The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 7, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 25 ft 10; 6-10; Bon Tons—Columbia, New York, 5-10: Ca- sino, Brooklyn, 12-1T. Boatonlans—Orphenm, Patorson, N. J„ 6-10; Empire. Hoboken, N. J., 12-17. Bowerj Bnriesqners—Empire, Toledo, O., 5-10: l-yrtc, Dayton, 0„ 12-17. Burlesque Beview—Lyric. Dayton, <>. Olympic, Cincinnati, 12-17. Follies of the Day—Empire, Brooklyn. M0; Park, Bridgeport, Ct„ 16-17. Globe Trotters—Gaiety, St. Loots, 8tnr * Garter, Chicago. 12-17. Golden Crooks—Empire, Newark. N. J Casino, Philadelphia, 12-17. Hastings Show—Peoples, Philadelphia, 6-10; Palace, Baltimore, 12-17. "Hello, New York''—Gaiety, Toronto, Ont, 5 10; Palace, Baltimore, 12-17. Ulu Hip-Hooray Girls — Park, Bridgeport, 8-10; Colonial, Providence, B. I., 12-17. Howe's Kissing Girls—Cohen's, Pongnkeepsle, 8-10; Hurtlg & Seamon's, New York, 12-17. Irwin's Big Snow—Gaiety, Pittsburgh, 6-10; Star, Cleveland, 12-17. liberty Girls—Casino, Philadelphia, 6-10; Miner's Bronx, New York, 12-17. Maids of America—Bercbel, Des Moines, Iowa, 6-7; Gaiety, Omaha, Neb., 12-17. Majesties—Palace, Gaiety, Washington, D. C, 5-10: Gaiety, Pittsburg, 12-17. Marlon's Big Show—Grand, Hartford, ct, 6-10; Jacques, Watcrbury, Ct, 12-17. Merry Bounders—Open, 6-10; Gaiety, Kansas City. 12-17. _ Midnight Maidens—Lumberg, Dtlca, 8-10; Gaiety. Montreal. Can., 12-17. . Million Dollar Dolls—Gaiety, Montreal, Can., 6-10; Empire, Albany, N, Y„ 12-17. Molly Williams' Show—Palace, Baltimore, Md., 6-10: Gaiety. Washington. D. C, 12-17. New York Girls—Colonial, Providence, B. I., 6-10: Gaiety, Boston, 12-17. "Puss Puss"—Empire. Albany, N. Y., 6-10; Casino, Boston, 12-17. Rag Doll In Ragland—Gaiety, Omaha. Neb. 5-10; open, 12-17; Gaiety, Kansas City, 19-24. Roseland Girls—Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 5-10 : People. Philadelphia, 12-17. Rose Sydell London Belles—Casino, Brooklyn, N. Y., 5-10; Empire, Brooklyn, 12-17. Sldman's Show—Gaiety, Buffalo, N. Y.. 6-10: Corinthian, Rochester, N. Y„ 12-17. Sightseers—Columbia, Chicago, 6-10; Gaiety, Detroit, Mich., 12-17. Some Show—Jacques, Waterbory, Ct„ 5-10: Cohen's Newbure, N. Y., 12-14; Cohen's Ponghkeepsle, 15-17. ilegel's Revue—Star and Garter, Chicago, 5-10; Bercbel, Des Moines, la-, 12-13. Sporting Widows—Star, Cleveland, O., 510; Empire, Toledo, O., 12-17. Star and Garter—Miner's Bronx. New York, 5-10: Empire, Brooklyn, 12-17. 8tej> Lively Girls—Casino, Boston, 6-10; Grand, Hartford, Ct, 12-17. Twentieth Century Maids—Gaiety, Detroit, Mich., 6-10; Gaiety, Toronto, Ont., 12-17. Watson's Beef Trust—Hurtle; & Seamon's, New York. 5-10; Orphenm, Paterson, N. J„ 12-17. Watson-Wrothe — Olympic, Cincinnati, 6-10; Columbia. Chicago, 12-17. Amrric Circuit Social Follies — Englewood. Chicago. 6-10: Gaiety, Milwaukee. 