The New York Clipper (May 1917)

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May 9, 1917 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 35 ROUTES (Continued from page 33) MINSTRELS Carter's, Suiann, Black A White Minstrels— Guthrie, Okla., 10-12; Lawton, 18-19. DeBue Bros.—Clayton, N. T. f 9; Theresa, 10; Hammond, 11; Ogdenaborg, 12; Nor- wood, 14; Msssens, IS; Brushton, 16; Tapper Lake, 17: Saranac Lake. 18; Lake Placid, 19. CARNIVALS Adams. Otis L... Show*—Logan, O., 7-12. Benson 4 Berger Shows—Eddystone, Pa., 1- 12. Campbell's United Shows—St. Louis, 7-12. Foley 4 Bark Shows—Santa Eosa, Cal„ 7-12. Greater Sheesley Shows—Bridgeport, Conn., 7-12. Great American Shows—Mlddletown, O., 7- 12. Great Cosmopolitan Shows—Centralis, I1L, 7-12. Hopper Greater Shows—Seymour, Tex., 7- 12. Kennedy, Con T., Shows—Norfolk, Va_, 7-12. Metropolitan Shows—Gastonla, N. C. 7-12. Mighty Doris Expo. Shown—McKces Bocks, Pa_, 7-12. McClellan Shows—Eldorado, Kan., 7-12. Koger's Greater Shows—Huntington, W. Va., oger's 7-12. Reynolds, George, Shows—Williamson. W. Va.. 7-12. Sibley's Superb Shows—So. Bethlehem, Pa,, 7-12. Washburn's, Leon W., Midway Shows- Chester, Pa., 7-12. World at Home Shows—Boone, la., 7-12. Wortham Bros. Shows—Cashing, Okla., 7-12. Zeldman & Polie Shows—Kalamazoo, Mich., -12. CIRCUSES Barnes, Al. G.—Eugene, Ore., 9; Albany, 10; Salem, 11; McMUmvllle, 12. Cole Bros.—Blacktoot, Idaho, 9; Mackay, 10; St. Anthony, 11; Idaho Falls, 12. Gentry Bros.—Linton, I1L, 9. Hagenbeck-Wallace—Warren, O., 9; Youngs- town, lO; Cleveland, 11-12. La Tena's—Doylestown, Pa., 9; Ambler, 10; Consbobocken, 11; Vlneland, N. J., 12. lUngllng Bros.—Zanesrllle, O., 0: Marietta, 10; Clarksburg, W. Vs., 11; Cumberland, Ind.. 12: Washington, D. C. 14-15; Balti- more, 16-17; Wilmington, Del., 18; At- lantic City. 10. Sells-Floto Shows—Qulncy, 111., 9; Danville, 10; Champaign, 11; Crawfordsvllle, Ind., 12; Indianapolis, 14. Wlllard, Jess, A Buffalo Bill Show—Bsston, Pa., 8; Wilkes-Barre, 10; Scranton, 12; Blogharoton, N. Y„ 13; Albany, 18. Vankee Itohlnson Shows—Stockton, 111., 9; Dubuque, la., 10; Manchester, 11; Water- loo, 12. EILEEN SHERIDAN Per Dir. CHAMBERLAIN BROWN MADISON'S BUDGET No.16 Edited and published by James Madison and 111 put my name to nothing- that I don't consider prime. Contests Include 12 orig- inal monologues, 8 great acts for two males and 7 (or male and female, a bright Irish act for three people, 20 sure-fire paro- dies. 4 professional minstrel first-parti, a scresmlDg tabloid comedy; also hundreds of nifty gftga and funny sidewalk hits. MADI- SON'S BUDGET No. 18 cost* ONE DOLLAR. JAMES Jt&EISON, UBS Third Arena*, Me» York. At Liberty Ann Lester Loads. FIts feet Are Inches; age 25. Hugh Lester JotsbJIss, light and Character Comedy. Five feet six Inc hes; sg« 23. Specialties. Address HUGH LESTER. MS Massachusetts Ave., Boiton, Mass, WANTED Girls, who understand playing of brass instruments, for musical comedy at- traction. 40 weeks' contract. State all in first letter. EUGENE WOLFF. HEIM, C/o Clipper, New York. SISTER TEAM and CHORUS GIRLS wanted for big time set to open soon. Ail week. MOB. J. I.UBXH, Merry Maid Minstrels, Mutual Ball, 468 9th Ave., Hew York City. Wanted—Repertoire Company O R P H E U M THEATRE, LIMA, OHIO, weeks of May 21 and 28, per- centage basis only proposition would consider. "Rep" Show closes season at Lima every year to a Phenomenal Business. Address GUS SUN, Spring- field, Ohio. ACTOR AT LIBERTY Heavies, characters, comedy, some specialties. Can direct. Have scripts. Age 30. Height 0 ft. 11 inches, weight 170. VhudI repertoire salary. Ticket If over 13.00 It. It JOSEPH MERRILL. Oen. Del.. Oswego, N. T. WANTED—A Copy of The) N. Y. CLIPPER, dated MARCH 24, 1006. Will pay any reasonable price. F. M. C, care of CLIPPER. WANTED: SEASON 1917-18 Musical Comedy People in all Unas. 3 complete road companies. "The Million Dollar Doll"—35 people, Eastern and Western Company. "The Million Dollar Doll"—(Tab.) 30 people. Central States. "There She Goes"—40 people, playing Eastern time. To Principals