The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 14, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 35 Deliveries of Costumes, Tights and Wigs We are Manufacturers inu S t»ted r cataiogne Our Rental Department Contains Over MM Costume*. NOW READY! Jack Weber's Minstrel Joke Book No. 1. A Big Hit. 25c Postpaid We carry four complete lines of Make Up CHICAGO COSTDME WORKS f£y». SeSSoVn'ft! CHICAGO, D. S. A. FOR STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for home amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jailer's Wax Works. Catalogue Free! Free! Freel SAMUEL FRENCH. 2* Weat Mth St., New York PLAYS Taylor's No. 2 Circus Regular Trunk The Circus trunk with no regrets. Has been used by performers for over fifty years. Start the season with a new Taylor Circus Trunk and you will have no trunk worries. Send for JyVco 1917 Catalogue C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS at N. Halsted St., Chicago, 111. 210 W. 44th St., Now York, N. Y. PARKER'S JUMPING HORSE. CARRY US ALL ||ni»!ltr.i-Mirtr!'l|l|j|$| I i .- —- . .... . *' ■ *-- WARDROBE PROP TRUNKS. $5.00 Big Bargain. Hare been used. Also ■ few Second Hand Innovation and Fibre Ward- robe Trunks, $10 and $15. A few extra large r i upc Uy Trunks. Also old Taylor Trunks and Bal Trunks. Parlor Floor, Xt W. Sat St, Now York City Telephone 1635 Bryant Standard Kennels 31$ West 40th St, New York All Breeds at Reasonable Price* Fox Terriers furnished by this Kennel for the Lillian Dog Act and Dassi at the Hippodrome. Phone. 4908 Bryant HENRY L. GEBHARDT THEATRICAL PROPERTIES 4SS-U5 West 48nd St. Hew York ■■■l!^i_ 0<? ^. Satm slippersm stock m ♦all colors. Entm> compan- ies fitted in 24 Hours. Every ftao>arid Stiwt shot? fiHi^iiTWBotit is satisfied h*?r%» 155^1 BLUfly Rv ^3 v?,h2 ^MOUS fa] LDING ORGANS JCS-r on sale ssaaJ - *"**i ?* astsrs y«« »ey. Fr*m. Mendu= this pjpo. BILHORN BROS $10.0? 13a w. lake er. c.ic«io.hi eaw The only successful portable Carry Us All on the market. And the greatest money maker In tht amusement world, write for facts sad fta~uraa* C. W. PARKER, Leavenworth, Kae. Or E. S. Tyler, 8th floor, Bessemer Building, Pitts- burjb, Pa. tThaa. McDonald, Boom 0, 1804 Broad, way. Mew York City. TIGHTS Cotton Tights, very rood quality, s pair 90c. Worsted Tights, medium weight, 12.00 s pair. Worsted Tights, heavy weight. $2.75 s pair. Imported sUk plalted tights, to bright lad sad (Olden Bmsn, only $2. B0 s pair. Sueollne Tlshts la all colon. $2. SO a pair. Hear/ T5 per cent. Imported ,11k tights. Id brlsbt red only, reduced frets $8.00 to $1.00 a pair. Full ■lent Shirts to match tights; same price »M Ughts. Orders filled promptly. Clipper Catalog free on application. BERNARD MANDL 210-212 W. MADISON ST. CHICAGO. ILL B B & B Special Wardrobe Trunk i Ply Flttre Covered Chicago: Marshall Field ft Co. $40.00 Send for Catalogue B B 4k B TR UNK CO, Pittsburg. P a. VAUDEVILLE ACTS. ETC. N. Y. PLAY BUREAU. Tre- mont Theatre. N. Y. City. Stamp for catalog. PLAYS NEW DROPS, $10.00 Painted to Order. Any size up to 15x20 feet, in either Diamond Dye, Oil or Water Colors. $2.00 deposit with each order. Schell'a Scenic Studio, Columbus. O. CIRCUS and JUGGLING Apparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Guns, Wire Walkers' Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for catalog. EDW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, O NOW READY THE | CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK For Seaaon 1916-1917 It contains the names and addresses of Man- agers, Vaudeville and Dramatic Agents in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Pitts- burgh, San Francisco. Canada: Music Pub- lishers; Theatrical Clubs and Societies: Mov- ing Picture Firms, and other information. Sent only on receipt of 2c stamp, accetn- ?anicd by a coupon cut from THE NEW 'ORK CLIPPER CUT OUT AND Scad thii Coupon and 2c stamp for a copy of THE CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK (For UW-ltm To THE NEW YORK CLIPPER MM Broadway. New York BAILEY STUDIOS (Scenery) Troy, N. Y. Tan have triad the rest, now try the best. New Victoria Hotel IN NEW YORK £&ZiS?gv?£& 145 to 155 West 47th Street The Vary Hsert of New York" ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 350 ROOMS 250 PRIVATE BATHS Every Modern Convenience European rlan Exclusively ABE MIERS, Manager of Cafe Drop in at any time w .IM* and up . 