Christian," which met favor earlier In the season, will be presented Jan. 16-21. GiiiHwot.u (M. Rcls, manager).—May Ir- win, In "Mrs. Black Is. Back,' 1 turned pcojilo away 10. "Checkers" had a big house 11. Hie Two Orphans" had a good honse 14. Robert B. Mantel), in "Richard III." 18. ,. R A*fi>'K (M. Rein, manager).—"Slaves of the Mines" did well 0-11. "The Sign of the lour tilled the house 12-14. "Queen of tho Wpliway" 10-21. Royal (William Costelio, resident mana- Per).—Al. Reeves' BtirlesnUers did well 0-11. rlie Brigadiers bad big houses 12-14. The NigH Rollers sre duo 10-18, Trocadcro Bur- lesquers 10-21. s / , 8 ? r *a!Bn«e- 1 _At Welting Opera House (John L. Kerr, manager) Lionel Barr.v- mo^. In "Thr Other Girl," Jan. 9. May Irwin .had 12. De Wolf Hop- per is,- Margaret Anglln, in "A Wife's strategy." 18," 19. . BAsT.vnt.E (H. A. Hurtlg. manager).— Happy Hooiifsn," Oil, came to blgbuil- noas. Ralph Stuatt 12-14, Al. H. WTIlMn iU-Io. '.. .•.'." Quaxd Opera House (Chas. H. Plummor, manager).—"Queen of the Highway" 12-14, I-icaped from Sing Sing" 16-18, "Younger Brothers" 19-21, "A Race for Life" 23-20, James Boys in Missouri" 26-28. • — * ' > Eighteen trains a, day Let ween .; \:'- - v Fv7 ; jJ*V* .-.••■. New York nud Duxfslo Ma the als> tr«ck^»T, r tC»ulnU or tbc Wtat shore nnilronil.— Adc. Mi880Tjni. ,!»l. Lonla.—At the Century (Jalhea J. hahnertyi aetlaf matt«t«r) Cecilia Loftus, tn "The SeHo-Comtc Governess," Jan. 18*21. Ust week Lawrence D'Oraay played to fair haslbMS. • "Tie 'Prince ot P feen" 28-28. OAR3ICK (J. Sntlbert, resident manager). •—"The, Royal Chef" entered upon its elev- enth jjeripnni&ee ID. Next, waiter Per- kins, in "WhTaoea Therer Olympic (P. Short, manager).—Virginia Hamed, In "The Lady Shore,- opens 16, for Weak. Last week "The Girl from Kay's" came to fair business.. - BriKDABD (Mo Relchenbacb, manager).— Relliy & Wood's Big Show opens 10, for week. A big reception awaits Pat Relliy. La«t week tho Gay Masqueraders came to splendid patronage. The World Beaters 23- CoLUiJBlA (Frank Tate, manager).—The headliner for week of 16 la James .7. Mor- ton. Others: Mahon'a Minstrel Maids, the Three BamonJer*, Raymond and Caverly, the Melrose Troupe, Carter and Waters company, Josephine Alnslee, Jackson and Douglas, Charles Gloss and Son, Roscoe and Simms, James and Cclla Welch and the klnodrome.' Last week good business ruled. Odeon (Geo. F. Olendorff, business mana- ger).—A sotnptuous production of "Shenan- doah" this week.. Last week "Romeo and Juliet" drew fair business. Evelyn Vaughan was a winsome Juliet. Geo. Parker played Romeo and W. P. Carleton Mercutlo. Ex- quisite Marion Pollock Johnson burst forth effulgently as Lady Capulet. QiiANri Opeoa House (John C. Sheehy, local manager).—"The Strollers" 15-21. Robert Lett.Dwlght Allen, Joe 8mlth Marba, Jeue Luneska and May Bouton are with the company. Last week Arthur Dunn, In "The Runaways," had good business. Star (John A Piasea, manager).—BUI 15-21: De Velds and Zelda, Robinson and Hyde, Mile. Aline, Allen Rlcharda. Germa and Carthlel, John McKlnnon and the Star ograpb. Last weck'a bill appeared to fair business, .... , iMPEBiu, (D. E Russell, local manager). —W. C. Cunningham bring* his "Dsrkeit Russia" 10-21. laat week "Jolly" Nellie McHenry, la "M'lhis," drew goed bnalpess. Lottie Williams, In "Only a Shop Girl," 28- 28 Havlix's (William Oaren, manager).