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February 21, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 25 CIij»j» LETT, la ordar to avoid miitikn and trf insure tha prompt daUvery of tha Isttsrs o d i aiU sa u' km tkis list, a POSTAL CARD must fa« sent rsquosLing us to forward your latter. It moat ha slgnad With your full name and tha addraaa ts which tha latter is to bo Mat, and tha Isaa af bsaafaaass fbllowad by tha aamsW should ba mentioned. Plsasa manHon tha data (or number) af the CUPPER ba which tha letters saat for wara aaVartssad. GENTLEMEN Adams, Tedd; A SOBS Adair. Bay BUUnp, J. J. Baaing, Harry B. Bofsnay Troope Bona a Co., Lee Bastes, Harold Bentma. Bsny Bnwn « McCor- muk Bslmon, Lionel BsrUett, Ctaa. Beach, Cuy BdbIi, Herbert Benile, Nell Butdxr, Bert Biter, Kick a- Qjo yHWn s, John Clifford. Nst Bondler. Vlntala ten De Van, Lfflltn fieldtaf, Taj fin* Grice Courtney. Cyril Commercial Adrf. Atelier Ctaonu, Lev L. Clifford. rtiBkUo Dal], Stanley Da Franc. Frant Dlxon-Ames Drrlu, Frank Doyle. Jil P. Elliott, Diet Emmett, Eus«ne Eeonomra, Thrm Field. Norman K. Farnum, Ted Fraxer, Frank Foley * Le Tore Foyer, Eddie Field, a Berne Frledel!. Bcottle Dorothy (rec. letter) Ooodale. En Grans, Fhjlia Oreesvood, Bobble Gtlmes, Fats Hendricks. Jean Hsrt, Beads rsrerts. Hotteal Ore;, Geo. E. Gordon. Frederick 8. Ocney. Remy Qraydoo. Jos. Oujoey. Wm. Creams, Walter B. Hlllman. H* P. Bill. Chock Hanson, Henry Bseattt. Norm in Huntley. J. H. Hens* Proton Beldler. Fred Balperto, Geo. Howard, Barry Holden. Happy Dart on). Jack BovlaBd. 0. T. Hovel], Earl HOtos. diode Hayes, Geo. F. Jacob.. Chat If. Kesrney, John F. Kirk. H. A. Kaufman. W. Klein Bret. Kite Bsny F. Kimball * Levis Kramer. Albert El&c. Lsvnmes B. Kins, Geo. M. La Belle. Harry Lee. a V. L* Velle. Harold Llojd, Bleoard Luhwood, H. E. Lavrentt. Jack Murrjhj. B. J. HanliaU. Lev Hmair, L. B. Mantll, Hamy Mrdovan, M. C Marshall, 0. 0. Msrdo. ai Moktlke. Edv. Meyeis, J. Mitchell. Horace Ovens a Knltht nrt. F. Fries, Stanley Pinl, Biahsele Potter, Dick Petel. Lev Hlley, Dan Byao k uuiict Bleh. Al Sheer. Jas. Human, BsRT * Kate Seitoo, Jack SteUraso, Wm. G. S harp, Bat 8Uu[iaoo. Ben F. Smith. Edv. a Steel, Chun Thomp son, E. F. Troutt, Arthur Tharber * Thur- s Term;. Coat, melon Dm Voerls. John W. Wills A Southern Wtldron, J. L. Wallace, Ben F. wnilsna. Harold Tonne. Le Boy Yoctaej, J. C. B. LADIES Howard, lira, E. S Hslette, Claudlne Kiwi, Vlrtan Levis, Florence Lee, His. Darld La Tell. Alfrtd, Mrs. Norman, Miss Nicer. Mrs. Ed- win Nuns, Lillian OlltCT. Christine Psttoo, Helen Palmer, Minnie Robeson, Erbs Baymond, Jessies Grace Russell, Lillian Belseher, Mrs. flheehan, Jane Schsoe, Betty Shepard. Rath- ertne Valaire. Valerie Vincent. Elinors Valle. Mrs. J. Vssehoa. Jane