The New York Clipper (January 1905)

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JANUARY 21. THE -JfTEW- ^YORK CLIPPEB. 1129 TABLI! OF CONTENTS. Mis* Clipper's Anecdotes, Bte. Our UMV&V Wotia oi.Piay , Letter.. l'igijB«"jwjjfiiiitTfi1. Coastal fleroe«*-Bgetch Q^rrlf* Answered Our chii Lafest by'lrtejSpi On the Bond.'..-..., faff*. 1123 1122 1122. nun 1133.1133 1138 1(25 use 1128 1138 1126 1129, 1130, 1131 1131,1132 ,. .nicego EMttr..; Clipper P.0«t OtBee. Latest by Telegjawb On the BOM.'..- , VaMerllie BoM» Cist..... The Forepapgb-Setli Clrcna finder the Tents' Mt»lc tod Sore. Htite Mechanics New York City—Rerle.t tad Comment . THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. Toms •... i..... UUh lows "... Maryland \... . OMi ..;.:..*..,.... Ne# York State Mtseourl Canada '-- Oregon ....-.' W Iscphsln New Jer»f» ......... Colorado District of Columbia.. Virginia Kefltoek. Pennsylvania s . Massachusetts ■ Indiana........ Michigan. .'..'.. Wssnlngtoa ... Minnesota- .... Alabama ..... Maine ........ Illinois ... Oklahoma .... California .... (leorgla ■ West Virginia . Nebraska ...1. Cnimectlmt ... North Carolina Hotdh Carolina TennMwec .... New H»mp»blre Utpde lalantl .. 1132 .1182 . 1132 . 1182 . 1133 , 1138 ... 1188 1118 ..:... ilia 1128 . 1121,1136 . 1127, 1183 ...'..'. 11ST ::::::ffl 1137 1137 1137 1187 Kentucky •■■' • "27 1138 1138 113ft 1136 1189 1189 1139 1139 1130 1139 1120 1129 1129 1132 1132 1132 1132 1132 1132 1135 put on "Tlio Man from Mexico" and made good lu their first Attempt at comedy Dorothy Russell wat the magnet at the Co- Ituabl* At the People's Clark'* Bun- away Girls were food charming cards. • WasHncoioit. Jet. 17.—Savage's "Parnl- fal," In r.njlish, opened at the National to a capacity house, and the seats are practi- cally all sold for the week of eight perform- ances. Frank Daniels, la "The Office Boy." filled the Columbia "Parts by Night" filled the Lafayette.. "A Desperate Chance" packed the Academy Harry Ollfoll was the hesdtlner of a big bill at Chase's, crowding the house afternoon and night The Blue Ribbon Girls had two big audiences at the Lyceum. Milwaukee, Jan. 17. — "The Bemlnory Girl" packed the Alhambra both perform- ances Sunday, and also fared well Monday. "The White TlgTess of Japan" was a big success at the Bijou Both the Than- houaer and Wachsner stock companies drew their usual good business At the Star the Tiger Lilies opened to capacity. An ac- cident to the moving picture machine almost caused a penlc, but prompt and efficient work of the houae staff held tbe audience In check. Louisvi lij:, Jan. 17.—Otis Skinner opened at Marauley's to n big bouse "Tbe Beauty Doctor" attracted a crowded house at the Masonic. Nellie MeHenry, nt tbe Avenue; the World Beaters, at the Bucking- ham, and vaudeville, at Hopkins', opened Sunday to packed houses. Albany. Jan. 17.—"A Wife's Strategy." by George Mlddleton, was presented last night at Harmanus Bleecker Hall, under the management of Frank L.Perlev. with Mar- garet Anglln as tbe star. The cast la a good one, and all concerned were cordially received. «**> CALIFORNIA. Loa Angeles.—At the Mnson Opera House (H. C. Wyatt, manager) "Tbe Billion- aire," headed by Thomas Q., Beabrooke, at- m LATEST BY TEL EftBAPH. M«»««r Jiiiihi*. Opealatya In All the Big Shovr Town*. GOLDEN GATE GLBAKIXGS. tracted good business week ending Jan. 7. "Shore Acres" 0-11. "The Sultan of Sulu" 14. Coming: Frederick Ward«Mtt-21 ' "VfnDrnJr-n'u Dntnivv /A ' Fine Jlnslne** ta th* General Report. DponUti'Dhpatoiicn to The New Yobs Clipper. • San Kiiancibco, Jan. 17.—Kdna Wallace Hopper, In "A Country Mouse," preceded bv The. curtain raiser, "Captain January," began jpfllerdti.v. 10. MMjM'ric—Yesterday marked tbe opening of i'Atl the Comforts of Home," and begin- ning of alternating system between stock i-nruiianlps of this theatre and Ye Liberty, in Oakland. Alcazar. —"The Olrl and the Judge" Is the-current week's bill. (IRANP Opfiiia House. —Sunday matinee, l.Vrbarlrta the opening of "The Silver Slip- CALtfORKIA.—Joseph Murphy began 15 n two' ttttlia' tngngement. "Kerry Gow" 15-21. CTNttui,;— Current bill Is "A Working Girl's 'Wrongs" Tivoli Opkra House. —This Is the second week of Mexican Grand Italian Opera Co. While the.Italian Opera Co. Is at the house the regultr company will make a tour of the Slate; presenting "King Dodo." OR»n«r:M.—Bill for week opening IS: Clifford and Burke, the Four Musical Avolos, the'Nelson Family of ten persons, Cbasslno, Mohohco'h Bubbank (Oliver Morocco, manager).