The New York Clipper (February 1917)

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February 28, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 35 Deliveries of Costumes, Tights and Wigs ||LIIJ1 We are Manufacturers i^* t !?Z\ 0 ^ saseSaPaeetaeaTaTaeeSaSsSeel Our Rental Department Contain! Over MM Costume*. NOW READY! Jack Weber'. Minstrel Joke Book No. 1. A Bit Hit- 25c. Postpaid We carry four complete lines of Make Up CHICAGO COSTOME WORKS %•& gffgL'gg CHICAGO, 0. S. A. FOR STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COMPANIES LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Book* for home amusement, Negro Play.i, Paper. Scenery, Mr». Jarley'a Wax Worka. Catalogue Free! Freel Free! SAMUEL FRENCH, 2S W«t lath St, Now York PLAYS <Back OF THE NAME ^^.=^§5^ TATLOE'S^ No. 2 CIRCUS SPECIAL TRUNK This trunk ha* Improvements that will b e •ure to interest you. Guaran- teed non-leak- able and wlU give service (or a good many years. Send for full particular" and our NEW 1917 CATALOGUE. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS ■71 N. HaUtad St* Chicago, 111. at W. 41th St, Now York. N. Y. TOM CREAMER For Productions or Vaudeville Now at Columbia Theatre Bid*., Now York Phone Bryant 1243 For Ten Years at the Hurray Hill- Dad's Theatrical Hotel PHILADELPHIA £» l-O KMOUS isest on SAue •r~. Mention this piper. St> I U.iTff 8ILHORN BROS.&TcZS&XLlSZ WARDROBE PROP TRUNKS, $5.00 Big Bargain. Have been used. Also a few Second Hand Innovation and Fibre Ward- robe Trunks, 110 and SIS. A few extra large Property Trunks. Also old Taylor Trunks and Bal Trunks. Parlor Floor, ZS W. 31.t St., Now York Ory ..muLER |Satetdij7p4?w linstock in «?M orfoK Entitt? compan- l«tHitirmji«itis satisfied here 1554 BLUfly hess:,;;^ ce PARKER'S JUMPING HORSE CARRY US ALL Tbs only ■neceaaful portable Carry Us An ea las market. And the greatest mosey maker In the amusement world. Write for facta and furores. C. W. PARKER, Leavenworth, Kas. TIGHTS Cotton Tights, very food quanty, a pair BOe. Wonted Tlrhtt, medium veliit. 12.00 s pair. Wonted Taints, beary eelxht, 12. TS a pair. Imported auk Plaited tichts. In hrlsht lad and colden Brrnrn. only IXSO S pair. Sliioune Tights la an colors, $2.50 s pair. Heavy TS per cent, imported aftk Urhts. in bright red only, redhead free (6.00 le 14.00 a pair. Fun alee™ Shuts te msteh titan* tame price u Uibts. Organ Oiled- promptly. Clipper Ctuuaf free on application. BERNARD MANDL 210-212 W. MADISON ST. ChICAGo, ILL, B B & B Special Wardrobe Trunk t Fir Fibre Covered Chicago: Marshall Field ft Co. $40.00 Send for Catalogue B B at B TRUNK CO,,. Pa. PLAYS VAUDEVILLE ACTS, ETC. N. Y. PLAY BUREAU, Tre- raont Theatre, N. Stamp for catalog. Y. Qty. NEW DROPS, $10.00 Painted to Order. Any else up to 15x20 feet, in either Diamond Dye, Oil or Water Colors. $2.00 deposit with each order. Scball's Stadia, Columbus. O. CIRCUS and JUGGLING Apparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, Guns, Wire Walkers' Apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for catalog. EDW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati. O NOW READY THE I CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK For Season 1918-1917 It contains the names and addresses of Man- agers, Vaudeville and Dramatic Agents in New York, Chicago, burgh, San Fi torn. Chic nu-gn, San Ushers; Theatrical Boston, Philadelphia. Pitts icisco, Canada; Music Pub- 1 Clubs and Sodi pieties; Mow- inf Picture Firms, and other information. Sent only < panted by- a YORK CLIPPER f Sent only on receipt of 2c stam p, panied by a coupon cat from THE NEW COT OUT AND Send this Coupon and 3c stamp for a copy of THE CLIPPER RED BOOK AND DATE BOOK (For lait-inn To THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ISM Broadway. New York THE SKETCH FACTORY. Plays, monologs, acts written to order and to lease. FRANCIS TUCKER, 231 Cottage Ave, Caleaburg, ID. New Victoria Hotel IN NEW YORK LONG ACRE SQUARE 145 to 155 West 47th Street "The Very Heart of New York** ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 3SO ROOMS 280 PRIVATE BATHS Every Modern Convenience European Plan Exclusively ABE MIERS, Manager of Cafe Single rooms, hat and cold water... Single rooms, private bath Suite, parlor, b ed r ooon end both Salts, parlor, X bedrooms and bath.. Drop in at any time o e a o a •• a oa e eo • e see e o* e • • • e •■* .