The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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28 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER February 28, 1917 SAYS: JACK NORWORTH IS ON HIS WAY TO CHICAGO with his big Song Hit, "MY BOY." Yes, he wrote it. If you want to use it—you will have to get JACK'S permission. GEORGE M. COHAN'S 'There's Only One Little Girl and One Little Flag for Me" is the big red blood Yankee Doodle song of the year. Cohan's songs are all big time songs. .*-' That Big Time star, Raymond Hitchcock, has invaded the west with Harry Tiemey's best melody song, "Sometime," and all Chicago is waiting for Hitchy and "Sometime." That wonderful Big Time team, Rock and White are at the Royal Theatre this week, where Frances White is teaching the customers her famous spelling song, "M-I-S-S-I-S- S-I-P-P-I." Harry Tierney, Bert Hanlon and Benny Ryan wrote it. This song is restricted for the act of Rock and White. J. J. Rosenthal, Jr., son of Jake Rosenthal and Katherine Osterman, has written a song, "We're Glad We've Got You, Mr. Wilson." It was sung in "Watch Your Step" at the Bronx Opera House last week and was a knockout. Get it quick. Don't wait until the other fellow beats you to it. In Brooklyn this week a young lady named Mae Marvin put on our new ballad, "Turn to the Right." This girl is on her way to big time. If you want something out of the ordinary for a dancing act, don't overlook Maude Nugent's "The Donkey Trot." It's the biggest cabaret number in town. Great for dumb acts. It's one of those Doyle and Dixon things. We also have a number of high class ballads that would fit nicely in a Carnegie Hall concert. Our two new novelties by Milton Ager, "He's a Hard Boiled Egg" and "The Blushing Bride and Groom," are restricted for productions. Any time we ran be of service to you in the way of a little chatter or a special song, it's your for the asking. Would be pleased to hear from all artists using our songs. We want to give you publicity. "Come Over, Come Over, Come On Over Here, Ifs a Wonderful Place" Wm. Jerome Publishing Corp. Strand Theatre Building, Broadway and 47th Street, New York City WANTED GINNIVW DRAMATIC COMPANY (under canvass). Bebearsal call April IB, at Ashlsy, led.: Leading woman. Gen. Bob. woman doubling good specialties Comedians with good sin g in g and dancing specialties. Man for Gen. Boa. Man for characters and Gen Boa. doubling brass. Violin player, cither doubling comet, clarinet or trombone. Snare drummer. People doubling either brass or special- ties preferred. Man to handle concessions. People In an lines. Write. Must stay all season. If job can't, don't write. FBAHX X, QHSTflTAB, FI'fQfH, Won., c/o Ginnivaa Dramatic Co. RUTH ROBINSON Leading Woman MOROSCO THEATRE, LOS ANGELES America's Foremost Productions WANTED QUICK. PICKERT STOCK CO. Number 2 Show. Steady work, aJl nuantr and winter. Entire) company, leading man, strong enough to feature; people doing specialties given preference. State age and send programs. PICKERT STOCK CO., Tampa Theatre, Tampa, Florida. April Carolina*; Summer, Penna. and New York. WANTS MAUDE DUVALL AND HER MINSTREL MAIDS Two clever girls to do ends, with strong specialties. A girl Musical act. Singing and dancing sister team. Any novelty girl act. All mast be young, clever and attractive. State lowest, pay own. Also age, height and weight. Send photos, which will be returned. Address CHAS. W. BENNER, Mgi-., care Jefferson Hotel, Columbus, Ohio. r N. B. This act is backed by money and brains. At Liberty for Summer Al VIOLINIST, who Is also clever pianist and arranger, with large library of music REAL TRAP DRUMMER with complete up-to-date outfit. Both young; men, thoroughly reliable and competent. Will consider good Summer Resort. Hotel, High-Class Cabaret or Theatre. Joint engagement preferred. Address LEADER, Now American Theatre. PorUville, Pa. FOR DEMOREST STOCK CO. NO. at, tinder canvass, rehearsals March 14. aLeadma; Mad; Character Woman; Character Man;. Comedian: Agent; General Business Man; Electrician; Director; Prop. Man. People with spe- cialties given preference. Don't misrepresent. State all in first letter. BRUCE RINALDC call Clipper Office for letter. BOB DEMOREST. Starke. Florida. Wanted for the Lester Lindsey Co. Under Canvas People in ALL LINES. Must do specialties, and have Real Wardrobe, aa this is a Real Show. Would like to hear from a few REAL Musicians and also Musicians doubling* stage. Would like to buy 20 Kilty Band Uniforms. Stage People address Chas. C Rummel. Director. Musicians address Don Essig, Band Leader. June Edwards and James Blaine wire your address. L. a- LINDSEY, Mar- Elgin, T*xaa. AT LIBERTY RALPH W. CHAMBERS Stock Leading Man Age ZS; Height S ft. 11 fas.: Weight MS lbs. Join OB wire. Appearance, Ability, Wardrobe. Address—O Proapect SL, Uniontowu, Pa. W AIM TE D Young Juvenile Leading Man, young General Business Woman for some characters; Young Woman for ingenues and juveniles. The above preferred with strong specialties and Al ward- robe Other Clever Dramatic People Write. Men state if yon double band. Must join immedi- ately . Long summer season. HARRY SHANNON, Wap-akoseta, Ohio. SCENIC ARTIST At Liberty Invites offers from from high class musical or dramatic stock. Thoroughly experienced, reliable. Address care Clipper Office, 1604 Broadway, New York. nUllSfc IflHAtlClf am sn oxperieaced and competent theatre manager, thoroughly famlhar with vaudeville, pictures, dramatic stock and road shows. I will get the mosey tor any bouse It It Is at all possible. .1 solicit correspondence relative to opening new house or of changing policy of non- profltable boose on a percenta ge basts. WILL CONSIDER MAKING SMALL INVESTMENT. Tom- letters treated In STRICT CONFIDENCE. Adores. K. F., oar* of Clipper. FINANCIAL PARTNER Wanted for Spring & Summer MUSICAL COMEDY Three to six bills. Stock stands. Also to extend tour following season. 8 principals, 12 girl*. I control rights to royalty bills. Address E. H., care of Clipper. Write, the right kind of acts, sketches, and monolognes. Write to "That Play wright That Write. Plays That Play Right." and be will writ, to pot yon la right. Don't wish for a good set. Get him to write yen one. Correspondence so- licited. ALLEN SPENCER TENNEY. MB B roadway. New York City- TENNEY