12-17. Tempters—Gaiety, Chicago, 6-10; Majestic, Indianapolis, 12-17. Thoroughbreds-—Open 6-10; Englewood. Chi- Americans—Open, 5-10; Century, Kansas City, 12-17. Auto Girls—Wllkesbarre, Pa., 7-10; South Bethlehem. Pa.. 12 ; Easton, 18 ; Pottstown, 14: Grand, Trenton, N. J., 16-17. Broadway Belles—Star, Toronto, Ont., 5-10 ; Savoy, Hamilton, Can., 12-17, BIk Review of 1017—Gaiety, Philadelphia, 6-10: Mt. Carmel, Pa., 12; Shenandoah, 18: Wllkesbarre, 14-17. Cabaret Girls, Schenectady, N. Y„ 7-10; Blng- bamton, 12-18; Oneida, 14; Inter National, 18-17. Charming Widows—Star. Brooklyn, N. Y.. 5-10: Holyoke, Mass.. 12-14; Sprtngneld, 15-17. Cherry Blossoms—Gaiety, Brooklyn, 6-10; Academy, Jersey City. N. J.. 12-17. Darlings of Paris—Majestic, Indianapolis, 5-10: Buckingham. Louisville. Ky., 12-17. Follies of Pleasure—Worcester, 8-10;. Am- sterdam, N. Y., 12-13 ; Hudson, Schenectady, N. Y.. 14-17. French Frolics—International, Niagara Falls, 8-10; Star, Toronto, Ont, 12-17. Frolics of 1916—Buckingham, Louisville. 8-10; Lyceum, Columbus, O., 12-17. Ginger Girls—Trocadcro Philadelphia, 5-10 : Olympic, New York, 12-17. Girls from Joyland—Star, St Paul, Minn., R-10: open, 12-17: Century, Kansas City, Mo., 19-24. Girls from the Follies—Standard, St Lonls. Mo., 6-10; Terre Haute, Ind.. 12-14. Grown Up Babies — Akron, 8-10; Empire, Cleveland, O., 12-17. Hello Girls—Springfield. Mass., 8-10: Howard, Boston, 12-17. HeUo Paris — Fenn Circuit '6-10; Gaiety, Baltimore, 12-17. High Life Girls—Academy, Jersey City, N. J., 5-10: Trocadero, Pblla.. 12-17. Lady Buccaneers — Gaiety, Baltimore, Md., 5-10: Gaiety. Philadelphia, 12-17. Lid Lifters—Lyceum, Columbus, O., 6-10; Newark. O.. 12; Zaneavule, IS; Canton, 14: Akron. 16-17. Military Maids—Park. Youngstown, O., 8-10; Penn Circuit, 12-17. Misehtef Makers — Cadillac. Detroit Mich.. 6-10: open, 12-17; Englewood, Chicago, Monte Carlo Girls—Savoy, Hamilton, Can., 6-10: Cadillac, Detroit Mich., 12-17. Pacemakers — Trenton, N. J., 8-10; Star, Brooklyn, 12-17. Parisian Flirts — Majestic, Scran ton. Fa., 5-10; Gaiety. Brooklyn, 12-17. Pat White's Co.—Empire, Cleveland, O., 6-10; Erie, Pa., 12-13; Ashtabula. O., 14; Park, - Youngstown, O., 15-17. Record Breakers—Gaiety, Milwaukee, 6-10; Gaiety, Minneapolis, 12-17. Sentember Morning Glories—Century. Kansas City. Feb. 6-10; Standard. St Lonls. 12-17. cago, 12-17. ourlets—Olympic, 1 Bcrantnn, Pa., 12-17. 6-10; Tourists—Olympic, New York, 6-10; Majestic, U. S. Beauties — Terre Haute, Ind., 6-7; Gaiety, Chicago. 12-17. Peon Circuit Opera House. Newcastle, Pa., Monday. Cambria, Jol nstown, Tuesday. Mlsbler, Altoona, Wednesday. Orphenm, Harrlsbnrg, Thursday. Orphenm, York, Friday. Academy, Reading, Saturday. NEW THEATRE FOR TERRE HAUTE Terre Haute, Ind., Feb. 6.