The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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14 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER February 7, 1917 CLYDE ENGAGES FEATURESFOR SHOWS KILTIE BAND TOPS LIST Stbxatob. III., Feb. 5.—When the World at Home Shows open their season they will be found to have a long list of Al at- tractions, which have been signed up dur- ing the winter months. James T. Clyde, tbe owner, has gone to New York to en- gage a few additional features to complete the shows and make final preparations for the opening. Chief among the concessions will be tbe Famous Kiltie Band, which will make a abort concert tour before joining tbe show in March, Lieutenant William Russell, who will demonstrate air ship models and also give manifestations of the wireless apparatus with which the show will be equipped, and "Creation," which has been playing the big time vaudeville circuit. Other concessions will be: Venus, Reu- ben Town, Ice Skating Ballet, Tbe Million- aire Cowboy, Stop! Look I and Listen! Monkey Speedway and Happyland, Will Hill's Pony Hippodrome, The House of a Thousand Wonders, The Submarine Girls, Living Curiosities, Sonographic Diorama, Miniature Steam Railroad, Merry-Go- Round, Ferris Wheel with bell chimes, The Whip, Tbe Frolic, Aeroplane CarousaL The shows will play every Fair in Nor th wes t ern Canada after which they will play Toronto for the third time. They will then invade the United States. The date set for the opening is April 15 when the shows will start out from win- ter quarters in this city. DARE DEVIL DOLA DEAD Buejtos Aires, S. A., Jan. 31.— "Dola Deadl Accident" This cablegram has reached Richard Pi- trot. Dare Devil Dola sailed for Buenos Aires Nov. 26, under management through Mr. Pitrot, with Carl Seguin to perform his loop the loop act at the Japanese Park in that city. His home is in Boston. THOMPSON TO PRODUCE FILM At the termination of his contract with Sam McCracken's circus, Bill Thompson expects to produce a motion picture of his own, dealing with his experiences under the big top. R1NCLINGS GET FOREIGN CLOWNS The Ringling Brothers have engaged an army of foreign clowns for their show for the coming season. Many of these artists left their homes owing to the war. CODY'S HEIRS TO START SHOW It is rumored that the Buffalo Bill es- tate will send out a wild west show this season. Johnny Baker is supposed to be the mainspring of the new organization that has been planned. CONFER OVER TITLE DISPUTE Joseph C Miller, of the Miller Bros. Shows, was in this city last week in con- ference with Eddie Arlington in an effort to amicably settle a disagreement over the 101 Ranch Show's name. Tbe Millers and Arlingtons severed partnership about a year ago, at which time both adopted the 101 Ranch title. This gave rise to a rather heated dispute, and the Miller Brothers, through advertising columns, threatened to stop, by all lawful means, anyone using the title. Arlington has stated that his con- ference with Miller will probably result in a satisfactory settlement of tbe contro- versy. POTTER STARTS CAMEL FARM Martin J. (Doc) Potter has started a camel fsjrm in Southern Illinois. "Camels have been as scarce as ben's teeth," says Potter. He believes there is a big market for this animal in the outdoor show world and is experimenting with American-born camels. Potter claims that camels ran thrive as well here as in their native homes. TO SELL FAIR GROUNDS Springfield, Mass., Feb. 5.—It is re- ported that the Hampden count? fair grounds in Willimansett are soon to pass into the hands of new owners. Tbe stories concerning the proposed sale are various. One is that a creditor of the Hampden County Fair Association is planning to take over the tract in settlement of claims against the association. MILWAUKEE FAT LADY DIES Milwaukee, Feb. 6.—Mrs. Gretchen Spahr, known on the stage as Gertie Plata, tbe Milwaukee Fat Lady, died at Racine, Wis., Dec. 19. Funeral at Mil- waukee, Dec 22. She bad traveled with Ringing Bros.'. John Robinson's, Sells', Forepaugh's, Miles Orion's, Reynolds' and Wallace's circuses. MENDELSOHN ORGANIZES SHOW George J. Mendelsohn, who was with the DeVaux & Klein Shows last season as secretary, is organizing a show of his own, which will open about the middle of March near New Orleans. MORENCY LEAVES FOR WEST Percy Morency has left this city for the winter quarters of his show at Wheeling, West Virginia. He will stop off at Pitts- burgh, Chicago and Leavenworth en route. SEEMAN SIGNS WITH ADAMS Howard M. Seeman, formerly general agent of Kopp & Harrington's Great Southern Shows, has signed with Otis L. Adams to act in the same capacity. CIRCUS RIDERS DIVORCED Boston, Feb. 3.