The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 28; 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 29 STOCK AND REPERTOIRE ROUTES Permanent and Traveling Academy Players—Haverhill. Matt., Indef. American Players—Spokane, Wash., lndef. Academy Players—Halifax, N. 8.. Can.. lndeE Auditorium Players—Maiden, Mass.. lndef. All Star Stock—New Bedford, Mass., lndef. Angell Stock . (Joe Angell, mgr.)—Park, Pittsburgh, lndef. Aneell Stock No. 2 (Ike Jntras, mgr.)— Sbarpsburg. Pa., lndef. Balnbridge Players—Minneapolis, lndef. Bayley, J. WiUard, Players—Beloit, WlB.. lndef. Bishop. Chester, Players—Grand Baplds, Mich., lndef. Bray. Thunnan F., stock—Columbus, O., lndef. Bunting. Emma, Stock—San Antonio. Tex., lndef. Bryant, Marguerite, Playera—Empire, Pitts- burgh, lndef. Brooklyn's Own Stock (Chas. W. Daniels. mgr.)—Grand O. H„ Brooklyn, lndef. Benjamin. Jack, Stock—Sallna, Kan., lndef. Brooks, Jack, Stock—Green Bay. Wla.. lndef. Bybee, M. E., Stock—Hutchinson, Kan., lndef. Bishop Playera—Oakland. Cal_ lndef. Byers, Fred. Stock (Fred A. Byers, mgr.) — Billings. Okla., March 1-3'; Hnnter, 5-7; Morrison, 8-10. Cornell-Price Players—Tarenrum. Pa. lndef. Compton-PIumb Stock (H. H. Plumb, mgr.) — Racine, Wls^ lndef. .;». Columbia Musical Stock—Oakland, Cal., lndef. Denham 8tock—Denver, lndef. Dublnsky Stock (Ed. Dnblnsky. mgr.)—St. Joseph. Mo., lndef. Doming. Lawrence. Theatre CO.—Miles City, Mont, lndef. Davis. Walter. Stock (A. W. Friend, mgr.) —Berwick, Pa., 20-March S. Davis. Ches. M. C Co. —Pine Bluff. Ark., 26-Mareh 10. Eckhardt. Oliver, Players—Begins, Sssk., Can., lndef. Emerson Plsyers—Lowell. Mass., indef. Empire Plavers—Salem. Mass.. lndef. Edwards, Mae. Players—Doland, S. D„ March 1-3 : Redfield. S-7. Fifth Aye. Stock (Jacques E. Horn, mgr.)— Fifth Ave., Brooklyn, lndef. __. Fleming. Alice. 8tock—Portland. Ore., indef. Gordlnler Bros., Stock—Ft. Dodge, la., lndef. Hvoerlon Players—New Haven. Conn., lndef. Hathaway Playera—Brockton, Mass.. lndef. Home. Col. F. P.. Stock—Akron. 0.. lndef. Hawk, Earl. Big Stock (Earl Hawk, mgr.)— Kev West, Fla.. 2«-March 3. Jewett. Henry. Players—Copley, Boston, Keith's Hudson Theatre. Stock—Union H1U. N J., lndef. Kelly Bro3. Stock—Lansing. Mich., lndef. Knickerbocker Stock (Geo. Barbler, mgr.) —Knickerbocker. Philadelphia, lndef. Klngsley, Betty. Players (Dixon Ames, mgr.) —Girardville. Pa.. 26-March 3. Lawrence. Del, Stock—Vancouver. Can., lndef. Lyric Theatre, Stock—Bridgeport, Conn., Lonergan Players (E. V. Phelan. mgr.)— Lynn, Mass.. lndef. Lewln, Florence. Players (Hawkins & Kib- bee. mars.)