—"Old Jed Prouty" drew well week ending 1. end the stock company did well In "My Wife's Husband," 8-14. "In South Carllney" 16-21. Bglibco (John H. Blackwood, manager). —"The Man from Mexico," bv the Belasco Stock Co., drew well 2-8. "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines" 9-10, "Old Reldel- hAi-«" in berg" 10. On .. V:?«lUgernld; and Qottheld, II. Creasy and Dayne, Klne Kleanor Falke ana the Or- plieum. morion pictures. CnfriBS.-—Current bill, opening 16: Tbe Yale Duo, -'opn T. Powers, Jessie Lawrence, the. Brar Trio, Wilson and Lacoata, Mabel Lamaon and tbe olograph. Notkh. —Paderewslil, In concert, 8, at the Alhsmbra... . .On Dec. 25 Manager H. W. HlshOp announced that In three weeks' time lie yVonlil Install practically a new company ni the Ma(estle. Of the old company J. 11. Ollrqour and F.iennor Gordon will be retained. llticr* Mestayer may go Into vaudeville with Ade)e Illock, or star In "Obosts." Robert Morris and Klale Esmond will probably c> to itie Burbank, In Los Angeles. Tbe new company and tbe company at the Liberty, In Oakland, will alternate every week, thua Hllowlnu tbe actora two weeks work In one Play: The Oakland house will be the pro- ducing one, ^^^^^^ ' . FROM OTHER POINTS. in Performance. In Altmny, N. Y., larsnrft Anarlin, la_''A Wlfe'i *ii >ta.. n 9lf(|t«Kr" — Generallr Good Baal- neaia Reported. oSobton. Jan. 17.—John Drew opened hli enftgement at the Hollls lout ulRbt, lo "The IhlCT of Klllicrankle." being greeted by a large 'audience Wright Lorlmer began h return engagement, In "The Shepherd King." before a big bouse, at the Majestic. ..vTi.At the Boston Theatre Mme. Rejane opened her Becond week, presenting "Amour- misl" to a good slued house.... ..The hold- Frano Opera Hodbb (Clarence Drowns, manager).—Rose Melville, In "Sis Ropkina," aroreu well week ending 7, continuing week of 8. There will be two performances of "Yon Yonson" 13.. Blanche Bate!, In "The Darling of the Gods," at advanced prices. 10-21. OnritRiiM (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—The Orpheum Road Show 9 and week, Presenting Mclntyre and Heath, Spessardy's ears and ponies, Grace Palottl and tbe Mllltnry Maids, the Lutonas, Frank and Jen, Clarice Vance, Smlrl and Ketsner, Probst, Albertlne Meliich and trained birds, to big business. Notes.—The Unique, Broadway, Cailnu and Clneograph Theatres, all popular priced houses, are presenting attractive bills and doing good business.. ..Mme. Oadskl aave a return recital at Simpson Auditorium 13, under the local direction og L. E. Hebymer.- .. ..The Ben Greet players begin a two weeks' engagement at Temple Auditorium 10, under the local direction of L. E. Behymer, In repertory. a Oakland.—At tbe Macdonough (Hall & Barton, managers) Black Paul's Trouba- dours drew moderately Jan. 4-0. Warde and Kidder. In "Salammbo," had packed houses 7. "Yon Yonson" drew fairly 8. "The Sultan of Sulu" packed tbe bouse 0. Tbe Tivoli Opera Co., of San Francisco, In "King Dodo," 12-17; Blanche Bates 24-26. Liberty (II. W. Bishop, manager).— Bishop's Stock Co., In "Rupert of Hentzau," drew large bouses week ending 8. Some com- pany O and week, In "A Nutweg Match." Bishop's Stock Co., from, the Majestic, Ban Francisco, will present, on an elaborate scale, "The Bella," with J. H. Gllmour, 1621. The local stock company will be transferred to tbe Majestic Theatre, San Francisco. nt:i.i. 11"<1. Itoman, manager).—'Bill 16 and week: Devlne Dobson, Jessie Dale. Wynn and Hart, Ventura, Wilson and Wilson, I'eto Dunnwortn, the Hall's Trio and motion pic- tures. Business Immense. NovEi/rr (Tony Lubelakl. manager).— Features 10 and week: Juggling Campbells, J. W. Clifford, tbe McCarvera, Norman Stan- ley, Kittle Stovens, Cora Mlskell and tbe vltagrapb. Business S. R. O. L'mpiph (K. M. Carlson, manager).—At- tractions 10 and week: Raymond, Luella Cross, Henry M. King, Kelly and Manney, Professor L. Fox and motion pictures. Bust, noss Is immense. »»» KGW YORK STATE. Utlca.—At the Majestic "Uncle Tom's Cabin" packed the bouse Jan. 9. Andrew Mack wai well received 10. "Tbe Two Or- phans" pleased a large audience 11. De Wolf watVm'cVi wVre:"Wna-May;/ln ''the-Scl.001 Hopper drew b&rf '^ ue a en n «?'?b r e U Hlgb i Olrirat tbe Colonial; Rice's "Merry Shop ^'J,, 1 ^ 1 ^.^'? 8 ;,.