The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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24 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER February 7, 1917 DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL Route. Most R«wk Thk Office) Not Later Than Saturday Adams, Maoilc <Oha». FTOhman, Inc., mgrs.) —Empire, New York, indef. Arthur. Julia—Criterion, New York 6-10. Anglln. Margaret—Buffalo, N. Y, 6-10. Abnrbanell, Llna—Albany, N. Y., 8-10. "Anns and tie Glrl"--Biackstone, Chicago, Boston 'F.nKlish Grand Opera Co.—Iowa City, la.. 8 : Waterloo, 9 ; Albert Lee, Minn., 10; Hampton, la., 12; Marsballtown, 18; Al- bla. 14 ; Creston. 16; Clarinda, 16. Bernhardt. Sarah—Memphis, Tenn., 7 I LOUnv "Blg Show? The" (Chas. B. Dillingham, mgr.) —Hip, New York. Indef. "Boomerang, The" (David Belaaco. mgr.)— Powers'. Chicago, Indef. "Ben Hur" (Klaw 4 Erlanser, mgr.) "Blue Paradise, The"—Wilbur, Boston, 6, "Brat, The" (Oliver Moroaco, mgr.)— Plymouth. Boston, 5, Indef. -BeauOfui Unknown, The" (Tbe Shuberta, mirrs.)—Baltimore, 5-10. "Broadway AfterDark" (N.Uon.1 Prod Co Inc men.)—Waynesboro. Pa., 7 ; Lettya- burg. olCumberfand. Md, 9; Mt. Pleas- ant,12; Scottdale, 13; McKeesport, 14, Indiana, 16; Houtxdale. 17. Coiner" Wd. (H. H. Frazee. mgr.)—Long- Cotrja^Swyn'i'co.. mgraO-BepUbllc. C^. Y &arry 8: Corlln . ? d Margaret Dale Owen—Calcutta, India, Indef. "Cheating Cheaters" (A H. Woods, mgr.)— Kltlnge, New York, Indef. _ "Come Out of the Kitchen" (Klaw 4 Er- iangw ft Henry Miller, nigra.)—Couan'e, -cSSir? 0r GJr. , . Dd T'ne"-Centnry. New York, "Ca n Dt f kldd, Jr." (Cohan A Harris, nigra.)— Coban 4 Harris; New Jorkvlnte. "Common Clay" with John Mason (A. a. Woods, mg?)—Kansas City. Mo., 4-10; St -C.ISry' Cottage" (Olive Moroaco, mgr.)— Moroaco, New York, 6, Indef. Dunn. Emma (Lee KugeL mgr.)—Tblrty- W ^cn.telri^ N ( e c W ohL 0r S: E3. mgr..)- maiSe* SBftX H^oods. mar.)-New »E%cl«^ (EUlott.Com.tock 4 Gest, nun.)—Buffalo, N. Y, "■■*{ _ ,,, Fare^ham. Wm.-Majestlc B klyn , 0-10 Ferguson, Elsie—Hudson. New Vork, lvaei. SrHrand Warmer" (Selwyn 4 Co.. mgrs.) — Cort, Chicago. 5-March 8. "Falrand Wanner" (Selwyn * Co., mgrs.)— Park Bq„ Boston, 5, Indef. "Flame. The" (Richard Walton Tully, mgr.)— *il, iifJil Can.. 8-10; Toronto, 12-17. .■bScmS?'* Western Co. (Broadway Amm*. Co.. mgrs.) —Lexington, Neb., 7, Coaad, "FKckJes'™EStlrn 10 Co. (Broadway Amuse. Co, mgrs.)-John.>onburg. Va, 7 ; Du Bols. 8 • Clearfield, 9; Johnstown, 10; Altoona, 12; Lewlatown, 18; Huntingdon, 14; Belle- fon'te. 15; BosweU, 17. , "Frein^Up, The" (Fred Byers: mgr.) — Stroud, 6kl».. 8: Shamrock, 12-18: Drum- right 15: Ollton, 17. Gillette. Wm. (Arthur Hopkins, mgr.)