The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 14, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 25 Bellly's. Fox, Globe Trotters—Lincoln, Neb.. Index'. Sub-Marine Girls (Messereau Bros., mgTS.) —Lawton, Tex., 12-17; Anadarka, 18-24. Stewart, Walter J., Stock (Stewart & Good- Win, mgfrs.)—Chicago, lndef. "Sunnylde of Broadway" (Boyle Woolfolk, mgr.)—American, Chicago, 12-14. Tabarln Girls (Dave Newman, mgr.)— Petersburg, Vs.. 12-17. "Vanity Pair," Wolfolk's (Jack Trainor. mgr.)—Aurora. 111.. 15-17; Elgin, ni.. 18- 21; Dubuque, la., 22-24. Walker's Musical & Lady Minstrels—Green- ville, S. C, 12-17; Columbia, 19-21. ZarroWe American Girl—Durham, N. C. 12-17. _ Zarrow's Little Bluebird (Jack Fuquay, mgr.)—Winston-Salem, N. C, 12-17. Zarrow's Variety Review (D. J. Lynch, mgr.)—Dennlaon, O., 12-17. Zarrow's Passing Revue (Wm. Bill, mgr.) —Bluefleld. W. Vs.., 12-17. MINSTRELS Ai. G. Field—Huntington, W. Va.. 14-16; Marietta, O., 16: Parkersburg, W. Va., 17; Coshocton, O., 19; Urbana, 20; Marion, Ind., 21; Indianapolis, 22-24. MISCELLANEOUS Mitchells, Helen and Leake—Pittsburgh, lndef. Kewmann the Great—Deer Lodge, Mont., 14-15; Anaconda, 16-17: Butte, 18-20; Mis- soula, 21-22; Wallace, Idaho, 23-24; Coeur d'Alene, 2E-27. Smith, Mysterious (Albert & Smith, nigra.) . —Cavour, S. D.. 14; Hetland. 16; Huron, 16-17: Clear Lake, 19-20; Henry, 21-22; Frankfort. 23-24. '„ , £. BURLESQUE Columbia Wheel Al Reeves' Big Beauty Show—Lomberg, UUca, N. Y.. 15-17; Gaiety, Montreal. Can, 19-24. Herman Show—Gaiety, St. Louis, Mo.. 12-17; Columbia, Chicago, 10-24. Ben Welch's—Columbia, New York, 12-17; Casino, Brooklyn, 10-24. Bon Tons—Casino, Brooklyn, 12-17 ; Empire. Newark, N. J.. 19-24. Bostonlans—Empire, Hoboken, N. J„ 12-17; People's, Philadelphia. 19-24. Bowery Burlesquers—Lyric, Dayton, O., 12- 17; Olympla, Cincinnati, 19-24. Burlesque Review—Olympic, Cincinnati, 12- 17; Star A Garter, Chicago, 19-24. Follies of the Day-—Park, Bridgeport, CL. 15-17; Colonial, Providence, 19-24. Globe Trotters—Star A Garter, Chicago, 12- 17; Gaiety. Detroit, 19-24. Golden Crooks—Casino. Philadelphia, 12-17; Uartlg A Seamon's. New York, l'.»-24. Hastings Show—Palace, Baltimore, 12-17 : Gaiety, Washington. D. C, 19-24. ••Hello. New York"—Gaiety. Buffalo. N. Y., 12-17: Corinthian, Rochester, 19-24. Hlp-Blp-Hooray Girls—Colonial, Providence, B, I., 12-17; Casino, Boston, 19-24. Howe's Kissing Girls—Hurtle A Seamon's, New York, 12-17; Empire. Brooklyn, 19-24. Irwin's Big- Show—Star, Cleveland. 