—Mrs. Helen O. Spiers was granted a divorce this week from her husband, Myles O. Spiers. They were both circus riders. BROWN JOINS COOP & LENT James J. Brown has signed with the Coop & Lent Circus as legal adjuster. He has his own snow out at present. AKRON TO HAVE AMUSEMENT PARK NEW RESORT TO OPEN MAY 30 Akbon, O., Feb. 5.—The business men of this city are backing a company, which, is going to build an amusement park within ten minutes' ride from the heart of the city, li will open May 30 under the name of Su.■unit Beach Park. The resort will be one of the largest amuseir.ent parks in northern Ohio,'cover- ing fifteen acres of ground, a part of which was formerly occupied by old Lake- side Park, which was conducted by the Northern Ohio Traction Co. A quarter million dollars is being spent on tbe new summer resort. Tbe plans call for a theatre, dance pavilion, roller rink, bath house, roller coaster, bowling alleys, billiard ball, aerial swing, chate- the-cbutes, ferris wheel, boat and canoe house and other concessions. The only other amusement park near Akron was sold a few weeks ago to the Portage Country Club, an exclusive organi- zation, and it will be closed to tbe public There are practically no other amusements here. MISS ROBINSON GETS CONTRACTS Chicago, Feb. 3.—The contracts cover- ing outdoor amusement attractions for the entire Northwestern Canadian Circuit of Exhibitions has been awarded to tbe Rob- inson Amusement Corporation. The cir- cuit embraces the following towns: Moose Jaw, Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Bran- don, Regina, Saskatoon, North Battleford, Prince Albert, Torkton and Weyburn. Tbe securing of these contracts by Miss Bob-- inson in person marks the tenth year that the business was awarded to her. TANNER TO TAKE OUT SHOW W. Tanner, formerly on the advance staff of the Great Alamo Shows, is organiz- ing a show which he will take out beginning April 3 from Kansas City. It will be called the Tanner Amusement Co. CANADA REDUCES LICENSES The Canadian Council has reduced the circus taxes,, especially in the Western provinces, from $500 to $300. This was done in order to induce large tented orga- nizations to play that territory. J. A. MACVS FATHER DEAD Reading, Pa., Feb. 3.—J. A. Macy's father died recently and Mr. Macy dosed the Dreamland Exposition Shows for tbe week to attend the funeral, which was held here last Saturday. PENN. FAIRS TO HOLD MEETING Ptttsbuboh, Feb. 5.—Tbe Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs will hold a meeting at the Seventh Avenue Hotel Tuesday and Wednesday. FENN RESTING IN HOT SPRINGS HOT Spedjos, Ark., Feb. 2.—J. G. (Jake) Fenn, who last season was with the Nat Reiss Show and the Campbell Shows, is located here for the Winter. He baa not . signed up for the coming season as yet, but expects to be in the carnival harness— either as independent or with some carnival company. DiTERNL' CLOSES CONTRACTS The Great International Shows have closed contracts with Sam and Cbarlee- Reich, who will have a string of conces- sions with the show; K. F. Ketchum with his Garden of Allah and Athletic Show; Martin H. Lunn and his popcorn auto, and Sam Ach, who will handle promotions act aa special representative. NOTED BAREBACK RIDER DIES Beloxi, Miss., Feb. 3.—George F. Hol- land, Sr., died here at tbe age of sixty-sir. Holland was connected with the circus- world for sixty-one years and won prom- inence as a bareback rider. He bad been' with the Old John Robinson Shows for many years. KELLY TO PLAY HONOLULU Stditet, Aus., Feb. 3.—James KeHy, "The Tunnel Foreman,*' having completed his Australian engagements, is returning to- the United States. He will stop at Hono- lulu on his way back, playing that city for two weeks. SHEBOYGAN FAIR SETS DATES Sheboygan, Wis., Feb. 2.—At the recent meeting of the Sheboygan County Agricul- tural Association, it was decided to bold the annual Sheboygan County Fair, Sept. 4-7. INCORPORATES TO BUILD PARK ' Los Angeles, Feb. 3.—The Brighton. Beach Co. last week filed articles of incor- poration in the county clerk's office for a big amusement park on Terminal Island. EASTMAN TO HOLD FAIR IN OCT. Eastman, Ga., Feb. 4.—James Bishop, Jr., secretory of tbe Dodge County Fair Association, announces the dates for this- year's fair as Oct, 16-20, inclusive. KENNEDY AT GASPAR1LLA FAR Tampa, FIa, Feb. 3.—Tie Con T. Ken- nedy Shows are furnishing the amusement features at the Gasparilla celebration, which began yesterday. LORETTE SIGNED BY ARLINGTON Lorette, the down, has signed a three years' contract with Edward Arlington, to- appear with the 101 Ranch Wild West Shows. SPELLMAN SIGNS MARCEUNE Marceline, the clown, has signed wits Frank P. SpeHman as one of the feature* of the United States Circus Corp. JOS. MILLER IN HOSPITAL Baxtimobe, Mo\, Feb. 5.—Joseph C- Miller is in a hospital here to undergo a> minor operation.