—Wichita. Kan., indef. Lorch, Theo.. Stock—Phoenix, Arts., lndef. Morosco Stock—Los Angeles, lndef. McKinley.. PatU. Players—ZanesvUle, O., Mozart'Playera—Elmlra. N. Y., lndef. . Nestell Players—Jefferson City. Mo., Indef. Northampton Players—Northampton; Mass., Naylor.' Walter, Players—New Britain. Conn. indef. New Strand Stock—Mobile, Ala., lndef. Norwood, Maude, Stock (Wo. J. Nelson, mgr.)—Oil City, Pa.. 26. lndef. Orphenm Players—Reading. Pa., lndef. Overholser Stock—Oklahoma City, Okla., lndef. _ _ ., Oliver, Otis. Players (Harry J. Wallace. mgr.)—Richmond, Ind., lndef. Opera Players—Kansas City. Mo., lndef. Princess 8tock—Sioux City. Ia„ lndef. Players Stock—Players, Bt Lonls, lndef. Park, Edna. Stock—Tampa, Fla.. indef. Pickert Stock—Tampa, Fla.. 26-March 8. Poll Stock—Scranton. Pa., lndef. Playhouse Plavers—Mt Vernon. N. Y., lndef. Poll Players—Poll's. Washington, lndef. Quaker Maids M. C. Co.—Hutchinson, Kan.. lndef. Spooner. Cedl. Stock—Lawrence, Mass., lndef. Shubert 8tock—Milwaukee, lndef. Shubert Stock—St. Paul, lndef. Somervllle Theatre Players—Somervllle, Mass., lndef. St. Clair. Winifred Stock (Earl Sloe, mgr.) — Paterson. N. J., lndef. Sherman Kelly Stock—Aberdeen. S. D.. March 5, lndef. Temple Stock—Ft. Wayne, Ind., lndef. Taylor. Albert. 8tock—-El Paso. Tex., lndef. Van Dyke * Eaton Stock (F. Mack, mgr.) —Tulsa, Okla., lodef. Wilkes Players—Seattle. Wash.. Indef. Wilkes Players—Salt Lake City. Utah. lndef. Wilkes Musical Stock—Vancouver, Can., lndef. Wadaworth Dram, Stock. (Edward Ornstein. mgr.)—Toledo. O., lndef. Wlrwam Stock (Lander Stevens, mgr.)—San Francisco, lndef. Wallace, Chester, Players—Butler, Pa.,' lndef. Williams. SHU Stock—Elkhart. Ind.. lndef. BURLESQUE ',',-.' .. : . CohrmMa WsMal Al Reeve*—Empire, Albany, N. Y., 26-March S; Gaiety. Boston. 5-10. Behman Show—Gaiety, Detroit. 26-March 3; Port Huron. Mich., 4; Gaiety, Toronto, 5-10. Ben Welch's—Empire. Newark. N. J„ 26- March 3; Casino, Philadelphia, 5-10. Bon Tons—Casino. Philadelphia. 26-March S; HnrrJg k Seamon's. New York. 0-10. Bostonlans—Gaiety, Boston,.. Z&March 3; Grand, Hartford, Conn., 6-10. Bowery—Columbia, Chicago, 26-March 8: BercheL Des Moines, la., 5-7. Burlesque Re^ue—Berchel, Dea Moines, la., 26-28: Gaiety. Omaha, Neb.. 5-10. Follies of the Day— Palace, Baltimore, 26- March 8; Gaiety, Washington, 5-10. Globe Trotters-^Galety, Toronto, Ont., 26- March 3; Gaiety. Buffalo, 5-10. . Golden Crooks—Empire, Brooklyn, 26-March 8; Park, Bridgeport, Conn.. 7-10. Hastings Show—Gaiety, Pittsburgh, 26- March 3; Star, Cleveland, 5-10. Hello New York—Lamberg, Utlca, N. Y„ March 1-3 ; Gaiety, Montreal, Can., 5-10. Hip-Hip-Hooray Girls—Grand, Hartford, Feb. 26-March 3; Jacques, Waterbury, Conn.. ' 5-10. Howe's Kissing Girls—Empire, Hoboken, N. J.. 26-March 3: People's, Philadelphia, 5-10. Irwin's Big Show—Lyric, Dayton, O., 26- March 3 ; Olympic. Cincinnati, 5-10. Liberty Girls—Park, Bridgeport, Conn., March 1-3; Colonial, Providence, 5-10. , Maids of America—Gaiety, Kansas City, 26- March S: Gaiety, St. Louis, 5-10. Majestic—Empire, Toledo, O., 26-March 3; Lyric, Daxton,- 0„ 5-10. Marion's Dalr—Hurtlg A Seamon's, New i Xork. 26-March 3 ; Ornheum. Paterson. 