12-17; Empire. Toledo, O., 19-24. Liberty Girls—Miner's Bronx, New York, 12- 17; Orpheum. Peterson. If, J.. 19-24. Maids ol America—Gaiety, Omaha, Neb., 12- 17; open, 19-24; Gaiety. Kansas City. 26- March 3. Majesties—Gaiety. Pittsburg, 12-17: Star, Cleveland, O.. 19-24. _ Marlon's Big Show—Jacques, Waterbury. Ct- 12-17; Cohen's Newburgn, N. Y., 19- 21; Cohen's Ponghkeepsle, 22-24. Merry Roonders—Gaiety, Kansas City, 12-17 ; Gaiety, St. Louis, Mo., 19-24. , Midnight Maidens—Gaiety, Montreal. Can., 12-17: Empire. Albany. N. Y„ 19-24. Million Dollar Dolls—Empire. Albany, N. Y., 12-17: Gaiety. Boston, 19-24. Molly Williams' Show—Gaiety, Washington, D. C 12-17: Gaiety, Pittsburgh, 19-24. New York Girls—Gaiety, Boston. 12-17: Grand. Hartford. Ct, 19-24. "Puss Puss"—Casino, Boston, 12-17; Colum- bia. New York. 19-24. Rae Doll In RaRland—Open, 12-17; Gaiety, Kansas City, 19-24. .„,_ Rotwlnnd Glrln—People's. P'-lladelp' ifl. 12-1. : Palace. Baltimore. 19-24. Rose Sydell's London Belles—ITmplre, New-rk, N. I., 12-17: Casino, Philadelphia, 19-24. Sldman's Show—Corinthian, Rochester, N. Y., 12-17; Bastable. Syracuse, N. Y., 19-21: Lnmberg, TJtlca. 22-24. Sightseers—Gaiety, Detroit Mich., 12-17; Gaiety. Toronto, Ont.. 19-24. Some Show—Cohen's Ponghkeepsle, 15-17; Miner's Bronx, New York. 19-24. Spiegel's Revue—Berchel, Des Moines, la., 1213; Gaiety, Omaha, Neb.. 19-24. Sporting Widows—Empire, Toledo, O., 12-17 ; Lyric, Dayton, O., 19-24. 8tar and Garter—Empire, Brooklyn, 12-17; Park. Bridgeport, 22-24. Step Lively Girls—Grand. Hartford, Ct, 12- 17: Jncqnes. WntP'Nir* - . 19-?4. Twentieth Centnrv Maids—Gaiety. Toronto, Ont., 12-17 : Gaiety, Buffalo, N. Y., 19-24. Watson's Beef Trust—Orpheum. Paterson, N. J., 12-17 : Empire. Hoboken. N. J.. 19-24. Watson-Wrotbe—Columbia. Chicago. 12-17 ; Berohel. Des Moines, Iowa, 19-21. American Circuit Americans—Century. Kansas City, 12-17; Standard, St. Louis. Mo.. 19-24. Auto Girls—Grand. Trenton, N. J„ 15-17; Star, Brooklyn, N. Y., 19-24. Broadway Belles—Savoy. Hamilton. Can., 12- 17; Cadillac, Detroit, Mlcb., 19-24. Bie Review of 1917—Wllkesbarre, 14-17; Sooth Bethlehem. Pa.. 19: Easton. Pa., 20: Pottstown. 21: Grand. Trenton. H. J.. 22- 24. Cabaret Girls, Inter National. Niagara Falls, ~K Y„ 15-17; Star. Toronto, Ont. 19-24. Charming Widows—Springfield, 15-17 ; How- ard, Boston, 19-24. Cherry Blossoms—Acadomv. Jersey City. X. J.. 12-17; Gaiety, Philadelphia. 19-24. Darlings of Paris—Buckingham. Louisville, Ky„ 12-17; Lyceum, Columbus, O., 19-24. Follies of Pleasure—Hudson. Schenectady, N. Y., 14-17; Blngbamton, N. Y.. 19-2": Oneida, 21: Inter National, Niagara Falls. N. Y„ 22-24. French Frolics—Star, Toronto, Ont, 12-17: Bavoy, Hamilton. Ont, 19-24. Frolics of 1916—Lyceum, Columbus, O., 12- 17 ; Newark. O.. 19 : Zanesvllle. 