^,- 96 ^""^"^. m at the Park, and ^. Owmtj Chair- gg 1ft Itaij^AgjIta 17^ The mu iMjuare, wi tbe Upf id flffil .at toe Tremont, Business was brisk ......"Checkers," at tbe Globe, and "A Wife's' Secret," at tbe Grand Opera House, tlreiy, the ueual big popular priced crowd;. ..', .,}•. Stock business waa good at the Castle Square, With' "The MnDoeuvres of Jane," and "Tdoln Square, with "For Her Chll- Bke." Vaudeville at Keith's. Bo** ,_ Music Hall was well attended Tlievbiirletque houses were crowded twice. PiiiUnBLi'HiA, Jan. 17.—Ideal tneatre- Rolmi weather helped to bring ot-t a splen- did Jifgregate Inst night, and the houses all fared"well The return of May lrwln to the local stage, In "Mrs. Black Is Back," woi welcomed by a large crowd at the Chest nut. 'She entertained In her old Jolly man- ner... ...I'Mucb Ado About Nothing," at the Broad'-Street, showed the Mnrlnwe-Sothem combination to further advantage, nnd de- lighted .a fine audience "Joreph Kn- langled." at the Garrlck: "Tbe Usurper," at toe Opera House; "The Pit." at the Wal- nut-,:'''Broiling Island." at the Casino, and "The 1 Old Homestead," at tbe Park, all bold <>vef advantageously. 1Q d other combination liouepK had capacity houses Meritor! Winkle," 20; "The Stain of Guilt" 21. Orpiiuom (Wllmer & Vincent, managers). —Last week's bill drew big. Week of 16: Powell's Klectrlc Marionettes, Johnson. Wilkes and Alexander. Joelson, Palmer and Joelson. Joe Flynn, D Almas doss and mon- keys, Karl and Karl, and tbe Hllstons. Star (Francis Morey, manager).—Tbe new management Is meeting with great success. Week of 10: The Una Clayton Co., In "A Worklngman's Wronga." A gold watch was given away last week, and |30 In e tbe prize this week. »< > GEORGIA. gold will ous ^reductions' i,v the stock companies and at Keltli'H attracted large nnra- ;. Burlesque houses, the Eleventh llama ;'.;..-.At lo.^ftie, Btreei Muers In a vaud vaudeville at Keltli'H attracted large num- bers.., 77. .Burlesque- houses, the Eleventh Street Opern House, Museum and others, bad their full quota. KAnhas citt, Jan. 17.—All tbe theatres !i«a nroaueroiis Sunday openings At the wl»lls Wood "The Olrl from Kav's" actjrei) with Sam Bernard and llnttlo wll- lluw;•;..'.•.At the Grand Florence Bindley, Street Singer." waa cordially re- '....Webb'a seals were the bead- _ vaudeville bill of excellence at the Orpheum, The Ulllls offered Lottie Wll- llama, m "Only a Shop Olrl," and "Sherlock HOImes". thrilled the audiences at the Audi- torium Tbe Clay Masqueraders bur- Isioued at tbe Century. Yale's and the Na- tion*) had good busluess. BClSClWrUTl, Jan. 17.—William H. Crone relented "Business la Buslnees" to the r»Dif'»" constituency, but that was not the "Bly new offering, as "Deserted at tbe Altar" wtf nnt on at the Lyceum to tremendous - " around. "The Runaways" played «■ return enimrement of the Walnut. Ar.'Heuck's "Mcrndden's Pints" wis s*«lC0mfd...,,...aTii Forepsngb Stock Co, Atlanta.—At the Grand (H. b A 3. U De Give, managers) Creston Clarke Jan. 12. Nat M. Wills had good returns 9, 10. Eara Kendall pleased if Grace Von Studdlford i;i, 14. Rngllsb Grand Opera. 16-18, "Ben Hur" 10-21. Bi.toc (Jake Wells, manaeer).—"More to Be Pitied than Scorned" was a. drawing card 0-14. "Her First False Step" 16-21. Stab (.1. B. Thompson, manager).—Busi- ness continues satisfactory. Bill week of 9: May II. Allen, Georgia Thomas, Three Low- ans, Mno Kenna, Grace Melburn. Eva Tay- lor, Rdnn Urblne, Grace Forest, Lou Evens, Estelle Johnson, Tlllle Ellison, Cecil Casey. Helen Henry, Louise Kennedy, Edna Velln, Kennedy and Rvans, Itoiar Trio, Joe Downey, B. L. Wells, A. Gonzales. P. P. Baldwin, Ludlow Allen and moving pictures. 4 ■» WEST VIRGINIA. Wheel Iur— At the Court Theatre (K. B. Franshelm, manager) Wm. H. Crane, In "Bualneas Is Business,'' bad good business Jan. 14. Coming: "Tbe Marriage of Kitty" 16. Bertha Galland 19, Walker Whiteside 20, "Buster Brown" 21. Grand Opbra Hoobii (Chas. A. Felnler, manager).—"Why He Divorced Her," 8-11, had good business. "A Funny Bide of Life," 12-14, had good returns. .Coming: Aubrey Stock Co. 16-21. «»» ' Jack Hn.vr and Jigaaia Trot rejoined] T. P. Kelley In Prescott, Can., Jan. 10, and report succesl In their new act On tin Roade AU Rentea Most Reach Ua Rat Lat»r Tkan Monday. DRAMATIC. A Adams. Usnde (Charles Frobman, mgi.)— M. T. City 10-March 11. . _ Allen. Viols, (Chartea W. Allen, mgr.)— N. T. City 18-81. AeglUi, Marram (Frank Perler, mrr.)—Srraene, N. Y.j II. 19, Rochester 20. 21, Baltimore. Md., 2.121. Aubrey stock. Western (W. D. Flttgerald, mrr.) —Whetliai. W. Vs., 10-21. AU Star Comedy (Bark* A Woodward, apt.)— Roulette, .'Pa.. 10-18, Conders 10-21. Arnold Stock (J. F- Arnold, mir.)