The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 28, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 25 NEW THEATRE FOR CINCINNATI Cincinnati, Feb. 23.—Plans for the construction of a theatre on the north side of Fountain Square, just west of Walnut Street, have been completed. The new house will cost in the neighborhood of $150,000 and will have a seating capacity of 1,500, 1,000 of which will be on the main floor. It will be built by the Gayety Theatre Co., which has a half interest in the real estate occupied by the Bijou mo- tion picture house. Lamb & Sons, design- ers of the Hippodrome, New York City, are the architects for the new playhouse. One of the features will be an organ, cost- ing approximately $25,000. ACTORS' ASSOCIATION DEDICATED The opening and dedication of the Actors' Church Association of America was held Monday night, the Rev. T. Basil Young officiating. Refreshments were served and speeches and a general entertainment given daring the evening. The association is for Thespians only, and rooms are provided for social gatherings, reading, writing, rehear- sals, etc. No initiation fee is charged. The quarters are in the Union Church building. Forty-eighth Street, just west of Broadway. Scott Robertson is superin- tendent. AGENTS GET HEP COIN BIC MONEY QUICK Sell the most complete line of Photo-Handled Knives for Sales Boards Knives are all made of best steel. Handles with the latest REAL ART, SEPTEMBER MORN, JESS WILLARD and other ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS. We want Agents in every city and town. We manufacture our own Knives, and, therefore, we are not dependent on foreign supplies. We ship promptly. We are the largest Manufacturers and Distribu- tors of Photo-Handled Knives for Sales Boards and Raffle Cards in the United States. Write US and we will see that you are promptly supplied. Ask for catalog and terms to- day. Do not delay. WE ASSIGN YOU TERRITORY AND PROTECT YOU IN IT GOLDEN RULE CUTLERY CO. 212 No. Sheldon Street DepL 42 Chicago, 111. / FINDS SON THROUGH MOVIES PrrrsBUBG, Feb. 26.—R. E. Washing- ton last we«k learned the whereabouts of | his son, Lawrence, who disappeared two years ago from his home in Charleston, W. Va. A film showed a picture of the dreadnought Pennsylvania in target prac- tice in the Hampton Roads proving grounds, with Lawrence Washington manning one of the guns, and the father recognized his son. ACTRESS IS GROCER Georgia O'Ramey, comedienne with "Miss Springtime," takes pride in the fact that she is known as one of the most suc- cessful grocers in Ohio. She entered the grocery business last summer at Frederick- town, that State, and made a success of a store which had been a failure. She then established stores in adjacent villages and now has a chain of grocery establishments. MEMBERS OF NUTTS CO. MARRY Brewton, Ala., Feb. 26.—Ralph B. Clem and Ledema Corey, members of the Ed. C. Nutt Comedy Players (Northern), were married on the stage here in the pres- ence of a large audience. They will both be members of the J. S. Angell Co. when that shows opens May 1. Clem is juvenile heavy man with the Nutt Co., and Miss Corey is leading lady. HARRY PATRICIA MANDEL and BAKER Straight Prima D Million Dollar Dolls Direction AL. SINGER HENRY P. DIXON Producer BIG REVIEW Columbia Theatre Building, New York MURRY LEONARD Melon* Comical from Hebrew People WITH Blotch Cooper's Roseland Girts LAY-OFF FOR BAILEY DRAMA "The Innocent Sinner," by Oliver D. Bailey, which has been making a prepara- tory tonr with Julia Dean, Thurlow Bergen and Frederick Truesdell in leading roles, has been obliged to lay off for lack of a New Xork house, but according to present plans will be brought here within a few ■weeks. WACO TO HAVE NEW THEATRE Waco. Tex., Feb. 14.