The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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32 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER February 7, 1917 PREDICTED TO BE THE BEST SONG OF ITS KIND SINCE "THE CURSE OF AN ACHING HEART" CITY OF BROKEN HEARTS ORCHESTRATIONS READY IN ALL. KEYS. WRITE OR WIRE AT ONCE. Now Ready THE HOUSE TnAT «IAt»IV BUILT JESSE WINNE AND HAROLD ROBE SEND PROGRAM. ADDRESS MAURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO., Inc., 145 West 45th Street, New York In the An EXCEPTIONAL Success—Because it's an EXCEPTIONAL Song SHIM-ME-SHA-WABBLE Better known as "Shaking the Chemise" :*. By SPENCER WILLIAMS Its quaint dance story, set to weird strains, has made it the entertainers' main standby. Easy to learn—and worth learning. (Orches- trations ready in all keys.) ROGER GRAHAM, Music Publisher, 145 N. Clark St., B.F. Keith's Circuit of Theatres A. PAUL kith. Prnllit R. r. ALBSB. Vto»Fiw. A Ota, Mgr. UNITED BOOKING YOU CAN BOOK DIRECT BY ADDRESSING S. K. HODGDON, Booking Manager of the UNITED OFFICES B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre Building NEW YORK CITY RUTH ROBINSON LasaaaS; Woman MOROSCO THEATRE, LOS ANGELES Foranoit Productions THE READ Slack Wire Juggling Novelty Diction RAY HODGDON :vts son< THE VALLEY OF LOVE CARL RUDOLPHO, Publisher 648 Momingaide 293 Lenox Ave* New York MILLER & KENT (LATE OF VAUDEVILLE) Bag to Announce that They Are Conducting SCHUCUCI 1'S EXCLUSIVE SAMPLE STYLE SHOP Coats, Suits, Dresses and Gowns THEATRICAL PATRONAGE SOLICITED 122 W. 44th STREET NEW YORK CITY WANTED IMMEDIATELY who double bran (mate and female). Ma weight, line of parts, instrument played and lowest salary first letter. Ben Tor's Tabloid Musical Comedy C Theatre. Cumberland. Md.. Feb. 12-17. Musicians, also performers who double brass (mala and female). Must give EXACT age, height, weight, line of parts, instrument played and lowest salary first letter. Week stands: no parades. Baa Toy's Tabloid Musical Comedy Co, Empire Theatre, Winchester, Vs., Feb. 510; Maryland REGISTER YOUR ACT PROTECT WHAT YOU ORIGINATE. THIS COUPON win be numbered and attached to your material, and a certificate will be returned to you as an acknowledgment, and for future reference. The contribution should be signed plainly by the person or firm sending the same, aad should be endorsed, by the stags manager of the show or of the house where the act is being used. Further acknowledgment will be made by the names and numbers being published. Address your contributions to The Registry Bureau, NEW YORK CUPPER,' MM Broadway. Naw York - Date NEW YORK CLIPPER REGISTRY BUREAU: Enclosed please find copy of my entitled . for Registration. NAME Address When you register a play or scenario that you Intend to aubmlt for reading to any producer we will furnish a label to be attached to the original, showing that the same has been entered in THE CLIPPER Registry Bureau. Get the idea? ACKERHANN-QUiaLEY LITH0GRAPK1NB COMPANY 11S-117.119.12t WEST FIFTH ST. KANSAS CITY, MO. PICTORIAL LITHOGRAPH PAPER For All Classes of Attractions Carried In Stock A MEW LINE OF MUSICAL COMEDY PAPERS JUST FINISHED READY FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT Wfrlta for Illustrated Catalogue and Prion on Engravad Blook sad Typo Work DATE BOOKS MAILED FREE OF CHARGE ON REQUEST \Ar*l 1AM \A7AH MANAGER Brooklyn, N. Y. RUTH BARNEY NOBLE ft NORTON A BREEZE FROM MUSICAL COMEDY Direction IRVING COOPER