— "Child Slaves or New York." with Will H. Vedder and Maggie Meredith, W-21. Last week, "Wedded and Parted" drew good busi- ness. The company Included T. C. Hamilton, Lawrence Finch, Mary Cunard and C. L. Mc- Donald. • * ■ . GMMan (Helneman A Welb, managers). —Vllma von Hohenau, leading lady for the second season of the stock company, will have ber benefit 15. She has chosen "Marl- anna, des Welb Aus Dem Volke" for this occasion. Last week, "Das Stiftungsfest ("The Annlverssry") drew good business. Globe (H. E. Rice, manager).—Bill 22 and week: Cole and Le Marr, Bovince and Schoor. C. J. Stevens, Lulu Besselmann, the stock company, In the farce. "Dutch Jus- tice,"- and the klnetogue. Last week's bill played to good bulness. _.... • . Haoesbeck's (C. Lee Williams, manager). A special act will be Introduced 16-21, exhibiting two leopards, one hyenas, two tiger*, two lions, three polar bears and two IloneiBes In the same, arena. This Is the "family medley" act*that.scored so heavily when shown at the World's Fair. The per- forming seals arc to be retained. Splendid patronage continues. Cbawitobd (0. T. Crawford, manager). —The "New Eight Bell*." with the Brothers Byrne, 15-21. L*Bt week, John Larkln*. in "A Trip to Africa," had fair business. Lark- Ins is a wide awake entertainer, and he was abetted by the heat colored-troupe seen here this season. Dora Patterson, Bert Grant and Carrie Stlth scored. Next, "An American Gentleman." - . .. ■_■ __. - Notes.— Zoo Aklns, daughter of Thomas J. Aklns, Republican national committeeman, and a young society lady well known In St. Louis, made her debut upon the stage 10, playing a page with the Odeon Stock Co., In S Romeo and Juliet." Miss Chamber- Iain, of Boston, gave a reading of "Candida 14.. St. Louis Aerie. No. 41, Fraternal Order of Eagle*. Installed its officers 10. Past President E. C. Bryant waa presented with a membership card fn the order, framed In a gilt frame. The presentation speech was mado by. Dr. C. A. Newcomb, Post Con- ductor Fred Lnusberg was presented with a diamond watch charm by Charles F. QuIpA, on behalf of tho members. The following officers were Installed: Worthy.president. Dr. C. A. Newcomb: worthy vlco president, Charles F. Qulnn; recording secretary. Chaa. Darci; unanclal secretary, Ben H- Grleffenkamp; chaplain, Frank J. Vollmer; treasurer, Thomas Hart; conductor, Henry Schumacher; Inside guide, A. G. Schulz; outside guide, J. B. Ogden: trustee*, James Mooney, Joseph Traumiller and Henry Wag- ner; physicians. Doctors Hans Sauermsu. Ben Owens and E. 0. Greer ..Creatoro and his Italian Band, 10. at tho Odeon..... Dumas Dramatic Club, In "Because I Love You," 0, at the Odeon, drew good business. Marlon Brooks. Charles Murrell, Maurice Or- mnn..W. H. Officer Jr.. Oscar 8. Ffcklln, 13*r- wick Prultt, Rachel Ellison, Mrs. M. V. Cam- eron, C. Jones and Sadie Weils participated. ...7..Choral Symphony Society, with Jo*ef Hofman,' piano soloist, Odeon, 28. • ■ m ■ Kaasa* city—At the Willis Wood (Woodward ft Burgess Amusement Co., man- agers).—"Tho Maid and tho Mummy" came Jan. 0-11, to good business. Lester Loner- can and Alice Treat Hunt, la "Candida," "amo to fair Jiouaes. Boih stars did excel- lent work. This week, Ssm Bernard and Hattle Williams, In "The Girl from Kay'*," and next week, Lawrence D'Orsay. • Grand (Hudson A Judah, managers).