The New York Clipper (March 1917)

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March 21, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 13 BRIDGEPORT CO. TO PRODUCE NEW_PLAYS 1ST ANNOUNCED FOR HOLY WEEK Bridgepobt, Conn., March 17.—The scarcity of Broadway release* which is confronting stock managers, as pointed out in last week's Clipper, is evidently not go- ing to seriously bother the management of the Lyric Players at the Lyric Theatre. for it is announced that that company will present many plays which have never be- fore been seen on any stage. The first to see the light of day will be a new play by Luella Morey, a member of the company, entitled "The Tidal Wave." This will be produced daring the week of April 2. The name of the play, Roland G. Edwards, the director, announces, is only tentative. It will either be changed before production or the Lyric patrons will have an opportunity to choose a name for it. The following week Lee Morrison's ver- sion of "Treasure Island" will be put on, and for the week following the company promises something novel for a stock com- pany. This will be a series of one-act plays. Three one-act plays will be presented dur- ing the week of April 16, and if the scheme is successful, will be repeated some time later in the season. "Matzu, the Pine Tree," "The Sculptor's Dream," and "The Boss" will be the first series. There are many other new plays which the management has under consideration and which will be announced as soon as the suitable ones are selected. WESTERN STOCK ACTORS IN N. Y. The majority of Coast favorites who have for several years headed stock com- panies on the Pacific have all made good in New York productions. A few names are Marjorie Rambeau in "Cheating Cheat- ers," Edmund Lowe in "The Brat," Charles Ruggles in "Canary Cottage," Grace Val- entine in "Johnny Get Tour Gun," Lewis Ancker in "The Flame," Alice Fleming in "The Pawn" and Burford Hampden. OLIVER TO OPEN IN LA FAYETTE La Fayette, Ind., March 19.—Oris Oliver, who recently closed his company at the Murray Theatre, Richmond, will begin his spring and summer stock engage- ment at the Family Theatre here next Monday. The initial attraction will be "Rolling Stones." This will make the sixth year this company has played sum- mer stock in La Fayette. FIELDS CO. IN WHITE PLAINS White Plains, N. T., March 17.—The Marguerite Fields Co., under the manage- ment of Dr. Harry A. March, which has been playing here for several weeks, has decided to continue the engagement indefi- nitely. THOMAS WITH NORTHAMPTON CO. Northampton, Mass., March 19.—Cal- vin Thomas will succeed Selmer Jackson as leading man of the Northampton Play- ers, joining next week in "Arms and the Girl." MILLER RETURNS TO CAST Akbon, Ohio, March 17.—Fred P. Mil- ler, of the Home Stock Co., after a severe attack of pneumonia, has again returned to the cast at the Music Hall. GSELL BACK ON BROADWAY Henry Gsell has closed aa juvenile lead with the Vaughan Glaser Stock Co. in Cleveland and has returned to New York. CLARENDON CO. OPENING IN MAY The Clarendon Stock Co., headed by Cecil Wood Clarendon, will open its fourth big season under their new sixty-foot round top about first of May. Chiefly among Miss Clarendon's support are: Har- riet Mayer, ingenue; Jimmy Clark, at present touring Orpheum Circuit at the piano for Fay Templeton, and Marie Lozay, character woman. The company will carry its own band and orchestra and unaphone. The Fahl Bros. (T. I. and C. S.) have selected a repertoire of royalty bills. MUSICAL COMEDY IN SEATTLE Seattle, Wash., March 17.