Worth, Lorttta Woods, Nellie D. Wilmer, Bull Wolfe, Clara C. PLAYERS ENGAGED Edward Emery, Earle Scbenck, Stanley Jessop, Horace James, Jean Newcombe and Geraldine Beekwith for "The Fawn." Kenneth Harlan by G. W. Griffith for feature films on the Coast. Tyler Brooks, Nannette Flack, Sam Ash, Lucille Saunders and Lew Christy for "Boys Will Be Boya." Oscar Shaw by F. Ray CoLCeiock for "Very Good Eddie." Hazel Flint for "Very Good Eddie." Mary Bolland by the Charles Frohman Company for "The Case of Lady Camber." Henry Gsell by Daniel B. Arthur for feature films. Lyn Harding by Charles Frohman Com- pany for "The Case of Lady Camber." Margaret Edwards for the Cocoanut Grove. Louis Ancker by Richard Walton Tully for "The Flame" road company. Stetson and Huber for "Hans and Fritz." Charles Stevenson by J. Fred Zimmer- man, Jr., for "Pals First." Margaret Fareleigh for "The Iron Cross." DEATHS 8VENQAL.1 (George Drelsbach) died re- cently In Canada. He was a native of Weatherly. Pa. ENRICO MURISE, a classical dancer, died last Thursday from pneumonia, after an illness of five days. Murine, who was thirty years old, was a member or Ger- trude Hoffman's Company at the Cocoanut Grove. Max Hoffman took charge of the arrangements and the funeral was held Sunday at Delanoys undertaking establish- ment. _ EDWARD KELLY, manager of LoeWs New Rochelle Theatre, died February 11 In New Rochelle from bronchial trouble. Mr. Kelly was connected with the Loew interests for about four years and was one of the most popular managers on the Loew Circuit. He leaves a wife and four children. EDGAR halstead, a member of the "Hit-the-TraU Holllday" Company, died last week In Cleveland, Ohio. Halstead was about 60 yeara of age. He had been under the Cohan A Harris management for several years, appearing In "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway" and "Seven Keys to Baldnate." He had been appearing reg- ularly with the 'TOit-thB-TraliHoniday" Company this season. The body was shipped to relatives In Philadelphia. West «2d St Eyes. S.20. Mats. Wed. and Bat. LIBERTY HENSY W. SAVAGE offer. The New Musical Comedy. HAVE A HEART HUDSON Eu.-SJe «i.- EJUaW A BULLA* SI ELSIE FERGUSON la a asw comedy of today SHIRLEY KAYE By BTJLBEBT TOOTHS*. OEO. rVl. TUsaTBs, B'WAY * a*s COHAN'S 8T -S sat liT w ^ BXAW * BBXANOBB Msasrvra BBNET isTLXJaet prnaats RUTH CHATTERTOH and Oompaay. iBdodloc Brass Mr. Bat, la "COME OUT OF THE KITCHEN" I VaTEITliaT w " : <""> st - ■•—• »-*»■ LltliUm lasts. Thnrs. * Sat, X.K. HENRY MILLER THE GREAT DIVIDE By WTLLLUt TAtJQCT KOOPT EHJf pipe B'wsy, 40 8t. Bra. 8.30 *V* sIREi Msts. Wed. * Sat. 2J0 CHAELEB FH0HKAN 7XZ8EXTO MA DE ADAMS A KISS FOR CINDERELLA Dorothy Rogers for "Flora Bella.' Rosamond Carpentier for "Papa." J. M. BABRICS GREATEST TBITJMPH. COLUMBIA