The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 21, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 21 SHOW REVIEWS (Continued from page 8.) AUDUBON (L*.t Half) This bill fell considerably below Audubon standard, running with much leas speed than usual Hufford and Rose, a man and girl, opened the show. They perform on a slack wire, the man doing the brunt of the work. They do several feats which warrant applause. McCloud and Carp followed and enter- tained npon the banjo and violin. The act has nothing to recommend it in particular. The playing becomes rather slipshod at times, the violinist getting ahead of the banjoist or vice versa. They impress one as a couple of cabaret dance musicians who have been let loose on the vaudeville stage. Their efforts to inject "pep" into their act appears to be forced. Dorothy Burton & Company present one of those "little child shall lead them" play- lets in which a street waif shows a rich old couple with imaginary ailments how to enjoy life and get rid of the doctor. The playlet is not well acted. Miss Barton seems to experience trouble acquiring an urchin's dialect while the rest of the com- pany offer but poor support. It took Hildegarde Mason and George Murray in "Right or Wrong, She's Right" to register the first hit of the bill. Why this team is still not on the Keith Circuit is incomprehensible. Their act has a lot of dash. Their operatic travesty goes big. Miss Mason is very clever and has a win- ning personality. The song that Murray sings is orchestrated too low, even for his deep bass voice. Miler & Lyle got a lot of laughs doing blackface. Tbeir "fight" dance at the end of their turn is by far the best thing in the act, although their talk is very entertain- ing. The vaudeville bill was closed by the Oriental Four. This quartette of Chinese harmonize only fairly well. It is the novelty of the act more than their singing that puts it over. HAMILTON (Last Half) The show for the last half was one of the best seen in this theatre for some time. The bill opened with Don Pulano, billed as "The Equine With the Human Brain." Don does some stunts that are unusually difficult for an animal. Fiske & Fallon were in the second spot with their songs and comedy. The young woman possesses a soprano voice of pleasing quality and, with her mimicry, carries the greater part of the act. The use of the easel with, the announcement might be eliminated. The man's recita- tion is one of unusual merit. Clem Davin & Co. presented a comedy sketch, "Daddy." This is a turn especially fitted for the neighborhood theatres. Dorothy Wahl & the Curtis Boys have a novel singing and musical turn. Miss Wahl's repertoire of songs and her attrac- tive gowns are pleasing. The boys, one at the piano and the other with a violin, rendered a gratifying musical turn. "' Tom Mahony, "The Talkative Tad," with a few new stories and songs was a delightful acquisition to the hill. The show closed with Diana's Models. (Reviews continued on r"!?e 23.) CLAIRE ROCHESTER with her great big beautiful double voice was never heard to better advantage than on MONDAY when she opened at Keith's Colonial Theatre, New York—and sang Annie Andros Hawley's majestic Ballad SOMEBODY LOVES YOU, DEAR the song with the wonderful 12/8 refrain and punch climax that newer fails. in 5 key*: B!> (c go d) C, (d to c) D \ (e' to f) E k , (f to g) F, (• to b>>) and the delightful Hawaiian Novelty Song Also sung by THE LEIGHTON BROS, (who wrote it) at the Cocoanut Grove Orchestration in 3 keys: B\ (c to e ) C, (d- to f) D, (f to g) There never were two songs that fitted this charming artist more admirably and her audience voiced these sentiments by making her sing them again and again i> /. N FRANCISCO pjnt.iset Building it. MOWN. Iff. CH IC AGO Schiller Bu'^jin TON QliiGltl. Uv M. Witmark & Sons Uptown Prof. KJuims.vAl COOK. M(i. 1562 BROADWAY. NEXT TO H«LACI r-'tATnt- PHILADCLPHI A !02! CiiKfttnul St. ID limiHy Kim Ulk ill!) ■• THE TWO STARS ROCKWELL AND WOOD LATE OF The Milky Way NOW Buahwick, Brooklyn B.F. Keith's Circuit of Theatres A, PAUL KEITH. Pnaldart. B. F. ALBEB, Vks-Fns. * Cm. M«r. UNITED BOOKING YOU CAN BOOK DIRECT BY ADDRESSING S. K. HODGDON, Booking Manager of the UNITED OFFICES B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre Building NEW YORK CITY W VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT SOB DELAWARE BLDC. CHICAGO B O O K E D S o L 1 D HUDe&MOKIuIl DOLLY CONNOLLY SENT RREE SONGWRITERS Kstea s s ssss ae-jaaii safe v^j^ , Z!^Egv&Fe3sss , '~ t ~ a ~ KNICKERBOCKER STUDIOS^? Gaiety Theatre BdMing, H. Y. City