—The ground occupied by the Varieties theatre has been leased for a period of thirty-five years to the Bankers and Brokers Theatre of Chi- cago and a new theatre to cost $100,000 probably will be erected. This is the best location for a theatre in the city. The lease of the Chicago firm on the ground calls for a rental of $7,500 a year. The ground is owned by John McFall. LAFAYETTE, N. O., HAS NEW MGR. New Orleans. Feb. 5.—The Lafayette is to open again under new management with six vaudeville acts and up-to-date movies. PULLEN CO. HAS GOOD BUSINESS Business remains good with Pollen's Comediennes, who are still playing reper- toire in the State of Mississippi. "GIRL FROM U. S A." PROSPERS Koston, Kan., Feb. 5.—W. I* Oliver, who recently joined William Wamsher's "The Girl From the C. S. A." as agent re- ports good business for the show. NEW THEATRE FOR CLAREMORE Clahemore. Okla., Feb. 2.—L. W. Bro- phy of McAlester will let contracts in the near future for a new motion picture the- atre to seat 800. SCRIPTS* Tab - Mm. Comedy. $2 9i/Kiria. eachj j lor ^ Book of Bits fS. List (or atamp. Typewriters, Blicks like new, $10, cases included. Coronss, etc. II- X ASHTON, 517 N. Clark St, Chicago US Theatrical Lawyer EDWARD J. ADER 10 So. La Salle St Practice in State and U. Chicago S. Courts W. H. HARRIS, ISS&SS" Zct West Uth Street, New York Storehouse—315-317 W. 38th Street Phone Greeley 1474 Trunks Cared For ttlsphoM 3782 Grttler E. B. MeNALLT. Pres. WHITE RAT TRANSFER CO., Inc. EX P KISS III BAGGAGE. lajM» Storm it las tat* 147 West 37th Street, New York. Telephone 0888 Bryant. TRUNKS REPAIRED J^V'e 8«0 Weit «Ist St., Corner 8th Ave, Formerly with Quick service Taylor Trunk Works. Returned in 24 hoars. Ucd for SO reus by SUn of the Fra fesBoa. Bod JW Cmi EXOSA nmOa. CHAKUCS KEYS*. list 18(8] 1-31. lSlb.8L.Nt* Ton CROSS & BANTA Printing AT RIGHT PRICES 501 S. Dearborn CHICAGO BIG TIM REPRESENTATIVES PAUL DURAND MGR. cfc PRODUCER 100S Palace Theatre Bids;. MAX HART Room 902 Palace Theatre Bid*. gene HUGHES "S° SMITH jo-paige VAUDEVILLE MGRS. 1004 Palace Theatre Bid*. MAX HAYES VAUDEVILLE BROKER 1001-1002 Palace Tkeatre BUa. PETE MACK Palace Theatre Bldg. JOHN Ce PEEBLES High C^'veucUrule' Acts JOHN L. GORMAN, ASSOCIATE Palace Theatre Blag. JAS. PLUNKETT VAUDEVILLE REPT. 804 Palace Theatre Bids;. MAURICE H. ROSE and CURTIS JACK 1102 Palace Theatre U|. STOKER — BIERBAUER Palace Theatre Bid*. HARRY FITZGERALD Room 902 Palace Theatre BuiUJtng LEWIS & GORDON PRODUCING CO.. Inc. Al_ LEWIS. Cenaral Manager ;..Tlaies BanUsng I MAX CORDON, Booking Manager Palace Theatre BuiUthag I LOEW REPRESENTATIVES FRANK BOHM, Inc. Lo n Edlenun, CegL MgT. New Yorh Chy MARK LEVY VaaderiTJe Manager 802 BUg. LOUIS PINCUS Artists' Representatrre Putnam Blag. CHAS. J. FITZPATRICK VandeTJlle Manager 328 Patnam Blag. THE WESLEY OFFICE Phone 4382 Bryant 828 Pwtnam Blag. ABE I. FEINBERG Suite S04 Patnam Bldg. TeL Bryant 2884 SONGWRITERS KEY TO J^ICKERBOCK£R STUmQSjzi&iftf&bttaMz&, K. T. Cty