The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 28, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 33 Saidthcwooir to "Choe": "Vow! Vot a Vondcrful Idea" PULL I CI OUT OF ERIN (LET THE RIVER SHANNON FLOW) Words by ADDISON BURKHARDT Music by FRED FISHER The Greatest Irish March Song Ever Written—A Recitation with It That Will Make Your Audience Stand Up and Cheer— Orchestrations in All Keys "Cheeses Choe, Dis Von Vffl Knock 'Em Det" Night-Time In Little Italy Written by Joe and Fred—Watch This Baby—It Is the Best Novelty Serio-Comic Ballad They Ever Produced—For This Number They Have Several Burlesque Operas, Patters, and Business Never Attempted Before in Song PROF. MGR. JACK McCOY Formerly wrtn FEIST and BERNSTEIN JOE FRED McCarthy & fisher Music Publishers, Inc. 148 West 46th Street New York City (Opp. Exchange BIdg.) BUS. MGR. J. F. (JACK) EDWARDS Formerly of CLIPPER PEACE WE LOVE WAR WE HATE "MR. WILSON, UNITED WE STAND TO MAKE OLD GLORY WAVE FOR PEACE ALL O'ER THE LAND" Words and Music by Louis Pasciuii CHORUS United we all stand and nui raited wc sbaii be. Muter wii»i united w* Hand. For It mitten not what my fatberland mar ne; Old Glory n« before us. Tirol always be United States, the duty call tor me. Han cotscb oar ratberland. So. Muter Wlborj. united we staid, to make 1st yean Old Glory has vmi for the bin. Old CEorj tare for Fetce all o'er toe land. BECAUSE I ALWAYS THINK OF YOU A RAG BALLAD I NEVER THOUGHT THAT YOU WOULD EVER LEAVE ME WALTZ BALLAD LOUIS „PASCIUTI, Music Publisher 179 Washington Ave., New Rocbelle, N. Y. Professional Copies Free to Recojrnlied Shiran WILLIAM EDNA EDMUNDS h **" w a " ■ LEEDOM GOING TO THE WEDDING ALWAYS WORKING. I why? Direction MAX GORDON ABSLAM SHARIFF Presents "COXEY'S ARIVTV" DIRECTION MARK MONROE LEWIS & GORDON PRODUCING CO., Inc. AI_ LEWIS, MAX GORDON. Bootoag'ttoaMfr .PaUc, Tfc—tiw FRANK BOHM, Inc. Lou Edleman, Gen. Mgr. New York City B.F. Keith's Circuit of Theatres A. PAUL KEITH. Pml fjel l E. f. ALBU, VkavPras. * Gwa. Mgr. UNITED BOOKING YOU CAN BOOK DIRECT BY ADDRESSING S. R. HODCDON, Booking Manager of the UNITED OFFICES » B. F. Keiths Palace Theatre Building NEW YORK CfTY B O O K £ D S o L I D H A R R Y W E B E R SONGWRITERS SENT tw. L i«iH«j ocayMaala. fffiug BUHT. Saadoa saws at raw w»_ - _ . . . ^. KNICKERBOCKER STUDIOS,iz7 Gaiety Tfceatrc Bmldins, N. T. Gtr