— Last week. Harry Beresford, In "Our New Man." had good business. Mr. Beresford did- excellent work. This week, Florence Ulndley. In "The Street Singer," and next week, James J. Corbett. ' Onrunuii (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Till* week: Webb's performing seals. Bob and Oeo. Qulgley; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy, Happy Jack Gardner, Charles Leon- ard Fletcher. Hti' GlLI. perfo'rmaneesr~~fn'U week, "Only" u Shop Girl," and next week, "Child Slaves of Now York."' Aii'ditobium (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- ment Co., ninnagers).—Last week, J. B. Stoddart, in "Tho Bonnie Brier Bush," did good business. The star. Ruben Fix and Louise Rutter were excellent. Tills week, "Sherlock Holmes," and next week, "The Hill* of California." . ' CsntubY (Joseph Barrett manager).— Last week, the Vanity Fair Bur!e*juers save a.fine show. Roger Imboff and Llmaa Phllley, manager) Barry Beretford. In "Our N«w Man," Jan. i 7, pleated. "For.Her pleated. ake," «. 0, did fair Business. •'Bhaflaws fa areat city" 10. 11, "TheTrincttt Chic 2, Ho**})* Knott i:i. F orence Binjiey 14. No Wedding TUtl* for Her" 16, 16. O&p&stiM (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Week of 8 opened With Chas. Leonard •, JAck" Gardner. Itocd and Shaw, Phillips and Merritt, Early and Ltko and Irving Jones, irate ill W. Van Dyke, manager).— Business Is One. Week of 8, "The Road to 'FHseo." CntsTAi. (Fred Cogman, manager).—Busi- ness cohtinuts good.. Week of 8: Gibson and Nash, Bam E. 81oah, Porter and Mc- Bklnner*, Yukona, Brady and Hamilton, Phil and Carrie Mussel) and moving pictures. ♦« ■ CANADA. SUnn's Burlesque Co., Mae Vernon, Id* Rotl- ter, Francis Venlta Grey, lmqgtn Mam- field, Eva WioitoB. Netao fcatto, Jack D»rt», the Gordaller*, Kellae* Moor*, 8igt». flob- trta, Inea 3t Claire, Mae Etaenou and Boll* 'Iper. t'BiTr.'a New Tusatrh (J. J. Wc»t,.man- ager). —Bob Ingcrsoll, Jack and Myrtle Mack, Ella Sinclair. Rooney and Forrttter, Bee sontbwlck, Fay Leslie, Ada Bradford, the Four Banvard*. Zerolda, Tom Reybold and May Reed. BlaIixb's CoNcbbt Hall (Ell B. Davis, manager).—Beatrice Lome, Lamode Sitters, ahd Harter and Harnar. EaicXaoN'a Mistc hall (H, D. Griffin, -Dorrla Greenwatd, Jennie Btnt- d Shetland*, Helena, Mamie Hai- and Bert Newell. « ■» lviacoNsiif. manager).—D ley, the Two wick Norrls a I Montreal.—At HI* Majesty's (H. Q. Brooks, manager) Ida Conquest, In "The Money Maker*/' came to good houses Jan. 0-14. Forbes Robertson 10-21, "The Isle of Spice" 28-28. Academy or Mvaic (II. C. Egerton, man- ager).—A). U. Wilson, in "The Watch on the Rhine," drew good bouse* 9-14. "Run- ning for Office" 10-21, "The Mayor of the Bowery" 23-28. Theatre Francais (F. Ho worth, mann- er).—Watson's orientals drew light houses i-14. Broadway Masqueraders 10*21, Coxy Corner Girls 2S-28.. Theatbe Royal (F. W. Le Clair, mana- ger).—"Escaped from the Harem" had fnlr houses 0-14. "A Race for Life" 10-21, "Es- caped from 8ing Slug" J*S8. theatbi NotrvxAOTEs.—The permanent French Stock Co., In "Les Surprises du Di- vorce," played to good houses 9-14. "Mar- celle" 16-21. T heaths: National Fbancais (Geo. Gau- vreau, manager).—Tho permanent French Stock Co., in "L'Algion," played, to crowded bouses 9-14. "La Morte Vlvante" 16-21. ' s London.—At the Grand (F. X. Korman, manager) Hyde's Comedians Jan. 6, 7. The audiences were entirely satisfied with the vaudeville turns by Flo Irwin, Walter Haw- ley, Katherlne Nugent, Green and Green, Hal Clements, Rlva Brothers. Koppe and Koppe, Alice J. Shaw and Baiando. "Why Girls Leave Home," 9, had a very large house. "The Mlssourlana," 12, pleased a good house. Booked: William Clifford, In Shakespearean repertory, 13, 14; Bijou Comedy Co. 10-21. London Vaudeville (C. W. Bennett, man' ager).