5-10. Merry* Rounders—Star A Garter. Chicago, 26- March 3: Gaiety, Detroit, 5-10. Midnight Maidens—Casino, Boston, 26-March 3; Colombia, New Tork, 5-10. Million Dollar Dolls—Gaiety. Buffalo. N. Y.. 26-March 3: Corinthian. Rochester, 5-10. Molly Williams' Co.—8tar, Cleveland, 26- March 3; Empire, Toledo, O., 6-10. New York Girls—Jacques, Waterbury, Conn.. 26-March 3 ; Cohen's, Newburgh, N. Y., 5-7 : Cohen's, Poaghkeepsie, 8-10. "Puss Puss"—Casino. Brooklyn, 26-March 3; Empire, Newark, N. J., 5-10. "Rag Doll In Ragland"—Gaiety, St. Louis, 26-March 3; Chicago, 5-10. Roseland Girls—Gaiety, Washington, D. C, 26-March 3; Gaiety, Pittsburg, 5-10. Rose Sydell's—Miner's Bronx. New York. 26- March _3: Empire, Brooklyn. N. Y.. 5-10. Sldman's" Lane—Gaiety, Montreal. Can., 26- March 3; Empire, Albany, N. Y-. 5-10. Sightseers—Colombia, New York, 26-March 3; Casino, Brooklyn, 5-10. ___ Some Sbow—Orphenm... Paterson, 26-March 8; Empire, Hoboken, 5-10. Spiegel's Berne—°P en 26-March 3: Gaiety. Kansas City, 5-10. Sporting Widows—Olympic, Cincinnati, 26- March 3: Chicago, 5-10. _ m _ m _^ M Star and Garter—People's, Philadelphia, 26- March 3; Palace. Baltimore, 5-10. Step Lively Girls—Cohen's, Poughkeepsie, March 1-8: Miner's Bronx, New York, 5-10. Twentieth Century Girls—Corinthian. Roch- ester, N. Y., 26-March 3; Bastable, Syra- cuse. N. Y., 5-7; Lamberg, Dtlca. N. Y.. 8-10. Watson's Beef Trust—Colonial, Providence, 26-March 3; Boston, 5-10. Watson-Wrotbe—Gaiety. Omaha. Neb. 26- March 8; open 5-10; Gaiety, Kansas City. 12-17. American Circuit American—Terre Haute, Ind., 26-28; Gaiety, Chicago, March 5-10. Auto Girls—Springfield, Mass., March 1-3; Howard, Boston, 5-10. Broadway Belles—Open 26-March 3; Engle- wood, Chicago. 5-10. Beauty, Youth & Folly—International. Nia- gara Falls. N. Y.. 26-March 3; Star, To- ronto. Ont, 6-10. Big Review of 1017—Star, Brooklyn, 26- March 3 ; Holyoke, Mass., S-7 ; Springfield, 8-10. Cabaret Girls—Savoy, Hamilton, Can., 26- March 3; Cadillac. Detroit, 5-10. Charming Widows—Worcester, Mass., March 1-3; Amsterdam, N. Y„ 5-6; Schenectady, 7-10. Cherry Blossoms—Wllkesbarre, Pa., 28- March 8; South Bethlehem, 5; Easton, 6; Pottstown, 7; Trenton, N. J., 8-10. Darlings of Paris—Akron. ■ O., March 1-3; Empire, Cleveland, 5-10. Follies of Pleasure—Star, Toronto, Ont., 26-March 3; Savoy, Hamilton, Ont. 5-10. French Frolics—Cadillac, Detroit. 