— Booth. New York, 5, Indef. arahamV Oscar—Lufkin, Tex., 7: Garrison. 8; Center, 9; Bronson, 10; San Augus- tine. 12; Klrbyville. 13. "GypsyLove"—Zanesvllle, O, 10. "Girl Without a Chance," Eaatern Co. (Rob- ert Sherman, mgr.)—Hprnell. «. _Y, 7 Blnghamton. 8-9; Norwich, 10; OneontV 12: Kingstown. 13; Middletown, 14, Poughkeepsie, 15- _ ,n «. "Girl Without a Chance " Western Co. (Rob- ert Sherman, mgr.)—Connersvllle, Ind, 7. Bluffton, Ind., 8; Tippecanoe, O, 9; Springfield. 10; Georgetown, 12; Green- field, 13 : Wilmington. 14; Washington C. H.. 16: Lebanon. 17. "Garden of Allah"—Wichita, Kan.. 10. Holmes, Taylor—Albany, N. Y„ 15-17. Held, Anna—Lyric. Phlla., 5, Indef. Hodge, Wm.—Princess. Chicago, Indef. •'Her Soldier Boy" (The Bhnberts, mgr.) — Aator, New York. Indef. "Have a Heart" (Henry W. Savage, Inc., mgr.)—Liberty, New York, Indef. "Hip, Hip, Hooray"—Auditorium, Chicago, Indef. '_. "His Bridal Night," with Dolly Sisters (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—St. Louis, 4-10. . "Hit-the-Trall Holllday" (Cohan ft Harris, mgrs.)—Indianapolis. 8-10. "Human Soul, The*' <3. H. Schwenk. mar.) — Ashland. O., 5: Alliance. 6: New Washing- ton, 7; Toledo, 8-10: Sandusky, 12: Fre- mont 13: Bucyrus, 14; Lima, 15; Colum- bus, 16-17. Irwin, May—Jackson. Mien., 10. "If" (BUnn-Shesgreen Co., mgrs.)—Fulton, New York. 6. Indef. "Johnny Get Your Gun"—Criterion, New York. 12. Indef. "Just a Woman"—Alvln. Pittsburgh. 12-17. Kingston. Gertrude—Maxlne Elliott's. New York. Indef. "Katlnka" (Arthur Hammersteln, mgr.)— San Antonio. Tex.. 9-11. "Katlnka*" (Arthur Hammersteln, mgr.)— Chicago, Indef. "Katlnka"—St Paul. 4-10. "Katxenjammer Kids" (Gazxolo, Gatts 4 Clif- ford, mgra.)—Peoria. Ill— 7. "Lodger, The"—Bandbox, New York, 5-10; Boston, 12, Indef. "Love o" Mike" (Elizabeth Marbury, mgr.)— Shubert New York. "Little Peggy O'Moore" (National Prod. Co, mgrs.)—Butte, Mont., 7; Helena, 8; Bose- man, 9; Livingston, 10; Big Timber, 12; Billings, 13: Great Falls, 14; Havre, 15; Lewlatown, 16; Bound op, 17. Miller, Henry—Lyceum, New York, 5, Indef. Montgomery ft Stone—St Paul, 5-10. "Man Who Came Back" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Playhouse, New York, Indef. "Miss Springtime" (Klaw ft Erlanger, mgr.) —New Amsterdam. New York, Indef. "Miss Springtime," No. 2 Co. (Klaw 4 Er- langer, mgra.)—Tremont Boston, Indef. "Million Dollar Doll," Eastern Co. (Harvey D. Orr, mgr.)—Cbllllcottae, O., 7; Dayton, 8; Bucyrus, 9; Marion, 10; Fremont, 11; Sandusky, 12 ; Aahland, 13; Wooster, 14; Steubenvllle, 15; E. Liverpool, 16; Sharon, Pa., 17. "Mother Carey's Chickens"—Boston, 5, indef. "Mother Love' (Myro Play Prod. Co. mgrs.) Union town. Pa., 7; Newcastle, 8; Frank- lin, 9; Erie. 10. Olcott Cbanncey—Albany, N. Y., 12-13. "Oh Boy"—Princess, New York, 12, indef. Nazlmova—Princess. New York, 5-10. Patton. W. B. (Frank B. Smith, mgr.)