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?.??:■„ .- .-.-. Tirr N£W: yorr fitsrrpE-R - -February 21, 1917 MUSIC WRITERS WILL BECOME PUBLISHERS PLAN TO FORM NEW COMPANY Several members of the rather select .coterie of musical comedy and light opera authors and composers who assemble at the Lambs' Club around luncheon time are con- templating breaking away from the estab- lished music publishing bouses with whom they are associated and launching their own company. The operatic writers, whose music sells for a price ranging from 25 to 60 cents per copy, have for some time felt that the sale of their compositions has suffered from competition of popular numbers that re- tail for a dime, and especially so in the cases where the publisher of their operatic compositions also featured popular music. According to one of the writers contem- plating joining the proposed company, if a music publisher is able to make- a profit on a song which he sells to the trade for six or seven cents per copy, there must be a fortune in the publication of musical comedy and light opera numbers which bring 18 or 20. The fact that a larger royalty must be paid to the writers of these' numbers and the big amounts paid to producers for the publication rights is, according' to the writer, more than offset by the enormous sum the publisher must expend in order to successfully launch a popular song, while the operatic or production number is prac- tically made to order. An several of the contracts . which the operatic writers have with their respective publishers have some little time to run, the new company will not be launched before summer or early fan, but in the meantime they are going ahead with the preliminary arrangements. MAURICE HURTS KNEE DANCING Maurice, of Maurice and Florence Wal- ton, is laid up in his apartments in the Blltmore, suffering from a broken ligament, and, according to bis physician, he .will not be nble to dance for some time to come. The Injury was sustained last Friday during his dance at the Century Theatre. He con- tinued working until Sunday night when he was forced to take to his bed. ARNOLD DALY LEAVES HOSPITAL Arnold Daly, who underwent an dera- tion in Roosevelt Hospital in January, returned to his home last Saturday. Hr intends spending a month in the Sonth and hopes to resume in "The Master" shortl' after Easter. KALLET CHANGES HOUSES Bomb, N. Y., Feb. -J.—Joseph S. Kal left has been appointed manager of the Family Theatre, this city. Previous to this, Mr. Kallet had been manager of the Madison Theatre ever since its opening it 1912. STANLEY DAWSON HERE Stanley F. Dawson, one of the road treas- urers of the Ringling Bros. Show, has been in New York for the past week. He an- ticipates going to Chicago in time' for the opening of the show, April 7. AGENT'S BROTHER DEAD ■ ■' James Allen, brother of J. Harry Allen, the vaudeville agent, died February 14 at the New York Hospital, from pneumonia. He was born in England fifty-eight years ago and came to the United States in 1880 to act as assistant manager of the Vaidis Sisters Vaudeville Co., for his brother. For the past twenty-five years he had been with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in this city. "BDWY. AFTER DARK" CLOSES BAi/rnrORE, Feb. 16.—The National Producing Company closed their one night stand production of "Broadway After Dark," at Cumberland, Md., February 10. The company opened October 15 at Spring- field, 111. K. EL Stokes was' manager. The members returned to Chicago, with the exception of Mr. Stokes and his wife, who left for Jacksonville, Florida. VAN BRUNT FOR "EILEEN" Walter Van Brunt, the young tenor, left for Boston this week to join the cast of the new Victor . Herbert opera, "Eileen." He is expected to sing the leading role, replacing Vernon Stiles, the grand opera tenor. "Eileen," which has been most en- thusiastically received, will be brought into New York in three weeks. FRENCH PLAYWRIGHT DIES Paris, Fr., Feb. 16.—Octave Mirbeau, the author, playwright and dramatic critic, .died here today, aged sixty-seven years. He was the author of numerous novels and -several plays, the best known of his stage works being "Les . Mauvais Bergers," Which Sarah Bernhardt played twenty years ago. GLADYS LANE FOR VAUDE Gladys Lane,. formerly with "The Piano Fiends," is preparing to return to vaude- ville in a new single. She has not been actively engaged on the stage for some time owing to a severe automobile injury. JOE E. SHEA ILL Joe E. Shea, the vaudeville agent, is confined to his home with an attack of pneumonia and is said to be in a serious condition. Mr. Shea was taken suddenly ill in his office last week. :--■ • ••■■r. r'f- MABEL BURKE i ' ■■ , * * * The sweet singer of the fifth Ave. Theatre who can put melody in any old song. She is celebrating a ran of two years at the theatre this week. SHUBERTS AND ACTORS FIGHT VERBAL WAR DISAGREE OVER CONTRACT FORM A verbal warfare is on between the Shuberts and the Actors' Equity Associa- tion as a result of the refusal of Lee Shubert to confer with representatives of the organization