—Bnalness has been excellent. Man- ager Bennett baa secured Prof. Stevens, of New York, as orchestra leader, and the audiences are now provided with flrat class music. Week of 10: Walter O. Brown and Ellis Sisters, Gourley Bros., James and Davis, San Marcos Family, Romalo and Jerome, the Carraya, Shanty Town Trio. Donnette, Great Jansen and company and klnetograpb. 11 * Toronto—At the Princess (O. B. Shep- pard, manager) Forbes Robertson, In "Love and the Man," played to ■ large business, creating a favorable - Impression. The suc- cess of the play seems assured. "Wang" Jan. 10-21. ' Grand Opera House (A. J. Small, man- ager).—"The Fortune Teller," B-14, drew fair bouses. "Ninety and Nine" 10-21.. Majestic (A. J. Small, manager).—"Un- der Southern Skies," 9-14, drew well. Mar- tin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 16-21. Shea's (J. Shea, manager).—Large busi- ness.- Coming i week of 16: Paul Spadonl, Emmett CorrTgan and Co., Watson, Hutch- ing* and Edwards, Nlchol Slater*, A. 0. Dun- can, Howard Brothers, George C. Davis, Three Jackaons and the klnetograph. Star (F. W. Stair, manager).—The High Rollers drew large business. Cracker Jacks 16-21. Milwaukee.—Robert Edeaon, in "Ran- son'a Folly," drew well filled houses at the Davidson Jan. 12-14. "The III* of Spice," 8- 11, had satisfactory business. Manager Sher- man Brown offers Maxlne Elliott 28-25, "A Girl from Dixie" 29. ALSaMBBA (0. F. Miller, manager).— Howard Hall. In "The Waif's ParadUe." waa enthusiastically received 8-14. "The Semi- nary Girl" week of IS, ahd "The Errand Boy" week of 22. Academy.— Edwin Thanhouier's company gave a highly entertaining performance, week of 9. In "The Rogue's Comedy." "The Vil- lage rostmaater" week of 10, and "The Altar of Friendship" week of 23. Bijou Opera Hovsc (John R. Pierce, resi- dent manager).—"The White Tlgreas of Ja- pan" 15 and week. "After Midnight" week of 22. "The Heart of Maryland" had a big week 9-14. Pabbt.— Leon Wacbiner continue* to And favor with hi* German performances "Die Fledermaus" 15, and "Soln Prlasceucben" 18. Stau. —Scrlbner's Gay Morning Glories ored a big hit week of 8. Business was excellent Ladles' matinees, Friday*, are especially popular. The Tiger Lilies week of 10, Rice and Barton's* Gaiety Co. week of 22. Ghand. —Manager S. R. Simon offer* 10- 22: Blanche A. Lewis, Le Claires, Kennedy and James, the Tbrlllors and the Middle- ton*. Cbystal (P. B. Winter, manager).— People week of 10: Forbe* and Forbes, Baby Gladys, the Great Klupy, Lucy and Lucler and Stoddard and Wilson. Business oxcal< lent. Nojf.s. —Mme. Melba at the Albambra 13. The Chicago Orchestra at the I'nbst 17.... '.".win. II. Tooker, whom Edwin 'ihan- houser engaged for character roles, made hi* flrst appearance with the company at the Academy 9. Thot). V. Er&ery, for light com- edy roles, will open 10 Fred Miller, for a time box offico toller at the Albambra, and late with the Dewey Theatre, at Minne- apolis, committed suicide In this city 4, 18-18. "The Wayward Son", 19-21, "A Fight for Millions" 23.25, '^The Struggle for Gold'; "fjACoaa'.—"Wintoioe Winnie"' 7, Field'* Mlo»tr»l» 12. ■.'•«"■' ' Tim.— While in Philadelphia, 10. Manager Edwin Klroy. of the Lyceum Theatre, fill and wrenched his leg so badly aa to lay blm up. .....There will be three "Dora Thorne' companies on the road ntxt season. 1 Holiolten.