The New York Clipper (May 1917)

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12 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER May 9, 1917 AT B. F. KEITH'S PALACE THEATRE, THIS WEEK, MAY 7 CHARLES OLCOTT Offers his original travesty, A Comic Opera in Ten Minutes. My new one—"What a Fine Guy (Oil-Can) He Turned Out to Be," with apologies to Johnny O'Connor. NOTE.—To J. H. and C. C, "Please be nice children and let me keep my 'bells' bit. Help your- selves to the opera, I shall probably discard it next season." TO MY FRIENDS.—"Don't, by your constant reminders, of his copy, make the little fellow, who is doing my 'opera' bit on the indiscriminate time, feel any worse than his own conscience must make him feel." PERSONAL NOTE.—To Harry Cooper, may he never have my spot at the Palace, but may we always play Rochester together. Bless his soul, may it be a boy and name him Moe. Direction—JENIE JACOBS UR KI-EIIM PRESENTS BROADWAY'S SINGING FAVORITES IDA BROOKS HUNT, ALFRED DeMANBY I CO. IN "A FANTASY OF MELODIES" GEORGE HAL PERI N AT THE PIANO At B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre, This Week, May 7