concerning the contracts which the producers make with Thespians. The Shubert contracts contain several clauses which do not meet with the ap- proval of the A. E. A., and the latter has been directing its efforts toward Influencing the managers to change theirs to a form which the association deems more equit- able. The Association especially objects to the half-salary clause and the employment of an actor for rehearsals, without com- pensation. Lee Shubert has replied to the associa- tion by letter, claiming therein that the independence of the American actor is largely due to his firm, that thousands of players have the Shuberts to thank for their engagements and that the firm often refuses to take advantage of the half- salary clause. Francis Wilson, president of the A. E. A., has replied to Shubert in an open letter which reads, in part: "That unjust clause (the half-salary clause) has no right in any Shubert contract. It is kept there because actors who sign it are not strong enough to insist upon its elimina- tion. Other managers have long since eliminated it from their contracts and so will Mr. Shubert if he is as earnest, as we sincerely believe him to be, for reform in the matter." The injustice of closing players after weeks of rehearsal without compensation is also discussed at length in Wilson's letter. DANCER TO TOUR SOUTH AMERICA Lubowska, the futurist dancer, will take her company of dancers and pantomimists for a tour of South America, under the direction of Carle E. Carlton. The com- pany will open in Rio de Janeiro and is booked to play in turn Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Valparaiso, Sao Paulo Cordoba, Sta Fen, and Rosario. Marshall Hell and Louise Sterling, Katherine Brad- ley and Willard Foote will be members of the show. Dr. H. W. Dunning will be company manager and Beulah Livingston the general press representative. HAYMAN LEFT HALF A MILLION Al Hayman left an estate of half a mill- ion dollars. To Alf Hayman, his brother, he gave $120,000. The widow, Minnie Hayman, receives the residue of his es- tate and .a life interest in a fund. The United Hebrew Charities and the Monte- fiore Home for Chronic Invalids were each left 126,000. MISS DEL MONT IS WELL AGAIN Nan Del Mont, of Del Mont and Dei Mont, has'fully recovered from her recent illness and the team will resume their book- ing over the U. B. O. time,- with their novelty scenic musical act, ■ T. M. A. BENEFIT DATE FIXED There is rejoicing among Brooklyn stage employees over the announcement that the . "T. M. A. Benefit," which takes; place • Wednesday evening, May 9, is to be; held at the Academy of Music. This is the first time that the home of opera, concerts and society entertainments in Brooklyn has been secured by Brooklyn Lodge No. 80, Theatrical Mechanical Association, for its annual affair. NEW BERTH FOR LOEW MANAGER Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 17.—E. A. Schil- ler, manager of the Loew Lyceum Theatre here, leaves the city next week- for. Bir- nringham, Ala., to take charge of renovat- ing the Bijou Theatre there, for the Loew opening early in March. Mr. Loew pro- poses to build a theatre In Birmingham in the near future. ACTOR ILL AT ATCHISON Atchison, Kan., Feb. 18.—Frank Wil- son, a motion picture actor, is near death in a hospital here. He was taken ill on the train going from Omaha to St. Louis. Miss Mary Springer, his sister in St. Louis, was notified. Mr. Wilson is thirty years of age. PANT AGES GETS JOPLIN HOUSE Jopi.in, Mo., Feb. 19.—A deal has been made whereby the Hippodrome Theatre will be added to the list of houses on the Pan- tages Circuit. The Beating capacity will be increased from 1,600 to 2,000, making it the largest vaudeville theatre in Joplin. MARSHALL FARNUM DEAD Prescott, Ariz., Feb. 10.—Marshall Farnnm, a brother of William and Dustin Farnnm, died here today after a short ill- ness. He was a well known actor and stage director. Funeral services will be held in Los Angeles on Wednesday. GEORGE HOLDEN MARRIED Newabk, N. J., Feb. 16.—George Hoi- den, magician, was married here recently to the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Kent of this city. After a short trip they will reside at the Homestead, 101 'Belleville avenue, Newark. DREW TO MAKE SOUTHERN TOUR Philadelphia, Feb. 16.—John D. Will- iams was in town yesterday to confer with John Drew, who is appearing in "Major Pendennis." They decided on a long Southern tour for Mr. Drew following his engagement in Washington. HOWLAND'S WARDROBE BURNED Mound Cttt, Mo., Feb. 17.—Oscar V. Rowland lost his entire wardrobe in the fir<> that destroyed the Union Depot, here. Mr. Howland is a member of the Locke Players and will finish the season with the company despite his loss. SHERMAN TO OPEN NEW SHOW Moose Jaw, Can.. Feb. 19.—S. G. Davidson, representing W. B. Sherman, will head a new musical comedy company to open February 26. This will make the third musical show Mr. Sherman will have on the road. DIVORCE FOR DOROTHY MERTENS Dorothy Mortens Taylor was granted an absolute divorce at Detroit, Mich., from Fred. Mertens Feb. 15.