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February 7, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 23 CIij»j»«f* GENTLEMEN PLAYJ2RS ENGAGED Van and Scnenck of tie Century have signed contracts with Dillingham and Ziegfeld for two years more. Eddie Cantor has had his contract re- newed for "The Midnight Frolic." Veronica, Hawaiian dancer, for the mid- night review atop the Century. Helen Brskine by Margaret Anglin for "The Lioness." Nat Griawold and Will Gregory, Jr., for "The Silent Witness." Janet Traverg, Charles Butler and J. H. Barnes for "Eleven P. M." Manart Kippen by William Gillette for "A Successful Calamity." Miss Sydney Shields by Messrs. Blinn A Shesgreen for "If." Alice Lindahl by Henry Miller for "The Great Divide." Lizzie Hudson Collier for "The Great Divide." Paul Gordon by Frank Keenan for "The Pawn." Dodson Mitchell for "Ception Shoals." Gerald Pring for "A Night at an Inn." GRAND, KNOXVILLE, CLOSES Knoxvtjxe, Term., Feb. C. -The Grand Theatre, this city, of which .Mm B. Vfek has been the manager and which has baen playing the Sullivan & Considine acts, has closed and the bonse will be remodeled and used for other purposes. lid tti aw ni anut All breed*, all ages and at prleri to suit ereryvoe't pone. COLONJAL DOG MART New York's Larsest Dog Shop a West «th St. Jurt Wert of Tborlcr't. Ttlrphon Bryiot 5185. Tbe quality of our itack. oof coiirtfsy to TlBltora ud the unltatry oootUUon of oar shop &u auiwd n <u ea«1**bL< reputation. DOLLY GREY With "Bringing Up Father" Co. Central Fibre Wardrobe $35.00 Cqaal to the irera;e $60.00 warifite ai. QIAIJUtTtl. CENTRALTRUNK FACTORY SIMONS a CO. 700 ARCH ST.. FHJLA. MOORE SUIT DROPPED Tbe suit of Edgar Pennington Young against the Leader Publishing Co., pub- lisher of the Pittsburgh Leader, of which Lillian Russell's husband, A. P. Moore, is president, has been dismissed in the Fed- eral District Court. The plaintiff failed to establish bis residence in New York at the time of making the contract, which was for the solicitation of advertisements for a special edition of tbe paper. Young had asked for $50,000. GETS KEITH HOUSE FOR 20 YRS. Providence, R. I., Feb. 3.—A twenty* year lease upon the old Keith Theatre property has been obtained by tbe West- minster-Union Corp. of New York. A new Keith theatre is being erected and will be completed by next season. The new lease will not affect the present vaudeville season or the Albee Stock Co. season next Summer. ACADEMY MATINEE FRIDAY "The Importance of Being Earnest," a comedy in three MCJtj by Oscar Wilde, will be given by the American Academy of Dramatic Arts at its third matinee of the season, Friday afternoon in the Lyceum Theatre. "Why Cupid Came to Earl's Court," a play in one act, by Cosmo Ham- i'ton, will also be given. riRM TO OPERATE THEATRES Tbei:ton, N. J., Feb. 2.—A new organ- ization that will operate theatres of all kinds has obtained a charter from the Sec- retary of State here. It is known as the Ampere Theatre Corporation and is cap- italized at $150,000, divided into 1,200 shares of $100 each. BOBBY BENTLEY RETURNS Bobby Bentley has returned from Lon- don, after a season in the London music balls. GENE HARPER'S MOTHER DEAD Mrs. Elizabeth Harper, the mother of Gene G. Harper, died Jan. 16 in Danville, I1L DEATHS LESLIE T. WILDER. »6 years old, at one time manager of the Whitney Auditorium, Springfield. Mass.. died at his home In ML Tom Jan. 27 of pneumonia. He served In the Spanish-American War with Co. I, Znd Massachusetts Regiment, and was a char- ter member of the MsJ. Leonard post Of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Arter a short service at his