—At tho Lyric (II. P. Soulier, raanagor) "Alone in the World" 15-18, "The Middleman" 19.21. "Too Proud to iteg" 22- 25, A Fight (or Million*" 26-28. Business Is fair. •;'"-" Rmfim) (A. M. Bruggeman, proprietor).—* Rill week of 10: Barney Kagnu and Henri- etta Byron, Charles Kenha. Harry Booker and James F. Corbley, Musical Klcltt, riro-* Bright, Amann and Hartley and Harry ,emar. Business keep* fair. I <»» COLORADO. Denver.—At the Broadway (E. F. Mc- Court, manager) "Sergeant Kitty" played to good hou»e* Jan. 9-14. "Tho Mold and the Mummy" 10-21. Ta mm Grand (R. F. McCourt. manager). —"The Sign of the Cro*a" had packed house* 8-14. Paul Ollmore. In "The Mummy and the Humming Bird," 15-21. OaptiEt'M (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).— Week or 9-14: Mary Shaw and com- pany, Alcfde Capltalne, Blnns, Blun* and Hlnnn. Phyllis Allen, Texana Sisters. Ed. Foster and dog, Von Kline and Gibson and Orpheum Orchestra. Packed houses. Week of 10-21: Prosper Troupe, Klght Collnl Clnrlonl*. Campbell and Johnson, Jnme* Mc- Donald, the Glensona and Houlihan, Mitchell and Love and Three Kcltons. New CunTis (A. R. Polton, manager).— "The Fatal Wedding" had good houses 8-14. Frank Jama* 15*21. ' Lyric (Frank Leary, manager).—Woek of »-14: Greene and King, Warren and Howard. Coleman and Mexlae, Ed. Canon, Howard Morris, Harry Baker and R. A. William*. Business good. Week of 10-21 : Itlntthani nnd Sable, (3d. Canon, tho Great Chatter, Crlmmln* and Mack, Bobbins snd Treaeaman, Lulu Thais and It. A. Williams. Novelty (Henry Lubolikl, manager).— Week of 10-21: The Llpplncott*. the McShaa*. rays. Dick Boianko, Wonderful Bush and B. Fisher. Mention.— Maude Sheppard, the actress, It lying critically III nt St. Anthony's Hospi- tal, whore she has undergono an operation. 0 »» DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. NEW JERSEY. St. Johns.—At the Opera House (A. O. 8klnner, manager) the w. R. Dailey Stock Co. played "Christopher Jr." Jan. 6-7, to fair business, giving a very good perform' ance. "Current Cash" 0-11. Business was fair. There was no performance given 11, snd the company disbanded. York, —Pauline, hypnotist, opens 10, for a limited engagement. The, York closed Sat- urday, 7, aa a vaudeville bouse, and Manager Hyde, who has made many friend* while here, left for New York the same evening. Manager Hyde expects to return hero In the near future. t Hamilton—At the Grand Opera House (A.- It. Loudon, manager) "The Fortune Teller," on Its return, Jan. 0, played to good business. "Under Southern Skies, 7, proved attractive. "Why Ulrit Leave Home," 10, 11, had Rood houses, "The Mlssourlana" 13, 14, De Wolf Hopper 23, 24, "Love and the Man" 20. - -.'"v.: Stab (J. G. Appleton, manager).—Good business week of 9. For week of 16: The Musical Heeds, the Juggling Matblea*, the Wilson, Le Vnrd and Huard, Morgan and Crone, Marie De Rosactt, Conlon and Rus- sell, Allum and Mee., 1 Winnipeg;.—At the Winnipeg (B. P. Walker, manager) "The Devil s Auction," Jan. 4, bad 8, K. O. "Arlroua" had big —MB* " nfltfc Tar.?. business 0-7. "Pretty Peg**," with Jane Corcoran, drew big houses 8-10. The Scot- tish Concert Co. 12. "Human Hearts" 18,14 Dominion -(M. Kyle, manager).—Attend- ance Is large. Bill for week or 10: Blanche Bryant and J. J. Abbott. Jundt and Llvora, Delmore and Darrell, J. W. Sherry, Caprice, dancer; Beau Brummcll and the klnodrome. *)t» OREGON. Hubert De Veau and Lotlna. ili.ih (E. 8, Brlgham, manager).—Last k, "No Wedding Bell* for Her" guvo good Portlnnil.