— Crooksvllle. 7; Athens, 8; Glouster, 9: Shawnee, 10. "Pierrot the Prodigal" (Wlntbrop Ames and Walter Knight mgrs.)—Hollls, Boston, in- def. •Potash 4 Perlmuttcr In Society" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—St. Louis, 4-10; Kansas City, 11-17. "Pollyanna"—Montauk, Brooklyn, 12-17. Starr, Frances (David Belaaco, mgr.)—Be- laaco, New York, indef. Stabl, Rose (Clias. Frobman, Inc., mgr.)— Dallas, Tex.. 7: Ardmore, Okln, 8 : Wichi- ta, Kan., 9; Colorado Springs, Colo., 10; Denver, 12-17. Skinner, Otis (Chas. Frohman, Inc., mgrs.) Cincinnati. 5-10.- Detroit Mich., 12-17. Sanderson-Bryan-Cawthorn—Youngstown, O., 7; Columbus, 8-10; Springfield, 12: Day- ton, 13; Toledo, 14; Lansing, Mich., 15; Ann Arbor, 16; Grand Rapids, 17. "8bow of Wonders, The" (The Bhnberts, mgrs.)—Winter Garden, New York, indef. "Sunny South" (J. C. Rockwell, mgr.)— Austin, Minn., 7; Wells, 8; Winnebago, 9; Blue Earth, 10; Fairmont, 12; Jackson, 18; Wlndom, 14; Mankato, 15; St. Peter, 16; Le Sueur, 17. Taylor. Laurctte (Klaw 4 ErlauKer 4 Geo. C. Tyler, mgrs.)—Globe, New York, lndcf. "The 13tb Chair"—Forty-eighth Street New York, Indef. "Turn to tbe Right" (Smith ft Golden, mgra.) Qalety. New York, Indef. "Turn to the night" (Smith ft Golden, mgrB.) —Grand, Chicago, Indef. "Treasure Island" (Chas. Hopkins, mgr.)— Standard, New York. 6-10. "Thclina" (Leo Orland, mgr.)—Btrtnghurst. IU., 7: Wyoming, 8; Peru, 11; Falrbury, 14; Colfax, 15. "Twin Beds" (A. 8. Stern ft Co., mgr.)— Los Angeles, 4-10. "Two Oles. The" Western Co. (Geo. Engeaser. mgr.)—Edgcmont, S. D, 9; MarBlnnd, Neb.. 10; Hemlngford. 12. "Two Oles, The" Eaatern Co. (Geo. Engeaser, mgr.)—Clearfield, la.. 10; Corydon, 12; Kaboka. Mo.. 13. "Upstairs and Down" (Oliver Morosco, mgr.) Cort, New York, indef. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (Kibble's)—Tipton, Ind., 7: Kokomo. 8: Frankfort. 9: Anderson. 10; Indianapolis, 11-17. "Very Good Eddie'' (Marbury. Comstock Co., mgrs.)—Adelpbl. Phlla., Indef. "Very Good Eddie" (Marbnry, Comstock Co., mgrs.)—Springfield, Mass., 8-10. "Very Good Eddie" (Marbury, Comstock Co., mgrs.)—Buffalo. N. Y., 6-10; Alvln, Pitts- buncb. Pa., 12-17. Washington Sq. Players—Comedy, New York, indef. Warfleld, David (David Belaaco, mgr.) — Knickerbocker, New York, 5-24. Wilson. Al. H. (Sidney R. Ellis, mgr.)—Sher- brook. Can., 7; Quebec, 8-10; Montreal, 12-17. "Wanderer. The" (Elliott Comstock ft Gest, mgra.)