—Mobile, Ala., 18-ij.' • !' "Arlioea," Daftern, M. B. Raymosd't—Falrteld, la.. IS. OUmn»a 18, Albia SO. Oes Moines 81. "ArUota.". Western, M. B. Raymond's—Mari- nette. Wis.. 18, Orero Bay 19, atllwaakes (Sbldlen'. Rone) SO, Rlrla. III.: 21. Racine. Wis.. 23, Aurora, HI., 23. Jollet 24, Kaakakee 25,'La Sail* 20. Kewanee 27, Canton 28. "Across Hie Paclflc" (Harry Clay Blaney. m»r.) —Norfolk, Va., 16-21, WaablngMD, D. C. 23- 28 "AloneI'M the-World" (Mlttenthal Brother*, mgrs.l—Bobokw, N. J., 15-18, WllolDgton, Del., 18-81.-Boston. Ma**., 23-28. "After Mldplaht" (Snencer A Aborn, atgr*.)— Creek" ("Whittaker A Nash, m •IS*'' O., I0;21, NfW Can tie. PA., U ii Dfjiuu "1(1-21, Pomvtlle. Pa., 28-28. RroWn,"|fIrk (Appell A Deabon, ra^rs.)—Blog n,' N v I himton, .. BreikeDrldre Stock (Charles BreckenHdre. mgr.) —Marysvllte, Mo., 10-21. Trenton 24-28. Burke-McCanA (M. ilcCaun. mgr.)—Renovo, Pa., 1G-1S, OlmrBrld 10-21, Nevy Kenslnrton 23-28. Brown's Comedy (T. M. Brown, mgr.)—Marl- anna. Ark., 18-18, Brlnkley 19-21, Forest City 23-25. Bates, Lonle-W.—Burlington, la., 10-21. BIJou Comedy—London, Can., 16-21. "Bra Hnr" (Rlaw A Brlonuer. nurrs.)—Binning- bam, Ala.. 14-18, Atlanta, Ga., 10-21, Cincin- nati, O., Zt-Feb. 4. "Bonolr Brier Bush." James H. Stoddart (KIrke La Hbelle,. mfr.)—Colorado Sprlnjrs, Colo.. 18, Victor 19. L«adTl]le 20. Aineo 21, Salt Lake City, U„ 23-25, I^xan 26. Ogdrn 27. "Butter Brown," Westers, M. B. Raymond'*— N. Y. Olty 28, lodeflolte. "Boater Brown," Eastern. M. B. Raymond's— Lancaiter,. G„ 18, Zanetvlllt 18, Cambridge 20, Wheeling. W. Va., 21, Steubrnvllle. O., 23, New Philadelphia 24, Coehocton 23. UansBeld 20, Axhlan.l 27. Canton 28. "Bunch of Keys" (Out Botboer, mir.)—Vln- renne*. lnd., 18, Richmond 19, Huntington 20, Fort Wars* 31, Van Wert. O., 28, Delpboa 24. Kenton 26, Lima 20, Bellcronutne 27, Hamil- ton 28, 28.' •, "Break for Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs, mgr.)—Iowa Olty, la.. 10, Hurllngton 3.1. "Breezy Time." Western (K. Web»ter Ilta, mgr.) --Weatherford. Okla., IS, Elk Cltr 19, Arana- bo 20, Holiart 21, Mantnm 23, Anadarko 24, l.awton 23, Cblruasba, Iml, Ter., 26, Chandler, Okla., 27. Tulsn. lnd. Ter.. 28. "Beauty Doctor," Fred E. Wright's (Thot. W. Prior, mgr.)—Lonlsfllle, Ky., 16-31. "Banker's Child" (Harry Shannon, mgr.)—I'lraa- ant Itlll. Mo., 90, Warreoabnrg 21, todeneod- enct 23, Liberty 24, PlatUborg 20, Qallitln 20, Milan 27, Centerrllle. la.. 28. "Bell Boy" (J. B. OalTln, oar-)—Freeland, N. J., 18-20, Ostlnlng, N. Y.. 21-23. "Becante She LoTed" (.Martin J. Dlion, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N, Y„ 16-21. 0 Crane, Wm. R. (Charles Frohmas, mgr.)—Ola- clnuatl, ()., 10-21, Chicago, III., 23-Feb. 4. Carter, Mrs. Leslie (Datld Belaico, mgr.)—S, Y. City 10, jndeBnltc. Cronoina, Henrietta (David Belasco ft Maurice Campbell, mgr*.)—N. X. City 23-28, Corostock. ■ Nauaelte (Jamet li. Hackett, mgr.)— Paducah, li*., 18, Nashville, Tens., 10, Frank- fort, lad., 20, Lexington, ICy., 21, Cincinnati, 0.. 3828. Collier. William (Charles Frobman, mgr.)— Ellen- tinvg. Wain., 18, Seattle 19-21, Vancouver, B. 0.; 28, Victoria 24, Tacoma. Wuh., 25. Port- land, Ore., 20-28, Han FranclKO, Col., 30- Feb. 4. CoUun, Geo. M. (Bam B. Barrli, mgr.)—Esston, Pa., 18. Allentown 19. Trenton, N. J., 20, At* lantlc City, K. J„ 21, N. Y. Olty 23-Feb. 4. Creston Clarke (Jules Muiry, mgr.)—Mobile, All.! 27, 28, Oomiuest, Ida (Thomas W. Byley, mgr.)—N. Y. Olty 16, lodednlte. Corbett, James, and Inet Macauley (Hal Davit, m|r.)^-Omaha, Nebr,, SO, 21, Kantaa City, Mo.. 22-28. CookiOhurcb (H. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Cheater, Pa., 16-21, Reading 23-28. Carpenter. Frankle (Jere Cindy, mir.)—Tans. ton, Mass.. 16-21. Lowell 28-28. Corson Clark*—Houston, Tex,, 18, Indefinite. Curt* Dramatic (M. II. Curts, mgr.)—La CroMe, Kan.; 10-18. McOracken 10-21. Oarroll Comedy (Ion Oarroll, mgr.)—llorrletawn, Tenn., 18-18. Col,-..Bella, Comedian* (A. J. Cole, mgr.)—Shaw* uee, Okla., 16-18. Colonial Stock—l.lrermore Falls, lie., 16-21, Waterrllle 23-28. Casud'a Mimlral Comedy (Frank Casad, mgr,)— Mahomet, III., 16-2). • "County Cbalrmau," Eastern (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 111-21. N. Y. City 23-28. "County Clialrmau," Weatern (Henry W. Havaae, insr.)—Memphis, Tenn., 18, 10, Nashville SO, 21, Chnttanooaa 23, Knoxrllle 24, Lexington, lie,, 35, Madfsonvlllo 20, Paducah 27, Etao*- vllle, lnd., 28. "Checker*," Thomas W. Rosa (KIrke La Bbtlle, mar.)