—Unless the present plana of prominent business men in this city fall through Waco will have a new downtown opera house. The theatre as planned will have a seating capacity of 1,000 and will cost about $100,000. BOOKED SOLID UNTIL 1» Al Harris l Grace Lyman A VERITABLE PAIR Parson*! Direction Hurtle A Seameaa Now Flaying Loot Tune BOSTON CRITICS CHANGE PAPERS Boston, Feb. 23.—Edward F. Harking. dramatic critic for the Boston Journal, has resigned to accept a position with the Boston Tranteript. The dramatic critic of the Boston Traveler, Solita Salono, has joined the Journal forces. Hartsdale Canine Cemetery INTERMENT FOR ANIMALS Office. 12» West ZSth St., New York City Telephone 9809—Farragut. Illustrated Catalogue mailed upon request SMILEY McEVOY SCORES HIT Decatur. 111., Feb. 26.—Smiley McEvoy toppled the dignity of the Lincoln Square audience here last week and scored the biggest success of the K. of C. minstrels. Smiley had to give several encores. 10c—FOR ALL THIS—10c. 4 Sketches 1 ModoIoc. 2 Recitations. 3 Parodies 1 and W Gacs, Comic Wants, etc.. with Money Back ' Guarantee! Other material. Catalog and testl- ' tor .tamp. HART THATEB, 2190 Broad IRWIN DASH WITH FEIST Irwin Dash, formerly of Kalmar, Pack & Abrahams Consolidated, Inc., has joined the Feist forces, taking up bis new duties this week. Buell Scenic Co. CUBTAISB — VAUBEVHXE — PEODDOTIOHB Boom 826. Knickerbocker Theatre Building, New York. CPDIDTC- Tab., Mui. Comedy, *2 »*#sT«Il~ ■ *■■ each. 3 for $5. Book of Bits $5. List for itamp. Typewriters, Bliclca like new, $10, cases included. Coronas, etc H. J. ASHTON. ta N. Clerk St, Cklcaco. St., Providence, H, L <&** RISING AND ?"'*/ ****< 1587-89 BROADWAY C0R.48T! 1 ST. BRYANT 4T84 _/—^ N EW YORK j . _ . vO^ ... Creaibns °f Novelties Costumes tarnished The Wanderer, Russian Ballet, Hearts of Erin, Gertrude Hoffman, Healy'a Golden Glades and others SHOW PRINTERS, LlTHOBRAPHEflS,- ENGRAVERS National NEW YORK PRINTING ENGRAVINI ST. LOUIS ~ % SPECIAL DESIGNS T~* FOR EVERY LINE Chicago OF AMUSEMENT WHIOH OF" THESEiCATAtOGUES SHALL WE SEND YOU7 THEATRICAL CATALOGUE. Ha. |5 ot Dramatic.Rrperlpire. Stock.Ynude'»illelComto>; ttc,; . FAIR CATALOGUE of RaceV,'A»ialioo. Auto Races; Motordrome. Stock. Aulo; Horse Shoes, etc. MAGIC CATALOGUE ol H>uriotlc. Mind Reading'. Spiritualism. Magic Hand Cutl, etc. ■ MINSTREL CATALOGUE of White arid Colored* Minstrel and Colored Musical Corned) of all kind'.. MUSICAL COMEDY CATALOGUE of Operas and Musical Sho»s *ith and without title'.- WESTERN PLATS CATALOGUE of Pa par tor Western Dramas, tor Opera House or Tent Shows. CARNIVALCATALOGUtVo! Printing tor Featuring Carnivals. Street Fairs and lite cents. CIRCUS and WILD WEST CATALOGUE ot Complete line ol handsome up-to-date'Paper. CATALOGUE OF 0ATES, Price Bills. Stock Letters. Banners. and Block Work. etc. FOLDERS OF NON-ROYALTY PLAYSwIth Complrte Lines of Paper. -J All the old favorites. COMMERCIAL CATALOGUE of Posters and Cut Ouis ol Commercial Designs. ALLIANCE HOTEL 258 West 44th Street, New York Clty AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. 45 Seconds from Broadway. find here high-class accommodations and aervice at reasonable prices. Professional people will Tel. Bryant 6068. vrJttSZ* "THE ADELAIDE" H 3£ BUSES' 7S4-7S6 Eighth Are., Bet. 46th and 47th Su., One Block West of Broadway 115 Room Apartments. Completely Furnished for Housekeeping-. Steam Heat, Bath, Phone Strictly Professional MRS. GEO. H1EGEL. Menafer Just the do* you went. All breeds, all ««•• and at price* to suit everyone's pane. COLONIAL DOG MART New York's Largest Dog Shop 43 West 4«th St. (Just West of Thorley'a) Telephone Bryant 5135 The quality ol our stock, our courtesy to visitors and the sanitary condition of our ahop has earned us an enviable reputation.