26-March 3; open 5-10: Englewood, Chicago, 12-17. Frolics of 1916—Empire, Cleveland, 26- March 3; Erie, Pa., 5-6: Ashtabula, 0., 7: Park, Yonngstown, O., 8-10. Ginger Girls—Gaiety. Brooklyn, 26-March 8; Academy, Jersey City, 5-10. Girls from Jovland—Standard, St. Lonls, 26- March 3; Terre Haute Ind 6-7. Girls from the Follies—Majestic. Indianap- olis. 26-March 3: Buckingham, Louisville, 5-10. Grownup Babies—Penn Circuit, 26-March 3; Gaiety, Baltimore, 5-10. Hello GlrlB—Hudson. Schenectady, 28- March 8: Bingham ton. N. Y. 5-6; Oneida, 7: International. Niagara Falls, N. Y., 8-10. Hello Paris—Olympic, New York, 26-March 3: Majestic, Scranton, Pa., 5-10. High Life Girls—Trenton, N. J., March 1-3; Star, Brooklyn, 5-10. Lady Buccaneers—Majestic, Scranton, 26- March S; Gaiety, Brooklyn, 5-10. Ltd Lifters—Yonngstown, 0., March 1-3; Penn. Circuit, 5-10. Military Maids—Gaiety. PhUa., 26-March 8; Olympic, New York, 6-10. Mischief Makers—Gaiety, Milwaukee, 26- March 3; Gaiety, Minneapolis, 5-10. Monte Carlo Girls—Englewood, Chicago, 26- March 3; Gaiety, Milwaukee, 5-10. Tacemakers—Howard, Boston, 26-March 3; New Bedford, 5-7; Worcester, 8-10. Parisian Flirts—Trocadero, Pnlla., 26-March 3; Mt. Carmel. Pa., 5; Shenandoah, 6; Wllkesbarre, Pa.. 7-10. Pat White's—Gaiety, Baltimore, 26-March 3; Fhlla., 5-10. Record Breakers—Open 26-March 3 ; Century, Kansas City, 5-10. September Morning Glories—Gaiety. Chicago, 20-March 3 ; Majestic. Indianapolis, 5-10. Social Follies—Star. St. Paul, 26-March 3: Standard, St. Louis, 5-10. Tempters—Lyceum, Columbus, O., 26-March 3 : Newark. O, 5; JaneBvllle. 6; Canton. 7 : Akron. 8-10. Thoroughbreds—Gaiety. Minneapolis. 26- Marxh 3; Star, St. Paul, 5-10. Tourists—Academy. Jersey City, N. J., 26- March 3; PhUa., 6-10. U. S. Beauties—Buckingham, Louisville: 26- March 3; Lyceum. Columbus, 0., 5-10. MINSTRELS Al. G. Field—Belleville, 111.. 28: Sedulla. Mo.. March 1; Springfield. 2 : Joplln. 3-4 ; Parsons, Kan.. 5: Coffeyvllle, 6; Inde- pendence. 7; BartlesvUle, Okla. 8: Tulsa. 9-10. Huntington. F. C. Minstrels (J. W. West, mgr.)—Tarpon Springs, Fla., March 2; Clearwater. 3; St. Petersburg. 5: Tampa. 6; Ybor City. 7: Plant City. 8; Lakeland. 0: Klsslmmee. 10. IF YOU WANT sympathy get married. If yon want advice gat a lawyer, but, If you want up-to-date comedy material get It from THE NEW No. 2 McNALLY'S BULLETIN Everything New, Bright and Original PRICE Sl.OO MoSALLY'S BTTLLETLY Bo. 1 contain* 17 BCSEAMISQ MONOLOGUES. Tor He- brew, Irish, Black sad Walts Face, Dutch. Tramp. Wop. Female and Stomp Speech. 10 GREAT ACTS FOR TWO MAXES. Each act an applause winner. 