late home on the 30th the body was taken to Springfield where It wa* laid to rost with military honors. JOHN M. W. BYRNE died last week at the Chicago American Hospital from a com- plication of diseases. Mr. Byrne was of the old Musical Moke team of Smith and Byrne. He later worked with Harry Leopold, AL Fostell and as Judson and Byrne traveled with leading variety and minstrel organizations, from Tony Pastor's to Haverly'e. For a number of years he did a clever monologue turn with musical Imitations, after which he entered the muBlcfil comedy field and was with Geo. W. Monroe's Aunt Bridget Co. and starred in "The Boy Tramp" and "Skipped by the Light Of the Monn." Mr. Byrne wrote a number of bright sketches and playlets, a number of song nits and had been writing articles for weeklies and magazines for several years. He was Instructor at the Chicago Conservatory of Music and lately had been appearing for the Sellg Moving Picture Co His last appearance was with Sam Drane In Wlnton Churchill's "The Crisis." A wife, daughter and brother sur- vive him. COLUMBIA THEATRE BWAV. Cth STatBXI. H. Y. THE BONTONS LIBERTY :: «2o ai awae. 8-30. Hat*, was. a Sat. SmT W. SAVAOE ef-ra The N*W Mualra! rv.ew<i, HAVE A HEART NEW M0R0SC0 THEATRE 4fith ST., Juat W. of B'wiy. Phono Bryant 230. Matinee* Wedaeadar aod Saturday. Olhrtv Manses Pissaats taa Hrw Musical ran* CANARY COTTAGE THaUTBB. B*w*w a* attk St. Bra*, at 8.S0. atata. Writ. St Sat, at S.SO. -WTaTCSZLL SMITH *xd J0HJT L. wrOlBBaT Prwaaat tit aaaaaa'* noeaae TURN TO THE RIGHT St jVaaara. Smith aad Eaaxaid. West aSth St., Fens* Brraat 48. Era. at 8.20. Mala. Wad. Jk Sat. 2.20. Ollrar Monaco** greet Uagblag race***. Season'* On* Sonatantlal i GAIETY E CORT upstairs: DOWN BY ntEDERIC a FANNT K ATTCU* ■ ■■as asps l*ermert> Caaila* Phone Bryant SSwa. Ere*. 8.20. IfSt*. Wad. a Sat 2.20. CORAH a HABSJS t****at CAPTAIN ICIDD, JR. A farcical Advantore by Bids John*on Toajng-. COHAN & HARRIS THXATBa Wat 4SM ■ KNICKERBOCKER £R REPUBLIC Brsa. 8.20. M at* . Wed. <t Bat. 3.20. aaTHUB HOVaiBI p r a*a*t» GOOD GRACIOUS ANNABELLE A New Play by Clare Kammer. BA1 T/iV HUE. DAZIE, JACX rALALL sobwobtit, ehut WELLMAN ar»« TT3U Broadway a 4TUi St. K0 N CASTLE la "FaV Mat. DaOy at 1 P. M. TMIA." Wnttt WXS V 23. SO and 7TJr TOD. BEBT A BETTT ■ veryNlgbt '"J 1 "- ***** 23-BO-7B-SI g"so TBOPPg. others. Ori ACaPsfh West 44tb St. Braa. aVJO Dl!iLa/\>9a^l/ Mat*. Tbors. A Sat. at 2.30 DAVID BELASCO praawnU FRANCES STARR In • nfa-KlUact*' paw c-cn»>*i7 •KITTLE LADY W BLUE" tt'way a Hte a. at S.1S. Mat*. . k Sat. 2.15. Klsw a Brlancer Manager* DAVID BELASCO pnsant* DAVID WARFIELD Id hi* world rpnownKl auiTee* THE rVf USIC MASTER BITIMCF 'niEATREW.4-MKt.ETs.sl!-.SC tll,1,uI Mata. Wed. A Sat. A. H. WOODS pment* CHEATING CHEATERS P t MAX MARHW. HIPPODROME MANAGEMENT CIIAUI^ES KIlXlSOHiVl Night, at SIS. Mat. erery day. 2.15. ••THE DIG SHOW" STA Ogn BY at. H, II01IK8K K (bebselfi KELLERMANN In a Saw WATEB BPECTAGLX. NEW ICB I MAMMOTH I 100 NOVaTLTIBB* BAT.T.rr I M1NS TRRI" 1 iono runpij W. 44tb St. Kt**. S.1S. Mats. Wed. k Sat. . KI.AW at EBXAKOBB prtant ELSIE FERGUSON HUDSON Id * Dfw art"iie-.]j uf toitay SHIRLEY KAYE By HTTLBEHI rOOTMEE. OEO. Iwt THEATRE, B'WAT * AM COHAN'S "• ET i ffi: «aT w,c KLAW * BBLANOBB Manager* HENRY MILLER prewnt* RUTH CHATTERTON and Company. Including Brora McBae, la "COME OUT OF THE KITCHEN* LYCEUM West 4.1th St. Brrra. t& Mat*. Thnra. A Sat. 2.S0. HENRY MILLER IN THE GREAT DIVIDE By WTXXXAX VAUGHN MOODY EW B I D C B'way. 40 St. Or*. 8.S0. AVI MT M. art E* Mat*. Wed. A Bat. 2JO. MAUDE ADAMS CHARLES FBOHafAV nwaaat* A KISS FOR CINDERELLA J. II. BABBItTS OBKATBST TBICMFB. /