—Manhattan O. H., New York, in- def. "When Dreams Come True" (Courts ft Ten- nis. mErs.)—Fairmont W. Va., 7; Parkers- burg, 8; Marietta, 9: Newark, 10. "Watch Tour Step" (Chas. Dillingham, mgr.) —Montauk, Bklyn., 5-10. "Yellow Jacket Tbe"—Harris, New York. In- dex. "You're In Love" (Arthur Hammersteln, mgr.)—Casino, New York, 6; indef. •Zlegfeld'a Follies"—Illinois, Chicago, Indef. International Circuit Boyer, Nancy—Castle Sq., Boston, 5-10. "Broadway After Dark"—Buffalo, N. Y., 5-10. "Brlntire Up Father"—LnntsvUle, Ky, 5-10. "Come Back to Erin"—Pittsburgh, 5-10. Emmett, Grade—National. Chicago, 5-10. Eiiuore, Kate—Jersey CItj. V. J., 5-10. "For tbe Man She Loved'—Detroit 5-10. "Gue HiU's FollleV—Omaha. Neb.. 6-10. "Hans and Frit*"- Poll's. Washington. 6-10. "Her Unborn Child"—Kansas City. 5-10. "In Old Kentucky"—St Louta, 6-10. "Little Women"—Worcester. Mass., 6-10. "Little Girl In a Rig City"—Orpheum, Phlla.. 5 10. "Millionaire's Son and the Shop Girl"— Lcxlncton, New York, 5-10. "Mntt 4 JefiTa Wrddtna"—Gotham, Bklyn., 5 '0. "Old Homestead, The"—Bronx, New York, 6-10. "Pretty Baby"—Baltimore, 5-10. "Peg o' My Heart"—New Orleans. 5-10. "Peg o' My Heart"—Imperial, Chicago, 6-10. Sidney, George^—Cleveland, 0., 6-10. "Sis Hopklna"—Richmond, Va., 5-10. Thurston—Walnut Phila., 6-10. "That Other Woman"—Indianapolis, 6-10. "Which One Shall I Marry"—Paterson. N. J., 5-10. "When a Girl Loves"—Birmingham, Ala, 4-10. STOCK AMD REPERTOIRE ROUTES Permanent and Traveling Academy Players—Haverhill, Mass., Indef. American Players—Spokane, Wash., indef. Academy Players—Halifax, N. 8., Can, in- def. Auditorium Players—Maiden. Mass., Indef. All Star Stock—New Bedford, Mass.. Indef. Angeil Stock (Joe AngeU, mgr-)— Park, Pitts- burgh, Indef. 3f Angeil Stock No. 2 (Ike Jutras, mgr.)— Sharpsburp Pa., indef. Angell's Comedians—(Billle O. Angelo. mgr.) —England. Ark., 5-10 A i,-. tin Mlldr.-d. Stock- Birmingham. Abu, 1 ii lief. Bnlubridge Playeru—Minneapolis, Indef. Bayley, J. Willard, Players—Beloit,. Wia., in- Blye, Browne, Ben. Co. (Jack Moore, mgr.)— Newark, O., Indef. Bishop Chester Players—Grand Rapids, Mich., lndcf. Brooklyn's Own Stock Co.—Chaa. W. Daniels, mgr.) —Grand O. H., Brklyn, 5 ; indef. Bunting, Emma, Stock—San Antonio, Tex., Indef. Bryant Marguerite, Players—Empire, Pitta- burgh, Indef. nrooklyn'8 Own Stock (Chafl. W. Daniels, mgr.)—Grand O. H„ Bklyn., 6, Indef. Brooks, Ja<k. Stock—Green Bay, Wis., indef. Cobnrn-Pearson Players—St. Cloud, Minn., indef. Denham Stock—Denver, indef. Dublsaky Stock (Ed. Dnblnsky, mgr.)—St Joseph, Mo., Indef. Dally, Ted. Stock—Hutchinson, Kan., indef. Demlng, Lawrence, Theatre Co.—Miles City, Mont, indef. Davis, Walter, Stock (A. W. Friend, mgr.)