20 : Canto.:, 21; Akron, 22-24. Ginger Girls—Olympic, New York, 12-17; Majestic, Scranton, l'n., 19-24. Girls from Joyland—Open, 12-17; Century. Kansas City, Mo., 19-24. Girls from the Follies—Terre Haute. Ind.. 12-14: Gaiety. CMcbko, 19-24. Grown Up Babies—Empire, Cleveland, O., 12-17; Erie, Pa„ 19-20; Ashtabula, O., :il . Park, YonnKKtowD. O.. 22-24. Hello Girls—Howard. Boston, 12-17; New Bedford. Mass., 19-21; Worcester, 22-24. Hsllo Paris—Gaiety. Baltimore. 12-17; Tiw- adero, Phlla., 19-24. High Life Girls—Trocadero. Phlla., 12-17: Mt. Cannel, Pa., 19; Shendandoab, 20: Wllkesbarre, 21-24. Lady Buccaneers—Gaiety. Philadelphia, 12- 17: Olympic, New York, 19-24. Lid Lifters—Akron, O., 15-17: Empire, Cleve- land, O.. 19-24. Military Maids—Penn Circuit, 12-17; Gaiety. Baltimore, 19-24. Mischief Makers—Open, 12-17 ; Englewood. Chicago, 19-24. Monte Carlo Girls—Cadillac. Detroit. Mle'-. 12-17: Open. 19-24 j Englewood, Chicago. 26-March 3. Pacemakers—Star. Brooklyn, 12-17 ; Holvoke. Mass.. 19-21: Springfield, 22-24. Parisian Flirts—Gaiety, Brooklyn, 12-17: Academy. Jersey City, 19-24. Pat White's Co.—Park. Youngstown, O., 15- 17; Penn Circuit. 19-24. Record Breakers—Gaiety, Minneapolis, 12-17 ; Star, St. Paul, Minn.. 19-24. September Morning Glories—Standard. St. Louis, 12-17: Terre Haute. Ind., 19-21. Social Follies—Gaiety. Milwaukee, 12-17: Gaiety, Minneapolis, 19-24. Tempters—Majestic. Indianapolis. 12-17; Buckingham, Louisville, Ky„ 19-24. Thoroughbreds—Enjtlewood. Chicago, 12-17 ; Gaiety, Milwaukee, 19-24. Tourists—Majestic, Scranton, Pa., 12-17; Gaiety. Brooklyn. N. Y.. 19-24. TJ. S. Beauties—Gaiety. Chicago, 12-17; Ma- jestic. Indianapolis, Ind. SCRIPTS: Tab " Mu «' Comedy, $2 *»"*""^ ■ 9m each, 3 for $5. Book of Bits fS. List for stamp. Typewriters, Blicka like new, ,10, cases included. Coronas, etc H. J. ASKTON, S17 N. dark St, Chlca»o. 122 Theatrical Lawyer J.ADER 10 So. La Salle St Chicago Practice in State and U. S. Courts W. Ha HARRIS* TRANSFER MS We.t Mth Street, New York Storehouse—315-J17 W. Kth Street Phone Greeley 1474 Trunks Cared For SHOW PRINTERS. LITH06RAPHERS, National PRINTING .ENGRAVINC SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR EVERY LINE ENGRAVERS hew york'^^^^c^.cago OF AMUSEMENT . ST. LOUIS WHICH OF THESE CATALOCUES SHALL WE SEND YOU ? I-EatRIL'iL CATatat.Lt ' i.H CATALOGUE el Hji I MA'ilC CATALOGUE"' M, WASTREL CATALOGllEi. ~ i 1-; <>f O.Titv Hoertc-rc Stoci, Vftucf\illf ; t Cnm,f'a>\.fir'-.?' ft.,.tttcr Ai M Race's,' Mofftrtlrbm.r: : StpcL; Audi. Horse S**0»4.-clc. MA'ilC CATALOGUE ft * M»pn'-itir: MnC Rr?i3(r.,C So. , t"to»;>S'n : Maq:.._ Hand Cufl- etc.- WASTREL CATALOGUE I.' Wh.te see Cf l.-irVti M.