—At the Marquam Grand (Calvin Helllg, manager) Wllllama A Walkar did very good business Jan. 2-4, with "In Dahomy." West's Minstrel's 0. The Ban -Greet players came to. fair business 0, 7. Whlto Whittlesey 1618, "The .Sultan of Sulu" 10-21. Columbia (A. II. Ballard, manager).— The Columbia Theatre Stock Co. had two capacity houses 8, to witness "The Holy City." "The Last Word" did very good business week of 1. "The Wife" week of 15, during which week Edgar Baume, lead. log man, close* bis engagement. Empire (George L. Baker, manager).— "Rudolph and -Adolph" had two capacity "The Show Girl" did very' gooil "An American Tramp'' houses-6. business week of 1. 15-18. Gband (F. Lincoln, manager).—Concer's Dog Show, St Clair nnd Carlisle. Morgan and Chester, Hugh McCormlcf, Cook and Oaken, Holmes and Dean, Alf. Bonner and the Urandlscqpe. . .' ■ • Stab (8. Morton Cohen, manager).—Ray. 2a&&&^&*% 33*'aM^wvtea, WooItbCo ^ Itall attd *DaYlB, Robert Bills and the pro- National (W. Terry, mi nager).—Last week'* bill Included > MoBroe and Davla, Brown and Black, Win. Rogers, Msrk Fields and - the Albion*. Yale's (Llovd Brown, manager).—Bill week of 16: Phil, and Carrie Russell, tho Orotcsque Randolphs. Gllsnn and Nash, Ydhama, George Bookout and Frank Gmle. ' CLirrERiN'ns-r— Melba and ber concert corn- pan v, appeared at Convention, Hall Jan. 4, 0 Immense crowds, the maanct being the jectoscope. Aboaue (8. Morton Cohen, manager).— Dalten and Lewis, the PattenoM, Hhoen- werk, Prsger Hlsfers, Lily Palotna and the American bioscope. Lybic (Keating A Flood, manager*).— Three Norwoods. Prince Goto, Dora Dale, Fry and Allen, Thomas W. Ray, Tom West and vltascope. first *pp«*ranec of Mme. Parklna—or, rather, Bossle Parkinson, as-sbe-is known btra. She i-ecelved an ovstlon. and deservedly *o, for she has a wonderful YOiee. S '■%•'-' ' ■ st, Joseph.—At the New .Lyceum (C. U. Bijou (Fred T. Merlli; manager).—Doug- m add Douglas, Arthur Boyei Sling Parrptte, Benson and Frat. ennio Colborn, Edna Foley, Kdua Murrllla Ian add Douglas, Arthur Bdyca; the Jng- , 11Dg Parrot is, Benson and FranceeU, Jolly Belles 24-28 Ncw»rk.—At the Newark Theatre (Lee Ottolengul, manager^ Andrew Mack, In "The Way. to Kenmare," Jan. 16-21. Monday night the entire houso was sold out for the benefit of the Royal Arcanum Employment Bureau. Kyrlo Bollew, 0-14, played "Baf- fles" to large and appreciative audience*. George Primrose's Minstrels 28-28. Ehpiue 1 (H. M. Uyams, manager).— "Texas" this week, with Florence Lester. Eugenie Blair drew fair housss last week. The latter half of week *he appeared In "The New Magdalen." Adelaide Thurston 23-28. ■ 1: Columbia (M. 3. Jacobs, manager).— After four weeks of the Weber A Fields' musical extravaganzas this . house returns to melodrama tbla week, offering "Dora Thorns,'; "Hurlf Burly" and vaudeville drew moderate business, ending 14. "The Little Outcast" 23-28. Blaney'b (J. H. Rucken, manager).— Patrice appear* In "Driven from Home" 16-21. '-queen of the White Slave*" drew large audiences 9 14. "A Working Girl's Wronger 28-28. Walduann's (W. 8, Clark, manager).— Miner's Bohemians entertain a* lavishly a* usual this week. The Thoroughbreds en* toyed a week of good business, ending 14. Bam Devere's Show 211-28. Proctob'8 (J. Austin Fynes, general man- ager).—Business continues good. This week: Tho Imperial Japanese Guarda, Rose Stnhl, In "Tho Chorus Lady:" Mart King, Mr. and Mr*. Gardner Crane, In "Am I Your Wife?" the Four Valdarca. Frcrea Griff, McCue. and Cahlll, George Uuiiey and the Bice Family. 