— Union City, Pa., 5-10; Corry. 12-17. Davis, Chaa. M. C. Co.—Ft. Smith, Ark, 5-10. Elamere Stock—Elsmere, Bronx, Indef. Eckbardt Oliver, Players—Reglna, Bask., Can., indef. Emerson Players—Lowell. Mass., lndcf. Empire Players—Salem, Mass., Indef. Edwards, Mae, Players—Watertown, 8. D„ 6-10; Aberdeen, 12-17. Fifth Ave. Stock (Jacques E. Horn, mgr.)— Fifth Ave., Bklyn., indef. Fleming, Alice, Stock—Portland, Ore, indef. Gordinier Bros. Stock—Ft Dodge. la., indef. Hyperion Players—New Haven, Conn, Indef. nathaway Plnyers—Brockton, Mass., Indef. Harper, Irene, Players—Bay City, Mich, in- def. Harper Playera, No. 2 Co. (Robert J. Sher- man, mgr.)—Pt. Huron, Mich., indef. Home, Col. P. P., Stock—Akron, O, indef. Hlllman Ideal Stock (Harry Sonne, mgr.) — MUtonvale, Kan., 8-10; St Francis, 12-14 ; Bird City, 16-17. Jewett Henry, Players—Copley, Boston, In- def. Keith's Hudson Theatre—Stock—Union Hill, N. J, Indef. Kelly Bros. Stock—Lansing, Mich, Indef. Knickerbocker Stock (Geo. Barbier, mgr.) — Knickerbocker, Phlla., indef. Kirk. Kitty. Stock—Portsmouth. O, indef. Lawrence, Del, Stock—Vancouver, Can, in- def. Lyric Theatre Stock—Bridgeport, Conn, ln- dcf. Lonergan Players (E. V. Fnelan, mgr.)-»- Lynn, Mass, Indef. Morosco Stock— Lob Angeles, indef. Mozart Players (Jay Packard, mgr.)—Elmlra, N. Y, indef. Myrkle-Harder Co.—No. Adams, Mass., 5-10. March M. C. Co.—Webster. Mass, 4-10. Morrill, Elizabeth, Stock (Chas. A. Morrill, mgr.)—Luvernc, Minn, 4-10. ' Mallory, Clifton, Stock—Big Springs, Tex, 12; Sweetwater. 13: Winters, 14-15: La Grange, 16: HuntsvtUe. 17. National Stock (F. B. Cole, mgr.)—Minne- apolis, indef. Nestell Players—Jefferson City, Mo, Indef. Northampton Players—Northampton, Mass, 6-24. Nntt Ed. C, Comedy Players- New Strand Stock—Mobile, Ala, indef. Orpheum Players—Reading, Pa, lndcf. Overholser Stock—Okla. City, Okla, Indef. Oliver Otis Players (Harry J. Wallace, mgr.) —Richmond. Ind., Indef. Opera Players—Kansas City, Mo, indef. PrinceBS Stock—Sioux City, la, Indef. Players Stock—Players. St. Louis, Indef. Park. Edna, Stock—Tampa, Fla, indef. Poll Stock—Scranton, Pa, indef. Poll Players—Poll's, Washington, 19, indef. Bae, John G, Little Fern Co.—Dodge City, Kan, 5-10. Spooner, Cecil. Stock—Lawrence, Mass.. in- del. Shubert Stock—Milwaukee, indef. Shubert Stock—St. Paul, indef. Somervllle Theatre Players — Somervllle Mass.. i nde f. St Clair, Winifred Stock (Earl Sipe, mgr.)— Paterson, N. J, Indef. Sherman Kelly Stock—Superior, Wis.. Indef. Spokane M. C. Co.—Spokane, Wash, Indef. Temple Stock—Ft Wayne, Ind, indef. Van Dyke ft Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.)