—Boston, Maas., 1028. "College AVl.iow" (Henry w. Savage, mgr.)—N. Y. Cltr 16, Indefinite. "Child Wife.' 1 Wm. T. Koogb'a—Elltabeth, N. J., 1A-18. C.m'lcn 10-31. "Child Slave* of New York," Chat. K. Blaney'* (J. B. Isaac, mgr.)—St. Loult, Mo„ 15-31, Kansas City 22-28. "Curse of Beauty" (W. A. Dillon, mgr.)—Wellt- vllle, V. Y., 16, Coralog 17, Jamestown 18, Franklin, Pa., 19, Oil City 20. Sharon 31. "Call Roy," F, II. Lambert (Wbltoey A Sloan. num.)— Philadelphia, Pa., lu-21, Baltimore, lid., 23-28. "Charity .Nurse" (George H. Leonard, mar. I— indlaneuollii. lnd., 18-18. Columbus, 0„ 19-11. "Country Kid" III. B. Whlttaker. mfr.l-Par- sea*, Kan., 18, ftlrard 19. Hcammnn 90, lola 21, Weir City 22, Oolamtm* 23. Webb Olty, Mo., 24, Carthage 25, Aurora 26, Lamar 27. CofleyvUle. Kan., 28. "Chletgo Tramp" (W. O. De.Baagb, mrr.)—Na- poleotiTllle, La., IB, Raoma 19, Patterson 20, Morgan City 21, Franklyn 23, Abbeville 26, Jtaneretta 24, New Iberia 37. Lafayette 28. D R'Oraay, Lawrence (KIrke La Bbelle, mgr.)— . olnee. Is.. sas City, Mo.. 22*8. Drew, John (Charles Frohman. mgr.)—Boston, lefaia lft*Vt] Daly, Arnold (Lleblec A Co.. mgra.)—N. I. CTty 10. Indefinite. •_ De Oraas*. Joseph (Fred A. Haywafd, mgr.)— Prescott, Ark.. 18. AtaadeJtdila 19, Hot Spring* 20, 31. Pine Bluff 23, Brlnkley 34, Newport 23. Jonesboro 20, Matlafiha 27, Helena 28. Day id son Stock (A. R. Davidson, mgr.)—Free- pert. III.. 18-21. Sterling 23-28. De Voaa. Flora. No. 1 tJ. B. Rotnonr, mgr.)— MoasMMh, III., 18-21. • De Voes. Flora. No. 3 (J. B. Rotnonr. mgr-)— PlalnBeld. Wit.. 10-21._ _ . . , Dn.Vtlea .Stock (Sam Do Vtles. mgr.)—Sata. manes. N. V.. 16-21. Warren. Pa., 1-38. 'An Arlttoerttle Ttamp" (Kllroy A Brit ton. mare.)—Logamport, lnd.. IB, Marlon 19, Hart- ford City, 30, ainncle 21, Portland 23, Rich- mond 24, Marlon (Soldier*' Home) 23. "An Orphan's Prayer" (Edwin De Coursey, mrr.) —Jaetaon, Mich., 18. Battle Creek 21. "An Idiot '8l*»e," Fred 0. Taylor's—Clyde, N. Y., '16,. Fulton 17. Weedapott 18. Oswego 18. ' Cortland '20, Camden 21, Canattota 28, Oneida 24. Hamilton 26, New Berlin 26, Delhi 27, Schoharie 28. "An American Woman"—De* Molnet, la., 19, 20. I B Blanche Bales (Dnvid Belasco, mgr.)—Seattle, \Va»b.. 23-28. _ . . m Barrymore.. F.|bel (Chtrlet Frohman, mgr,)—N. Y. City 16-28. , _ „ Bellew, Kyrff (LlebUr A Co.. mgr*.)—Brooklyn. N. Y.. ld'21. N. Y. City 23-28. Bramwtll, Wll""" <H*nrt OreatltL .mrr,)— Grand Rapids, Mich., 16-19, Lansing 19, Jack- son 20, • Bar City 21. Saginaw 22. . Blair,. Kngenle (Oeorge A. Blumeatbal, mgr.)— Jersey City, N. J„ 16-21. Bcresford. Iltrrj (J. J. Coleman, mgr.)—North Platte, Neb.. 18, Cheyenne. Wyo., 19; Fort Col- lins, Colo.. 20, Boulder 21. Denver 22-26. Beaton, Loulte (A. H. Woods, mgr.)--Toledo. O., 15-18, Goshen, lnd.. 19, South Bend 20. Elk- hart 21. Chicago, .111., 22-Feb. 4. Blndlev, Florence (Forenter A Mlttentbtt. mgrs.) —Kansas City, Mo., 1521. Bonelll, William—Canton, III., 18, Fort Madison, la., io, Qnlncy. IIL. 20. St. Louis. Mo., 22-28. Blonde)!, Edward (Samuel L. Tuck, mgr.1— Rochester! N. Y., 10-18, Syracuae 19-21. Phila- delphia, P»„ 23-28. __ Bunting. Emma (Earl Rnrgcts. mgr.)—Canton, 23-28. De Maeh'a Big Stock—Mollne, Kan.. 1B-21, Long- ton 23-38. "David Harutt." No. IJ(Jnllot Cabo, mir.)— Detroit, Mich.. 10-21. Chicago. III., 28-28. "David nanim." No. 2 tJnllus' Cahn, mgr-)— Akroh. 0.. 1U-18. Wootter 10, New Philadelphia 30. Belltlre 21. Fairmont. W. Va.. 23. Clarks- tnirg 24, St. Mary* 23, Poftieroy, 0., 20, Oalla- _nol5 27. "Derll'a Auction." Charles H. Tale'a (M. Wise, mar.)—Omkosh. Wis., 18, Fond dn Lac 10, Sheboygan 20, Janeatlll* 21. Chicago, 111.. 22-26 "Dora Thorne, Eastern (Rowland A Clifford, aura.)—Newark. N. J.. Hl-Si. Trenton 10-26. "DrWrn from Home," Patrice (Forrester A Mlt- tenthal, mgrs.)—Newark. N. J., 16*31, Phila- delphia, Pa„ 26-28. "Dojra Thorne." Western (George E. Crowder, mgr.)—Hotuton. Tex., 18. "Danger* of Working Dlrls" (A. H. Woods, mgr.) —Saginaw, Mich., 16-18, Flndlay, 0., 10, Lima 30, Ttlddletown 31, Cincinnati 22-28. "Dr. Jeliyll and Mr. Hyde," Dave B. Levis' (L. P.. Pond, mgr.)—Chattanooga, Tenn., 18, Port Payne, Ala.. 19. West Blockton 20, Selma 21,'Mobllf 2-1, Montgnmery 24, Oolnmhua, Oa., 26, Macon 26, Bruatwlck 27, Jarkaonvllle, Fla., 26. "Deserted at the Altar" 'Percy 0. Wllllama, mgr.)—Cincinnati, ()., 16-21. "Down en the Farm" (Dan Emerson, mrr.)— Mobile, Ala., 18-20. Relolt, Ml**., 21. Donald- toavllle, Iji., 23, Thlbadoui 24, Morgan City 25, New Iberia 26, Crowley 27, Jennings 28. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." W. H. Ilartlgan iCutttr A Wlllltma. mgrs.)—Mankato, Minn.. 18, Winnebago City 19, Fairmont 20, Mason City, Ia„ 21, Fort Dodae 23. Cherokee 24. Haa City 35, Ida Omve 20, Carroll 27, Mlaiourl Valley 28. "Darfceat Russia" (W. C. Cunningham, mgr.)— St. Louis, Mo.. 15-21. "Dowa by the Sea" (Phil Hunt, mgr-)— Spring. Deld, Haw., 19-21. "Desperate Chance," Forrester A Mlttenthal's— Wgthlniton, D. 0., 10-21. N. Y. Olty 2328. "Devil's Laae," Eaatern (Eunice Fitch, mar.)— Butler, Pa., 18, New Kensington 10, l.eechburg 30, Vandergrlft 21. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Rvde" (Mnn*. Iji Place, mgr.)—Barberton, 0., 18, Cclo 19, Flunblng 20. Cameron. W. Va„ 21. "Devll't Lane." Weatern (Oeorge D. Sweet, mgr.)—Beatrice. Nebr., 19, Pawnee Olty 20, Wymote 21, Marytyille, Kan.. 23. Belleville 24, Belolt 20. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Oacar Dane—Rattles- burg, Ml«»-, 19-21. "Driven from the Altar," Arthur Stanley—Van- dalla, 111., 18, Casey 10, Oreeoun 20, Mattoon 21, Tuscola 23. Sullivan, lnd., 24. "Deover Parresa" (Oeorge It. Holilen, mgr.)— Laacaater, Pa., 10, York 21. B Elliott. Matlne (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)—Mln- otapoiu. Minn.. 10-18. St. Paul 10-21, Mil- waukee. Wis., 23-26, Rockford, III., 20, Du- bnque, la.. 27, Sioux City 28. Edeaon, Robert (Henry II. Harris, mgr.)—Wor- cester, Dlata.. 20, Springfield 27, N. Y. City 30; indefloite. Edward*, Walter (Wells, Dunn A Rarlas, mgrt.) —Philadelphia, Pa.. 16-21. Kllnore . Slaters—M. B. Kaymond't—8t. Panl, Minn., 13-21, Minneapolis 22-28. Emerson. May (Samuel l.ewla, mgr.)—Marlon, lnd.. 18, ulultton 16, Loganaport 20, liokouio 21, Frankfort 23. Klywyn, Urne— PlatUbnrg, N. Y., 10-21, Saranac i.ake 23-28. Erwood, J. it.. Big Stock—Mecbanlcabnrg, Pa„ 16-18. Carlisle 1921, Waynesboro 23-23. "Eternal City" (Llebltr A Co., mgrs.)— Chicago, III.. 18-21. ' ' "Rben Holdeu"—Salt Lake City, IX. 18, 19. "ntcaped from the Harem," J**. H. Wnlllck'* (Harry Karl, mgr.)—Burlington, Vt., 18, Mont iietler 17. Barry 18, Holyoke, Ha«». 19-21, New Haven,. Conn., 33-23, New Britain 26, 22-28. Bridgeport 27.20. "Bight Bells," Bros Brrne™-Chicago, III., "Escaped f'ora Sing Sing" (James H. Parker, mrr.)—Ryrafuae. N. Y., Id-I6, Rochester 10- 31, Montreal. Can., 23-28. V Flake. Mrs. I Harrison Oray Flake, mgr.)— N. Y. Olty 10. Indefinite. Favertham, Wllllaru (Charles Frohmau, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N. Y„ 10-31, Baltimore. Md„ 23 2h. FltMlmmoos, Robert, and Julia May Olffonl (Leon Friedman, mrr.)—Cleveland, 0., 10-21, Newark 28, Lorain 24. Sanduaky 20, Ooldwater, Mich,. 20, Battle Creek 27, Lanalng 28. Fenbitg Block (Oeorge M. Fenberg. mrr.)— Schenectady, N. Y„ 16-21, Burlington, Vt., 23- Fleming, Mamie <W. H. Oracey, rugr.)—Lebanon, Pa., id-21, York 23-28. _ _ .. Flak*, May (John C. Cotgrove, mgr.)—Norwich, Cobb., 1621. Flske-A Slock IE. P- Flak* A T. V. Stock, mgrt.) —Bath, Me., id Auxuita 2328, Fl»her * Walters i».in (It. II. Flaher, mrr.)— IllcbmoDd, lnd., 16-21, Union City 23-25, Orceu- vllle, O , 26-28, Flyno't. Joseph, Big Stock (W, S. Batet, mgr,)— Naihua, N. H„ 10-21. Concord 28-28. _ _ "I'lamlng Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter a (W. F. JMkton, mgr,)—Brunswick, Oa,, 18, Albany 10, AmeHcua 20, Athena 21. Atlanta 2H-28. "Female Dttectlre*," Ruiaell Brother* (Bemurl BHIr, Dgr.)—Minneapolis, Minn., 15-21, lies UOlne*. '*■> 23-25. "Fatal Wedlnr," Oiotral, Salllvan, Harris A woods' (Gary McAdow, mgr,)— Chicago, III.. 16-21. "Fetal- Wedding." Western, Hullltan, Harris A Weeds' (E. T. Zlegler, mar.)—Bocky Ford. Oolo,, 18, Trlnldtd 19. Las Anlma* 30, La Junta 21, Pueblo 22, Victor 23. Fort Collin* 20, Oreeley 20. North Platte, Neb.. 27, (Jrmid "For Her Sake" (Pilgrim A Elliott, mgrt.)— Caldwell. Ktn.. 18. "I-'ram Mast to Riches," Joaeph flantler (M. H. Meyers, mgr.)—Chicago, III., 16-21, 81. I*ul«, Mil 22-28 •'For 'HI* Brother's Crime" (deo. N. Bellinger, mgr.)— N. Y. City 11-21, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 23-2* "Factory Olrl," Eaatern, Thai. E, lllaney'* (Phil B. Uaac, mgr,)—Orand Raplilt, Mich,, 19-21, Chicago, IILT 22-28. "Factory Olrl," Transcontinental, Chat. It. Bla- ney'« (Cbtrlet li. Wnenc mgr.)—Bridgeport, Conn,. 