and Chorus ,of ability, good wages and a long season without a lay-off. WANTED—Musicians for a feature JAZZ orchestra. Feature vaudeville acts and other novelties. Apply by | etter onIy . HARVEY D. ORR, 1512 Tribune Bldg., Chicago, IU. FRANCIS FRANK WOOD and WARNOCK Novelty Act—In Vaudeville NORMAN & IDA TAYLOR 12% in 1 or 2. In A LAUGHING ABSURDITY "OFFICER SIX, SIX, 7/8" "IN VAUDEVILLE" BOBBY BERNARD Featured Comedian with Win. B. Friediander's Suffragette Revue THE COMEDY FTNP OP THE SEASON Wanted For The Brooks Stock Co. Permanent stock, two bills a week; people in all lines; general business people; man for leads; scenic artist. Want only clean people who dress well, on and off. -Must join at once. Address JACK BROOKS, Burlington, Iowa. WANTED QUICK FOR BILLY CUNNINGHAM AND HIS OWN CO. A-l Ingcoue-Lrcading woman, Good Cwct. Bus. man not over 5 ft. 9 or 150 lbs. wbo can do Genteel Heavies. Other useful Rep. people write. All people mutt be young, Al modern wardrobe and ability. Disorganized and trouble makers save your stamps, that is the cause of the ad. Send late photos ana programs. Must join on wire. Addreas May 7 and week. Cumberland. Maryland; May 14 and week, Westminster. Maryland. Wanted—RepertoirePeople all lines, with specialties, given preference. Vaudeville tea parts; actor musicians. Year's work. Salary absolutely si " CO, experience. Vaudeville team, playing responsible sure. State salary, age, Address EARL HAWK BIG STOCK CO., Johnson City, Term. <J. E. FABER THEATRICAL UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Repairing Box Springs, Mattresses, Cushions, Slip Covers, etc This is a specialty with ua. 41 W. tlik St. NEW YORK Telephone, Bryant 1677. WANTED—Non-Union Stage Hands A stage carpenter, electrician and property man. A long and lucrative engagement to experienced men. Address: J. B. ALLEN, Room 538, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., New York City. Wanted for PICKERT STOCK CO. Now in Fifty-fifth week, for Summer and Regular lesson. Heavy Man and Gen. Business Man who can double piano. Preference given people with specialties. Other useful men with spe- cialties write. Year around work. Managers munition towns in Pennsylvania write for time. Week May 7, Greensboro, N. C; week May 14, Columbia, Pa. People who wrote before, write again. AT LIBERTY Anthony Lesser Leads and 2nd bus. Stock or repertoire. Age 23. Height 5 ft. 10 ins. Weight 150. Address KEARNY HOTEL, Altoona, Pa. T"l,Th "VsTlM T sfsTarVvt aOa^aSX gT 80N0B OR INSTBUKEMTAI. KUSI01 If so. *-**-»* « V^«__-> <^*~'1V1S^V/^S^ )w HurK t „ „„,,. Kfm . arrnni;.-.! I.} nn expert: an artistic arranjr.mrnt may mean Slice**.. I bjiv, don* hundred* of tils lilt.. Writ*- ur < nil nrtvrri'.ina. S-S. ET/OENX PLATZXAHN, 145 W. Itth St., H«w York. TENNEY Ua. tb. Parcel Post "deliver* the goods." Act*, aaatoh... and znonolorua*. wrlttae right. Tbsy'rs 'all of originality, "pep'* sad "gat-ovsr." Don't wish for s 000D act. havs Tonnoy writ* yon os*. Corr*tpond*nc* aolioiud. ALLEN SPENCER TENNEY. Ho. 14BS Broadway. B*w York City. ALLIANCE HOTEL -258 West 4-Ith Street, New York City AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PI.AN. 40 Srro. <K from IW.i.lw.iy. I*r..fc»- irc prnrnodutibiiS Tel. Bryant 6068. BOB & PEGGY VALENTINE "Vital Statistics"—A New Comedy Act in "One" IN VAUDEVILLE KEENE & WILLIAMS A Real Comedy Act in One. NOW PLAYING Special Scenery SAMMY —GOLD & SEAL— ELI Those Champagne Boys in "BITS OF VARIETY" DIRECTION ROSE a CURTIS Wanted for Bowdish Big Stock Co. OPENING UNDER CANVAS Two Gen. Bus. Men, also man for juvenile and Al comedian, also character woman, those doubling band and doing specialties preferred. Violinist, tuba, trombone and Al trap drummer, lozzers and disturbance makers closed without notice. Those requiring tickets roust give Al security. Rehearsals open 21, show opens May 28th. Notice, state your lowest at we pay all. Address BOWDISH BIG STOCK CO., BrookvUla, Pa. VIRGINIA. KELSY DOUBLE VOICE PRIMA DONNA HERBERT TRLXJE HOEY and SMITH COMEDY—SONG—DANCE Direction, JACK LEWIS