The New York Clipper (May 1917)

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32 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER May 23, 1917 ►»»»♦»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»■ At B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre Now Joseph IN THE MUSICAL GLOBE-TROT "THE GIRL ON THE MAGAZINE" WITH Ivy Sawyer AND COMPANY VAUDEVILLE DIRECTION GEORGE O'BRIEN PRAY THAT THRU LIFE every penny- yoa lay oat will bring the asms big returns at $1.25 spent for rUNNYBONB, Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4 and B. Or 88 cents (or latest issue. No. 5. loaded with sure-fire niono- Ingnes, sketches, parodies, minstrel first-parts, "tab" co nsole s, gags, etc. M oney hack on request. FUNNYBONE rTJBI.TSHTNO COM- PANY, 105> Third Avenue, Naw York (Dept. 0.>. WANTED STOCK COMPANIES with specialties to play park. Pay small guaran- tee and percentage. Musical shows write. B. 8ATZ, Mgr„ Barber Park, Bellows Falls, V J JOIN OlM WIRE General business people; must be tall. Spe- cialties preferred. Salary must be loir—it is sure. Week stand and stock. Long engage- men* to right people. No booze. MGR. STOCK COMPANY. Grand Theat re, Dennlson, Ohio. WANTED QUICK FOR DEMOREST STOCK CO. 1 and 2 Under Canvas AGENT, salary and percentage of first night, must be. a real one; also comedian. Gen. Bus. man; single people only; no pets or booze; those with good wardrobe and specialties given preference. State all first letter or agent wire. ONA DEMOREST, Orangeburg, & C WANTED People All Lines "Stock" and "Rep" — Summer and Winter VAN DYKE AND EATON CO. Joplin, Mo. 36 PARODIES 25 CENTS Sore Fin lUndl on .attft songs. Money Back Giuxui- tecl MARY THAYER, 2190 Broil St. ftVffltfMM, 1. I.