9 KOABISO ACTS FOB. KALE AND FE- MALE. They'll make good on any bill. £* SUBE-FIBE PARODIES. OO all Of Broadway's latest Song lilts. A 00HZDT SKETCH. Entitled "ANXIOUS TO GET BICH." It's the FUNNIEST SKETCH in Vaudeville. HoMALLY'B KERRY MINSTRELS. Con- sisting of six corking FIRST PARTS, end- ing; with a •creaming Finale. "NOT GUILTY." A TABLOID COMEDY AND BURLESQUE, entitled "IT'S YOUR WIFE"; also hun- dreds of Croee-Flre Gas* and Jokes snd additional Comedy Surprises. Ilemember the price of McNALLY'S HULLETJN No. 2 Is only ONE DOLLAR per copy, with money-back guarantee. WH. McNALLT, 81 E. 125th St., New Tork MANAGER .»&» Capable handling boose, any policy. Nothing under 1.000 seating capacity. "MANAGER M," care Clipper. Fluhrer & Fluhrer "Alwav werfciag. thank ysaaT 61ms a Bsed for 50 rears by Stan of the ftvfcaasa. I— lor free MORA nunpla. CHABLE8 MKTB. _ [fat. 1868) 1-3 E. 13U1 St., New Tart WHITE RAT TRANSFER CO., Inc. ariESS (If SA6SA6E. lassse* Nans* st l*w tats 147 Wast nth Strswt, Naw York. Telephone SMS Bryant. TRUNKS REPAIRED SS? E SOO Vest 41st St., Comer Sth Ave. Formerly with Qolck service Taylor Trunk Works. Returned In 24 boors. W. H. HARRIS, ISSSSSr 20 Wast Sth Stmt, Naw York Storehouse—IU-J17 W. ssth street Phone Greeley 1474 Trunks Cared Por THE TWO STARS ROCKWELL AND WOOD LATE OF The Milky Way NOW Bushwick, Brooklyn THE NAGYFYS Presenting a Py rotechnical Novelty Direction All. T. Wilton COST U 4 1VI E S for Slit 100Chores Sets, baikst (Main BOLABET FIBE AND ELECTRICAL DANCE—Hovel, Beantlful. Everything com- plete. 6 trunks of material, THE BEAUTIFUL PONY "DON"—Talk- ing and pick ont marvel. Fast, tare worker. Will sell or lease to responsible party. BMALL L'ESOEETXE—With net and rigging complete. FAIR ROHAN LADDERS — Lavsrldg* board and Fedeatals. Other snow propertr. Sell cheap. J. W. Gorman'* Amassment Attractions, lac 100 BOYL8TOH ST., BOSTON. FUNNY BONE No. 4 COSTS 35c. Vol you could search and wide for batter comedy material st sny price. It Is Jua* ont snd contains a new monulogue. "The Engage- ment Party"; an act for 2 males. "Ask Grand- father—He Knows"; an aet for male and female. "Baby Mine"; besides aet for 2 females; also minstrel first-pert. 3 late parodies, dosens or elde- wslk gsgs, stage poems, etc. FTJNNTBONE No. 4 costs 35c.; or tor $1 will send tCNNYBONB. Noe. 1. 2, 3 snd 4 . Mone y returned If desired. FUNaTYBOaTX PTTBLISHIHQ CO., No. I0SS Talrd Aveeioe. New York (Papt. C). AT LIBERTY: BRUCE RINALDO—Versatile leads snd beavles. so me chara cters, director, 5 ft. 10 In.. 170 lbs. SELENE DSL aLAJt—Leads or heavies, elnglng •pecialtles. S ft SV4 In.. 155 lbs. Consider Joint or single. Vandevlue, stock or rep. Need tickets. Write or wire. KM West 41th St.. New York City. AT LIBERTY, O. M. Paul Comedian, Dialects, Characters. Dramatic or Musical Comedy. Sing bass, harmonize. Pro- ducer. O. M. PAUL, 218 W. 38th St.. New York. Phone Greeley 6642, PARTNER WANTED Moat be good musician, for musical act, MLLE CARRIE, ear* of Clipper.