18, Danbury 10. Wtlerbury 20, 21, SprlBgfield, Mar*., 23-25, Hftlynkn 20-26. "For liolbor'a Hake," Riuco A Holland's (Win, Pottle Jr., mgr,)—Salt Lake Olty. v.. iii-m, .Ogden-19,-Park Oi'y 20, Hoek Springs, Wyo., 21, DaWIIOS 2.1, Laramie 24, Cheyenne 26, l»re- land: - Colo.. 2H. l/ingmont 27, Boulder 28. "Flnnlgau** Bail "(Olllo Mack A Josetili W. H(>car*, mgrt. >—New Iberia. Ls„ 16. Alexandria 10, Natcllllocbes 20, Marshall, Tex., 21. Iln|H>. Ark., 23, Hot Springs 24, Pino Bluff 23. Little Hock 50, Fort Smith 27. Pittsburg, Kan.. 28. "Fame.and Fortune," Terry McOoveru IHulllvan, Harris A Woods, >o»r«.) — 1'hllailclpula, l'a„ .!«--»,'Baffalo. N. Y., 2328. "Fight for .Million*" 111. M. Rlrtt. mgr,)— Ellasbetb, N. J„ 21-2.1. Ilobokeu 2028. "FSbIe''IIOBU)nl" (A. Jack Faust, mgr,)—Rnttmi, Lt., 19, Monroe 20. Bronkharen,. Ml*s,, 21. McCOmb 33. Maruolls 24, Amlle, I.*., fit, Oulfpprt, MIM.i 20, Biloxl 3, Bvergreen, Ala., "I'att Life tn New York" (A. R. Woods, mgr.) —N. V. Cllt 16 31. Philadelphia, Pa., 23-2S. •■Fortune IIonter*"--Wnshlngtoii, D. C„ 10-21, Jeisey City, N. 1.. 2'l-38. "For Ills Sifter's Honor"—Metunuli, Tenn., 16- 21.' ' 'Fault," Oliver l.nhadle—Nncogdochet, Tex., 10, Maojd'ld. t-»: 20, Nntcbelocbe* 21, 22. O Ooodnln N. 0- (George T. Arptttos, mgr.)— Philadelphia, Pa., lu-21, Washington, D. 0., Ollleit*,' William (Cbarlei Frohman, mgr,)—Chi- ca*o, III., 14.28. Oalla nit. Bertha (J. F. Zimmerman Jr., mgr.)— Wheellitg. W. Va.. 19. Oiimore. Piol JJolff Mnrry, mgr.)—Denver, Oolo.) 15-31, Han Diego. Cal„ 81. Orimih, Jnlm (John M. Rickey, mgr.)—Bryan, Tea., IB, Brtnbam 19, Auttln 2<>, San An- tonta 21. Beltnn S3, Temple 24, Hlllsboro 25, Cleburne 26, Warabachlt 27. Meila 28. Qllmorr. Barney (Harry Montgomery, mgr.)— Bnffal*, N. Y„ 10.21, Krle, Pa., 28-26. Youngs- town. 0-, 26-38. , • , • Qrapewlp, Ohatles (John J. Relraas, mgr.)— Uuffalo, N. Y„ 2.1-28. Olaser. vaughan. stock—Cleveland, 0., 10, in- definite. - Grace Hay ward Stock (Winters * Kreas. mgrs.)— Saginaw. Mich.. 10-21, Bay. Olty 23-28. German Llllputlans, TacbuuT*— Falrvlew, Kan., 18. Alma 21. "Olrl from Kay'a," Sam Beraard and Rattle Williams (Charles Frobman, mgr.)—Kansas Cltr. Mo.. 15-21, St, Jesepb 93. Omaha, Nebr., 24, 28. Sioux City. la., 20, Lincoln, Nebr., 27, Des Molnet, la.. 28. "Olrl from Key - *" (Charles Tfrohman. mar.)— Jacksoovll^ Fla., Is, Macon, Oa., 10. Colum- bus 20, Moutgotnery. Ala., CI, Peoaacola, Fla., 23, Mobile, Ala., 24, Selma 26, Birmingham 2«. Atlanta, Oa.. 27. 98. . "Olrl of tbe Streets." Lillian Mertlmor* (Decker A Verenee. mgrs.)— Scranton. Pa., 10-19, Wllkeabarre it»-sl. N. Y. Olty 28-28. "Great Automobile Mystery," Hurtlg A fleamon'a —Baltimore. Md., 10-21. "Olrla Will Be Girls." Al. Leach and the Three Kosebiuls (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Chicago, III.. 22-28. n Hackett, Jamet K.—Provldesce, R. I.. 10-79. Salem, Mast.. 19, Lynn 20. Boston 23-Feb. 4. Harned, Virginia (Charles Frohman, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo., 10-21. Hopper, Edna Wallace (Frank McKee, mgr.)— Hnn Francisco. Cat., 10-28. Holland, Mildred (E. O. .White, mgr.)—Frank- fort, lnd., 16, Terre Haute 19, Danville, III.. 20, Champaltn 21, Bwomlogton 23, Peoria 24. SpringfleM 25, Jacksonville », Hannibal, Mo., 21. oillncy, 111., 28T HnnfoM, Charles B. (F. Laurence Walker, mgr.) —Cclurobns. Nebr, 18, Orand Island 19, Kear- ney 20, North Pintle 21, Fort Oolllna. Coin., 23, Greeley 24, Colorado Springs 25. Purblu 30, Canon City 37, Victor 28, Cripple Creek 20, Ltadvllle 00. Howard Hall (Henry Pleraon, mgr.)—Chicago, III., 1091. Hlgglnt, David (Stair A Nlcolal, mgrt.)—Brook- lyn, .V. Y„ 10-28. Hill, Oeorge V. (W. 3, Fielding, mgr.)—Milton, Pa. 1R. Jersey Sbdr* 10. Wllllamtport 30, Kenoro 21, Emporlom 23, Kane 24, Johnson- burg 26, Brockwayvllle 36. Clearfleld 27, Du Bola 36. Hendricks, Ben (William Gray, mgr.)—Green- wood Springs, Oolo., Is, Buena Vuta 19. Trini- dad 21, 32. Hall, Don 0.—Sallna. Kan., 20. Hlromeleln't Ideals (John A. Hlmmeleln, mgr.)— Kaeton, Pa., 10-31, Brldgeton, N. J„ 23-28. Hlmmeltln'a - Imperial liock (It. F. Hliumelrln, mgr.)—Waterwwn, WIt„ 16-22, JtnetvllI* 2;i- nowaM-Dorttt (A, M. Miller, bus. mgr.)—Alli- ance, 0„ 10-31. Steubnvlllc 23-28. Harcourt Cemtdy, Charles K. Harris (W. II. Shine, mgr.)—Fltehbufg, Maa»„ 10.21, Brock- Rart't Coiu'edy (H. 0. Allen, mgr.)— Plttahnn, Tex., 1016, Watabaehl* 19-21. Bonbam 28-25, McKlnney 20.21. nammond, Pauline. (Ollftba Whitman, mgr,) — Woonsocket, R. I., 2928, li«rtey A Oase Comely—Oloversvllle. N. Y., to- 21. Amsterdam 21-28, Herald S.iuare HooU (RJtter A Fanahawe, mgra.) .,—Newqort. M*., 1B-3L Dexter 23-26. Iloeffler Show (Jack lloeffler, mgr.)—Appleton, Wis., 10, Indeflnlte. Henderaon ntoek ..