— Tnlsa, Okla, Indef. Wilkes Players—Seattle, Wash, Indef. Wilkes Playera—Salt Lake City, Utah, Indef. Wallace, Chester, Playera—Butler. Pa, indef. Williams. Ed, Stock—Elkhart, Ind., Indef. Wight Bros. Theatre Co. (Hilllard Wight mgr.)—Emerson, Neb, 5-10; Ponca, 12-17. COMPANIES IN TABLOID PLAYS Amlck's Pennant Winners (Jack Amlck, mgr.)—Wilmington, N. C, 6-10; Kinston, 12-14: Goldsboro. 15-17. Enterprise Stock (Norman Tllyard, mgr.)— Chicago, indef. Enterprise Stock, No. 2 Co. (Norman Hll- yard, mgr.)—Chicago, Indef. Hyatt ft LeNore Miniature M. C. Co. (T. H. Hyatt mgr.)—Moose Jaw, Bask., Can, In- def. Kilgare's Comedians—Cincinnati, O, indef. Lord ft Vernon M. C. Co—Butler, Pa, indef. Maxwell ft Sbaw Tab. Co. (Bob Shaw, mgr.) Apollo, Pa, 6-10. Beluy's, Fox, Globe Trotters—Lincoln, Neb, 5, indef. Sub-Marine Girls (Mersereau Broa, mgrs.)— Vernon, Tex., 6-10: Lawton, 12-17. Shaffer's, Al, Boys ft Girls—DeLand. Fla, 5-10. Stewart Walter J, Stock (Stewart ft Good- win, mgra.)—Cbicago, Indef. "Sunnyside of Broadway" (Boyle Woolfolk. mgr.)—Jollet 111, 8-10; Ottawa, II; American, Chicago, 12-14. "Vanity Fair," Wolfolk's, (Jack Tralnor, mgr.)—Qulncy, 111, 8-10; Galesburg, 12-14; Aurora, 15-17. Walker Musical ft Lady Minstrels—Spartans- burg, 8. C, 6-10; Greenville, 12-17. MINSTRELS AL G. Field—Hagerstown, Md, 7; Cumber- land, 8; Winchester, Va, 9 ; Staunton, 10; Charleston, W. Va, 12-13; Huntington, 14-15: Marietta, O, 16; Parkersbnxg, W. Va, 17. O'Briens, Nell—Arkansas City, Kan, 7; Tul- sa, Okla., 8; Muskogee, 9; McAlester, 12. MISCELLANEOUS Mitchells, Helen and Leslie—Pittsburg, indef. Newmaon the Great—Big Timber, Mont, 7-8 ; Bozeman, 9-10; Livingston, 11-18; Deer Lodge. 14-15; Anaconda, 16-17. Smith, Mysterious (Albert ft Smith, mgra.) —Cottonwood. Minn, 7-8; Olivia, 9-10; Elkton, 8. D, 12; Cavour, 13-14; Hetland, 15; Huron, 16-17. BURLESQUE Columbia Wheel Al Reeves' Big Beauty Show—Corinthian, Rochester, N. Y, 5-10; Baatable, Syracuse, N. Y, 12-14; Lumberg, Utlca, N. Y, 15-17. Bebman Show—Gaiety, Kansas City, 6-10; Gaiety, St. Louis, Mo, 12-17. Ben Welch's—Gaiety, Boston, 5-10; Colombia, New York, 12-17. PHILADELPHIA via New Jersey Central EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR From Liberty St, 7 A. M. to IS P. M. and at Midnight with Sleepers it MINUTES OF THE HOUR From W. 23d St. YOUR WATCH IS YOUR TIME TABLE Consult P. W. HEROY, E. P. Agent 14M BROADWAY, NEW YORK Bal's Dreadnaught ■ inch. 32 inch.. M inch. AT SUBMARINE PRICES ..» I M Inch : a ■ WILLIAM B AL COMPANY 145W.45thSt.,N.Y. 4W.22aSt-,N.Y. NEW CIRCULAR NOW READY Mail Orders Fulsd Same Day Received .- «. 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