The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 7, 1917 THE NEW YORK CUPPER 21 JAY DURHAM DEAD I Jay Durham, one of the most capable workmen in the theatrical and newspaper fields, is dead. For many years he held the position of managing editor of the Washington Times and later was Wash- ington correspondent on the fietc York World. He gave up active newspaper work to become one of the first advance agents to represent Mande Adams on tour, after which he served in a similar capacity for various Frohman and Dillingham attrac- tions. He was about sixty years of age. ACTRESS CHARGES NON-SUPPORT Mrs. Louise Decker, an actress, has brought a complaint against her husband, Philip Decker, charging non-support. An investigation of the case is being made by Magistrate Cornell. Mrs. Decker claims her husband entertained women in her home, while he alleges he is a Christian Scientist, and that the only person who called was a member of the same church -with whom he had discussed topics of in- terest to them both. COMEDIAN'S DAUGHTER MURDERED When Harry Sylvester, vaudeville come- dian, entered his apartments in West 107th Street last Thursday he discovered the dead bodies of his daughter, Ruth, and the body of her suitor, Thomas Pavuk, of Philadel- phia. They were lying side by side across a bed. Sylvester believes Pavuk shot his daughter and then himself. Previous to the shooting Sylvester bad remonstrated with the girl against her seeing Pavuk so much. HUNT BUYS ROCKFORD HOUSE Rockfohd, DX, Feb. 1.—Charles F. Hunt has purchased the Princess Theatre and the work of remodeling it is already under way. Robert S. Hoppe, one of the founders of the old Rockford Bijou The- atre, will be manager. The house will re- open this week. SANTLEY TO MARRY IN SPRING The reported marriage of Ivy Sawyer to Joseph Santley was premature, although the ccnple are enga^.v and, according to Santley, will be married in the Spring. ACTOR ADOPTS CHILD Bernard Stern has obtained from Snrro- g-te Cohalan approval of bis adoption of Edward Kocher, 11 years old. Stern, who is employed in a Broadway restaurant, says he has an income of $1,500 a year and is an actor. ML LEVINE NOW HENRY LEWIS Henry I/evine, an actor, last week ob- tained permission of Supreme Court Jus tice Cohalan to change ni* name to Henry Lewis. Can give you immediate time- Vaudeville, Burlesque or Cabaret CaD or Write LAWRENCE M. BORIE, Suite 714. Colombia Theetre Bnflama. N. Y. C Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA Fluhrer & Fluhrer THEATRICAL INVENTOR DEAD PrrrsBUBOB, Feb. 3.—William Stephens, aged 62, died at the home of his son, Leroy Stephens, here Jan. 27 following an ex- tended illness of complications. Just re- cently he completed a mechanical produc- tion entitled "The Lord's Supper," for which theatrical managers offered him $10,000, but always refused in the hopes of some day staging it himself. The images of the various .disciples are life size and all mechanically worked. The heads of the various men seated about the table had been imported from France. Mr. Stephens, before coming to this city fifteen years ago, trouped with a carnival com- pany having a "Siberian Giant." LEWIS TO HEAD OWN COMPANY Henry Lewis, the comedian with Anna Held in "Follow Me," will bead his own company for Messrs. Shnbert next season in a new comedy now being written by Aaron Hoffman. ISIS, LYNCHBURG, TO CHANGE Lynchbubg, Va., Feb. 1.—One of the biggest surprises ever sprung in local amusement circles was released this week in the announcement that the Isis Theatre, which has been under the control of Jake Wells for almost a year, will shortly pan into the bands of Charles M. Casey of this city, owner of the Belvedere Theatre. The Isis closed February 3 for one week and will re-open Feb. 12. under the personal management of Guy Barrett, who has been in charge of the Belvedere Theatre for Casey for the past two years. The Isis is reputed to be the finest ex- clusive photoplay theatre in Virginia. Casey proposes to convert the house into a high-class five cent theatre and switch bis regular program to his new stand, offering Metro, Paramount, World and Greater Vitagraph productions, with" the special Mary Pickford and Clara Kimball Young features, on the plan of daily change. MEMPHIS MANAGERS CHANGED Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 3.—Frank Gray, former manager of the Lyceum Theatre, is to become resident manager of the Lyric, and Benjamin Stainbach, former resident manager of the Lyric, will become assistant manager of the Lyceum. "GRUMPY" COMPANY IN WRECK Coenexia. Go., Feb. 3.—Cyril Maude and his company were in a wreck near Atlanta yesterday morning and their special car miraculously escaped injury. ACTRESS NOT AT OWN TRIAL Claudia Carlstedt Wheeler, former ac- tress and wife of Albert Gallatin Wheeler, did not appear in the City Court last week to tell why she shouldn't settle a judgment for $250 for pink tights. According to At- torney Marks, Mrs. Wheeler wag sent the summons, but she insisted she was not notified. The judgment was obtained by the Burton Dress Company. VAN IS JUSTICE OF PEACE Sunapex Lake, N. H., Feb. 2.—Billy B. Van has been made a justice of the peace for this town. Van is in the cast of "Have a Heart.'' COHEN PUSHES $10,000 SUIT Baltimore. Feb. 2—The $10,000 dam- age suit brought by Edwin J. Cohen, man- ager of the "Ben Hur" Co., against the Stewart Taxi Service Co. and Mrs. S. J. Lanahan, for injuries alleged to have been received in a taxi accident two years ago, is being tried in the City Court. STARS OF BURLESQUE MURRY LEONARD Making Comical from Hebrew People) WITH Hutch Cooper's RotelinH Girls BOOKED SOLID UNTIL IBS Ai Harris D Grace Lyman A VERITABLE PAIR Personal Direction Hurtl» tk Smmmi New Playing Loaw Time SQUIRREL FOOD Aills & Myers Those Kilted Klowns ASK MOLLIE WILLIAMS CORTELLI Playing Ch aracter* WITH SAM HOWE'S BIG SHOW HENRY P. DIXON Producer BIG REVIEW Columbia Theatre Building, New York GENE FAY Alvarez and Martell SCORING WITH HARRY HASTINGS BIG SHOW JOSEPHINE SAUNDERS Leading Woman VICTORIA BURLESQUE STOCK PITTSBURG GEO. P. MURPHY With BARNEY GERARD'S FOLLIES OF THE DAY BILLY CARLTON German Comedian HELLO GIRLS HARRY. PATRICIA MANDEL and BAKER Straight Prims Donna Million Dollar Dous Direction AL SINGER THE GREAT AND ONLY JOHN McCORMACK IS SINGING "LOVE, HERE IS MY HEART" every day in every city and town in the United States and Canada. If you wish to hear him, drop into any phonograph or talking machine store and ask to hear his Victor Rec- ord No. 64623. ' You will not only en- joy his wonderful ren- dition of the song but at the same time can learn it for yourself. "Love, Here Is My Heart* is by Adrian Ross and Lao Sileseu, writers of "A Little Love, A Little Kiss," and is worth adding to your repertoire if you are looking for some- thing good and out of the ordinary. It is making new friends daily. Published in 4 keys. LEOFEISTJnc^^^NewYwk BOSTON CHICAGO Ul Tranent St. G. O. H. BM». ST. LOUIS PHILADELPHIA Tin and Olive Sta. Broad and Cherry 5t». SAN FRANCISCO Paatages Theatre Bid*.