(W. J. A R. R. Henderson, mgr*.I— IMdPtlll*, Is., 18, Knoxyllle 19, Inill- aoola 20, Wlntertet II, Oteeola 2U, Cre»l(in 24. Oreenfleld 25. Coining 20, ILirrls-Parkluton Block (Robert U. Harrit, mgr.) —Oreonvllle, 8. 0., 1B-3I. Harrington Block it. A. IlarrlngtoB. mar.)— Spencer, lnd., 10-2-1, Jacksciullle 2328. "llnmpty Dnor.ty (KUw A Erlauger, mgra.)— , N. Y. City 1H, Indeflnlte. "Heart ot Ohlr-ago." Lincoln J. Carter's (F,l- muml Mauley, mgr.)—Albert Us, Minn., 11, Mnion Olty. lV/19, Wi**rly 20. Waterloo 21, Hock Uland, III., 23, tluacatlne, la., 2.1, Wash- ington 24. Fairfield 35, Oltuiuwa 20, Otkaloota 27. Orlnotll £8. "II>t Only Bin," Lincoln J. Carter's (Frank .1. Wallace, mgr.)—Jacktonrllls, lit., 10, Beards- town 20, Llnooln 31. flurlnguald 12, Decatur 23, Ohampllim 34, Danvlllv 25, Bantoul 2u, Hoopeitou 27. "Homo Folks" (Joseph Brooks, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly M. ludednlt*. "Heart of Maryland" (JDtvId Belaico, mgr.) — Bail Claire. Wis., 31, St. Paul. Minn., 32-28, "Holy City,' 1 Itasteru, Oordoo A Bennitt's (Ed- ward Taylor, mgr.)—Beneva, l'a„ 20, Kane 31, Htufthnort »3.\1». Mary* 34. "Holy Cltr," Western, Gordon A Bennett't (Henry Uirrlton, mgr.)— Clarlnda, In., 20, Shenandoah 21, Neolaiia, Atlantic 28, "Hearts Adrift" (Vptactr A Ationi, mgrs.l — Baflalo, N. Y., 10-31. ' "Hidden Crime"—Rattle Oreok, Mich., 10, Mu*- kegon 22, LudlflBlOn 29, Manlstc* 24, Cadillac 26, Grand Rapid* 3691, "Hooaler Girl," Kate Walton (Qui Cohan, mgr.) —Fairmont, W. Vs., 16, Weaton 17, darks- burg 18, Park*r»hurg 19, Pomoroy, 0„ 20, iiallipnlla 31, HiintlngW W. Vs., 2.1, Ashland, Ky„ 34, lrontop, 0. W, Msytvllle, Ky., 20. "Hor First False Step," 0. F, Whltaitor't (K, A. Hcblller, mgr.)—Atlanta, Oa., 10-21, Richmond, Va 2.'l-2e ^^ "III. si and i."'Bor*r A Burke's (Jack Hamilton, mgr,)—Sprlogfllln, 0„ 16. Urbaua 10, St. Paris 20, Eaton 21. Cninertviri*, lnd., 28, Ru»bvllle 24. Hhslhyvll ■ 2d, Ooiunjhla 26, Franklin 27, tlartlnatllle it, "Him He Woo Iter," 0. V. Whltaker'a (R. M. I'eitns, mgr.)—Bradlord, Pa., 31, Uocheater, K v.. 23-311. ByraciMf M-26. "Hot Old Timet,' 1 Qim "Ill's (Harry R. Hill. mgr.)—Chicago, lit." 16-21, Toledo, 0., 22-23, Columbia 20-28, "liana Hanson'' (Jn«. 1. McAlpln, mgr.)— Atoka, lnd. Ter., 18, Lehigh 10, Coalgate 20, Kieus 31, Iloldenvlli* 28. Norman, Okla., 24, Yukon 26, Mlnco, (inf. 'far., 20, Cblckaatm 27. Anadarko, Okla,. 38. "llnppy Hooligan/' Eastern. Qua Hill's (D. A. Kelly, m«r. )~QolonihHi, (>.. 1618, Dayton 10- 31, Cltveltnd 28-21. "Happy lloullgnn," WNttrn. Out nill'e (Al, Dol- son, mgr.)—(Iweniljoro, K>., 16, tlopkltltvlll* 17, OJarkarllle, Ttnu,, If. Paris ID. Fulton, Ky.. 30, Cairo, 111., 21, Detroit, Midi., 22-28. "Heart of Tegts" '(A. Vsllalr, mgr.)—New Straltarllle, 0., 10, Mawnes 20, Ntw Lexing- ton 31. "Hills of ColIforola"—Kama* Olty, Mo., 3226. I lrwln, May (Edward R. Salter, mp.)—Philadel- phia, Pa., 10.28. "In Old Kentucky," Jacob Lilt's—Cleveland, 0„ 10,31. "Irlah Pawnbroker*" (QUI* Mack A Joseph W. Spears, mgrt,)—Klngtlaher, Okie., IS, Lawton 19, Chlckasbs, lodVTyr., 21, Oklahoma Clly, okla,, 22, Shawn** 311, South McAletler, lnd. Ter.. 24. Mntwrte 23, Vjoltt 26, Aurora, Mo., 27, SprlngOtld SB- "Irla," Bessie Tonus— Ntw Iberia. Lt., 2S, La- fsyelte 23, Ltk« Cbirlee 24, Beaunirmt, Tea., 23, Oslrcstou 2i|, Man Antonio 27, Austin 28. 'J- Jefferson, Thorn*!—fort Worth, Tex.. 21. Jefferson, Jo»in!i, Jr., k Wlllliu ^y.—Seattle, Wash., 18, Olrmpla 10, Hoqulani 20. Aberdeen 21, Portland, Or*,, Ifjf-311, Albany 24, Salem 2, Vancouver^ Walb,7 8«. „ )—Cam- , Fulton James Jeffries—Memphis, Tenn,, 20. Jeavnn*. Tliomaf (Fred Matthews, mgr. den, N. Y„ 10. Pultlkl 20, Oswego 21 23, Cortland 26. Jcntoni, Irene, Stock (Thsp, Hoffman, mgr.)— Belleville, Con.. 10-21* Harris 28-28. Jackson'* Comedlant to, 0. Jackson, mgr.) — Marlon, HI.,. J03l, MetropoU* 22-24. Jewel! Stock (Jamet Harrlnglou, mgr.)—Blrmlog. haul, Ala., ln-32. "James Boys In Mltaourl" (Frank Oatxolo, mgr.) —Younratowu, 0., IB, Aahubula 19, James- town, N. V., 20, RotbMter 23-25, Syracuse 2fl> "Jerry from Kerry," Patten and Perry—Welllus- ton. O 19, njlievne 30, Lorain 21. IhsJI 23, M,llenln:rg 34! Wool tar 26. Maaillloii 28, Bar- berton .27, Wirren %i. Knott; Bowllt (Frank t ttaplds, U., li, ■ Kennedy. Ellxtbtih (P. J. Kennedy, mgr.)—On tit, B„q.,jJ«., Ch|tl) Ptrley, mgr.)—Cedar Inmb Kend - c 37. tmbla, H,,q,.,ia. Chtrltnon 30. ulall, ESra (Mtbler A Co., mgrs. . 0., 23, Chariot!*, N. 0..- 24, 1 )—Colnmhl*, Norfolk, Vs., *iZ-(.'k i .% :