—The Tivoli Theatre, at First Avenue and Madison Street, opened Sunday with the Willis G. West Extravaganza Co. presenting "He Came From Milwaukee." Dorothy Ray- mond is prima donna with the company, which includes Hazel Boyd, soubrette; Frances Kemble, ingenue; George Ford, leading man; Willis G. West, comedian; Frank Earl. Richard Hyland and Flo Cun- ningham. Three performances are given daily with the bill changed each week. BANCE & NEWTON CO. CLOSES The Bance & Newton Stock Co. closed a very successful season of twenty-four weeks last Saturday night. This was the first season for this company, and it will go out again next season. Mr. Bance went to work in stock at Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Newton joined the La Reane Players, Miss Stewart the Shannon Stock*Mr. and Mrs. Miller the Irene Harper Players and Mr. Carmel goes ahead of the Four Gra- hams in vaudeville. MADAM WANDA DEAD Dubois, Penn., March 19.—Mrs. Harry L. Waterhouse, wife of Harry L. Water- house, known throughout the United States, Canada and Australia as Madame Wanda, died here last week following a nervous breakdown. She came here from Shamokin as the feature number of The Cham plain Comedy Co. Her maiden name was Wanda Lee and she was the daughter of Samuel G. Lee, editor of the Patterson Morning Call. DEMAREST GETTING READY Starke, Fla,, March 17.—The Demarest Stock Company No. 2 will open here Mon- day in one of the finest and most complete tent theatres in the South. Ona Demarest will be leading lady with the company, which will include Roselle and Haynes, W. Oscar Sullivan, Aline Moore, Robert Dunbar and Jno. Whiton. The No. 1 show will open in South Carolina April 9. Many of the old people have been re-engaged. MISS HUNT LEAVING SEATTLE CO. Seattle, Wash., March 18.—This is the last week for Phoebe Hunt as the leading woman with the Wilkes Players at the Orpheum Theatre. She is leaving to take a vacation and will return to the com- pany in June. Her closing attraction is "The Show Shop." Norma W'mslow is succeeding Miss Hunt for a few weeks. MISS WILKES RETURNING Northampton, Mass., March 17.—Miss F. M. Wilkes, who was with the North- ampton Players early in the season, will return to take the place of Director J. H. Boyle, who is soon to join the Providence company. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle left the company here last Saturday. STOCK CO. IN PH1LA. CLOSES PmLADCLPiiiA, March 17.—The Knick- erbocker Players, with Eugenie Blair and John Lorenzin the leading roles, will bring their season to a close to-night, presenting "Sapho." A supplemental season of road attractions started Monday with "The Princess Pat." TWO COMPANIES TO OPEN IN PORTLAND DATE SET AS EASTER MONDAY Portland, Me., March 19.—Two sum- mer stock companies will open in this city Easter Monday, April 9, one at the Keith and the other at the Jefferson Theatre. The Keith Theatre is at present play- ing vaudeville, but the week of April 2 will mark the close of the vaudeville sea- son and the regular Keith Stock Co. en- gagement will be inaugurated. Alma Tell, who was the leading lady here last season and who is now playing leads with the Keith Stock Co. at the Gotham Theatre, Brooklyn, will return to Portland to head the company. Jack Rose- leigh will also rejoin the company as lead- ing man and the supporting company will include practically the same people as last season. The announcement that the Jefferson Theatre is going into stock has created a great deal of interest and the fact that it will be Sidney Toler who will establish a company there has been of greater interest. Mr. Toler is now dosing his winter sea- son in Halifax, where for five years he has been at the head of his own company. There will be no change In that company and the list of plays to be presented at the- Jefferson will include most of the attrac- tions which were a success in Halifax. Negotiations are under way to secure Adelaide Keim as leading lady for the To- ledo Co. Both she and Mr. Toler have ap- peared here in stock before at the Cane Theatre. James E. Moore will be business manager of the company. GLASER CO. CHANGES THEATRE Clevevland, O., March 17.—Vaugban Glaser has leased the New Lyceum Thea- tre to continue bis stock company for the rest of the season. The lease of the Duchess Theatre, where the company had been playing, could not be renewed. EMMA BUNTING ILL—MUST QUIT San Antonio, Tex., March 16.