*4i The Best 50c. Dinner in* New York C. A. HOLLTNGSWORTH New York City Others Succeed. Why Can't Teal STAGE TRAINING Oraau. Canary. Vaadsvllla, tbs. las aad rests Slay TsesM. Technical and Practical Courses. OlebrlUes whs •tudled wider Mr. Aliens: Annette Bal- termsnn, Nora Bares, Basel Dan, Joseph Santley. Harry rttear. sDia. Daile, Mary Fuller. Dolly Slsteri. Taylor Bonnes. Vivien Preseott. gleaner Painter sad others. Writs fa? etialamt SMB- Uoclnr. study desired. Alviene Theatre School of Acting S7th St, at Broadway Entrance 335 W. 5Tlh St. Nee Ttrt SECOND.HAND GOWN S ANDREWS, 806 S. State St., CHICAGO ATTRACTIONS! Minstrels, Stock Companies, Repertoires, Burlesque, Dramatic and Musical Comedy Representing Traveling Combinations. At- tractions Routed and Booked—1 Night, 3 Night and Week Stands. CRITERION BOOKING EXCHANGE, Suite sal, Columbia Theatre Building. B'way and 47th St, New York City. ,} THEATRICAL GOODS Wig* Tights Hosiery^ Spangles p Gold & Silver V Catalogue No. D Trimmings J Jwelry} " *="»■»•«■• "•■ 5 COLD and SILVER BROCADES SATINS and BEADS Catalogues and samples upon request. When asking for catalogue, please men- tion what goods are wanted. SIEGMAN & WEIL S. W. Car. 27lh Street sad staeees Avvaee, New T.rk The Theatrical Supply Emporium Catalogue No. TYPE ONLY ONE SHEETS Size 28 x 42, Either Flat or Upright— Small Amount Display Matter Only Black on Red or Blue Two Quantity. Yellow. 100 15.00 200 8.00 300 7.00 400 (.00 500 S.00 1.000 14.00 Owing to market conditions, all prices subject to chance without notice. Send for priee list of all kinds theatrical type work. Terms: Cash with order. Rend 10c. for route book. GAZETTE SHOW PRINTING COMPANY MATTOON, ILL., U. S. A. Enlarged and Beautified MOUQUIN'S 6tk Ave*, bet. 27tk .net 28th Sta., N. Y. MOST POPULAR FRENCH RE5TAURANT PARISIAN CAFE. MUSIC «JS P. M. to 1 A. M. CLIPPER BUSINESS INDEX Advertisements not exceeding cms lias ia length will be published, property classified, ha this index, at the rate of *10 lor one year <9 ..auea). A copy of The New York ^ess- will he sent free to each advertiser while the advertisement is running. LAWYERS F. L. Boyd, Attorney, 17 N. La Sella St., Chicago. _, E. J. Ader, 10 South La Salle St., Chicago, 111, MUSIC COMPOSED. ARRANGES. Chas. L. Lewis, 429 Richmond St., OnciaeeasV Ohio. SCENERY AND SCENIC PAINTERS. Howard Tuttle, 141 Burleigh St., Milwaukee, Wis. SCHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO 581-583585 South High St.. Columbus. O. SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE. Amelia Grain, 819 Spring Garden St.. Philadel- phia, Pa. SONG BOOKS. Wm. W. Delaney, 117 Park Row, New York. TENTS. J. C Goes Co., 10 Atwater St.. Detroit. Mien. THEATRICAL GOODS. Boston Regalia Co., 387 Washington St., Bea- ton, Mass. THEATRICAL HARDWARE. Graves Hardware Co., 47 Eliot St., Beaten, Mass. THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. E. Walker, 309 W. 39th St.. New York. TRANSFERS. Walton, 4SS W. 33d St.. N. Y. 1179 Greeley VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. Ben Hobsoo, 910 Prospect Ave., N. Y. G BILLY CARTER Wrttea —for TeV and Btawart* OUoaco. playlets and r>vrr»tlilnr cl ——a xeept aou_"B raudeville. MARLOWE THEATRE, «M WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC A. M. BUCH Jk CO. US N. Niatk St, Pk NEARLY NEW Evening Gowns and Wraps Foil Drest, Tuxedo asd Prince Albert Suits LUCY GOODMAN, 2315 S. State St.. Chicago MUSIC ARRANGED PIANO, ORCHESTRA. Melodies written to song poems. W. H. NELSON, Aator Theatre Bldg.. 1S31 Broadway. N. Y. WIGS For STRffT and SFAGt: WHJ Made to order from S3 to Sloe We Specialize In Stock Wise. Tit Winery it N . stau st. I IMPORTANTy-EVERETT J. EVANS, Com- poser-Arranger, makes s specialty of writing music for new authors, and assists publicatioeu Send your poems or complete songs. Eatab. 1900. Suite 505. Astor Theatre Bldg., 45th and Broadway, N. V. PLAYS CATALOG of rrarweksul and Aatstaur nan. Sketches. HonolotJ. Minstrel Jot*, leatla- Uons. afaks-Up Genoa, ale, seat rxasL hick a nnoXaALD. M Ins fa., nt KING JAMES TAILOR 177.139 West 45th Street, New York Telephone 574 Bryant Theatrical costumes kept in perfect order. Pressing and repairing done at short notice. WIGS Human Hair. Irk*. Dees*, lev. 18a ea. eeutrrtkt ar Man's Dres «!> S1.0O, gl.EO; Mscre, SSe., SSe,, fse.: TlxWa, SSe. IsatsaS aM Cataiat IMl rses r Busa, KovslUsa. l-rass. kLryT-gr 4S ossser as,, w. a TBI TICHIIICAI. TIXS3, !taw TOSS