The New York Clipper (February 1916)

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February 12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER « COOPER SAN FRANCISCO. Columbia. —Feb.' 7. "Motherhood."*' Cort. —Secondhand last -week of the! La Seal* Grand Opera Co. began 6. Alcazar. —"On Trial" week of 7. % Oepheom. —Bill beginning Sunday (matinee), <5: BvRsle Clayton and Lester Sheehan and the Clayton Sextette, Brandon Hurst and company, "The Bache- lor Dinner," Billy McDennott, John B. Gordon and company Eddie Cantor and Al. Lee. Man? and Snyder. Major Mack Rhoades, Frank Fogarty, and sixth installment of "Uncle Sam at Work*' (motion pictures). .• Empress. —Bill beginning Sunday (matinee), 4: Frank Shields. Hollands and Dale, Hearn and Reu- ter, "Enchanted Forest." Tom and Staela Moore, Freehand Bros., and Tylor-St. Clair Trio. Vantages'. —Bill beginning Sunday (matinee). C: Haremann's animals, "In Mexico, Bertha Gard- ners and Lewis. Belmont and Lewis, wigwam. —Wigwam Stock Co. KANSAS CITY, MO. SnuBmtT (Earl Steward, mgr.)—May Irwin Feb. 6-0. Giusd (Seymour Rice, mgr.)—This house Is dart T-12. Reopens with "Twin Beds," 14. ' Auditorium (E. jr.. BlunkaU, mgr.)—"East Lrnne'» tt-12. . Garden .(JL.M. DnbhiBky. mgr.)—For week of 6 the stock company presents "Three Twins." (Geo. Gallagher, mgr.)—<Malds of America 0-12. CENTrax (Thos. Taaffe," mgr.)—Blue ' Ribbon Belles 6-12. Obpheim (M. Lehman, mgr.)—Bill 6-12: Anna He'd. Conrad and Conrad, Three Lelehtoms, Thur- ber and Madison, the Canalnos, and Nanette. OMAHA, NEB. Beandzis (Crawford, Wiley & Zehrnng. mgrs.)— "It Pays to Advertise'* Feb. 10-13, "Daddy Long Legs" 14-17. Botd (W. J. Burgess, mgr.)—"Nobody Home" 6- 8; May Irwfc. 10-13. Gaxetx (E. L. Johnson, mgr.)—Dave Marlon's Show. Kbuo (C. C. Cole, mgr.)—North Bros.' Stock Co., In "The Man. from the West," 0-12. Orpketjm (Wm. P. Byrne, mgr.)—Bill 6-12: Lillian Kingsbury and company, Geo. Whiting and 6adie Burt. Gen. Ed. Lavloe. Five AnnapolIsBoys, Ed. Morton, Leon Sisters and company, McWatters and Tyson, and Orpheum, Travel weekly. Sersmton, Pau — Lyceum (E. H. Kohnstamm, mgr.) dark during week of Feb. 7. "The Birth. of a Nation" will play a return'engagement week of 14.' Pom's (A. J. VannI, mgr.)—Bill 7-0: "The E'ec- trlc City Quartette," Bee Ho Gray 'and company, Cunningham and Marlon, BornevlccI Brothers, Coulter and Boulden, McDevItt, Kelly and Lucey. and Helen Ware in "The Secret Love," Ave reel photo drama. Bill 10-12: Joihn F. Conroy's Models, and Diving Girls, the Moreno Sisters Frozlni, Holmes and Holllstcr, Walters and Walters, and "The Avenging Conscience," Ave reel photodrama. Pon'8 New Academy (F. James Carroll, mgr.)— Week of 7. the All Star Poll Players, supporting Gus Forbes and Mae Desmond, to "The ChHst!ail." "The House of a Thousand Candies," past week, to good houses.' Memphis, Tenn.—Lyceum (Frank Gray, mgr.) "Garden of Allah" Feb. 6-12, John Drew 18, 19. Obphedm (Arthur Lane, mgr.)—BUI 7-13: Bll'y B. Van and Beaumont Sisters, Lubowska, Device and Williams, Weber, Dolan and Frazer, Brwln and Jane Comielly. Lewis and McCarthy, Alice Lyndon Doll and company, and Travel Weekly. BLANCHE RING Management OLIVKR HOROSCO MM KAHN WRITES FOR VATJDKVMJ^R. 145 B. Clark Street, Chleag*. VICTOR MA11IOH m ELI0T™ELI0T A LITTLE CHATTER NOVELTY SONO .„„««., PARODY \ LIVELY BURLESQUE DRAMA / mokknts UNIQUE FINALE ' '' " ) SAM-KITTY MORTON LIKE THE CUPPER-THEY ARE RELIABLE BOOKING VAUDEVILLE, FABK8. PAIRS TABLOIDS. CLVBS, OABAB1T HANSON * WOLFF ™«» VATTDEVTLXE EXCHANGE Suite 423 14»3 Bnwdwsy, 1». Y. Bryant 9284 GOOD ACT« WAHTCD ■ AT ALL TIMES ' GARA ZORA THE DANCING SENSATION TOM K. MURRAY Address «!• or CLirPKK EVELYN CUNNINGHAM DAINTY CHARACTER COMEJDENNE jas. b -DONOVAN and LEE-Mane King or Ireland The Little liennty Orpheom and United Time. HAEET MASON & CO. la "QBT THE MOSEY," 8. 4 C, TIME. Vaudeville's Funniest Knockabout Comedians MEIMNETTI & SIDELLI AGILE ENVOYS PROR Kt'SLASD FENIMORE COOPER TOWNE SttS. "SPILUNB THE BEANS" With MADELEINE GREGG and GEORGE RICHARDS DIRECTION OF ALF T. WILTON. VANMOVEN THE DIPPY RAD KAGICIAH Per. add. VAN HOVEN.NBVIN8 * QOBDBN PARR. MASONVILLE. N. Y. ARTHUR MAYER MOST PP-TO- DATE COMEDY ACT ORIGHTAX FUTTJRIBT DAKCB BOWERS, WALTERS *«d GRODKER TUB! 3 RUBES With AL. JOLBOBP8 '!,' "BOBIH.OB CRPgOR. JR." ■• PROFRISIOSAliS' HRADtaCARTKsta ZKI8S1P8 HOTEL. 890 Walnut St.. Philadelphia MKYKKH d. gELTZKB, ProprffOT. (In aniiserlng ait. please mention CLirrXS.)