—Emma Bunting, on account of the state of her health, has been ordered by her physician not to play for quite a while. Miss Bunt- ing has cancelled all engagements in San Antonio for the season. POLI CO. IN WORCESTER OPENING Worcestib, Mass., March 19.—The Poli Stock Co. will resume at the Grand The- atre for the Spring and Summer Easter Monday, April 9,-with Geo. Arvine as di- rector. STOCK FOR SCHENECTADY Schenectadt, N. Y., March 17.—It is reported that a stock company will open the Van Curler Opera House Easter Mon- day, with Mae Desmond heading the cast. JUSTIN McNABB IN CLEVELAND Cleveland. O.. March 19.—Justin Mc- Nabb joined the Vaughan Glaser Stock Co. last week in "Tess of the Storm Coun- try," at the New Lyceum Theatre. ANTHONY LEAVES DENHAM CO. Denveb, March 17.—Carl Anthony closed to-night as leading man with the Denham Players at the Denham Theatre, in "A Woman's Way." \ MISS WOODBURY FOR TRENTON Trenton, N. J., March 19.—Frances Woodbury will open Easter Monday as a member of the Winifred St. Claire Co. at* the Trent Theatre. STOCK ACTOR LOSES WARDROBE Evansvuxe, Ind., March 17.—Ralph Waldo Pogue, late of the Gene Lewis Stock Co., lost two trunks of wardrobe when the Orpheum Theatre of this city burned to the ground. Mr. Pogue was playing a vaudeville date at the Orpheum. Mr. Pogue has signed to work for Burch and Reed's "Auto Girls" company which opens at the Novelty Theatre to-morrow. ANGELA'S COMEDIANS IN MO. Kennett, Mo., March 17.—The An- gell's Comedians have just finished sixteen highly successful weeks in the State of Arkansas and are now entering Missouri for a few weeks prior to closing the Win- ter show. They win re-open early in May in Iowa under canvass with an augmented band and orchestra, and an entirely new repertoire of plays. HARRY SHANNON CO. RE-OPENS Hartford City. Ind., March 17.—The Shannon Stock Co., which recently suf- fered heavy losses by fire, has reopened here. The company will play theatres for about seven weeks before opening its tent and Hazel Shannon beads the company, season. Harry Shannon, Sr., is manager JOINS DEVEREUX PLAYERS Geo. F. Smithfield has been engaged to appear with the "Devereux Players," pre- senting Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing"; Ibsen's "League of Youth"; Sheridan's "School for Scandal"; "Every- man," and Moliere's "Learned Ladies." STOCK FOR LOWELL J. W. Miller win open his stock company at the Academy of Music, Lowell, Mass., Monday. Hugbey Flaherty, Irish com- edian ; J. B. Cunningham, straight, and Grace Lewis, prims donna, are among the principals. MOULAN WITH BAINBRIDGE CO. Minneapolis, March 17.—Manager Bainbridge of the Bainbridge Opera Play- ers at the Shubert Theatre, has secured for a four week's engagement Frank Mou- lan, who opened Sunday and will be seen in a series of musical comedies. ENCAGED FOR SUMMER STOCK Regine Wallace, who recently created the leading role in George Broadhursfs "Rich Man Poor Man." and Lynn Over- man have been engaged by Charles Lovea- burg for the Albee stock in Providence this summer. MARSHALL CO. TO OPEN MAY 3 The Marshall Players will open their dramatic season under canvass on May 3. Marshall has completed contracts with twenty players for the summer season: The show will also carry a band. AUCE CLEMENTS RESTING Haverhill. Mass., March 15.—Alice Clements has left as leading lady of the Academy of Music Players and has gone to Bermuda, where she will take a well- earned rest. TIME OF CONTEST EXTENDED Manager Horn, of the Fifth Avenue Stock Co., Brooklyn, has announced that the time of the play contest he is conduct- ing has been extended until Saturday, March 24. BEASLEY AND OVERMAN ENGAGED Providence, R. I., March 15.—Byron Beasley and Lynn Overman have been en- gaged for the Keith Theatre Stock Co, which is opening here early in April. WALLACE FOR LOS ANGELES CO. Los Angeles, March 17.—Ramsey Wal- lace has been engaged as leading man for the Morosco Stock Co.