1 ■ Trenton,—At the Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Moses, manager) "Our New Minister" bad good business Jan- 7. "Win- tome Winnie," 9, did well. "The Burgo- maiter," 10, pleased a fair sized bouse. Field's Minstrels, 11, had good business. Rout. Msntell, 12, 13, did fairly well, An- drew Mark 14, "Little Johnny Jones" 20, Madame Scbuman-Heink 21, ''The Tender- foot" 27. State Street (Frank Bhalter*, malinger). —"The Wayward Son," 9, 10, had fair bu»l- nets. "The Younger Bros,," 11, had a moder- ate sized-house. "On the Bridge al Mid- night," 12-14, pleased. Joe Welch 10-1S, "The Last Call" 19,' "Under Southern Skies' 1 21. Sclma Hermann 23-25, "Dora Thorns" 20-28. Trent (Edward Renton, manager).— Busi- ness was satisfactory last week Bill 16 and week: Paul Conchas, tho Three Keatons, Hugbcy Dougherty, Roattlna and Steven*, Mr. and Mr*. Allison, Frank Whitman, Pi- card Bros, and the blograph. Cnmden.—At the C'amdon (M. W. .Tay- lor,'manager) "In "the' Shadow of the Gal- low*" divided last week with Torry Mc- Gpvcrn, in "For Fumo and Fortune." Both shows did big business. "A Royal Slave" 16-18, "A Child Wife" 10-21. • - • - • Notes. —Camden I* to buvo a new theatre, thank* to Munagcr Taylor's huatllng ablll- 'tles. It in to be located In tho-Southern section of the city,' playing at popular prices, WTillo the present Camden Theatre will, after n»xt Sept 1, bo devoted to high class pro- ductions. Both enterprises will be under Manager Taylor's direction The Three musical Bachelors, mother, father ' and "/.eke," the boy wonder, with n lot of new hutlnesa, leave hero shortly for Hamilton, Canada, opening thcro on Feb. 20. A de- cidedly novel addition tn the act Is the entry of the father with "Zeke," who I* brought on In a suit cane, and later plays a horn twice his size. 1 1 •Terser* City.—-The Academy of Mualc had a very satisfactory week with Patrice, In "Driven from Home," erasing Jan. 14. "For Ills Brother's Crime," at tho Btjou," also fared exceedingly well, and the Boa Ton Burlesquers gave an up-to-date offering to big results at the Bon Ton. '-< : Academy (Frank IS. Henderson, manager). —For week of 16, Eugenie Blair. "The Fortune Huntera" 28-28.. Bijou (John W. Holme*, proprietor.)— Week of 1C, "A Working Girl's Wrongs." "Qneen of the White Hlaves" 211-28. Bon Ton (T. W. DlOkln*. msnsger).— Week of 10. Fred-Irwin's Big Show, Loudon ,.-,,.„ A'. .10 < WoahliiKton.—At the National Theatre (W. H. Raploy, manager) "I'artlfnl" come* this week to houses practically void out la advance. Last week, John Drew, In "Tho Duke of Kllllcrankle, played to large audi- ences. Nat C. Goodwin, In "The usurper," Jan. 28-28. Coluubia (Joseph B. Luckett, manager). —This week, Frank Daniel*, lu 'The OOlco Hoy." Lost week, George M. Cohan, In "Little Johnny Jones," had good business. Klcnnor Robson, In "Merely Mary Attn." 23- 28. LArAYETTB Opera Hodhb (Ira J. La Motto, manager).—Thl* week, Leslie and Dally, in "Paris by Night." Last week, "Me, (Urn and I" had crowded house*. Nat M, Will*, In "A Son of Rett," 28-28. Academy (J. W. Lyon*, manager).—This week, "A Desperate Chance." Last week large audiences greeted "The Great Automo- bile Myntory." T Acrn«s tho Paclfle" 2H-2S. Ciiaht'h (Mrs. II. Winifred De Witt, man. ager).—This woek: Rico and Provoat, Harry Gllfoti, Burrow*, Lancaster and company, Kaufman Troupo, Caitle Square Quartette. Hoch, Dlton and company, Van Camp and the vltagrapb. Laat week Mile. Adglo and bar lion*, Dlgby Bell, Six Musical Cutty* and other* furnished a fine bill, crowding the home at every performance. ■ • Lyceum (Rugene Kcrnun, manager).