-,»lif; art <!ol0"-o Musical Coim-ilf <•!Tl kind "MUSICAL COVED* CAIALOIU'E e' Ovetjs.ini' Mu«i? »'SR. ;: »i.UUr.'.ao<S »"i»hoB^title,:j »c">JERN PLAVS CATeLCfiUE"rl>.ine> !"' »«!f"- uiamiv far Onrra Haiisr n> Jrnt Vwies. C AS>ilALCATAI i)Gl E o-y- rjtffa tpr'FeaTlirinq f arnlials.. Si'.?' Pairs >nf IIV» *»p«K C "CIS ar-d WILD V. EST .'JliLOCUE c! C<-nvr>lct» li"- v< l.andKinie unS» date Paper.-. '•I'lir.c.Df or DATES P-c< B.".i Stt-cLLetters. Bann»r«. T>pe am! Bli' ji fcn.'V. t\C . f "l0EaS0F NON RC-tLTv PLAYSxllS C>mpl»tf Linn ol Paor- ' »«Cth«j e'ln'I.Vvbritp C> UVERC AL CATAinc. E cl IVsle'i .tnd CuiOiine! Cemmerr!il Detigr.J CENTRAL TRUNKS 26 In., 113.00; 28 Is., S14.0O; 32 In., S1S.O0; 36 in., Ste.00: 40 la.. $17.50. Circus Trunks. 24x18x18. $11.50. BUI Trunks, 30x28x13, Inside. $15.50. Lltbo Trunks, 42^x2S'iil2. tmlde. J1S.00. Sblpped on receipt of $5, balance C. O. D., except over 300 miles, then remit tbe whole amount. CENTRA!, TRUNK FACTORY. Est. 1664. 31.MUN3 & CO.. S. W. cor. 7th SSJJ Arch Slreett. PhllailelpblS. THE VALaJEY°OF LOVE CARL RUDOLPHO, Publisher 648 Morningside 293 Lenox Ave., New York ORIGINAL THREE MELVIN BROS. America's Most Semsational GymnasH—Classiest Act of It* Kind ED E. and BIRDIE CONRAD In a Vaudeville Cbisaique by ED E. CONRAD Direction Lawis & Cordon GARLAND CHARLES HOWARD and MASON TWO GREEN GRASS COMEDIANS Direction LEE MUCKENFUSS IVIARIIMO ^r RICH ITALIAN PIANO MOVERS IN VAUDEVILLE THE HENNINGS Refined Comedy Novelty Offering DIRECTION J. P. HARRIS LAURENCE FEIN and 3 FINE GIRLS with Welford Sisters—Verm De Vamey Poring and Balancing DIRECTION THOS. J. FITZPATRICK THE THREE ARLEYS UNITED TIME A HIT ON ANY BILL Dtr*CtiStr-rAVL DURAND WALTER PHILIP MUSICAL COMEDY ^E NKINS ^^ GILES! TABLOID 16 to 18 people up in four or more bills for Penna. Vaud. Theatres— Salary or Percentage. Can also use Producer and experienced Advance Man. Call C. E. CARLTON, Times Bldg., New York. Two Jays In Vaudeville ALLIANCE HOTEL 258 West 44th Street. New York City AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. «S Second, from Broadway. Professional people will find here high-class accommodations and service at ressonsble prices. Tel. Bry ant 6068. bJ^STsk, "THE ADELAIDE" ^Iwh^rats 5 754-756 Eighth Ave., Bet. 46lh and 47th Su., One Block West of Broadway S-4-S Room Apartments, Completely Furnished (or Hoasakeaphu, Steam Heat. Bath. Phone Strictly Professional MRS. GEO. HIECEL, Manager TOM CREAMER SONGWRITERS (MeBobllceOeaorootTiibtlele. STAST KJ(JUT. Sesdc T3SW3WI SENT FREE For Productions or Vaudeville New at Colombia Theatre Bldg, New York Fes- Phone Bryant 1243 Years at tbe Hffl KNICKE1WOCKER STUDl6£^iQ^tfi^Uc%m^W.'j. City F=?'S GUARANTEED AKE-UP BEST MADE