THEATRE •wat. «* mam. k. r. "PUSS PUSS" NEW M0R0SC0 THEATRE «U ST.. Jatt W. of B-way. Pooaa Bryast SSO. Bres. 8.1B. Mats. Wed. sad Sat, 1.1*. Oliver lasnavn Pitaaats tka Sew Mai Ian* CANARY COTTAGE WJ.ru TBlslE nuoAKZa. Charloa BosTlss sad Herbert OsrtaaU. TBliTai, l-vaj o> ataa Si. Beea. at aao. Kata. Wad. ft Set. st Me. WLaUHILL sQCITS tad JOKX L. •OLBotH Present the liana's naasts TURN TO THE RIGHT By ateaarm. gmlta sad jaasomsa. ■T~ l arkaTa> r oP West SSth 8t,, Phoas Bryaat««. LIIK 1 Bt «- »' gao - u,ta - Wt *- * ■»*• GAIETY 2.20. Ollrer Um Isnzhlof auceess. Beason'a Oos Babsttsnal I UPSTAIRS * DOWN •T ntDEUC * rAjnrr aUTTOsf COHAN & HARRIS Phoos Bryant tsM. Bras. 110. Mats. Warn. * Gat. 2.20. OTHAH * HAXJU6 ■ — > Totmartj CAPTAIN KIDD, JR. A' Farcical Adventure by Bids Johnson Tonal. B. y. »"''■» PALACE Braadwar 4k 47ta «t Mat DaDy at t P. M. Ba, SO sad TSe. Bvary M I t h t " "MM1-91.M EVELYN ITS 8 BIT * JACK OLTITORB, Mo- INTYKE ft HEATH. lallB rlERF.R, DOXXT OOHHOLXT, HillT CAHHOLX. KB8. VZB- HON OABTLE la «ta Epi- sode "Pstris," Clark ft. Verdi, The Bsadtsss. BELASCO West Seta at. Bvsa. BJ* Hsts. Tbars. ft Bit. at U» DAVID BBLASOO prsssBta FRANCES IS » r^l^*lai»B}rly 'TJTTLE LADY STARR "nTSujtr mwmem Theatre, B'wty ft IBtB St Errs, at B.1S, Hats. Wed. ft Sat. 2.1S. RJaw ft Brls aser oUaaasn LAST WEEK DAVID BELASCO presents DAVID WARFIELD K * THE MUSIC MASTER Mod., Feb. 28—OEOBQB AB.LIS3 In "TBB FRO- FESSOK'8 LOVE STORY." FITINCR THBATBJs W. 4M Bt. Bra. at «.*e BLIin«B »,.„, w ^. * sjat. A. B. WOODS preaaats CHEATING CHEATERS ' By MAX MABCIN. HIPPODROME MAIfAVsBfBttT CBABJjaj DfUaJtBaTftBl NLyata at a.18. Mat. arary Say, a.is. "THE BIO SHOW" STA0BD BT B. B. BtTBMBIDal ANMTrt KELLERMANN Ba a saw W. SIW !Or | MAMMOTH I ISO NO BALUtT MiNiyraELa 1C0O FBOrtl RIGHT ON THE GREAT WHITE WAY in two of America's Best Known Playhouses our new novelty song F VE GOT THE SWEETEST GIRL at THE WINTER GARDEN by SIDNEY PHILLIPS IN MARYLAND was sung with the greatest kind of success by two of our most popular Broadway favorites at KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE by WILLIE WESTON and in both instances scoring an emphatic hit. This is WALTER DONALDSON'S first contribution to our catalog and he never wrote a better song. A wonderful comedy patter goes with it and we also have all kinds of versions. (Female—Boy and Girl—Two Boys—and Two Girls) Prof. Copies and Orchestrations in 5 keys: E\ (b* to c) F, (c to d) G, (d to e) A', (e 1 ' to f) A, (e to f*) SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO P-Mt ,igc8 Building Sc^iMcr Bunamg AL. BROWNE,. Mgr. TOM QUIGLEY. Mgr. M. WitlTiark & Sons Philadelphia Uptown Prof. Rooms, AL. COOK, Mgr. rn °V^Z M BOSTON BROADWAY". NEXT PALACE THF A r It ED. EDWARDS, Mgr. JACK LAHEY, Mgr.