—Thl* week, the Blue Ribbon Girl*. Last weik Miner'* American Uurleequera played to de- servedly large business, The Knickerbocker* 23-28. «■» 1 VIRGINIA. Norfolk.—At the Academy of Mualc (Corbln Shield*, manager) "At Old Point Comfort," Jan. 4, had very uitufoctqry re- turns. "The Girl from Kay'*," 7. did well. "Tho Jewol of Asia" 21. "Parsifal'' 23, "The Marriage of Kitty" 24. „ , Gbanby (Jake Well*, manager).—Duslnot* continue* of a most satisfactory uaturo. "Aero** the Pacific" week of 111. Bijou (Abb Smith, manager).—New peo- fie for week of 16: Llllle Thompson, Guide .arson, Mollis Abbott and Wallace Sister*. Business Is very good, Ache (Wllkenon & Mnnzle, managers).— People week of 161 Louise Tngue, Sadie Bur- geat, Pago and Weston, Angelina Havlland, Allco Lamar and Marie Bolls. Business under the new management I* vary good Indeed. Mr. Manzle will leave for New York 18, for the purpo«e of securing porformors new to this territory, Manhattan Theatre (Crlnnlnn Bros., manager*).—People week of 16: Tho Noli- rem, Roger* and Key, Bunion and Wallace, Madge McCook, Anna Crouch, Master Ilottoa, Tommy Htrrl* Jr. and Chat. 1-3. Ilrandou. Auditorium (J. M. llnrton. mnnnavr),— New people for week ot 16: Mitchell Misters, tho Great Haywood, Harvey and Gardiner. Poole and Bert, Bob Murray, Buckley and Ucntz, Magglo Classen and the Hall Sister*. Business I* good. * ' - Richmond.—At the- Academy of Music (Cha*. W. Rex, manager) Chnuncey Olcott, In "Terence," Jan. 9, 10, had crowded houses. Howe's moving pictures 12, "Wlusomo Wlnnio" 18, Nat £ Will* 14, "Tho Jewel of Asia" 18. "The Marriage or Kitty" 21. Ruou (wells A McKoe, managers).— "Aero** the Paelllc" played to B, It. 0. 9-14. "Tho Show Girl" 16-21, "Hor First 1'ulso Step" 28-28. *»> ■ KBNTVOKY, ._ the Bllouscnpe. Maze (A. Shapiro, manager).—Lillian Rarmnnd. Zclmn Hummers, Sloy Jaekaon ana Ueleun. Onijtti'ii .(W. A.. Simon*, .manager) .— Elian be tli— At the Lyceum "Dora Thorne." Jan.. 9-11. "lu the Shadow of the Gallowi" 12-14, The "Dora Thorne" Co. proved to lm exceptionally strong, while tho WW i>leased. ,To arrive; .'.She Child Wlfj" LnnUvlIle.—At Mscaitley's (John T. Macauley, manager) "A Couutry Girl" came Jan. 9-11, drawing 1 well, filled house*, Blanche Doyo captured the audlonce. Ce- cilia' Loftus, 18, 14, came to good business. Otis Skinner 16-18, "The Prince of Pilsou" 10-21. . Masonic (Chas. A. Show, manager).— Nannottn Comitock prc»cnted "Tho Crisis" week of 6, attracting splendid - buitnoss, "The Beauty Doctor" lft.21.' Avenue (Chi*. A. Shaw, manager).- "McPadden'i Flat*," week of 8, played to phenomenal business. Nellie Mclloory in-21, Buckinohah (Whallen Broa., mansHars). —Relliy & Wood's <'o, enme to crowded house* week of 8. "The World Beaters IS- 21. IIofkinh (Wtn. Itelehman, resident man- ager).—Good business. For week of HI: Five'Mowatta, West and Van Sldon, Boll- man and Moore, Sullivan and Pnsquelena, Clement De.Leon, Law-son nnd Nauion and the blogrsph. Note. —David Bliphnm gave a concert 10, at the Women's Club, to a large crowd. 1 ' t . Pndncnh—At the Kentucky (Jas. P!, Bngllab, manager) Tim Murnliy, Jan. 0. pieised Immensely. "Weary Wlllli. Walker, 1 ' 19, had fair buslne**. Coming: "The Crisis" in, William* A Cutter Co. 20, "The County Chairman" 27. « ■ » — Al. Dayman sailed for Europe Jan, 7, De will be gone two uiwitUo, . ,