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THE BEST FOR 64 YEARS STILL the BEST! C 1 OR more than two generations THE NEW YORK CLIPPER has been acknowl- *• edged the leading theatrical publication. In the same family, fathers, sons and grandsons have steadily read it, looked to it for information and engagements. Mothers, daughters and granddaughters did the same. - "WANTED" advertisements in THE CLIP- PER have secured engagements for "old-timers," the reigning favorites, as well as the "just start- ing" actors and actresses. "AT LIBERTY" announcements from all sources have been and still are eagerly looked for and read by all classes of managers and pro- ducers. It has for years been the actors', managers' and producers' exchange for all branches of the theatrical profession, from the "front of the house" to "back stage." Practically every popular song has found its way to the public through vocalists who received their first knowledge of its creation and publica- tion through the columns of the CLIPPER. Its files represent the only theatrical encyclo- pedia in existence. Everyone knows that by means of the CLIPPER files any theatrical event of importance from 1853 to date can be traced and definite information regarding it be found. THE CLIPPER LETTER BOX" has been and still is the one sure way for correspondence among show people generally. Many old-time friends who had drifted apart have been brought together again through the medium of the "CLIPPER LETTER BOX," institution injheprofession. an invaluable "ROUTE LISTS," another of the many insti- tutions originated with the CLIPPER, would surely be missed by the thousands who examine them to find out where a certain show or friend or member of the family may be. "NEXT WEEK'S BILLS" is as important to members of the vaudeville profession as the "ROUTE LISTS" are to those who are members of companies. Advertisements that represent a veritable mar- ket place for the profession: are to be found con- stantly in the "OLD RELIABLE," a boon to the advertiser as well as the reader. Besides all this, it- contains (to borrow the slogan of the New York Times) "all the news that's fit to print." And most important of all, it is the newspaper of the profession, the paper in which every per- former has a right to express his views and opinions. Whether he be in Europe, Asia, Australia or any country on the face of the globe, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER is the recognized newspaper of the profession. That's why it pays to advertise in the CLIPPER It is not a question of "Can you afford to be in it?" but—"Can you afford not to be in it?" SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL RATES CAN BE SECURED FROM $2.50 PER WEEK UPWARDS