14 end op ....98 and tap Single rooms, hot and cold water Single rooms, private bath Suite, parlor, bedroom and bath Suite, parlor, 2 bedrooms end bath The Best 50c. Dinner in New York C. A. HOLUNGSWORTH New York CHy Others Succeed. Why Can't Your STAGE TRAINING Ones, Censdy, Vssasvills. State Dasa- lit as* Photo May TssfM. Technical and Practical Counts. Celebrities eta studied under Mr. Aluene: Annette Ksl- termann, Nora Bares, Basel Dawn. Joseph Sutler. Harry Pllcer, aula Dszle, Mary Fuller, Dolly Slaters, Taylor Holmes. Virlau Preaeott. Eleanor Painter and others. Write tor catalogue men- tioning study desired. AIriene Theatre School of Actag 57th St., at Broadway Entrance 325 W. Sfth 81. Nse Tent. SECOND-HAND GO WN S ANDREWS, 506 S. State St.. CHICAGO ATTRACTIONS! Minstrels, Stock Companies, Repertoires), Burlesque, Dramatic and Musical Comedy Representing Traveling Combinations. At- tractions Routed and Booked—1 Night, 3 Night and Week Stands. CRITERION BOOKING EXCHANGE. Suite M3. Columbia Theatre Building, B'way and 47th St., Now York City. WIGS «a BEARDS In All Styles and Qualities THEATRICAL JEWELRY AND SPANGLES, TIGHTS, OPERA HOSE AND STOCKINGS, FANCY BRO- CADES, VELVETS, SATINS, GOLD and SILVER TRIMMINGS, and all Goods Theatrical. High Grade Qualities at Lowest Prices CATALOGUES and SAMPLES upon re- quest. When asking for Catalogue, please mention what goods are wanted. SIEGMAN & WEIL S. W. Cor. 27th St. & Madison Ave. NEW YORK The Theatrical Supply Emporium TONIGHT BILLS J7.00 0.50 13.50 16.50 20.00 6.00 9.50 12.00 14.50 17.50 One Side Too Sloes 5,000 4x12 Tenlghtert $5.00 10,000 4x12 Toolghters 8.00 15.000 4x12 Tonthters 10.50 20.000 4x12 Ttmlxhtrn 12.50 30.000 4x12 TSlllghters 17.50 (6x9 size same price as 4x12 In quantities as shore stated) 5.000 3x8 Toolghters 4.50 10.000 3i8 Tonlgbters 7.50 15.000 3x8 TDoishters 9.00 20.000 3x8 Tonlthten 11.00 30,000 3x8 Toolghters 15.00 (On orders of 30,000 and over of Tonight Bills, diner one. two, three or six different styles, evenly divided. may be had at no additional cost. One-side Tonlthten bavins on them the east and sroopsls of plays sdll be charred for at the ten-son rata.) For other theatrical printing send for price list. Bouse book, samples, etc. 10c In stamps. Ovine to unsettled market oxcfltlooj all prices subject to change without notice- THE GAZETTE SHOW rilMTIKS CO., sUttase, lilies,.. Trrns: Cam eltb order. Enlarged and Beautified MOUQUIN'S 6th Ave., bet 27th and 28th Sta., N. Y. MOST POPULAR FRENCH RESTAURANT PARISIAN CAFE. MUSIC Mr.HwIAM. C L I F» F» E BUSINESS INDEX Advertisements not exceeding one line in length will be published, properly classified, is this index, at the rate of $10 for one year (51 issues). A copy of The New York Clipper will be sent free to each advertiser while the advertisement is running. LAWYERS F. L. Boyd, Attorney, 17 N. La Salle St., Chicago. MUSIC COMPOSED. ARRANGED. Chas. L. Lewis, 429 Richmond St., Cincinnati, Ohio. MUSICAL GLASSES. A. Brauneiss, 1012 Napier Ave., Richmond Hill, N. Y. SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS. Howard Tuttle, 141 Burleigh St., Milwaukee, Wis. SCHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO 531-583-585 South High St., Columbus, O. SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE. Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St., Philadel- phia, Pa. SONG BOOKS. Wm. W. Delaney, 117 Park Row, New York. TENTS. J. C. Goss Co.. 10 Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regalia Co., 387 Washington St., Boa- ton. Mass. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. Graves Hardware Co., 47 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. E. Walker, 309 W. 39th St., New York. TRANSFERS. Walton, 45S W. Ud St., N. Y. 1179 Greeley VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. Ben Hobson, 910 Prospect Ave., N. Y. C BILLY CARTER Writes playlets snd everything else—except songs —for vaudeville. MARLOWE THEATRE, SSd and Stewart, Chicago. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC A. M. BUCH * CO. Ill N. Ninth St., Philadelphia NEARLY NEW Evening Gowns and Wraps Fall Dress, Tuxedo .a. Prince Albert Soil* LUCY GOODMAN. 2315 & State St.. Chicago MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO, ORCHESTRA. Melodies written to song poems. W. H. NELSON, Astor Theatre Bldg., 1S31 Broadway, N. Y. forSTRSTasdSIAGfWUR Made to order from 13 to 1108 We Specialise In Stock Wigs. WIGS IMTORTANT.—EVERETT J. EVANS, Com- poser-Arranger, makea a specialty of writing music for new anthors, and assists publication. Send your poems or complete songs. Estab. 1900. Suite 505. Astor Theatre Bldg., 45th and Broadway, N. Y. PUYS CATALOG of Prof sauonal and Amateur Plays. Sketches, sfocologs. Minstrel MM, Betjts, Uons. Mass -Up Goods, Btc. sent RaX DICK * riTZGEaAU), 20 Aon BL, N. T. 2A0wERS^MAKE-ijp ^ET US PROVE iBrWi IT 18 BEST. Send loo. for samples. 1U W. Uti It, I. T. WIGS Roman Hair, Irish. Data, Jge, fas. ea. Souhrrttc or Ma's Dress erw SI.00. 81.50: Negro. Sac. Mt. 75c.: Tights. S5c Instant " Catalog free. Fsger Haas, stssss Novelties, treat, tlHTOi UTO. thx tichsical run, »nr toii